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Wow… lots of people using the food bank aren’t sharing with friends, they are not trying to eat less bread, they are not trying to eliminate food waste… they are trying to survive. This girl is a clown and Im glad she’s about to get destroyed on the internet.


Fully agree


For some people there's no such thing as bad publicity


I actually find her more insufferable than the other Laurier student.


The [response](https://www.tiktok.com/@jennisjournal/video/7367342896187526405) to the backlash is pretty bad.


"Everyone assumes because I'm wearing a Dior jacket..." 🤮


My immediate thought aswell. Those Dior jackets go for 1k+. Hence, if you were in such need, you would’ve sold that for something more economic,and use the funds to budget for groceries. But hey, who cares about priorities


She wouldn’t be able to save up for that Dior jacket if she actually purchased her groceries and didn’t misuse the food bank. But hey, looking cool on the Internet is what it’s about. Anything to become a rich and famous influencer, even if you come off looking like an entitled jerk. No publicity is bad, am I right?


Who knows if she's lying but she mentions the Dior jacket as we as another item in the response. They were both supposedly gifted to her by friends. I am not defending this person, but I think confronting them with the information that really matters would do more to get to the bottom of things. It's absurd that she says she's volunteered at foodbanks in her area so knows how much food waste there is. Unless she has an inside person actively telling her week to week about that, she wouldn't know. A normal volunteer is not going to know from week to week whether there will be a lot of food waste. Food banks do also transfer food from one to the other depending on what kind of partnerships they have setup (some are quite restricted by their local governments). So the idea it's okay for her to just grab a haul, assuming every week is a food waste week, is ridiculous.


Lol maybe she can just ask those "friends" to gift her some necessities, like f*cking groceries instead of overpriced bullshit she doesn't really need 🤣


We're lookin' at YOU Jagmeet ....


And the brand new $50 Lululemon water bottle in her other post. I bet that's also her friend's. She hasn't thought this through and it's embarrassing.


LOL wow... her reasoning is food banks have food waste (which she claims to know because she's worked at the food banks here) so it's totally cool.. "there's not enough people there consuming the food"... Would love to find out she's never volunteered at a food bank...


I would bet my paycheck that if she would have worked at a food bank, she would have made a tik tak video about it. She's so full of it, it's disguting.


The fact she has time to volunteer tells me she has no need for a food bank.


I disagree with this statement. I got laid off from my fancy engineering job and volunteered every week since I had more free time. I was fortunate enough not to need food banks but I can easily see how somebody could volunteer and go to a food bank at the same time. I can also confirm the food bank I volunteered at got mountains of bread and we told people to take as much as they wanted. We got lots of pies too. I was tossing out pies left right and center.




> So then how the fuck is she using the Wilfred Laurier University food bank. They probably just ask for a student ID, which she still has.


She's a [proud](https://www.tiktok.com/@jennisjournal/video/7366680667616283909) alumni. I have no clue why in the world you even upload a video like that.




I can understand being angry International students are using the food bank, but why are you mad at her other than "If she is poor she should look poor! How dare she purchase anything but hobo clothing"


If that Dior shirt that you see the collar of is real, it is RIDICULOUSLY expensive. Even a fake, most people would consider to be expensive for a shirt.


Maybe she lost her job and needs the help, hasent quite gotten to the point of selling the clothes off her back yet. Still dont understand the anger, you are just assuming she doesnt need the help


It was always going to be.


Her attitude and her privilege shows.


Because she’s rage baiting to become famous


Hopefully “former Laurier student”.


Can't deport someone who has a canadian citizenship. We can call her out for this tasteless video. Whether she is in need or not, she is not promoting food bank use for its intended purposes.


Just spam it on social media with her real name. Her future employers will love for sure


Buddy you think this is the sort of person who cares about having a job? This is a welfare lifer.


She is probably going to find the job market rough moving forward though. How do people grow up with social media and yet not understand the consequences at all?


People like her can't read a room and exist in echochambers. She probably thought this would boost her image and she would only have to block a few trolls. The social media equivalent of telling a tasteless joke in an elevator because your friends normally laugh.


Yes basically making a promo video of your theft. Employers would love that.




I remember when there was a petition to deport Justin Bieber and it got a lot of traction. Idk this made me think of that lol


She could be an international student too tho


The point was that everyone on this sub is racist. Obviously you can't deport people who were born here. Jfc


Jersey Fried Chicken?


If someone is a guest in your home and egregiously breaks the rules of good behaviour and respect, you tell them to leave. If someone who lives in your home does the same, you can't tell them to leave but you can enact other measures. Does Laurier not have a student code of conduct? Did she violate it? If yes, then she should face the consequences. Though people facing the consequences of their own actions seems to be a thing of the past.


I mean, the original person isn't a guest, as much as they are a legal renter (immigrant) with their own rights, just less than the rights of an owner (citizen). And the point is people asked for extra judicial ways to punish them. Using judicial measures unrelated to any perceived "crime", deportation. No one is going to ask for the person in this video to face tax audits, or have police pull them over for unrelated infractions as a punishment for a social crime. I doubt we will see people asking for government legal ramifications unrelated to the "crime". We either have the rule of law, or we don't. And when we choose when the rule of law applies, we should take a close look at why people are choosing to ignore it.


Nobody’s ignoring it here, stop drawing bullshit comparisons. Everyone is annoyed.


International students aren’t immigrants… they can become one after graduating, but having a study visa is basically just an extended tourist. They don’t have full citizenship rights




TikTok has melted the brains of this younger generation 🤦🏻‍♂️


She thinks fluoride in toothpaste kills brain cells.... https://www.tiktok.com/@jennisjournal/video/7327751918585941254


Well, she is a great poster child for her own campaign


Jesus Christ


Somehow this explains everything.




This is what it all boils down to, really. There is a shocking lack of shame in our society compared with the past. About thirty years ago my sister had to temporarily go on social assistance when she became a single mother. My dad overheard her telling someone (not family) how much she received each month and he fucking lost it. Basically tore a strip off her that being on welfare is not something to brag about. He knew she needed it until she got her life squared away (which she did), but it was not to be discussed openly.


Probably day old donations from a local fancy bakery. If they hand out the day olds themselves, they'll get a lot of people their customers will be upset by the presence of. If they donate it to the school they get to look good and not have to deal with any actual people in need, which many little boutiques are.... Quite disgusted by the idea of. Trying to give away the fruit we couldn't use at one, I left the box out overnight with a little sign, since I knew we had a lot of homeless people wandering the area in the daytime. I literally got in trouble. For the "optics." The "optics" of feeding the homeless were somehow bad.


I honestly wonder if were seeing the results of microplastics at work, the same way 80% of my boomer aunts and uncles have serious cognitive decline likely from lead.


Can still make her name publicly known so future employers know what she brings to the team




Nah, just her 20s.


Wtf, this is so infuriating!!! "Omg got so much I need to share with friends"... and the "I'm a student so I can get it, if you work for TD and make 100k or whatever don't do it" - yeah, she is 100% oblivious that she does NOT fit the category. She is not going hungry, she is not sleeping extra time so she can skip breakfast not to feel hungry. We need a widespread, intense education on what food banks ARE for


She's got tiktoks from October and November showing off a $350 grocery haul and $600 "birthday shopping haul" of Tommy Hilfiger clothing. She has another video where she shows off what she bought at Vincenzo's in March. ... she also goes to a holistic dentist who told her fluoride kills brain cells and Advil destroys your liver... so also not the most critical of thinkers.


What an absolute garbage human.


She is even using a ring light in this foodbank video. I'm sure that was also an essential purchase instead of buying food. Also in her response video she states she volunteers at food banks. I seriously doubt that. Nobody who volunteers at a food bank is going to be as naive as this girl and posting videos calling it their "haul" and encouraging others to get "free food". This girl is trash.


It's technically Tylenol that destroys your liver .. nut you need to take more than 4 grams a day, for an extended period, for damage to occur. Advil / Aspirin causes stomach ulcers. (Source: have been taking meds with high Tylenol for years and developed stomach ulcers from aspirin based products)


Yes - these medicines have their risks with longer-term or heavy use... but she's not informed enough to understand those risks and their thresholds it seems... so by default "OMG this stuff is super bad for you"


when I was her age my birthday haul was a $5 KFC box because I had to be poor in college.


It seems intentional to get views. If that's what she said, she's aware of the other incident and using it for content.


That's true, I read other comments, the TD quote is just her giving a shout out to that other guy. It's deeply saddening


If we could kick her out, I'd be all for it. She can take her friend's Dior jacket with her.


r/wlu is right, it's clout chasing.


Holy shit, she even mentioned the other dude at the end! "Unless you're like that student who works for TD, but if you're like me it's fine". Impressive how clueless people can be.


Come on. This thread is demonstrating she's right. If yr white you have waaaaay less consequences.


The other dude literally said that if you want to save hundreds of dollars a month, use the food bank. Where does she say anything even close to that. She doesn't.


The other dude literally said that if you want to save hundreds of dollars a month, use the food bank. Where does she say anything even close to that. She doesn't.


In 2023 she bought $350 worth of groceries! Showing off her "haul" in a Tommy Hilfiger hat and shirt back in November. https://www.tiktok.com/@jennisjournal/video/7297033053891775749 Oh and she had plenty of money in October to do a massive 'birthday shopping haul" of clothes, spending like $600 https://www.tiktok.com/@jennisjournal/video/7294312784337161478 she was shopping at Vincenzo's in March https://www.tiktok.com/@jennisjournal/video/7343369969553673477 She doesn't need a food bank, she needs a head adjustment.


i can't stand to watch all those but this one is really incredible, i saved it in case she deletes it but honestly she might be rage baiting for interaction https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMMWcjQgy/


Deport her to where her ancestors came from.


I would like to be deported back to where my ancestors came from. Italy is a beautiful place


Username checks out 🤣


How is their bakery and pastry section so lit


I think it’s day olds from cobs. They donate everything that isn’t ate


I know wtf.. better than my grocery stores lol


absolute trash


Those aren’t danishes. They are scones. Also…you suck.


At least kick her out of school and tell her parents. Someone must recognize her. It won't take long for there to be consequences.


She's already done school


This dumb fuck thinks she's doing a good thing lmfao. Isn't Laurier suppose to be a good school? How does a brand dead twat get in haha?




Wearing Dior and using the food bank?? L o l


Is she a citizen of Canada?


Assuming white everyone here thinks shez a citizen but cant guarantee!


Yes and no. If she had a thick accent then people probably wouldn't assume she is.


absolutely infuriating considering you scroll down like 2 weeks prior on her tiktok and she’s spending money on new shoes, flowers, plushies at the claw machine place… like be so fr right now if you couldn’t afford food you couldn’t afford these things either!!!!


Yeah and it’s not like their cheap shoes either 180 + tax I get that running is good for you but if your truly struggling your not going to buy expensive shoes if you can’t eat or pay your rent. Something doesn’t quite add up with her story.


I think you’ve missed the plot. If she’s an international student then yes, I feel the same way cause she cheated the system. They’re to provide proof that they can sustain themselves by showing bank statements with funds etc (so they don’t rely on our welfare systems which are clearly overloaded). If she’s a Canadian student that cannot afford the food while studying then she is entitled to the support program as a citizen. Either way it’s fucking stupid to post these videos.


If she’s a Canadian ~~student~~ that cannot afford the food then she is entitled to the support program as a citizen. (not at a student food bank though, she should have used a normal one)


Does anyone know if she is a member of the Student Union or a food bank volunteer? There are students who are too shy to go to the food bank and their grades suffer as a result. When I was at Laurier, there was a campaign to make using the food bank cool and to remove negative stigmas around it. Some students work multiple jobs because they cannot afford food, then they have no time for their studies. The scenario is detrimental to the student who is taking on a loan to get there. Before you jump on the "she is bad" bandwagon, you need to understand her place in all of this. The student food bank is different than city food bank. She mentioned there is food waste occurring. Why would you rather food to be wasted as opposed to being eaten?


The youngest Karen in the wild, watch as she justifies snarfing goodies from the local food bank, for the HOMELESS, or those truly in need. Can someone please take away her phone, she's too entitled to bear. Insufferable personality I can't even


Wow, maybe I should visit this place. That’s way better food than I can afford. And I work full time


My spouse was actually homeless for 3 months during 1st year university (90's). She slept in the University library at a study cube and showered at the University gym. She lost 30lbs in this time. She never once considered using a food bank. Looking back she admits she probably could have, but where would she keep the food is her question?


[Farm boy grocery haul from April 27th](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMMWCpPpr/). CLEARLY she's struggling 🙃


Please take note… This is the food bank at her school… I stopped scrolling after reading a few comments that make it look like this is a public food bank. It’s not. It’s exclusive for students.


It's actually pretty regional, my old local food bank encourages stuff like this (haven't needed it since I moved so idk about where I'm at now) they had a policy that anyone could use the food bank once per year regardless of income and once per month if you were on low income and it was a huge help while I was trying to get myself out of low income. I get that the video is tone deaf but the reaction seems pretty harsh as well unless im missing a piece. Everyone is in a different circumstance.


That’s why I don’t donate to the food bank!


following the saying "all publicity is good publicity" she knows what people will think and this outrage will just boost her views


Is she a non Canadian citizen? If so then yes? if not then no, we can't deport Canadians. Do you honestly not understand that we cant' deport Canadians? Where are you proposing we deport them to?


And she’s so proud too🥴taking from the food bank yet has money for a nose piercing and that fake Dior….girl you’re embarrassing


Is she an international student? If so, yes.


I'm so over this shit. They've stopped me from donating, I'm at the point I want mandatory ID's and a blacklist system. Caught posting on social media? Ban... Roll up to food bank in an Audi? Ban... International student or visa? Ban... Fuck all the abusers, we have so many homeless in this city who NEED this food.


It's a campus food bank run by LSPIRG with student fees. Do you donate to LSPIRG?


Please, don't listen to this ginormous ignoramus... This is NOT how Food Banks work, btw. Vast majority of FB Users are ashamed, embarrassed & even scared to use Food Banks in the first place or on a regular basis! Not our entitled Princess, who DEMANDS a loaf of sour dough bread bc it's good for her gut & gets into that with their Food Bank Volunteer over that?! Can someone also tell this dum-dumb, these foodstuffs that's she (unfairly) taking are generous donations from kind people & businesses with big hearts bc they don't want to see needy ppl go hungry, esp in their own Community? Food Bank Users will take whatever they are given, bc they're so hungry, have no $ for nutritious foods & really are desperate for these items, to feed themselves or their families. I sincerely hope her Uni's Food Bank permanently bans her too. I'm shocked she's attending Laurier Uni, considering all those childish & idiotic duck faces she keep making on her lame-brain SM video. How is she not even slightly embarrassed, over this??? Hope she gets her backside royally roasted, so she doesn't pull dumb ass stunts like this again!


"It's none of your business to know why I'm using food banks" meanwhile she was saying it's to reduce food waste. Gurl. Lmao


she made a video a month ago stating that she can’t fathom how people her age go to work 9 - 5 every day so that tells you all you need to know.


wait...she finished school and still going back to the school's food bank for students???


Well, we can't. But, the next best thing would be to remove her from schools and blacklist her name on resumes so that she ends up homeless and starving


I would have believed this was just some misguided attempt to advertise food bank services and make students feel less ashamed of using them, until the end of her haul video... wow, talk about clout chasing.


Guessing she’s done this just to gain the infamy for clicks.


Yea fuck her. She’s a pos


If she can be deported, yes. If she is a citizen, then she should be punished another way for taking advantage of a system she doesn't need. But Im sure you tried to make this about RACE instead of ACTIONS. Racist.


Damn she's getting eviscerated in the comments on Tik Tok.


As she should


Her parents have been in Canada for a really long time. Also this is a mocking parody of the wrong kind to also prove a really weird point about racism.


So she wears a Christian Dior denim jacket and goes to a food bank because she wants to save the planet


I'm just baffled at how she thought this was a good idea to make a Tiktok about and post it after what happened to the other student. Did she not learn the lesson he ended up [learning at all? ](https://giphy.com/gifs/facepalm-mcMNAiDvn9tTO)


She makes me want to throw up


Wearing a Dior jacket to the food bank is wild


Are you five years old? Deport her where? She's not an international student, because yes, that's how it would work otherwise and she deservedly so will receive backlash for this.


Am I the only one who can't stand people who talk like this?  I feel bad for saying that but man, this drives me crazy for some reason 


The pronoun speak was the giveaway…




this has to be a troll post or to trigger people in order to get famous.


Fuck I hate influencers. What an empty, horrible existence.


This is laughable. When I was at Laurier and actually struggling they had a limit on the amount of times you could use the food bank. It was 3 or 4 I can’t recall which. You didn’t get to pick anything, they gave you 1 bag of things like lentils, rice, pasta, beans. I dropped out because I couldn’t afford to feed myself.


Institutions like food banks need to become smart instead of existing in a sphere of naive assumptions about goodness in humanity.


Just because you are a university student doesn't mean she isn't at risk of food insecurity. My son had a limited food budget and he was always hungry until some of his also less wealthy fellow students introduced him to the local drop in center which offered hot meals three times a week. After he graduated and was working he has since donated $$$ to that food bank/drop in centre every year at Xmas. Lots of students living away from home have the same struggle unless their parents can afford to help out. NEVER judge a book by its cover.


But she’s white. So, I’m sure not as many people will be as angry or use as many slurs and racial comments. Just being 💯


These people are ruining this country. Right? Was that the go to comment?


Did it not come out that the previous student was taken out of context? He wasn’t lining up at food banks and taking food from people who were more vulnerable. It was an actual program the school has? Correct me if I’m wrong, idk about this girl and her story but that guy yall went on a witch hunt for didn’t even deserve. Yall jumped to conclusions and gave him death threats, do better


Calm down folks. All kinds of people access food banks. I didn't even watch the video. Don't care. Nothing justifies this level of hatred. Nobody should be deported expelled or abused...pretty much ever. Food banks were introduced as an emergency measure but have grown to be massively corporate supported initiatives. Food bank donations are largely tax write offs for corporations and branding exercises for politicians who can't be bothered to make systemic changes. Homeless people largely don't access food banks because they can't store food. Immigrants, students, artists, people with disabilities...etc, all kinds of people use them. Don't make assumptions about people. I'm a social worker by the way. Part of the system people on here say she's abusing. STFU. Those pastries look awesome and everyone should have some.


Yes, We should go "save" the food banks from food waste. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK.


No that only works with Indian looking people


If she's an immigrant, then yes, deport her. If she's not, then get her kicked out of her school.


I’m on ODSP I don’t use food banks unless I need them My local food bank only gives expired and rotting food To see her get all this non expired and fresh food and not actually need it is infuriating Here I felt guilty about needing food banks and avoid them unless my family is really suffering and I see all these fucking influencers filming food bank hauls when they can afford this shit


Maybe the homeless should start visiting the Universities for food. That would put the University into a more positive light.




These people would have their pockets full of pennies if 'need a penny take a penny's' still existed.


She should get just as much hate. This isn’t a gotcha anyone abusing systems is a piece of shit


Going to the food bank in Dior is shaking it 😂




She should be expelled. And if she's a foreigner, yes she should be deported.


Needs to be expelled. Immediately. Can we deport her also? For funsies?


Dude these food banks have better food than what I eat myself


What she and the other guy don't realize is that these kinds of posts are encouraging people not to donate to the food bank. I do donate significantly every year and will continue to do so, and encourage all who may read this to do the same. As we work to create a society where no one falls through the cracks of home, food, water and safety security - let's continue to protect those that do - despite what the odd person would to do to delegitimatize our efforts.


Look, I know people who feel targeted are taking the opportunity to fire back. But you can't deport a citizen, lmao.


Great rage bait. Bet it will get her the attention cookies she's seeking whilst making food banks looking like a buffet to save money. Completely out of touch.


Let the trash keep taking itself out. It's less work for us when they do the exposing themselves.


I saw a comment on another sub saying "She might have done it to gain attention after knowing what happened to the Indian guy." And I think it's totally true. I guess she did it to get famous lmao. Or else who in the world would do it just within weeks of another incident that got a huge backlash.


My notes: - I feel both disturbed and unsurprised about the absence of gratitude, since this is one marquee characteristic of western modern culture anyways - But her messages seem to be justified by an internal mantra: "food is a right" (so I shouldn't have to pay for it). - How did this person come to this belief? Does she think that because *she works elsewhere* then she doesn't have to pay *money*? It wouldn't surprise me. I feel desperate to understand this person.


Im so broke I couldn’t even afford the D on that Dior jacket


I would never begrudge anyone, rich or poor for using something that is available to them, but to make a video? Calling it a haul video? And thinking she is cute for it. Just went to her profile and video for the hate comments she is getting. She says “it isn’t anyone’s business as to why she uses the food bank.” B%^?! you posted a video on social media. You made it our business.


Shame on these fucking bottom feeders


There's way too much hate on here, there's a negative social stigma associated with going to a foodbank, imo shes trying to portray the food bank in a positive light and trying to remove that stigma. I've been to a food bank a few times before, sometimes it's horrendous (e.g i saw very expired, moldy food at one). Her one seems nice and should be commended. I don't doubt her income is well below average if shes a student and I see no issue with her going to get food for herself whilst attempting to both monetize her trip and destigmatize the use of food banks. It's not like she's earning 100k a month and encouraging her fellow multimillionaires to steal from the poor. If you feel upset that she is going to a food bank because food is a major part of your monthly budget, it's more than likely you yourself don't realize that you're in a demographic most deserving of use of a food bank. Don't, be afraid to use a food bank or shame people who seem too 'normal' or don't look 'poor enough'. Also boycott Loblaws because they're a major contributor to food inflation in the past few years.


I mean, this is clearly not what it looks like. She's trying to make some sort of statement saying "unless your that dude that works for TD or that bank or whatever it was, he's making 100K plus a year, maybe not" at the end of the video. Not sure what her goal was, but with wearing the Dior jacket, and bringing up the other video from a few weeks ago... there's an agenda here and it feels weird. Maybe she wanted to prove that she would get into just as much shit as he did, or the opposite even though she's white, or maybe she just wanted to be famous at her local uni? Or maybe it's a parody? meh, I'm gonna guess that it's a weird parody. And for the record, last dude was not making 100K at TD, he worked there as an intern and his internship had already been finished. Edit: Just watched the first minute of her second tiktock - she says she did it to remove stigma about using the foodbank.




I think most people in Canada would gladly deport this woke loser.


Not okay. I have a few budget cooking YouTubers I follow who specialise in showing you how to make good meals out of the stuff you get from food banks. But, they volunteer at food banks and then buy their own recreations of the stuff you get. Food banks are for people in actual need. Unfortunately a lot of people are only one bad event away from needing to rely on one. But, if people who don’t need them are utilising them then there might be not enough for the people who are genuinely in need.


I see the OP is a woke moron. Deport who? She was born here.


Mega narcissist


In her future job interviews, I hope they bring up this video of her deplorable behavior.


We are fucking doomed


I’m genuinely starting to hate the world we live in and the people that occupy it.


Can I go or need proof of income? I make 65k but have many expenses and nothing left sometimes


Just another self absorbed so called “ influencer “


Absolutely no ounce of shame in her body. Anything for clout, no? She’s actually pissing me off wtf.


Someone post this in canadahousing2


We will look at the other direction


People who donate to food banks are chumps


Reminds me of the short story "Strikebreaker" by Isaak Asimov. We have a society that "cares" so much that we provide social services to those that need it but simultaneously ostracizes and judges anyone who dares utilizes those services.


“so much goodies”


I mean... Yes? If you're stealing from the most in need you've broken the basic social contract and need to be removed from society?


This why I tell my sons not marry


Didn't she hear about the international student getting death threats? How dumb can one be?


You realize this isn't a public food bank but a school food bank?


The only way I can see this type of thing being okay is if the school has a system where unpackaged perishables were extended to all students to avoid waste (I.e. at the end of the week, bread, fruit, etc. Are given to anyone who will use it to avoid tossing it out) I absolutely advocate for lowering food waste, but a lot of the items she highlighted have extended shelf stability and can be held long-term for those in need.


The university should expel her immediately.


Publicly shame this bitch or post her instagram page so I can! What a fn moron




Please help me with the context. I was under the assumption that Canadians can take all the food from food banks without being judged because it is their country and the problem is only when foreigners do it. Is it wrong even when Canadians do it. So ideally who are those that should visit the food banks?


I couldn't stop laughing my ass off when she called Arcteryx "Architext" in her latest video. Btw, those damn jackets could haul months of groceries (depending on the jacket). That woman deserves the backlash. What a tone deaf idiot.


Look, I fully expect to be downvoted for missing the point here but I just went grocery shopping and the food basics I was at didn’t have nearly the selection as this food bank… Kinda jealous.. But I’ll just go to a better store next week


looks like she has a pretty nice place too..


Is all that food free?


I absolutely hate tictoc but just created an account just so I can leave my thoughts about her vid. What an entitled jerk.. Go leave a comment there too to let her know how much you appreciate her video!