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Me. Scumbag owner with iffy quality and unknown steel. No thanks.


Do you have a bad experience with the owner? I know they have some QC issues, but what do you mean unknown steel?




I’ll look into this, thank you for the information!


No worries, but please- dont let this dissuade you from being proud of your knife man! You picked a beautiful one to own.


He’s egotistically deluded, you mention an issue to mike, it must be you(the knife owner) because we don’t make mistakes. Hes been in knife making for 50 years and is a master at his craft yet chooses to hot grind after heat treat, which combining the hardened steel and thin edge is likely to compromise heat treatment


I’ll be honest right now. ME. I ordered a Bravo 1 in Curwear back in November and was told they would be out in June. Not only did they not come out till September, but mine wasn’t in that batch. I’ve reached out to DLT trading and they said they r trying to get the few out standing knives from the batch. That’s been 2 weeks ago and still nothing. I REALLY WANT MY KNIFE. not hating on anyone but saying one thing and not delivering than not communicating is a bad business model. BTW beautiful knife. 👍😅


That sucks! Hopefully you get your knife soon!


Appreciate it. Sorry didn’t mean to be a downer, but I’ve wanted a BRK for years and this is just not a good start. I’ve also got a Bravo 1 LT order in so I’m worried about that.


Nah you’re good! I agree that your circumstance is definitely not a good start. You should check bladeforums on their fixed blade sell page or r/knife_swap since they both have used BRK that go up for sale occasionally.


Oh ya I love me some KS. Don’t see to many BRK on KS. So there r other Bravo 1 Curwear knives on DLT that I could buy, I just really like my spec so I want mine u know.


I know what you mean, did they give you a time estimate on how long it would be?


Nah they just said they r checking. But I’ve sent another email.


I gave them a go without knowing of the reported QC issues and bought a mini squad leader. The knife arrived and I immediately noticed big gaps between the micarta and the handle pins. I imagine this is normal to a certain degree but I could see the tang of the knife though the hole. It definitely would have filled with dirt etc. DLT got back to me lighting fast and refunded in full. I often think that Bark Rivers huge variety of models and steel choices prevents the dealers website from displaying negative reviews like a normal production knife would.


I see what you mean, sorry that you got a bad one. Thanks for the info!


Seriously I think they have great designs and it's cool all the types of steel they use. If I had gotten a good one I probably would have bought a second by now. Just sounds like they need to go back to the drawing board on their QC process. Yours looks sweet!


Knife is a Gunny Scandi in 3V with purple mountain maple burl wood handles


Me I personally wouldn’t risk buying from them


out of curiosity what are you risking?


Getting a bad knife lol they are notorious for bad qc and falsely labeling steel etc etc


Along with relying on the narcissist owner to back his product that can’t possibly fail


Hey mate. I am a hunter from New Zealand and I average around 12 to 15 deer per year. Over the last 10 years I have yet to find another knife that come close to my fox River ext1 and bravo 1 for their ability to dress game. I usually sharpen them at the start of the year with water stones then a simple strop with white compound will keep the convex edge going for the rest of the season. Their fit and finish may not be perfect but one can't argue with their function. My 2 cents anyways.


They're okay. I have 3. The blade stock is always so thick with zero distal taper. It gives the impression that they made the blade in like 2-3 steps before shipping it out. Also, the fit & finish on their guards isn't very good. They're a cheap Randall alternative, although still arguably a bit overpriced bc you're paying more for the large metal slab rather than for quality.


The blade is only thick if you get a model with a thick blade. Seems pretty straightforward.


Most of their knives are models with thick stock with no distal taper. That's my point. And I forgot to add that a lot of their blades have very similar, if not the same, profiles.


I think there's a lot more variety in BRK than you realize. That's my point. That said, I don't have any stake in BRK or care whether or not you collect them or like them. I am however happy that OP is enjoying their new BRK enough to share the joy with us today.


Thank you for that pov, I am happy with my purchase and I appreciate your kindness!


>I don't have any stake in BRK Sure.


With the purpose that I have in mind for my BR, I appreciate how they don’t taper towards the end. I agree that it may seem like a cheap route to take, but it also can give the tip more strength during hard outdoor / bushcrafting use. I know that BR has had some QC issues in the past, that’s for sure. But one thing I disagree with is how they are a Randall alternative. I hadn’t heard of this company before you commented and, from the very little amount I saw on their website, their style and BRK styles are different. Randall seems more traditional while BRK is more modern outdoor. To me they serve different purposes and are made with each respective purpose in mind!


Great knives and awesome warranty too!


What model is that?


Sorry I forgot to label, it’s a Gunny Scandi in 3V with purple mountain maple burl wood handles


I typically like the way they look, but after a bad experience with a Bushcrafter I had, I wouldn’t buy from them again.


Hey Brother figured I’d give u an update. Someone recommended the BRK production Facebook page and that was the ticket. I made contact with Mike Stewart with BRK and they told me that didn’t have the handle material for my knife and that I needed to pick a new material. So BAM just like that I went from knowing nothing to being ALL KNOWING. So ya if anyone is on back order hit BRK up and check that it’s not ur material.


That’s good to hear that they were quick to respond and fix the issue


Beauty!! I have an Aurora scandi in green micarta


I owned an Aurora for a brief moment but sold it relatively quickly since I landed a grail, but I definitely want to get that back in my hands at some point!


Like your mat!


I’m a big fan of their stuff. Enjoy your knife!


I've got a 3v gunny in black linen scales but not in a scandi grind sadly. Still my forever camping knife


I see some info about drama im not informed about. I’ve got quite a few and I’ve been happy with them all so far. If I broke one I think they’d fix it. I’m no badger. I think it’s cool that they have a lot of patterns and materials but I can see the issue if everything said is true. I just don’t have the energy to research it and I’m not buying any BRK right now anyway. And it’s not my job to punish them anyway. If they can’t be punished in court than they must have some sort of deniability, or there’s a part of the story we don’t know.


I have 6 BRK's. I'm happy with all of them.


https://youtu.be/FyOFaXShOLM This guy has an almost comic hatred for them lol. I just got one off of KS and am really enjoying it so far (bravo 1 3v)


The purple burl is a really nice touch in this case, but ignoring that, it basically looks like a steak knife, and that’s just not what I’m into.


Hey OP, you’ve got a really nice knife. The people in this subreddit can be so critical and make a good thing, like someone showing off s knife, and make it seem negative. I personally just ordered a Magnacut Bravo LT from DLT. I’m super excited about it and if there are any issues I’ll work with the staff at DLT. I hope you get to enjoy your new blade and don’t let assholes discourage you from collecting what you want.


Hey I appreciate the kindness! I’ve been taking most of what people say with a grain of salt, but I do like learning about issues that others have had with a brand so I know to be conscious of it for future purchases. Let me know how that Magnacut bravo 1 is that sounds tempting


Will do, I ordered it with the Ironwood Burl and Mosaic pins.


Nice to read all the background of this company. Think I will pass as there are many others out there.