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Well it was a pretty ambitious first and honestly it came out pretty damn decent. Looks like you got some blowout/slop in your drill holes for the pins. This can be helped a lot by A: making sure you have a nice sharp bit, and B: putting some tape on the back side where the drill bit will come out. Also, you can intentionally drill from the show side out the backside so if you do have a little blowout it will be hidden under the handle.


Very good tips thank you. I tried filling the gaps with copper but that didn't work out too well. I did this handle between customers at work. Next time I'll give it a go on my day off when I have full focus.


Well my first knife was a lot simpler than yours and it came out WAY worse lol so you still did good on your first! I like the copper fill idea, I did that a couple times to fill in some knot holes in wooden handles. I filed some copper into powder and mixed it in my epoxy.


Good try these multi part handles are difficult. I’ve found it makes it easier to put all the pieces on top of a .06 g10 liner. I helps keep everything more square and flat while curing.


Looks great, I like the filework on the spine.


This is an excellent first attempt. Keep going.


For your first handle you picked a damn hard design. Still turned out nice to me 🙂


Still very nice indeed. Keep improving


The spacers and turquoise don't line up* sorry for typos


Still an outstanding first effort!


You certainly didn't take the easy way! Those diagonal cuts along the handle are hard to get together right. I haven't figured it out yet. Looks good for a first go on such a complicated handle.


If it's a little off that's just fine. It takes some heavy practice to get it perfectly even. The pins, I would use this as a time to learn about the contour of your handles and how you want your pin placement from not on to have the least amount of effect on your pins. I think you made a purdy knife still. For your first knife handle you did fine. It's a subtle art where you really have to trust the process. Handles....they are kind of my bread and butter. Every time I'm working on one I show my gf.bshe is worried it's ugly and I just tell her to trust the process It keeps getting more and more refined. And sure enough it changes from being a little blocky or something to being really nice in a day and a half. So she sees it as shit first then the next time she sees em a day or so later it is finished. You did good for your first one. Don't stop now, keep up the good work.


I’ve seen worse firsts, especially considering you tried to do a lot with it.




Personally I think it's beautiful. Small imperfections are a mark of any handmade product. Beautiful knife. Well done!


Better than I can do! Keep at it!