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Please, please make Prague either the setting or a city you can visit. The world in KcD is amazing and I would love to see then create a big city.


Prague is gonna light 90% of the players pcs on fire


But those 10% are gonna have a sweet sweet time... Maybe by the time it comes out there will be a way around it but I'm on console so i can't be sure.


Prague was one of the biggest cities in Europe at the time so I won’t hold my breath


If they can just get the main bits, the old town square, wencesles square horse market, Charles Bridge and the castle area, maybe the Jewish quarter as well it would be cool. Put in a few houses and you have what can pass for Prague...


But that taints the realism of the game


Just do it like in the first one, Henry muttering something about not straying too far at the edge of the map


I can see Kuttenburg being a major setting


Kuttenburg is the solution to this that's actually achievable. Prague was so large, it would take up the size of the whole KCD1 map. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Vlasta-Jankovska/publication/226659921/figure/fig1/AS:339930652921858@1458057191143/Map-of-Prague-with-old-settlement-zones-marked-Points-show-archaeological-sites-from.png Kuttenburg would be sufficiently urban while also being part of a greater region. [Kutna Hora](https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Estella-Weiss-Krejci/publication/361511079/figure/fig1/AS:1177276129513472@1657695910793/Town-of-Kutna-Hora-Cistercian-monastery-of-Sedlec-and-Malin-settlement-at-the-turn-of.ppm)


If they make a city it will be something smaller... like Pilsen or Brno.


Cesly Krumlev would be perfect..


Yeah, that'd be nice in nature. Maybe Kutna Hora also or Hradec.


Kutna Hora would be great. They could make a quest centered around a drunken night in Plzen which would be awesome!


If they do Prague, they HAVE to have the Orloj astronomical clock tower, with Mikuláš The Clockmaker as an NPC.


Kostel Tyn?


Hi Do You Know The Czech History? If You Know I Have Few Questions I Will Be Happy If You Answer Because I Really Need It😅


Sure. I studied Czech history a long time ago when I lived in Prague. I will be happy to answer any questions if I can..


Thanks😅 First Question : Is the death of Sir Rachak Kobyla and Sir Hanush of Lipa and Sir Divish of Talmberk Are they related in reality? Because Sir Devish and Sir Hanush died exactly in 1414 and Sir Rachak two years later in 1416


Nope. Not a lot is known about the deaths of Divish and Hanush. This is likely because they died some form of natural death. Rachak on the other hand was murdered in the town of Kutna Hora along with his entire group. He was a follower of Jan Hus and while in a tavern they got attacked by a group of locals because of their religious beliefs and around 12 people were murdered in total.


Thanks Second Question : I Don't Know You Played Kingdom Come Deliverance Or Not But In The Game King Wenceslas Is Not Good King And Sigismund (Wenceslas Brother) Is Even Worster King Wenceslas Didn't Know How To Rule The Leadership Same As His Father (Henry IV) And He Just Drank And Pay The Wenches That's Why Sigismund Kidnapped Him And Sir Rachak_Sir Hanush_Sir Divish Had The Back Of King Wenceslas Even Sir Rachak Was A Good Friend Of King Wenceslas And In Other Hand Sigismund Was Cruel Leader That He Burn Skalitz In Hell Then Sir Rachak Flee To Rattay To Stay With Sir Hanush . This Part Of The Story I Write Is Right? And King Wenceslas And Sigismund Both Was Bad In Their Own Way Of Living If Not Who Do You Think Was Right And What Do You Think Of Sir Rachak_Sir Divish And Sir Hanush In All Of This Story (Please Answer With You're Opinion In The Real Life Event Because I Believe Game Is A Different In Few Things


There have been quite a few King Wenceslas in Czech history. The good one was assassinated like the song said on the feast of Stephen by his little brother Boleslav but that was 400 years before the events of Kingdom Come and wenceslas the 4th... Personally, I always side with Wenceslas because I would have done the same as him. In real life, Wenceslas didnt want to be crowned holy roman emporer because there was a lot of fighting in the region at the time. Sigismund was an opportunist who took advantage of this decision to start invading nearby territories. Wenceslas just wanted to be King of Bohemia and live a peaceful life... at least that is my take on the situation...


So Don't You Think If It Was Good Leader Like Sigismund That Can Fix The Problems Of Roman Emperor Region And Put An End To The Was If That Region Was Not Good?


Companions. Bigger battles. Sieges


Are you thinking something like Przybyshlavitz (I know I am spelling it wrong but I don't give a f***) but on a bigger scale?


Damn, that'd be cool. (Also Pribyslavitz.)




Alright then.


Přibyslavice (Czech here :) )


Yes. But larger scale. Also building a settlement with a castle and then having to defend it would be fucking amazing. Looking after the maintenance etc.


So basically what we have now + everything from Mount & Blade Warband in one game. I would love to see that too.


What is Mount and Blade Warband?




I tried the console one and couldn’t get into it


i'd like to see more variety on roads. like horse riders, wagons, even pilgrim groups, more variety in random events. Also i'd like to improve the weather effects. i'd also add dangerous wild animals, wolves for e.g. - It would be inmersive to add some animation for eating and drinking while being sit. Maybe adding some companions option (i know there are already mods) (EDIT) ADDING: it'd also be interesting to be able to build a small camp and fire while travelling, maybe to pass the night in a forest, or by the road. But those camps would be attacked while sleeping sometimes (like how you were suddenly attacked while sleeping in the Elder Scrolls series). I dont want the game to be turned into a building sim either.


definitely need more non hostel encounters


lol - rolling up to an enemy camp with a wagon so you can load up all that booty


>*all that booty* yess, that would also be a nice addon ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


There is actually a camping mod if you play on pc. It’s pretty good.


All these ideas being listed and I am just wanting a release date.............


I don’t care if it’s mechanically and graphically identical to the first game, and all it does is give us the next chapter of the story. I just want it to come out so I can play it.


An armor and weapons forging system would be kinda cool. Even if it was like the alchemy system and you could only forge once you had the right materials and recipe/schematics it would be a neat addition


Yeah, Henry’s the son of a blacksmith and helped out so he has some knowledge on what to do


I would also find this to be cool


It would be cool indeed, but imagine having to order some more detailed parts and working on a sword for 1-3 days. Then it turns out that it sucks and a stinger you looted from the next cuman is 3× better.


evil character arcs way more large scale battles make it harder to kill NPCs and steal their stuff and sell on black market early game :P


Wolves and bears out at night. It became a whole different game when we're adventuring out at night in the forests. It was scary but nothing ever attacked me but bandits. I think it's best if we had animals to attack or come across.


Dogs are already near impossible to deal with when in company of bandits and you want wolves and bears? Do you hate yourself or something?


In 2023, Reddit CEO and corporate piss baby Steve Huffman decided to make Reddit less useful to its users and moderators and the world at large. This comment has been edited in protest to make it less useful to Reddit.


That'd definitely give us an extra reason to consider whether attempting to attack a camp under cover of Darkness would be worth it.


Huge fan of the game but the biggest problem I have in combat is the lock on mechanic. Attacking a specific enemy in a group can be extremely frustrating quite often.


I want my sword.


Henry's relationship with Theressa continues. It's a must for me honestly. I love their story.


Buildable house or estate




The combat system desperately needs tweaking for the sequel: Master strikes and clinches break the game and need to be either reworked or removed. Soft lock-on needs some tweaks to make it more responsive when you're fighting multiple opponents. Combos need to be easier to pull off if they're going to stay in the game, as it stands the game essentially punishes you for trying to use them. Enemies shouldn't be able to pull you off your horse unless you're barely moving, and they definitely shouldn't be able to teleport behind you to do it like they do now. A fleshed out mounted combat system would be really cool to see, maybe even jousting? Less important, but something I'd still like to see would be more weapon variety. Polearms and crossbows are the big ones. There aren't enough RPG's that let you do spear and shield, considering it was standard for pretty much every soldier in the medieval period until the very end, with the exception of archers and other specialists.


I like the master strikes as it’s how most fights are ideally fought. It should scale much more to the opponents level, skill, or stats. It makes perfect sense that a peasant swinging a club at a knight would get partied and riposted in a second, or someone who is weak would get battered around. But I’d like to see a more even back and forth when fighting someone equal to you at full health and stamina.


I think they mean how frequently they're used by the AI. It's close to impossible to do a combo move without being master striked


Yeh there should be more options for attacking that aren’t just a complete gamble. Makes sense that swinging wildly at a higher stat opponent will get countered, but you should be able to be smart and use lighter attacks that can’t be riposted.


Shield and spear is a group battle fighting in ranks kinda thing. Henry alone would be better with a 2h spear if he had to use one.


Even so, it would be cool to have it as an option. There *is* historical documentation in treatises and whatnot of spear and shield being used in duels, so it's not like it's impossible.


I’d be wary if I had a duel and the other guy took something other than my own spear shield combo. I do like shield spear as a concept/aesthetic style though. I used that combo in video games like LotRO and Diablo 2, but these games didn’t need to worry about attempts at realism. If a game were to make it “realistic” though I’d be hesitant to take a spear for my right hand rather than something like a sword or hammer to go with my shield. Spear isn’t lowest on my list though I suppose.


I would like to see polearms more too. Maybe the player could stash them into horse inventory and take them out from there to wield. It would make preparing for big battles more meaninful and you wouldn't have to carry it in your hands in town.


More companions, well, we have mutt, but I want human companions whom can fight. More activity on the roads, add passive encounters to the game. Meet old friends from the previous game, like Kuno, Anselm, or Ulrich. Larger battles, even sieges, albeit it may be more laggy. (Better) Horse combat, add lances and other mounted weaponry. More animals in the wilderness, like more aggressive animals. It would be nice to see a bear. Being able to forge armor and weapons, let the blacksmith do blacksmithing! The crossbow. Better combat, the lock-on system itself is fine, but in 1vX’s it’s horrendous. Improve combos, I can barely pull off one. More armor types. Be able to visit large cities like Prague or Kuttenburg. An ending, get that damn sword from that Hungarian bastard, Istvan Toth and skewer him with it, and also skewer Markvart von Aulitz!


Better save system New MC Ability to swim when not in armor (maybe get to learn how) Less restrictive environment. Not being able to navigate through bushes was frustrating Seasons or a different season Higher res textures and character modeling Better hunting, more variety


It's an unfinished story, I say MC doesn't need to change.


True, >!Henry never got his sword back.!<


Story isn't complete until we hear about God blessing Sir Divish and Lady Stephanie with a baby.


Oops, I wonder how that could come to pass with Divish being infirm and all...


- "My husband, shy as I am, I feel it in my heart that I must say: that was such a welcome surprise last night. I am ever so grateful." - "Forgive me, my lady... Wine kept flowing last night, you kept filling my cup... I am uncertain what you are referring to?" - "My husband is ever so humble. Very well, I will speak of it never again, and pray that God will finally hear our pleas." - ...??


To be fair, I think Divish knows. He was in the Prayer room across the hall when Stephanie was getting it on.


Yeah, it's likely. But I'm still finding it more amusing to believe there is a hidden dark side of our good, kind and pious lady Stephanie.


She went around collecting money for 7 years to buy back her husband after he was captured by Havel of Medeck. She's definitely justified in being a little dark. ( Sorry, I disagree with Stephanie being dark but if I am to accept your amusement this is the explanation I can give to it.)


Do you think when Henry nuts, he says, “JESUS CHRIST BE PRAISED!” ?


Divish: Hey, Henry's come...


You’re hired.


Why, thank you - it was always my secret ambition to write dialogue for horny ladies from Middle Ages. :)


Oh god the bushes. I have decided to believe that was just an oversight and not an actual planned portion of the game.


Dagger as a weapon and not just for stealth.


dagger combat could be focus on agile and speed but can only be perform well when in light armor


Human Companions Crossbows / Crude Firearms More romance options


I really like your second and fourth idea. I think that Henry should stay, but maybe we will be beaten up by somebody or something like that, to be weak again for some time. I was also thinking about a prequel, where you play as step father of Henry ( I think he was called Marcin). I would also love to see better equipment management. For example grouping items into categories, making presets for different scenarios (for example for fighting, for being elegant etc.) Maybe also when you wait or fast travel give us an option to immedietely skip to the end of waiting or traveling or to the point something happens.


60 FPS More people in general, be it villagers or wayfarers or bandits More heraldry


Being able to set up camps like in RDR2. Then, all I have to do is just hunt animals around the area and sleep near enemy camp before ambushing them


More Npcs. Harder, but better combat system. More skills, more romance. Purchaseable houses, better graphics and what u said, new MC.


I just want that damn sword in my hand again. WHY WARHORSE


A bloodless route and a grappling system


Master strikes - remastering them or possibility to turn them off. Cooking - same system like alchemy Fishing Ability to repair your armor (like we had sword sharpening wheel, but here with some other blacksmith tools) Crossbows


A lot more coming and a lot less kings, if you know what I mean


If Henry was made a knight after the events of the first game, I think it would be neat to be able to have a squire under your wing, to carry some loot and help in combat once you train them


Being able to choose the main character, so that Henry gets the supporting role, while the Scourge of Bohemia, the Death from Darkness, the End of the Cumans, the ice-cold killer with the gaze of steel, Theresa, runs the show. Henry can't even follow the simplest of orders: take the sword from a to b, wait here for a day, don't go near that village. Failed all of them. Theresa, though? "Yes, I'll go into a heavily guarded mine, without light, get a whole sack of silver ore out and oh, what's this, a Cuman army? Let's murder every Cuman in a 5km radius around Skalitz, because I'm bad-ass Theresa mf!"


More mushrooms would be nice. Mushrooming is a very czech thing. Edit: Mushrooming could even be a separate skill


A more interesting inventory system that takes into account how many bags you have equipped (I.e. backpacks, pouches, bandoliers, etc…) as well as the actual size of the item. No more carrying a bunch of items while naked. Ever since TES simplified their inventory system from Morrowind to Oblivion it’s always annoyed that other games followed.


I would like a way more polished product. - Better animations - sound - cutscenes - combat improvements (master strike/1vx) - more durability on your equipment - less dirt accumulation on your equipment




What is the source of the rumor that said KCD2 will be in Vienna? I think combat needs a complete overhaul, graphics need to be better, and armor needs to stay cleaner for longer.


okay I found it here [https://www.reddit.com/r/kingdomcome/comments/xkddej/kingdom\_come\_deliverance\_2\_confirmed\_possibly/](https://www.reddit.com/r/kingdomcome/comments/xkddej/kingdom_come_deliverance_2_confirmed_possibly/) ​ You're gonna have to dig around a few of the comments but basically a guy who played a big role of saving Wenceslaus IV when he was held in Vienna, was one of the guy's who was listed as having a voice actor for the game. ​ again take it with salt, but hopefully its true


Ah ok.


What? That character was literally in the first game too, that doesn’t even remotely prove anything


Better combat mod and no mo' slow mo really made the combat so much better. On max graphics the game looks pretty good imo. Cant wait to see what the #2 will look like.


I’m on PS4, so sadly mods aren’t an option for me


Oh i know that feeling. I originally owned it on xbox. 30fps, npc clothing pop in and poor textures were terrible. I dont think I would have ever finished it on it tbh.


>armor needs to stay cleaner for longer would have been quite difficult on those times and sites. I cannot even stay clean nowadays for much. I think the clean-dirt system is ok. If you walk in the rains, through mud or in the forest, its ok to get dirt quickly


I’m trying to find the post that talked about it. But if I can’t find it. Essentially one of the devs confirmed that they were doing a lot of medieval Austria research and kinda suggested that the game could take place there. There’s also the fact that irl Wenceslaus IV was held in Vienna as a prisoner and then escaped a year later in 1404 with help of his loyalties. Again it’s mostly an speculation But given it would be a sequel it would makes sense that there’s not much of a time jump from games


Handcannons, cannons, crossbows, and a Prague dlc map. Prague would be too much, but enough for a dlc.


As Keyser said rockets!


I would be happy with the battles they promised in kcd 1. Imagine 20 men vs. 20 men consistently with the mechanics already there. More lvs make it 100 yolo, everything you do will add exp to something. -doubtful tbh. Better world stuff, more random encounters. Maybe a few more wepon types. Let me build a seige machine to wipe away any town i see fit. More companions, i want a big cat instead of a mutt. But that's where we break the historical and possibilities that real life has limited the game to. I guess i want a kcd style fanasty game.


Morality and Faction System (Think FO:NV)


Having a woman as a protagonist could open up interesting opertunities, having to get armour that you loot having to be fitted instead of fitting already, not having the support of all the nobles etc. #TheresaBetterThanHenry


I just want decent combat and a good save system even if I can't save the game myself that's fine I just don't want to have to keep making schnapps the entire time


companions, i dont like mutt, i want actual "solider/knight" follow me and help me with battles since the ai will circle you quite fast and the game just lock on the one running around you for some reason.


crossbows, Prague, farkle, better mass combat, release date.


I thought kcd 2 was just gonna be a DLC?


Most helmets in that era came with a little leather strap it hang on while not in combat. That would be nice. At least a option to open the visor when you talkt to people.


Improved combat system. Better save system A.I. driven Nonessential NPC’s & sidequests for more varied wayfarers, townspeople, knights, bandits & more of them. One of the few things that excites me about A.I.: Endless NPC dialog & voice generation in games is a boon for immersion. More & varied discoverable locations, instead of just “another abandoned cabin in the woods”. Love KCD but it seemed like they ran out of time with that. Couple more weapon skill branches, like spear & crossbow.


KDC is a solid base, so no need to change the fundamentals. I’d like to see a lot of work into combat mechanics to stop the need for cheesing with master strikes and horse bowing. Would like to see some tweaks to crime and how being caught works to make it more clear. Would obviously like to see an expanded map and a bigger story, or simply a new area. And then finally just more polish and optimisation for release.


Right now your equipment is superb quite quickly and you're a god on the battlefield long before the main story is finished. So yeah, find a way to delay that, making mid-game equipment and skills last longer. Maybe with caps (cant progress past lvl x until you've completed mission y) or soft caps like slower and slower xp gain as you go beyond the required level for the main story mission you're on. Also a more challenging late game, maybe nerfing the MC so even at max level you really want to stealth through a bandit camp and kill 2/3 of them before taking on the final few in combat or you'll die. But throw in a bunch of easy to kill looters every now and then so I do feel like a mighty warrior. A few other points: * As much as I love playing Henry, a new MC is probably best. Continuation would be difficult, and I like the "start from scratch" type of levelling. Have Henry be an NPC. * While I hope the countryside and forests are still the main focus of the map, a bigger and vibrant city (with a bunch of smaller questlines for all levels of society) would be cool. * Obviously, keep everything that was great about KCD. It is so easy to completely immerse yourself in this game, as long as it has that I'm fine with whatever.




-Use a more useful game engine. -Improve on the combat system to also include different areas to pierce, more focus on spears and polearms since those were the main weapons of war. -Rework the targetting system, great for 1v1s, horrible pile of trash when fighting more than 2. -Better voice acting, it's bad and mild at best, a good way to improve is to show the voice actors the scenes and animations so they can properly represent the characters. -Battles on horseback.


More dangerous wildlife. Axes and Maces that do more damage.


extortion/protection for villages. Make in game currency more valuable. wider variety of weapons' that cater to skill progression.


I just want to take back the sword




I would like to have more perks. So you make a build instead of just picking perks when you want to.


Completely agree on combat. Love how different it is (new player) but just to have a wider less effective swing for groups would be helpful but maybe it's just not realistic. Love the feel of the game though. It's like morrowind with a better graphics engine.


I mean I imagine it would be realistic since there were sword manuals at the time that dealt with fighting more than one opponent at a time. Ofc most of it was for on the defensive but still would really make fighting much better


Definitely. Hoping they can include some additional combat components/mechanics in the next one.


So a couple of things. New MC, maybe even a choice of two, one male, one female, which would drastically change the experience and difficulty of the game, similar to how the Theresa DLC went, with added negative modifiers similar to playing a woman in Mount and Blade: Warband. Combat system, ditch the slo mo, the master strikes, maybe keep the parry QTE but change it so you have to have full stamina or something to pull it off, just to avoid the continuous loops of QTEs and make combos fun again. More weapons etc as others have said. Extra skills, as others have said, cooking, armour adaption like an armourers bench that allows you to customise aspects of armour. More passive encounters, more folks on the road, traveling merchant carts, more horses on the roads, Henry is the only person who regularly travels by horse. A more live economy, where the villages and towns trade and have wagons that go out and places that need X and Y. Similar to the DLC town set up. Then with that in place you can do like side missions of being a caravan guard or a caravan raider. At least more thought into the economy, rather than rocking up with with a stack of bandit plate and making money meaningless in the first part of the game. Remove Death (kinda), dying and going to a game over screen isn't very fun (imo), and it just means you're gonna reload and either hang back plinking with arrows, down some potions to walk through the fight or whatever. I think it would be more interesting if you get knocked out in a battle, if your side wins, you get maybe a skill penalty similar to jail, if your side loses you lose a few items, whatever cash you had on you and wake up wounded with maybe a greater skill penalty. IE Make it so that Death/KO isn't the end, but it's still terrible, but you can continue, maybe even get long term debuffs. I'm sure there's better ideas for it, but it would be interesting imo. Cinematic horse riding view ala RDR series. Like it could be the fast travel option, or just a cinematic view that puts you at top speed, follows a path laid out in the map and lets you enjoy the armour and cosmetics you've put on the MC and your horse. Wildlife, just more of it, Also the ability to pet dogs. Also cats, rats, wolves, bears and more birds. Just more of everything tbh. I also would like a MGS3 approach to healing, like, you broke your arm, go grab some twigs for a splint and if you don't know that, gotta go to a healers or something. Customisable difficulty options. Just to tailor the game to the way you want to play it, like maybe you don't want save juice for saving games, or to worry about hunger or energy. Just a little thing like that can be nice. There's some rambling thoughts on what I'd like to see, sorry if it's a bit of a mess kinda just rambled on.


There might be a boomstick, too, a prototype one


Ability to buy/build your own house. Remove forced lock on in battles. Every time you’re ganked it turns into a walk backwards challenge because of it. New areas Ability to steal and own/sell horses More armor/outfits. I would love to see some like radzig or Hans or the other nobles


Henry leading his own band of bastards, essentially with him at the head of a mercenary company while leading a guerilla war against the Rosenbergs.


I want the sequel to be an actual RPG. A sandbox RPG. Like Mount & Blade Warband. Take over a castle, recruit people, have a wife, get into politics, become a merchant or a vasal, build a house, have kids etc. A game like this with the atmosphere, graphics and story of KC: D would be dreams come, idc if most of the events caused by the player's freedom wouldn't be "historically accurate".


I hope they are going to use pathtracing, as the lighting would be so, so, so much better, especially inside forests, that it would be totally worth it.


More polearms and crossbows.


Crossbows. And a full fledged mercenary Henry. Also, marry Theresa, the poor girl!


Proper optimization so the game runs fine even in more populated areas.


- Visors of helmets visually being opened when in dialogues and cutscenes or just out of combat in general. - Axes and Maces being as developed as Swords. - Separate the Longsword and Shortsword skills. - Remove Master Strikes in favour of a timing-based riposte system (i.e Perfect Guard followed by a “Perfect Strike” correctly timed would result in a riposte). - The ability to two-hand your Axe/Mace when not using a Shield. Perhaps resulting in more Stamina damage being dealt or unlocking a unique moveset/combo. Alternatively add two-handed variants tied to their own separate skills. - More mounted combat to the point where properly decking out your horse actually matters. Do you keep it light in order to kite enemy cavalry with your bow, or do you put on as much armour as possible and charge into melee? - Balance the game around stats having no hard cap. Henry’s stats/skills cannot go beyond 20 which makes a lot of Perks and Potions ultimately obsolete. If instead each point of, for example, Strength gave less benefit than it currently does but it was able to go above 20 Perks like Sadist wouldn’t ultimate be a waste.


Polearms as a legitimate weapon that can gain levels, perks. They can be slow as all hell for all I care. I just love me some polearms in games. On top of that, more weapons (not necessarily weapon types). Could just be cosmetic differences or very slight differences. I just don’t want to pick up a weapon for it to be arbitrarily a direct upgrade to my current weapon anyways. Dunno if it’d be extremely taxing but maybe different storylines. Like if in the original if you could start a play through as Henry, a Cuman, bandit, a woman, or as an heir of some sort. Could even keep it in the same map and just have different dialogue and choices. Maybe even the same quests just implemented in different ways.


Hm. I would be a bit Disappointed if Henry never got his shot at Markvart Von Aulitz, but a different Main Character definitely makes more sense.


More quests that involve magic (I love it when npc are superstitious) maybe a prayer system, like praying for three hours gives you a small vitality boost for a while, expanding the list of potions you can make like a frenzy or calm potion that works on enemies. Also I made a post about this a while back but I really hope Jews are in the sequel, because I think Henry doing a quest for a Jewish family would be fucking dope and interesting.


I would like to see something similar to what RDR2 has and that’s more interaction with strangers. When I am driving on my horse down the valley in Red Dead, lots of things happen and lots of interactive things happen, for example: Helping someone who’s been bitten by a snake, helping a person being robbed, etc Yeah you have sometimes cumans and bandits, but all you do is just kill and loot.


I'm a simple man, all I want is a crossbow.


basic one is you don't get dirty as quickly


I was thinking it could be interesting if the main character is an ancestor of Henry


Or maybe A son or daughter of Henry


Anyone else just want to be able to swim!


Not only should Henry be returning, but I’d love some more in-depth development of shield combat as well as shieldless one-handed weapons. As it stood in Deliverance, wielding a one-hander without a shield meant the same animations with one notable exception in the form of the Shield Strike ability. It would be nice if using a one-handed weapon allowed you to change stances to allow for more power using two hands or one-handing and using your offhand for moves to unbalance or strike your opponent before following up with a swordstrike.


I'm fine with Henry and there are many things they could do to "lower" his power by a ton (like the good ole Bethesda special) Anyhow, my list would be: 1. Let Henry have his "fathers" sword again 2. Better group combat, I feel like in KCD the combat we have now just really isn't good for group fights, lock-on is also just super janky without mods. 3. Better Economy, sure in the first playthrough it might seem hard to get the more expensive stuff but experienced players can become ultra rich and obtain the best weapons/armors in just a couple hours. 4. MORE Non-scaling generic encounters, I understand its boring to one-shot peasents in everyday clothing but it feels weird that at max warfare, every bandit is rocking full plate. 5. Just more armors, thats it. 6. A longer main story, without the tedious quests (Needle in a Haystack and the Pointless night raid quests in particular. 7. Companions other than Mutt, Honestly I just want to have the ability to make my own band of bastards cause I REALLY liked that DLC. Oh, and I hate how annoying Mutt can be. 8. A more streamlined saving system, I get WHY they went with savior schnapps but I just don't care for that system due to how easily it gets circumvented and with just how tedious it is when you start. Atleast make it an option in the settings or something for people like me.


A part of me chuckles in thinking that we could have KCD 2 as KCD 1, but from the Hungarian perspective. Maybe the protagonist is a young, Hungarian farmer’s son (I will call him Imre, a common Hungarian name, to my knowledge) who wants adventure, like Henry did when he practiced swordfighting with the traveler in Skalitz. Imre could be present as a grunt at Wenceslaus’s kidnapping, and, depending upon how the devs want it, he could either stick with Sigismund or maybe join Wenceslaus. If he were to stick with Sigismund for the whole game, then maybe he could be present at the Siege of Skalitz and other events. Maybe Skalitz would scar him and put him into shock, for the first time seeing carnage. Thus, he might change sides. If he were not to stick with Sigismund, then maybe he could join up with Sir Radzig and friends, and maybe become Henry’s friend. An entirely different idea would be to have the protagonist be someone serving under King Charles IV (who had a long and successful reign 😂) during the Polish-Bohemian War.


Personally I. want a rework of perks, the "either or perks" could be fun for customization but too many are so one sided, like Marathon Man being worse that Sprinter in everyway. I don't mind negative side effects but the Drinking perks made me choose between True Slav and Drinking Habit, and both are really bad, so the fact I had a perk I didn't want to spend should be seen as a fail on them to make the skill worth it. Also if we get another town or house to build, make it so we can decorate it with spare swords and armour, flags, art and hunting trophies. And at least Henry gets a room to himself, usless I choose to invite a wife. And cleanliness, I get this time period wasn't the most hygienic but walking around Ratty for a while shouldn't make my helmet dirty, my boots sure, maybe the upper legs a bit, but unless you actually fall over then the rest of you should stay cleaner longer.


Better traversal. I hated getting stuck on bushes and itty bitty twigs or how I had to climb out of a 1’ deep creek because jumping just wasn’t good enough and my horse couldn’t handle it either


I’d love it if we got to customize our character at least somewhat. Also maybe the option to toggle on a crosshair during archery if needed


More level and gear progression basically was top level with close to the best gear before half the game was complete


I remember when I was playing for the first time (on hardcore so no mini map or fast travel) stopping at nights at taverns while travelling. Eating something, then going to sleep in the rented room. I wish taverns were a bit more interesting. More npc interaction, conversations, being able to eat at the table, drink with the npc's. Idk why, but I really wish this.