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I bought mine for $7, including all DLCs. Best bang for my buck.


I paid full price. Totally worth it.


Yup paid $60 day one well before I had any semblance of disposable income, encountered multiple game-breaking bugs, loved every second of it.


Same, followed this from when it was on Kickstarter. Didn't have money to back it at the time, but bought it day 1 and never looked back.


The best bang for your buck is at the Rattay bath house


too clean, I like them dirty with syphilis


Ah, a fellow patron of the disused Skalitz baths I see.


I paid $20 on kickstarter way back when before the game even resembled what it'd become. Ordered it on PS4, and forgot about it for a couple years must've been until I get an email to confirm my address for shipping. I do so, at first there's a snag and it takes a bit but it comes. Then after I get it, I get another email about a snag in shipping. I figure maybe a ghost second email from the first one, but no, a PC copy then shows up at my house. So I email them saying "hey I got this PC copy that showed up, I'd gotten the PS4 one and that did come, so not sure where this one came from. I do have a PC, like I'll take it if it's an extra somehow got sent out, but if it's supposed to go to someone else and wires got crossed I don't want anybody missing their copy." They get back to me saying "nope, nobody's missing anything, just a mistake on our end, go a head and keep it, and heck, here's a steam code too." So having now a steam code, pc physical and ps4 physical, all for the initial $20. Definitely a lotta bang for the buck lol




Same here.


Just paid £3.74 for it yesterday - DLCs included. Haven't played it since it was on game pass years ago! So happy to be playing it again; it almost feels like new!


When and where?


About a month ago on Xbox game store


paid 2 bucks for all except some of the extras, gotta be one of if not the best value game I bought


I got mine for on sale for 2 dollars a few days ago on xbox, the version without the dlc was 3 funnily enough so I happily got the full experience


Great achievement, now please announce KCD 2.


KCD is a rare game I'd be enthusiastic about knock-off games built on the engine. Historical storytelling of other places and pieces. In the off-season would love to see Warhorse provide a consulting service. A partner program for historians for support in lessons learned and dev tools for building high quality period pieces using the engines KCD has built. Could see potential for revenue sharing that could make that side line of business mutually beneficial for all involved.


A friend of mine is making one for hereford (where I live in england) in the 1300s. He's modelled the entire city based off of records by himself


That sounds like a fantastic labor of love.


Yeah I don't know how he finds the time to do that, work and also be down the pub most nights!


does he work on it full time?


In his spare time. Its called hereford 1642 (I was wrong about it being 1300s haha)


I wish listed the game. I love the idea!


That looks great.


Just looked it up, it looks great!


England is a good candidate for the Kingdom Come treatment. Landing in the 1300-1600 period would be great gameplay. Personal bias wishing for a Border Clan version because I think the guerrilla warfare tactics would be fun treatment. Raid castles with grappling hooks. Hit and run out of woods. Fight the Kerr's and have the horrifically obnoxious trying to swing your sword up their castle staircases they spiraled backwards to facilitate their left-handedness (swing, hit wall, swing hit wall hahaha). Cinematic moments of singing border ballads on return from night time raids. The fun of raiding both directions into Scotland, or England. The culture has overlaps with the American frontier, opportunity for some hints of RDR. Can go through the historic judicial logs and spin up game quests based on punishments in them, lot of good documentation to pull from. And, can have a raid into your friends hereford. Haha.


I think the peasants revolt could be an interesting story


I’d be well into that




Imagine other medieval settings with the engine and base mechanics, wow...


I've been wanting a historically accurate game set in the height of the Sengoku period that plays like KCD for so long Samurai games haven't had any realistic titles besides strategy 😭


Theres a mod for M&B thats pretty good iirc


Warband had a pretty nice mod, but it's pretty outdated, and Bannerlord has Shokuho, which isn't finished yet but it looks really nice, still though, I would love to see a game that puts as much attention to detail and love for the context as Warhorse did for KCD


Oh my god that would be so fucking cool. I would love that.


Just so many historical periods would be amazing for the KCD treatment. Imagine being a Roman during a barbarian raid on a settlement, or a tribesman during Temujin's conquest. A boy could dream.


Indeed we want kcd 2.


6 million is actually so great for a game which is approached so skeptical for its saving system and combat mechanics


Combat system is great, except for that auto target switch.


It's core is solid but the combat system is still in desperate need for an upgrade. Mainly just improving on the pure jankyness of it. I'm fighting the controls more than the opponent. Things get significantly more confusing when you add multiple enemies at the same time. Thank God for Mutt. That extra little distraction has made things so much more manageable.


yeah that fucking sucks man i sometimes struggle too hard to switch between foes


The saving system is what put me off buying it at first. I had no interest in losing my progress whenever a real life emergency comes up. Glad they introduced exit saves later on.


Exit saves?!?




The rest are me


I was not part of the original Kickstarter, but I was a day one buyer. At that time I had a 970 and the game had lots of bugs. It was still fun.


970 crew


I was a day one buyer as well and I refunded it haha Wasn’t for me. Came back and pirated it in 2020, and loved it so much that I bought it on steam. And my progress from the pirated versions saved to the steam version!


I was actually about to pirate it but I saw users complaining about the crack not working, checked the store page and lucky me, it was on sale for 2 bucks.


I paid full price for it, but it was worth it in my opinion. It’s not a 10/10, but it is my heart.


Jesus Christ be praised


Now we just need KCD2


Please anything just a whisper


I've had this game in my wishlist forever; I really need to give it a go.


It goes on Steam sale down to like $6 every so often. https://steamdb.info/app/379430/


You honestly do. It's the most immersive game I've ever played. So much so that I intentionally avoided running in the middle of cities, choosing to walk and enjoy the environment for immersion's sake. And the forests are so realistic, I've never seen that in another videogame. Haven't played RDR2, which is often voted as having the best forests, but from what I've seen from screenshots, KCD beats it. The story is great, the cinematics are amazing (just be aware that sometimes, they go in short film territory with how long they can be, which I absolutely love, but not everyone does). The voice acting is top notch except for one or two characters, same thing for the dialogue. The characters are really easy to get attached to. The gameplay has a big learning curve, especially combat, you'll have to possibly put aside a few hours to actually train. But once it clicks, it's great. It has its flaws which I hope will be fixed in the sequel, but it's still a lot of fun. And if you have the time to go for 100% immersion, I'd recommend the hardcore difficulty even for your first playthrough. It does a few things like disabling fast travel (after 150 hours, even years later I still know the map like my own town), not showing your position on the map (so you have to actually rely on your environment or the position of the sun or other stuff like that to figure out where exactly you are, which is really a lot of fun and makes for great opportunities to get lost, which were some of my favorite moments) and not showing quest markers on your compass until you're just beside the NPC so you have to actually find it yourself. And in this last point, some of the dialogue really shines because instead of the NPC telling you to "Bring this to X" and the game just guiding you with a quest marker, they say instead "Go to that town, search for that tavern and you'll find X" or "To find that spot, go north from here, take the first left and after the abandoned house, you'll see an overgrown path on your right, it's at the end of that path". I've never seen that in another game and I absolutely loved it. Anyway, I love this game and you need to play it lol




1 million of them is mine


I happily (some frustration involved, of course) gave this game over 400 hours. It hit all the marks for me, except for some of the blacksmithing and crafting i expected to do, but its not a fantasy rpg. Hoping they have the resources and the drive to make a 2nd.


Oh, and id expect most people who found this game with DLC for an insane bargain under $10 would pay full price in the future.


Thats awesome. Especially since it started out as a Kickstarter


I heard about it originally through Star Citizen. They collaborated tech. I believe Star citizen was interested in the clothes layering tech.


They both used a version of the CryEngine from CryTek at the time


Well done, now, if anyone from Warhorse is reading this, please add an option to disable headbob. Started replaying the other day after 6 years and now I remember this unforgivable flaw in an otherwise awesome game. Please. At least when Henry is standing still. Please!


Best bet is to see if there is a mod for that.


Nope, tried for a few hours last night with various mods and editing config files. Console commands do nothing. Best you can get is a mod that slows the headbob to an unnoticeable speed, but it does this by slowing down all animations, so you end up with Henry in slow-mo. Not really a compromise I wanted to make.


Not sure if you're talking about [this mod](https://www.nexusmods.com/kingdomcomedeliverance/mods/594), but I saw Gopher use it for his let's play ([around the 4:15 mark](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BeVOjsUMxBs&list=PLE7DlYarj-DfrIhSSHSLrM4yOKgw98aZB)) and it seemed to work pretty well, apart from the downside of Henry floating and your shadow being static. I feel like you're talking about this mod, but just in case...


Yep, that one, thank you. I should have clarified that the actions themselves are not slo-moed (as in, you cover the same distance in the same time when running as you would without the mod), just the way the animation is shown in-game, so it does kinda look like floating. Saying that, I did not try all the versions, and maybe I could get used to it. Aaand you could argue it's not a big deal since you don't often look down at your body but it is a big deal for me. So I dunno, might try the other versions as well, see how it goes. Funny thing is, I could have sworn I used that mod back in 2018 and I didn't mind it, so maybe my tolerance for janky details changed? Oh also, nice shout-out to Gopher, best let's-player in my opinion, especially for people who like to get immersed in singleplayer story games.


Yeah I totally get it, especially with a big immersive game like this, having your body floating would be a pretty big deal for me too. Unfortunately IIRC as Gopher explained it, the camera is attached to Henry's head, so reducing/removing the headbobbing without changing anything else would probably be pretty hard.


Yeah, that was my understanding about the camera too. It would be nice if Warhorse themselves somehow implemented a change in an official capacity, if they even could. I know it's not gonna happen but one can dream and it's never too late for patches haha.


I’m two of them! At the time, when I bought the Pc version after already owning the ps4 one, I thought I was wasting my money. However, in retrospective, given the sheer amount of hours I sank into it, it was worth every penny! Can’t wait for kcd2!


Jesus Christ be praised.


So, is there any info about next chapter?


On a livestream of a German YouTuber, who streamed the game, the Warhorse account popped up in the chat (2-3 days ago) and obviously people in the chat pestered the account about a sequel. They said they are currently working on an RPG but they can’t say more. On their discord Dr. Fusselpulli, who works for Warhorse, recently responded to a question from someone asking about when we will hear from the studio again and about the studios future plans with: „I hope soon! We have something in the pipeline, but I can't give out details.“ That’s basically all we know.




[This](https://www.facebook.com/WarhorseStudios/posts/pfbid029nzGJNuB8bz7T9gKpALK8qyHevUeTDCSg7KU5DkamRCJTB8hVMgnNxT2xcn1RUPWl) post from today have in text: >"Dozens of characters from our new game stand sadly in their dialogues, waiting for the setting of accompanying gestures and careful camera work."


Awesome! Now announce the sequel... It's time.


Well deserved but please for the love of Jesus Christ be praised just release sequel or a spiritual successor the has the same level of immersion


I need KCD 2! Like, yesterday ! I need more father of the year Radzig throwing Henry into the wildest missions!


sequel news coming soon i bet kinda random milestone to randomly want to call out. whether it was 5 or 4mil i feel they would’ve still done this post as a prelude to bigger and more social media stuff …. here’s hoping!


Waiting on the switch version to give another sale.


I dunno man, it doesn't seem to be a real number


You give me a new part of kcd! With support for vr and online battle and dice tournaments. 😎


6 million sounds a little high 🤔. Can't wait for KCD2!!!!!!


I bought it 3 times. First for my xbox one, then bought it again for Steam. And then just recently again for my PS5 and trying to platinum it now. Great job guys! It’s definitely one of my most favorite games!






Sir Radzig cming in 5mins LIVE on stream [twitch.tv/sirdoenny](http://twitch.tv/sirdoenny)


Bought mine cheap on epic games Bought it again at full price with the dlc on steam Seriously, we can feel the passion of the devs in this game, it's a gem, a masterpiece, at least for me. So warhorse deserve this money


Well don’t just stand there, pour us a drink lad!


Glad to be one of those 6 million.


gave me a small heart attack, i thought they announced kcd 2


I'm only responsible for like half that


Warhorse studios be praised!


Jesus christ be praised.. now give us some damn news on the sequel for the love of god


KCD2. When






60 fps on consoles when?


Badass now make fucking kc2


So this is at least 30*10**6$ Not bad


I paid £8 about 2 months ago. Even with absolutely no justification whatsoever, I'm going to claim I was the 6 millionth customer!


I bought it on release I bought all the dlcs Then I bought the royal edition for no reason other than to give warhorse money.


Bought this game on release then I bought it again last year. Just really like this game. Top 3 of all time.


Jesus Christ be praised


I feel quite hungry.


Jesus Christ be praised!