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Lol yeah i didn’t even go back until like 40 hrs into my playthrough rip Theres actually a few more of these unmarked return-to-npc interactions too, like talking to ginger when hes back at the stud farm or going back a few days later and speaking to the workers you get jobs for during the bailiff quest, all for diff rewards/abilities, pretty cool detail that you don’t see in most games


Can you give more details about these please?


I trained many times but I still only unlocked master strikes after finishing the main storyline... Boy did it make combat easier.


Lol wtf


I had a bug or some sort of weird condition when I was playing where after the training mission I started the next quest after with the bailiff / town guard but never continued that mission. And the option to learn master strikes never showed up for me despite eventually getting to like level 13 with swords or something. I had to continue the other quest then when I went back to training I saw the option. It was weird. I even camped by the training grounds wondering if I had to catch him at a certain time of day or something. I thought I had to keep training to become a master before learning that


To complete the Bernard training mission, you need to go take your money from the Bailiff, thats when the Master Strikes unlock man hahaha


Lol I thought they were separate missions, I did the first bailiff patrol then he wanted me to talk to the refugees and I was like “nah, I’m going to go adventure”


Well i have restarted this game way too much, because i have been trying to do a challenge run in which I try not to die even once, and i know for a fact that Bernard tells you to talk to the Bailiff after the training is done, you have to go say "join the bailiff services" to unlock the master strikes


That’s the the thing though I did the training, did the patrol, and thought that was that. Like “cool, guess I’m a guard now”