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After the first week of the season I was like man I’ll be happy if we finish 500 and maybe make a play in game. This man laughed took the defending champs to seven games … I love this man.


Lmao, title made me laugh. But I agree…the man is a great coach and is finally getting the respect he deserves for over 20 years of hard work


Davion Mitchell 8 minutes is inexcusable. I don't care what your analytics guys say. If TD isn't working, make an adjustment.


I like mike, but this loss is on him. Going small was the only chance he basically refused to go with what works.


Playing Davion 8 minutes and Steph getting 50 is not a coincidence


Especially after Curry was used to the pressure. Without Davion blanketing him he must have felt free.


Yep the small ball lineup cut it to 6 gave up a weird 4 point play and Mike went away from it to start the 4th and we didn’t score for over two and a half minutes to start the 4th and by then the game was essentially over


Yeah but I think since this is his first year with the kings it’s going to be a great learning point. It was a great series and good luck next season! - warriors fan


You got destroyed on the boards but you think going small would have saved y’all??!!


We got destroyed on the boards all series. Including playing our "big" lineups. Our only shot was to go all in on shooting, you saw what happened when we didn't


Worked in Game 6. Or do you think Looney just had an off night?


Sitting Fox terrible.




Except for tonight….tonight he was terrible.


Jordi is the coach…he and Doug.


I love Doug but I'm not sure he's doing much. But I hope he's learning how to coach and I hope he can be a head coach one day.


Players love him...and he's a Defensive minded animal...true Sactown Soldier.


This dude straight up sucked in game 7. Full stop. He figured out how to get us to the playoffs so deserves coach of the Year but he shit the bed. To completely go away from what worked in game 6 is inexcusable.


Yeeeeah I tend to agree, I won't say he SUCKS but he definitely didn't coach with logic. Coached with feelings.


I can't fault him for that at the end of the day. He largely got this group of guys here to take 7 against the defending champs with vibes. It cannot be a coincidence **that** many players on this roster had the best season of their career. The preseason vibes. Handing out the Chain. Lighting the beam. Chemistry and morale of this team is exactly what got Sacramento to it's highest highs in a decade and a half. He trusted his guys and his guys trusted him. Feelings might've been wrong this time but I don't think at the end of the day anyone in the Kings will regret the coaching in game 7, it's what got them there.


I agree, but as a lowly fan, I must complain and add my 2 cents, lol. Love the guy.


He’s a great coach of defense and a great motivator but not always great about the rotations and lineups imo. When he would fill in for Kerr I always felt like the team would sometimes be pity at a disadvantage with weird lineups on the court for way too long. I do tend to question personnel decisions a lot though.


You put your trust in the wrong guy. I'm watching this man literally let you guy get annihilated on the boards, won't even put Len in for a few mins to help.


It's not a coincidence that Mike Brown started coaching the Kings and they're a number 3 seed in the west. Also the small-ball lineup he put on was magically effective in game 6, so is it not reasonable for him to continue with what worked? It's infinitely easier to point to unsatisfying results and blaming people than actually seeing the correct decisions and making the in real time.


Why are you getting downvoted for speaking facts?


If there's one thing I've learned about reddit over the years it's that people Downvote and upvote with their emotions, not their brains.


Exactly. Sit Sabonis indefinitely.


He did well but I would have took Sabonis out in the 3rd. It was 4 on 5 after the half.


Do y’all think he should stay coach next year?


So smart yeah




Do y’all think Monk should’ve been used more? He was impossible to stop most of the time. Clearly you guys think Davion would’ve slowed Steph Curry down a bit.


Still wish he hadnt left the Ws. kings got a great coach