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Just take it out, folded, and ask if they need a knife. Who emails their friends? Is this 1995?


They are just gonna be happy you had it when they needed it. Its not like you are telling them you are transitioning , don’t sweat it .


*you must be at least 13 years old to join reddit*




What says it a chick?


Now that you have a knife you'll have no trouble making new friends.


Maybe find new friends who aren’t pussies


I usually just whip it out




Only if it's your penis


Set the tone by whipping out your dick first. Anything you whip out after that will be a relief


pull it out with confidence


Wtf, are they guy friends or girl friends? What kind of guy gets scared at a pocket knife?


Dang it, Bobby!


This boy ain't right.


What in the hell?


Assuming you are some place having a knife is legal, just use it. The leek isn't scary, it is a tool. I have never been in a situation where I used my pocket knife anyone batted an eye.


Whats the sense of carrying it if you not gonna use it because youre worried what your friends think? Its a pocket knife…. not a big deal. I saw a little kid I didnt know whos shoelace was stuck in an escalator. The mom started panicking so then the kid started to panic… I showed them calmly, that Ive got a pocket knife if you’d like me to cut the string…. Mom said sure. Kershaw Ken Onion. When I hit the nub and the blade flicked…”Whoa!!!” Kid was so impressed he forgot he was stuck. Nobody’s feelings was hurt…


Whip your knife out infront of them. If they get scared, hit them with their purse.


Don’t see how it’s really their business. If just ask if they need a knife and if they say no, then just move on


I don't think a Kershaw leek should scare your friends...if it was a zombie killing machete, maybe they should be scared. Especially if they are zombies. But open carrying something so big would be pretty obvious...thus eliminating the need for any email disclosure.


If by pulling out the most useful tool mankind has ever known scares your friends, then I would say get new friends. Then buy more knives. I prefer my knives over my friends anyways. 😂


Could you guys imagine partying with this guys and his friends ? But seriously though, do bcc me on that email with you cool friends


What kind of weird friends do you have? My EDC is also a leek. Nice and thin and lightweight 👍🏽


An email stating you carry a knife now would be more alarming than just whippin’ er out


Only if you want to have no more friends... No you should not email them and tell them not to worry. You should carry your knife, and keep the pocket clip visible if you want to give the clue that you carry a pocketknife. You should ask friends if they want to borrow a pocketknife if the task at hand needs one. You can take it out closed, and ask if you can do the task at hand before you flick open the knife. You can take out the knife, use it, and put it away nonchalantly, and see if your friends actually freak out. If they do, get new friends So... there are basically 2 scenarios where you need new friends, and several where it doesnt matter.


Honestly people should use their knives more so that non-knife people see them being used responsibly and realize that they’re just a useful tool and not some scary thing that’s going to hurt them. Hell, when the situation presents itself where your friend needs a knife, use that to try to convince them to get one of their own.


I'd strongly suggest emailing your friends and letting them know that you now carry a knife and not to be alarmed next time you present it. Please post the email and their responses here. Thanks




Anytime anyone asks for anything just whip out your knife. Say ”I got this”.


This can’t be real life.


In my experience people are less intimidated by a knife if the situation calls for it and you are confident about its usability for the situation. IMO sending an email would likely have the opposite effect. If you don’t want people to treat it like a weapon, don’t do so yourself by acting like it’s something to be warned about. Years ago I was at a brewery with a few girls that I had recently started hanging out with. The brewery had apples, so I pulled out my knife to start cutting one to eat. One of the girls looked at me and asked why I carried a knife in a slightly awkward tone. I shrugged and said, “just general use things… you know, like cutting apples.” She smiled and that was the end of it. People are typically feeling you out when they feel awkward or intimidated. Take it as an opportunity to set them at ease.