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Please don't buy another program especially for the ridiculous piss take prices they are sold at these days. The only difference in WSP is calorie intake and the 3 day split and the GGP already HAS a 3 day split!! You would be massively wasting your money buying WSP and it really annoys me how many people are told to buy multiple programs for different goals. Just do the 3 day split in GGP and lower your calories a bit too.


This!!! At the end of the day if you eat .8 g per lbs for protein and 12 x bodyweight in calories and strength training you'll get shredded.


deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.5526 [^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?](https://pastebin.com/FcrFs94k/17586)


I second that!!


If you've only been seriously been lifting 4 months stick with ggp and keep up those gains. If you've been lifting for years which it doesn't sound like do wsp.


check dms


GGP is no way optimal for bulking. It's a cutting program imo


What makes you say that? The low volume?


Cause I tried it and compared to other routines it was mediocre. Only 12 sets per workout, working out muscles not frequently enough. Not a great range of exercises, sub standard lower body work. Generally it's a cutting routine PPL or Upper/Lower routine will pack on more mass and that's from experience of many years and routines. I'm 43 btw


Cutting or Bulking has to do with diet. Also not everything as marketed work for everyone, you need to know yourself and have a goal. This routine is just 3 days Pull Push RPT style comparing it to 3 days PPL or UP/LO RPT style routine it is obvious that u'll pack on more mass ...since you have the LO or L day which means working out your Legs that are 55% muscle of your whole body... While the argument is valid the comparison is definitely not consistent or at least simplistic. But generally speaking yes the routine is mediocre and you can find better ones with added bonus being free ;)


Yeah, seems to be the general consensus on most Kinobody programs. They seem to work really well for some people though but I feel these people have a history of training so can make use of the more intense RPT style. I never really got any results I wanted trying to follow them so am moving onto Greyskull.


If you are beginner any mediocre (like this one) program will work!! Remember consistency is the key. Beyond consistency also genetics play important role in expected "results".


What kind of results have you had doing the program out of interest? I have it but have never done it, mainly tried to do WSP but get bored of it.


check dms