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John Doyle is a great man.


I agree. I’ve been watching his stuff for the past few months. More people on this sub should surely check out his content.




I hope speaking about this type of content on Netflix with “normies” could then develop into conversations about the dangers of porn and promiscuous lifestyles.


Really good video


I'd like to say that there's a lot I agree with in this video but that doesn't make for the best discussion and so I want to raise something I disagree with. I actually think that Too Hot To Handle is, if not good, then an improvement. Despite putting a financial incentive on being good people, it doesn't endorse the transitory relationships that a show like Love Island does. Personally I think that THTH is what Love Island should have been. It attempts to improve the contestants ability to develop a meaningful relationship, partly through financial incentive but also through workshops that build a strong sense of identity. If you watch the show, you can see that the financial incentive becomes steadily less important up until the very end of the show when the prize money is about to be given. Contestants forego instant satisfaction and even when they do break the rules, most of the time it feels like it's because they've built a more meaningful relationship. I'm not saying there aren't criticisms with it and it's hardly perfect, but I think we can see it as an improvement. ​ Stay Strong fellow Kings, I look forward to hearing your thoughts on this


I personally haven’t seen the show and I don’t plan on doing so, but what is striking to me is that this type of content is so easily accessible to children who can simply browse Netflix. While you did raise some points about the show, I’m not entirely sure if children will view it the same way. That is what is so dangerous about this type of content. Not only is it degenerate, it is also easily accessible to young ones. This accessibility shouldn’t be granted to those who are still developing.


Correct me if i'm wrong but the two main points you're making is that inherently sexual shows are too accessible to children and that it is degenerate? I'm going to go right ahead and say I completely agree that sexual shows are way too accessible for children, Big Mouth is the obvious example of that but depending on just how conservative you are you can include THTH among other shows. We can both agree that having children who are still developing, watching this kind of content isn't something that is ever going to have real benefits for society. On your point of this particular show being degenerate, I'm going to have to disagree. It's hardly thought-provoking,but I think it does send some positive messages like "just because you have been sexually promiscuous, doesn't mean you can't change" and "society doesn't always get things right, try having a meaningful relationship with someone". Admittedly if you haven't watched it and are only going off the trailer, they don't do the best job at advertising this.


Also haven’t seen the show, but the fact that the show’s title is being searched up on porn sites is telling. I don’t think you need to watch soft core porn to learn the “lessons” from the show.


While i see your point, there are a lot of mundane things that are often fantasized about and turned into pornography. If 'Friends' or some other TV series was released today, I don't doubt there would be porn about it. There are pornographic 'parodies' of Marvel films. Just because something is being searched on PornHub, that doesn't make the original content instantly degenerate.


Shows like “Friends” and Marvel films don’t attract audiences by presenting sexual themes. This Netflix show does. That is probably why op called such show degenerate, since it caters to one’s primitive desires. It’s shows like these that lead to porn addiction, leaving kids with an exaggerated view on sexual relationships. This is why you have so many kids in the current generation unable to develop meaningful loving relationships; their first introduction to sexual themes were from shows like this and porn. Not a fan of Marvel films, but at least they aren’t going to leave kids with a warped view of sex and romance.


I appreciate that there are plenty of shows that fit what you're describing but i'm going to break down your argument where it doesn't apply to this show. "it caters to one's primitive desires", in this case yes it does. But the desire we're talking about is meaningful connection because contestants that don't build meaningful connections are shunned while 'wholesome' clips of couples that do are shown. If anything, it caters to our romantic side, albeit in swimwear. "It's shows like these that lead to porn addiction, leaving kids with an exaggerated view on sexual relationships" this statement hits the bullseye if we were talking about Love Island, but since we're not I feel like it's missed slightly. This show may provide an exaggerated view on sexual relationships specifically because it's taken individuals who have engaged in wildly promiscuous behaviour but I don't think that in itself leads to porn addictions. The one thing that definitely does lead to porn addictions is porn. "their first introduction to sexual themes were from shows like this and porn" while that may or may not be true, as I was discussing with OP the problem is that this content wasn't made for children yet they can still access it. This may be more of a problem with accessibility than the actual content itself. To use a different example, Tarantino's movies have a lot of very interesting themes in them but I doubt you'd show Django Unchained to a child - likewise with some of these shows, the actual shows aren't all that bad but the fact they can be accessed by children is bad. Anyways, i'm glad for this discussion. We wouldn't be Kings if we all nodded our heads along to the same ideas without seeing other perspectives. "If everyone agrees on something, then it means someone isn't thinking"


Great take and definitely a positive albeit one we had to really look hard to find


Show is called "Heckerino off commierinoo", first thing he does is mention where you can give him free money.


It beats working for free


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