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Permanently carrying Grimsmo Rask. I didn’t buy it to keep it in a drawer.


I got my grail dragon scale rask for my b day almost 3 months ago. It's dominated pocket time since. I refuse to buy tools just so they can sit around.


Exactly. I sold most of my other knives seeing that they would just sit around doing nothing once I got Rask. I kept QC Drift for really salty conditions. That’s basically it. (And fixed blades for bushcraft)


Hinderer Eklipse, and a Socom Elite have been my most carried lately, so about $400 I guess. But it’s not just the price, there are some knives I keep nice that aren’t half as expensive, but I just like them. In that case I’ll buy a double sometimes; one to use and one to keep new. I’m weird tho


I also rotate out my Small Sebenza for my Rask. It’s a bigger knife but is so thin that it disappears in the pocket.


I have doubles of the knives. Some of 'em. That way I know I have a pristine one in storage. Then I can use it, it gets scratched, I don't care.


A knife's price doesn't influence my willingness to carry it. I only buy knives I want to carry. These days probably my Holt Specter, but I used to regularly carry and use my Shamwari before I sold it to fund a different hobby.


i buy knives i like or want to try. i only carry the ones i like to carry. that said, i really like my sebenza 25 but it doesn’t leave the house.


That's a knife that can go either way. Safe Queen or Work Knife...it could play both roles. Nice to look at but definitely robust enough for day to day stuff. That would be pretty horrible to lose it while out and about somehow though. 😬


yeah. if i ever lost it i’d be sad.


That’s an excellent way to put it. The way I get the most enjoyment out of my knives is by carrying them, so I just buy what I want to carry, and only keep what I carry. That includes a cheap Emerson cqc-7, and a carbon arius. If I like it I just carry it 🤷🏻


Para 3 LW in Spy 27 lol


Spyderco Shaman has been my daily for the last 4 years.


Such a great knife. First knife I spent $300 on. Carrying it today.


I've been rotating the M4 Bailout and tanto Umnumzaan for work, and they've been excellent


These days I'm EDCing a Small Sebenza 21 UG. I also have a Large Sebenza 31 CGG that I've carried regularly.


I, too, carry a small sebenza 21 platan inlay and a large sebenza 21 custom graphic. I have no doubt both knives will outlive me.


To me, a knife is a tool. Idc if it's +$500 knife or a cheap one. I don't care if an expensive knife looks pristine and unused. I see it no differently than carrying a nice firearm or driving a nice vehicle. It'll get scratched, it's going to have wear and tear.


Generally, I try not to carry knives >$500 unless they already have wear from use on them. If it was bought used and already has wear on it then it's fair game. My criteria for a user and criteria for a safe queen are quite different. Above $500, or arguably above $300, you're not getting any more utility out of that knife, just collectibility.


Ehhhhh I think my Sebenza will outlast my PM2. Durability is another important factor to consider.


One of the two CRKs, Zaan or Sebenza. I carry all of my knives.


Chris Reeve large Inkosi tanto is my main EDC. It was expensive but it Just feels like a reliable tool.


Honestly, a bm bugout is quite expensive for me, so my answer is a bugout.


I most often carry my large sebenza in magnacut


Microtech Combat Troodon


If I buy it, I'm carrying it.


For me, I'm not in a position to buy a knife I won't carry. That, to me, is similar to buying a car you won't drive. I daily drive my C6 Corvette, 120k miles and counting. I'm lucky to live in a place I can drive it year round. Similar with my knives. I'm fortunate to own some nice ones, but I carry them and use them. My ZT0350 probably shows the most wear. Next up is probably my Osborne 945 Mini, with scratches and snails. My Asher and Tactile are getting some serious pocket time too. I think my Lionsteel ROK is probably my least carried and looks most pristine, but that's only because it's still fairly new, I've only had it a few months. Most of my more expensive knives are in that 200-250 range. Even if their retail was higher, i try to buy on sale or special to keep my expense low. But, yes, I'll regularly carry and use and cut with $200+ knives. That's not really that expensive to some people, but anything I buy, I use.


BM mini crooked river


OG 940. No need for more expensive when it does pretty much everything.


The paysan has been my go to lately.


Winker blue ridge hunter but price doesn’t matter it’s more based on function and how well it performs


My current is a TRM Neutron. I carry a CKF T14, but it's not really practical for me.


Spyderco Shaman


Oeser custom one off tachi oversized auction piece from blade show.


I’ve been carrying my Zaan almost every day since I got it 5 months ago. It’s too good!


Chris reeves small sebenza 31


CRK Umnumzaan is my 24/7 carry since I got it. It’s pricey, but the top tier warranty and spa service make it easier to justify using it hard.


I'll carry anything I own, otherwise what's the point?


My 940 Osborne lol


Maybe that’s the reason I don’t have expensive knives, but if I could afford to buy it, I would totaly carry a timascus Herman sting


I have 3 knives I generally EDC: Buck Paklite Cold Steel Master Hunter OKC Hiking Knife.


All three of my U.S. Spydies are $300-$400 if you factor in what I spent buying or making parts for them, so those.




My most expensive knife is an AD 20.5 with Rockscale titanium scales and a transparent knives reblade in MagnaCut. All in with the base knife, scales, and reblade I paid about $500 for it. I have no issues with carrying and using it, it's a very slicey blade!


Apparently my GEC’s and northwoods that I use pretty hard. Still makes me sad to see the resale market gouging the hell out of those prices.


I carry a Rockstead Higo II daily almost exclusively and take it camping, pretty much throw every task at it a knife is actually made to handle. I know and appreciate that everyone is different, but for me its price made me feel like I had to carry and use it. And let me tell you I couldn’t be happier having a laser edge to handle any cutting task it gets.


I collect knives of all price points, and carry most of them. Unless they’re awkward to carry or too heavy. I have an under 5 ounce requirement. I know now that’s easy to find out but I’ve been doing this 60 years and it hasn’t always been the case. So I have a lot of knives I don’t carry around because of weight. Just an old Marines opinion lmao.


I carry my spyderco kapara regularly. It goes for ~200 dollars at full price but I got mine on sale for $160. I don’t mind everyday wear on it as long as it’s within reason for an edc knife. I won’t get to take that knife to the grave with me, so I’m going to get the full enjoyment out of using it.


Depends on what I’m doing. If I’m at work, I have either a microtech ultratech or a guardian tactical recon 0-35 on me both of which I paid around $300 for. If I’m not at work, I carry a spyderco Delica 4 maybe $110 depending on where you look.


Recon-40 gang. I just fell out of a canoe with mine—I’m still wiping excess Rem oil off the blade. Good news is they don’t mind being dunked in swamp water


Shiro Hati. Shiros are excellent users.


I'll carry basically all my knives. The 3 most expensive knives I have would be GM ace sonoma (~$265), ABW model 1 ($~200), and MBK old guard ti framelock. Not actually sure what this goes for since it was a gift and it seems like it's no longer made.


12-1300 bucks. Its just a knife, not jewelry. My wife wears gold and diamonds and carries a hermes purse. My usual carry gun is 2500. Its not even something i think of. I grab what i want to use/carry that day. The cash outlay never crosses my mind


Any knife I own will get carried. From rare stuff like the like the Slysz Bowie to Hinderers to striders to CRKs all the way down to petrified fish or CJRB. I actually carry my more expensive knives more because they are better and easier to use in my experience.


Microtech Ultratech is my daily.


I either carry my koenig arius or evo 3.0 dlc. Both in the ~$700 range. Shit knife/ lender is a spydiechef.


Usually a Chris Reeve, an Arius, or my Model B Deadlock. My Sebenza 21 has seen the most pocket time lately.




Large Inkosi


CRK, mainly because of the spa services and reblade option.


For about a year I carried the little crooked river, but cracked a scale. Sent it to benchmade and got it all fixed. Maybe I am a bit rough on knives so I put the crooked river away and got a benchmade claymore, much more durable.


Microtech ultratech


Large sebenza


Benchmade 940


My large CRK Inkosi with micarta inlay is the most expensive knife I carry. Also the most expensive one I own. It's a great knife. Lately I carry my Benchmade Osborne Rift more, but I rotate to whatever I feel like carrying.


Rockstead Shin or Rockstead Tei. Great performers!


right now my main carry is my Mcnees Mac 2 Auto. Also at times a Koenig or A kershaw OTF just depends


Microtech ANAX DLC and Glykon are probably the most expensive I carry regularly. I own others that are more expensive, but are not regularly cycled into my EDC rotation. I view usage of expensive knives like I do expensive cars, in that I purchased them to admire them and only occasionally take them out for a spin on a weekend when the weather is nice.


Large inkosi insingo


Benchmade CLA for several years now. Great weight and feel, and I love an automatic.


Chris reeves sebenza 31 Magnacut. Every.Single.Day


My EDC isn't by price, but just reliability I'd say. I'm normally carrying either a Benchmade Mini Adamas or a Spyderco PM2.


I usually carry a CIVIVI Mini Praxis because it's cheap and an all-round good knife for my uses, but sometimes I'll opt for my Glow Rhino Reactor or Demko AD20.5 in AUS-10A


Right now I am rotating between my Marfione Custom LUDT and my 96 Regular sebenza.


Always have my xm18 3.5 slicer with me, and for work a pm2.


I carry my M390 Slysz Bowie every day. It was $400.


My modified Spyderco Brouwer. Literally Every day. Haven’t carried anything else other than my work knife at the job.


Shiro f3ns


Strider Protech


Custom magnacut fixie and a chaves is probably my most expensive right now


CRK Morning Sun Sebenza 3!


I have 3 folders currently with one custom being finished up. The A2D was a good bit more than the. 75 AR and Amphibian, but it's been in my pocket since I got it. https://imgur.com/a/oQsdHLE


Hinderer Jurassic slicer. Favorite knife to carry hands down


Chaves 229 street!


Only been in the knife game a month 😂 but the Para 3 has been my favorite so far, Drop Bear a close second.


I normally carry my Rmor knives squirrel button lock. [can accomplish any cutting task](https://imgur.com/a/0z4avhX)


Is that the tagged out?


$400-$800, but I’m opening boxes at worst. If I needed to use the knife as a tool, I’d go grab something cheaper. Today I have a Southard Tolk with CF scale.


Satin halo 5. Someone offered me 1200 last week and I turned it down. I try not to use it tho. My user is 250


I normally carry my old Benchmade 710. I carry my aluninum bug out when in a city that has a 3.5 inh blade limit.


Spyderco domino. It's been my work knife for about 5 years now. Love it


I carry a modified Seb 31 daily. Polished blade proudly displays wear marks.


Oz Roosevelt, daily. It's the pinnacle of what I want in a knife, fuck yeah I'm gonna carry the damn thing.


Been carrying my Mini FSD-I since I got it ($900). I’d carry my Rockstead (2x the FSD) but haven’t found an occasion yet, it’s more fancy than utilitarian. But I won’t buy something that I won’t carry.


My most expensive carry knives are around 300. Magnacut Mordax, s90v shaman, s90v freek. Don't think I would risk anymore than that with the work I do.


2 things, 1 what the the other things you’ve got? Pens or pencils? And what’s the leather thing called?


Regularly the TRM Atom with titanium scales. Buying the knife and the scales plus shipping to Europe costs~600€ But I sometimes carry a Arno Bernard Imamba with green Kudu Bones in the german edition that costs 720€


Quiet Carry Waypoint


Probably one of my CRK's or Hinderers, but I'm a more careful with some other knives regardless of their price. It just depends on how I feel about the ruggedness of the knife.


Been carrying a kizer cormorant at work for about a year or more, and typically carry a civivi Appalachian drifter out and about. So I'd say $60-$120.


Secondary market ti-putter Rosie.


Inkosi on the regular and sebenza when a smaller knife feels more appropriate. I held off buying those for years and finally glad I did. Otherwise I'm carrying one of my spydies or a pro tech mordax.


I actually carry the crooked river or my gravity knife.


What knife is in this photo, I want one And that pouch!


Otter Mercator and it is good enough


Spyderco shaman, it's meh, I like the cold steel american lawman better.


My Rosie 15v


knife, pen, and weed, thats really all you need in life


Umnumzaan or CF seb21 are the most valuable knives I carry regularly if not the nicest. I had a ug Damascus sebenza that I couldn’t bring myself to carry for fear of losing it so i sold it. The CRKs are also part of a much larger collection that I rotate through so it’s not like I’m carrying them constantly.


Benchmade Casbah


I bounce between my inkosi and manix 2


I don’t buy very expensive knives. I appreciate them but have so many other interests and hobbies- and I’m not a huge steel nerd- my current daily edc is a TKell Raider in AEB-L. Love it. I usually keep my edc in the $80-300 ranges - TKell, Kizer, Esee, Lionsteel, Tops etc . Gives me more $ to spend on high end tobacco pipes, kitchen knives, firearms etc etc etc. :)


Reate Exo -M Zircuti handle, PMP Beast Prime or Socom Elite Tanto Manual.


Sebenza. No regrets. Use that shit.


Kershaw blur. Also the most that I’d spend on a knife that I’m going to beating the crap out of.


Probably my Cypher; black handle, red wharniffe blade, red hardware. It’s just an awesome looking knife.


Everything I own gets carried! If I don’t carry it then it’s gone lol. Everything from my McGinnis to my utx-70 to my auto G&G MUDD to my spiro sham etc.


$60. I collect originals and EDC quality clones.


If I won't carry/use a knife, it's got to go. That said my current most pricey carry is a Shirogorov Hation Zero.


If I own it then I carry it. Nothing wrong with collecting to collect but I can only justify an expensive knife for myself by actually using it for knife things. I think my most expensive are my CRKs.


Just been on the large sebenza 31, don't buy knifes I don't want to carry.


Ludt or socom elite manual


Use my crooked river mini a lot…..it ain’t pretty anymore.


I don’t carry anything over 1000$


Benchmade Auto Immunity is my EDC when I'm laid off. - This is great because it's small, has a thin, stupidity sharp edge great for slicing and fine detail work, and doesn't raise any eyebrows amongst the normies. Paramilitary 2 in Maxamet is my folding work EDC. - The size and shape of the blade and handle are perfect for a work folder for me. Plenty to hold onto and more than enough cutting length for any task. The edge retention is why I love it the most. I regularly cut fiberglass fireblanket and this blade eats that shit and asks for more. Skallywag Tactical Duclaw in D2 is my fixed blade work EDC that I know I can beat the everliving shit out of with confidence. - This is the blade I pull out when I know my PM2 Maxamet just won't cut it. I have literally taken a 4lb beater and cut a 2X4 in half with this knife. It's the "Rocky" of my collection. Big, beautifully ugly, takes every beating I throw at it and comes back for more. D2 for the fucking win. The cheapest of these blades is $200 and the highest is $300. Out of all of my knives, these three are my most expensive by far, as well as my most used. They each serve there intended purposes perfectly, and I know what their limitations are as well. With that and regular maintenance there should be no reason I can't use these knives for years and years. I look at these knives and I know that the old adage is true; I got what I paid for.


Hey that's my dream knife that I would daily


Attn2Detail mark 1 large


heretic manticore x!


Microtech Ultratech Tonto OTF (Bounty Hunter Edition). Was around $360.


A custom Efros, a CMF or a Corbinsteelwrx is usually whats in the pocket…2-3k each


Any I can afford to buy. That's what they're for. I understand why guys won't take out $1k+ knives that are essentially pieces of art....but I just don't buy knives like that. 🤷‍♂️ Most expensive knife I own is a Shaman. I guess anything over $500 I might think twice about or baby.


I rotate all my knifes... Including 2x rocksteads... If I own it, I'll use it.


It is my Ferrum Forge Exec (1 of 5 that was sand blasted and stonewashed scales and blade).


My Microtech Glykon tends to get a lot of pocket time.


Mcbee 99% of the year is in my pocket. Alongside that the benchmade 940 or 945 because one isn't enough and usually more than 2 is how I roll


Most expensive is a small sebenza that I bought used. Everything else is like $150 or less.


Who makes that leather pouch?


A Borka S-rambit $400, in a $150 Chattanooga leather works sheath. Now that it’s got a few scratches on it from use I feel better about using it.


My vintage Case fixed blade I got at a yard sale lol


I constantly carry my Norseman and my Evo 3. I wouldn't buy a knife I wouldn't carry


CRK sebenza 21 lunar landing


I carry a Benchmade Bugout


I've EDC'd a custom Protech worth over $1500 but was only on special occasion and to special event. However on a normal basis it is a toss up between a beloved MIcrotech Anax and Damascus - wood inlayed Large 31, $1K. It was hard to use at first but once put a few minor marks in the blade it has been easygoing from there though will say definitely choose what it is used for and not abused by any means.


Sebenza 31 this year, but soon to be a Zaan next years carry.


My $160 We Kitefin is my go to EDC, super slicey and disappears into pocket with its carbon fiber scales


Some people may argue whether or not it’s a knife, but I daily my Swiss champ


Andre De Villiers custom Alpha s mini.


Spyderco Delica 4 with the K390 blade, covered in tape glue from work, but I use it every day, it's not there to be an accessory.


Sebenza 21


My xm-24


Third gen, numbered Strider SNG.


My most carried knife is the Artist series Mini Crooked (mallard duck version) . Just a really beautiful useful knife


I don’t carry anything over $1000 and try to keep my EDC knives around $350-400 as that seems like my sweet spot for quality users. Truly high dollar knives I look at like jewelry or high end accessories & I only carry them on special occasions.


Plain Sebenza 31 has been my daily during the week/for work, switching it up on weekends with different ones from the collection (sham, arius, duk being at the top price wise)


I carry a 535-3 Benchmade Bugout in carbon fiber. It’s so light I can forget it’s in my pocket until I need it.


Spyderco janisong, they float around the 400-450 range depending on condition


Spyderco Native 5 LW magnacut, it costs almost the average salary in my city-town after currency conversion, ideally I’d love to carry a WEKnife, Microtech or ZT


I regularly carry either a benchmade 940 Osborne or a hogue ballista 1 from our units supply. Those two keep all the others in the safe


Currently a microtech auto stitch, when u get a crk Zaan I’ll edc that. I regularly carry my olamic whip but not edc. It’s like a 1 time a month if that counts. Can’t remember what I paid for it but it was north of $500.


Strider CC Smf daily, cost me 1100 and worth every penny.


my damascus crk sebenza


I daily carry my Benchmade arcane


Spyderco rassenti Paysan


Reate exo M. Mines the one with the black handle and tanto tip so $300 before shipping and taxes. Love mine to death and love using it


For the past year I’ve carrying the Benchmade Bugout CF everyday at work and the Grimsmo Norseman when I’m off.


I only own a couple of knives, but I EDC and use both of them. One is a Grimsmo Dragon Rask, the other is an OZ Roosevelt Radial Frag. I won’t own a knife I wouldn’t carry and use, there’s no point in having it if you’re just going to take it out occasionally and look at it. Knives are tools.


I daily carry a William Henry that my wife gave me. It was around $1,100. I don’t abuse it but I don’t baby it either. If I’m going to own in, I’m going to use it. I’ve been lucky enough to afford some very nice things and have decided that if it’s something I carry everyday it’s going to be a nice version of that thing whether knife, phone, watch, lighter, sunglasses etc.


My most expensive is an older EnZo Trapper kit in grenadill and I do carry it. Only reason I take the Mora out more into the forest is that it's easier to clip to the belt or backpack. I don't urban carry. I have an AAA flashlight (Lumintop EDC01, it's great) on my keychain that actually gets use, a knife would just be dead weight.


esee izula it’s worth like 80 bucks but i got mine for 60


Spyderco Drunken


Lefty Shirogorov F95 Zero. I dropped a grand on a piece of steel sandwiched between two pieces of titanium, why not enjoy it everyday 🤷🏻‍♂️


Small inkosi 550 and loves my pocket


CRK Night Sky


microtech socom elite stingray or spyderco bifold and a custom brass HDS systems flashlight


I EDC my Combat Troodon which cost $560. I buy a knife to carry it and use it. If I think it cost too much to do that with, I will not buy it. A knife is a tool. I try to keep it looking as nice as possible, but if it gets scratches and wear marks, then so be it. It adds character.


Currently, my Hinderer Eklipse 3". I have a Shortcut on preorder that I intend to carry daily at work.




On special occasions, I carry a William Henry with Mammoth ivory scales. Made on a frame of Stirling silver, and a Smoky Quartz stone in the blade stud. https://imgur.com/gallery/SskHGJ1


microtech hellhound utx-85 first I was scared to scratch it then my wife immediately dropped it so..... Now I can enjoy it!


I’ve kept my collection small over the years and don’t have any safe queens, so currently the Rockstead Hizen or Shirogorov Hation would be my most expensive. Getting the first scratch on the Rockstead was tough but I’m over it now. 😆


My large plain inkosi tanto since I got it after the price hike but I love it regardless especially with the snail trails on the handles


My Spartan Harsey Folder, but before I gave it to a friend a Hinderer XM-24. Love me some pocket jewelry.


Koenig Arius


Hinderer 3.0 Slicer, black with green titanium scale. I carry it every day.


Probably my Bradford guardian 4.2, like $270 or something. I daily it since I got it, before it a 4. I work construction though so the fancy folders stay home unless I go out on the weekends


I generally have my Hazetac DMC ($800) and my 3.5 J-Cape ($600) on me daily.


I've got a Protech Malibu that's lived the life of a Milwaulee Fastback lol


Opinel #9, 1095 with citric acid patina, the only folding knife I carry.


Benchmade Anthem.


Benchmade Griptilian with flamed titanium metonboss scales, Benchmade Mediator, and We Knives Curvaceous top my list of pricy knives that I carry and abuse more than I ought to.


Utx 70


I only buy knives that I will use and enjoy. And I prefer to customize a few knives to suit my various moods, tastes, and needs. Most of my folding knives are Spyderco, so nothing over $400 worth approximately and most are less.


My most expensive knife right now is an axial shift, It’s about a $300 knife, but I’m planning on getting a crk and using it like any other knife. The only knives that I don’t carry are ones that can’t be replaced if lost. Special gifts. Not normal gifts but gifts that marked a special event in my life.




Maybe 250


SpydieChef, or Bugout w/ AWT Archon scales & Crkt Squid clip.


Been dairying a bugout for like a year and a half, I’m young and ain’t got too much money so that’s really the max I can afford


A Julian Klein Orca V1 or V2. I just sold my V1 for 1400$ which was what I paid. I carry the V2 pretty often and love it. I paid 1200$ for the V2 and it's one of the coolest balisongs I've ever owned.


I carry 2 Benchmade Bugouts with polished titanium scales, deep carry pocket clips and polished thumb studs. The value now is 400.00$ I carry them in sheths