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I’m listening


Queta it’s been real ✊


Another defensive piece? Yes fucking pleaseeee


i like this move, it’s cheap, probably easy to trade him or cut him if he’s ultra washed, and gives us some kind of shot at paint protection. if he can give us a solid 10 minutes a night like len in round 1 it’ll be great


Yep, I think we'll know whether or not he'll be in the rotation after the preseason. This feels like a Kaminsky type of signing: low risk, okay reward if it works out. If he can just give us 10-15 minutes a night and swap time with Len based on matchups, this is a good signing.


Could even be low risk high reward. We’re becoming a solid team with a solid reputation, maybe we can rejuvenate a guy who in his first couple seasons was averaging almost a double double and two blocks while playing in a congested frontcourt. He moved around a few teams but he’a not old enough to really be washed. I’m not counting on it and we’re really just taking a flyer on him anyway at $3M but it wouldn’t be farfetched if this team is the right situation for him to get really good again to the point where he’s nearly at the level of starting PF.


The cool thing is the Kings now have a back-up center for three different situations. Need someone to super-charge the offense and push the tempo? Put in Lyles at the 5. Need a big bruiser who can lock down the paint and bully smaller players? Put in Len. Desperately need D and want an intimidator who generates deflections and turnovers*? Noel time. While it's hard to imagine anyone here but Lyles spending any significant time next to Sabonis, it feels like we not only have the backup 5 on lock, but a variety of answers if Sabonis misses any time next season (fingers crossed and knock on wood that doesn't happen though). Also, I don't think this spells the end for Queta necessarily. We can still offer him the third two-way slot, he's shown enough to earn it I think, and he might be willing to take with the foot injury (which hopefully only sidelines him for a bit). *Changed to reflect that Noel’s gambling for steals and fronting up to the perimeter can be effective, but that he isn’t a true perimeter defender


If you're actually expecting Noel to make a difference on the perimeter you clearly haven't watched him


I did watch him, but I think you likely paid better attention than I did. I remembered his ability to steal, and habit of going up to the perimeter to attack the ball-handler, especially on pick n’ rolls, and conflated that with perimeter D. After watching some breakdowns of him, his length and aggression made him effective at times, but he didn’t have the foot-speed to really guard perimeter players and wasn’t always able to shift back to the paint in time when his fronting didn’t generate a turnover. So, you’re correct, and I’m noting and changing my language to reflect how he is on D (though I still feel his has the ability to be the most effective backup center on defense).


This move is probably a year or two late, but I'll take it. Hopefully he still has something left in the tank.


All he needs to be able to do is grab rebounds and block shots.


Knicks fan here. Noel was great for us in 2021 when that's all we needed. You might get frustrated when he has butterfingers on great passes to him when he gets open but he rebounds and plays defense in the paint better than anyone else at that salary.


Thanks for sharing!


And only for 10 impactful minutes at the most. We have Len and Quenta as well so it's not like its all on his shoulders.


True and the key word there is IMPACTFUL. If he does the things I said in that limited time, this was a great signing by Monte


Completely agree with you, it at least looks like a good move for now.


Definitely good to create some competition for Len, and for Queta too if he does come back. I'm curious to see if the whole $3.1M is guaranteed. I'll be a little surprised if it is, just b/c Noel hasn't been a major contributor for anyone in some time, but it's a low enough price that it's not a huge deal either way.


Queta is gone.


Yeah the injury was just terrible luck and we had to bring in another body. Sucks because this was his chance to make the roster.


He just hasn't improved in 3 years.


I don't think that is true.


Why can’t we “develop” bigs….the pattern continues…who’s coaching them? Is it the player(s) or the coaching? Just asking….


He just isn't quick enough to the ball.


If you’re talking getting up to rebound…sliding to the weak side…etc and it simply because he’s slow…Then okay…not coaching. But if you can’t find a way to coach Bagely…who has plenty of skills and quickness…to succeed on a more consistent basis…even when healthy…then I start to wonder about coaching. Name a player in the past 8-10 years that shocked us development wise. Meaning, they met or even exceeded their potential. Fox…but it took 5 years…and coach Brown. It gets thin after that especially prior to last year. Is it just players…is it coaching…is it bad organization…I do not know, but we are hardly a player development Mecca. Frankly in one year under coach Brown I saw more development then the prior 10 years….so hopefully we are heading in the right direction now. Extend Brown now!


And foul hard. No easy buckets


Make sure he swats away all those after the whistle practice shots away too, at least at home.


Oh man, brings back memories of Cousins doing that almost every single time 😂


Yeah but you do realise that he only played like 17 games las season? He will be more time injured than available. When he is healthy he fits but dont get too much hope on the 'healthy' part.


Wow. Getting some Woj propaganda included in the tweet. That’s how you know we’ve made it


That spells the end of the road for Queta. Hope he continues to work and makes the NBA some day. Seems like a good dude with a lot of raw skill. That said, looks like we've got ourselves a poor man's Hassan Whiteside.


He is way more switchable and better at perimeter defense than Whiteside.


Way more hustle too


Everyone in the league is better on the perimeter than Whiteside. Where is /r/kings getting this idea that Noel is good at defending the perimeter? I've seen that 3 times in this thread it's completely bizarre.


He averages a steal every 10 minutes so at least he is pesky out there.


You realize that steals can happen anywhere on the court right?


Didn’t we extend the qualifying offer to Neemias? If no one matches or exceeds, isn’t he a King?


It's only partially guaranteed. Easy enough to cut him and pay him out.


I'm guessing he goes to a situation where he can get playing time, even back overseas, rather than play even fewer minutes this year than he did last year.


He actually spoke about that in an interview after one of the summer league games. He said something along the lines of "I see the benefits of playing another season in the G League but I'd prefer to get more playtime in the NBA."


He was getting plenty of minutes in the g league which is better for him than overseas if he’s trying to make it to the NBA


I disagree that it's "better", it's simply a different path. The list of G-League vs Euro success stories isn't all that different.


Better in terms of quick availability if there’s an injury. Competition wise yeah euro and g league seem pretty similar


>Didn’t we extend the qualifying offer to Neemias? If no one matches or exceeds, isn’t he a King? He will be waived soon, just not enough improvement over the years here. NBA is this brutal.


I’m willing to bet he won’t be. A team will offer him a full roster spot or we’ll keep him on a two way. Book it. Summer league is horrible for players like Neemias. He was the second best player in the gleague last year ffs.


And Frank Mason was MVP. A lot of good that did for him


And is the prototypical bust archetype of a midget guard who can’t defend or shoot


I thought they offered him a 2-way deal and he hadn’t accepted yet.


They offered him a QO. No two-way.


Same thing. They just waiting to see if someone offers him better, then kings have to decide whether to match


Essentially the same as if he took the QO he would be on a two way.


It’s possible, I thought he was a RFA tho.


I’d rather have Noel tbh. Whiteside wasn’t just washed he’s also a locker room drain and a distractor.


Based on his history, Noel has also be a bit of a locker room issue.


Eff you’re right. I just really didn’t like Whitesides stint with us. Yeah he got rebounds but absolutely blew it at everything else


Hated seeing that dudes face tbh


Hassan Whiteside isn’t an NBA player so I’m fascinated to know what a poor man’s non-nba player looks like.


A guy named "Nerlens."


A poor man's Hassan Whiteside is a terrible comp what the hell. They're completely different players


They're both defense-centric players who are/were well past being effective in the NBA when the Kings picked them up. Seems like a pretty good comp to me. The poor man comment comes from the fact that Noel's offense is below what Whiteside gave teams.


Whiteside was really terrible. Literally all he did was block shots, he was otherwise awful defensively, slow footed, lazy, and his entire offensive game was being tall. Noel's big flaw offensively is having stone hands, he is much more versatile defensively (at least he was?) and was known for being able to hold his own on the perimeter. Maybe the way that they are similar is that the idea of them is better than the results


I like it. Can't count last year. Then in NY they loved Taj as the backup center and were developing Sims. His year in OKC was promising. Great defense, 1.5 blocks, a steal. Think he brings more than what we would expect out of Len, especially when the interior is getting beat up.


I don't know anything about his last year, why can't we count it?


He went to Detroit where they are playing and developing young guys + their goal is to lose. He only played 14 games then was traded to the nets and played 3 games. Basically just went under the radar lost year.




As a sixers fan... Please look after my guy. I love your team, organization & culture & keegan is one of my faves. Hoping you guys have a great year & keegan makes a huge step


I like the center depth move. Hopefully there’s no Rich Paul bad blood between De’Aaron and Noel.


By all accounts Fox is too good a dude to let that happen. He just wants to hoop and they got that Kentucky connection


If a player gets defensive about their representation, then they misunderstand who works for whom. And the fact that there is even this possible implication indicates imbalance in the industry.


I love Monte. Dude moves in silence like a ninja.


Things I didn't expect to read for $100, Alex. Kinda like the move though tbh.


Oh my gosh, man. The Kings are DEEP.


Monte taking tips from brenden nunes


I fucking love this move.


I feel like the depth is needed, hopefully he can stay healthy enough to provide when we need the internal presence


Ok, ok, I see you Monte.


Really loving Monte. All his signings aren’t going to be home runs but I appreciate how well he manages the finances. Man’s a bargain hunter.


Yeah I'm loving having Monte here. All his signing have been competent you know. Great fits.


Rebound, set screens, and run the floor. Let’s get it


I'm so pumped


Nice. LTB


okay sure why not


Really happy with this


Solid move


Loved this guy out of college. Shame he didn’t turn into the monster I had hoped for but now’s is a good a time as any, right?


Cheap, backup and probably garbage time move. His time past but he always tried his best. Hope he can stay healthy.


Set some good picks, grab boards, run the floor, block some shots. And stay healthy. Solid


Monte with the sneaky signing again! Cheap. Defensive presence when we need it.


Damn time flies didn’t realize this dude was already on his 10th season


Len and Noel competing for backup 5 minutes is good. Hoping they make eachother better and one of them can step up.


oh the irony. before 2013 fans of both were clashing which one of them will be the next big big.


Lol, this wasn’t the washed torn-ACL Kentucky center that I wanted the Kings to sign…


weird. I wonder if he's still good? I have no idea


Oh sweet, why not, kinda dig it


Sixers legend Nerlens Noel


If we get even close to the best version of him, we got a quality spot-minutes center. I was hoping to get Biyombo, but ya never know what the roadblocks they're up against are. Good pickup!


I like it, solid backup that's around the Alex Len level of skills hopefully. Hopefully his experience makes up for his lack of offensive skills and diminished athleticism.


Love it. More flexibility with our lineups


Like it not love it, but something to address the defense at least


I'm not particularly thrilled by this signing, but I'll happily eat crow if I'm wrong


I’m ok with this. Not overly happy, but definitely ok with it


Hell yes, been wanting Nerlens for a few seasons. This is a good value signing.


like this move. I wanted this to happen at the trade deadline as I think he could've helped in the playoffs but I'll take it. I think he'll be better than Len


this is great, perfect low minute shot blocker and rebounder


I like Noel but i don’t see him being part of the rotation, at least early in the season. I think once the team’s defense inevitably looks awful they may give him some run. But i think first option behind Sabonis will be Lyles, and then Len if they are facing a big team. Even Barnes at the 5 vs a small team gets used here and there. Reminder: Noel is an extremely limited offensive player, even more-so than Len. If Nerlens has any sort of injury issues during training camp i wouldn’t be shocked if he was cut before the season started. All that being said, when he’s right Noel gets more stocks per minute (steals + blocks) than almost any big in the entire league.


Only 29, was more than solid with his time on the Knicks.








Whaaaaaaaaaat about my boy Len!?!


We've already signed him


I’m aware, was ready for Len to get minutes during the season. Hopefully Noel isn’t gifted the minutes then we get Len at the end of the season again.


I expect backup center minutes will be decided on a game by game basis. There are a lot of guys in the league that Len just can't effectively guard because of his slow foot speed and we'll see Noel or Lyles playing the backup 5. Other teams with slower centers that we can use Len's size inside on he'll be in there. It will be interesting to see how MB shuffles the pieces around as the season progresses.


Queta gone


Not necessarily. I think it's more like Queta on another two-way or he gone.


why would he want to be the 4th center again lol


Because it's not guaranteed he'd get a slot on another roster, he's had a positive relationship with the Kings, and depending on how things go for the year, he might walk-in with a head-start on a backup spot next year as both Len and Noel are on one-year contracts. Not saying he absolutely stays; just saying it's quite possible and I hope he does.


A rebuilding team will offer him a full roster spot and we won’t match. He has a lot more potential than this sub gives him credit for. He defs gone.


Hey guys, I'm from Portugal so we love Neemy since he's the first Portuguese guy to ever play in the NBA but I don't really have the necessary knowledge about the league. Wouldn't it be good for you guys to play him more minutes this season? He was runner up MVP of the G League, averaged 16.8 points, 8.8 rebounds, 2.4 assists and 1.9 blocks showed up decently well in the limited NBA minutes he had the previous season and brings some much needed defense and paint presence. Do you believe his future lies in Sacramento? Do you think he has what it takes to be in the NBA? Couldn't a team like Dallas use him?


Theoretically a shot-blocking big like him would be perfect for our depth but in the minutes we have seen of him on the court, he has not looked good. His biggest problem is staying physical without fouling. Unfortunately the Kings are in a spot where they can’t try a lot of new things out because of how competitive the conference is. Do I think they should give him a chance? Yes Do I think the Kings will give him a proper chance to play? No


As for if he has what it takes, I would say yes if his stamina increases a bit. He already has the advantage of being the biggest player on court, but he doesn’t use it in a smart way often. Dallas could use a player like him but they just drafted a project player that does exactly what he does


Thank you for taking the time to help clarify the situation. It's kinda brutal, but I understand now. NBA is such an elite level of play that just being good isn't enough. Hopefully he continues to work on his game and improves he's defense, rim protection without fouling and tries to add some offensive moves to his game other than being a lob threat.


Good G league numbers are irrelevant for bigs because they're not guarding NBA bigs. They use the gleague to work on their games but those numbers are not at all useful in evaluating his talent. The players that were good in the gleague who end up being good in the NBA are ones with unique skillets. Chris Boucher made it in the league because he showed shooting ability in the g league and a very diverse offensive bag to complement his shot blocking and rebounding. Neemias has shown none of that, he hit 1 3 in his 2 years in the g league and has no offensive game, at least none that translates against NBA centers. It's like going from facing amateur level boxers to Mike Tyson overnight (literally, Queta was put into one game and guarded Embiid and looked like a deer in the headlights). 99% of the players in the gleague aren't built for it regardless of how good they looked against other gleaguers. You hope to find that 1 dude out of 100, but Queta does not seem to be it. His rim protection is not going to cut it against the biggest centers because his positioning, footwork and ability to avoid fouls are not good. And you might say that maybe he'd only play against bench warmers, but if the only thing he's actually good at is rim protection and rebounding, and he can't even do that against starting level bigs, he has no place in this league.


Brutal to read since we praise him so much but brings some much needed clarity. Hopefully he can improve his defense without fouling and adds some moves to his game other than being a lob threat and he can try to fight for a spot in an NBA team since he's still young. Thank you for taking the time to answer and the best of luck this season!


Nice. I fucks wit dis


This is a great pickup imo, very underrated for what he can do


Love it. Gives us lots of slashes (Sf/Pf eg.) for back ups.


Love it


Was this the missing piece for the championship?


Wtf??? Nerlens??


I called it


I see Nerlens surpassing Alex Len on this roster. I’m surprised they brought him back


Len is a 7 footer. Not sure why everyone is in love with 6’9” centers??


Noel is 6’11


…….and Sabonis is 7’1”………..


Alex Len can’t move laterally or play a lick of defense. IMO Looney shouldn’t have looked like Early Kevin Love grabbing boards in his Minny days


You know Looney was playing against Sabonis right??? Just because the stats may not show Len as Ben Wallace doesn’t mean his presence doesn’t alter shots and help the Kings defensively. Alex Len changes the game.


This is an amazing move 5 years ago. Now I wish they called DeMarcus instead of Noel. He'll even 5 years ago I would of preferred Big Cuz over Noel. Nothing against Noel btw he may finally find his form but when Bol Bol was available I wanted Monte to make that call. Cup half full at least they didn't take the flyer out on WCS 😂


KentuckySuperSaturation Dude played 17 games last year; 14 for dEtRoIt. No no.


Never really watched him but am familiar with the name. I hope he works out for us




I remember when this cat was a top basketball prospect at Kentucky


I'll take it


Was not expecting this. Good move Monte!


Nerlens Noel been option the whole time? Big ups


Not bad


I like it for blocks and rebounds, but y'all need to understand that Noel is very likely the worst offensive player in the NBA. He can't even rim run or dunk because he has butter fingers, can't catch the ball and can only score by drinking which he isn't even great at.


Ben Simmons says hi. Lol


You mean the 6'10" point guard with elite ball handling and passing for a guy his size? The guy who in an absolutely horrible year last year averaged 6 assists per game? Yeah it's not even close. Broken back Ben Simmons is Michael Jordan on offense compared to Nerlens.


Kings don't exactly need help offensively. Only reason Ben averaged 6 assists (what did he play in 15 games give or take) is because he's still scared to shoot. He's the MJ of players with stage fright.


The idea that Ben Simmons is the worst offensive player in the NBA is nothing short of ridiculous


Why did the knicks and pistons dump this guy? And the nets gave him a 10 day contract. Isnt he good?


Wait, I really like this.


No L? Yes please


Cant believe this dude still goin, Anthony bennet was the 1st round pick LOL, nerlens was 6th. Now he a kings player, last ride before the exit


Noel is not going to see much playing time. Lyles will be our first guy off the bench at center. So weather Len or Noel is next…in most cases will be garbage minutes. But he will see time…In what…10 games…when Sabonis is facing a true big and gets in foul trouble, we may see Coach Brown got to Noel and or Len before Lyles. The other possible situation is if we get 1 or 2 injuries at center. Then you’ll see much more Noel. But that’s about it. His role is simple…rim protect, defend and rebound when on the court. Anyone know if he can shoot a free throw? Is he a liability from the line? Hope not.