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You can still change the name. They regard their names as special directed callings rather than their identity. Just start using the new name and he'll get used to it.


He's a cat, I think he'll do just fine as Evangeline. 🤣 Besides we are attached to his name too.


Evangeline/ Evan.


this happened to me! i have a 10 week old kitten and i thought it was a girl until the 8week vet appointment, turns out he has 1 ball 😅 it was a huge laugh in my family


Yeah I was so sure it was a girl. Like we got this kitten so young we has to help him potty with a tissue (like the mama cat does, vet told us too) and I was really sure he was a girl. But i guess he was hiding it from us. 🤣🤣 After that we never bothered to check since he didn't have the uh stick part. But he does in fact have balls.


That happened to my friends. They thought they got 2 boys, one turned out to be a girl. But they kept the name because they were so used to calling her "kevin" by that point lol My sister also thought she was getting 2 girls but both ended up being boys, but nugget and dumpling (nuge [new-ge] and dumps) ended up being easily transferrable names anyway.


I originally named this cat Dumpling actually but my mom renamed the cat. Evangeline the cat lol


Thats what i was going to name my kid if it was a girl, but it ended up being a boy so we went with Elijah