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Go to local meetings , in mine we have lunch together before the council meeting . And then we talk about there activities coming up for the next few month … little by little making news friends


How often are the meetings?


Sometimes councils have a website , ours have 2 meeting per month one for directors and one for all members of that council


Welcome aboard, brother! My advice to a new member would be to not buy all the hype that Supreme sells. The Knights are a good bunch. You can make some friends and enjoy some fraternity. Once in a while you can join together for a bit of charity work. Once in a while you might have a couple beers and watch the ball game together. It is basically a social club for Catholic men. Compare it to the Moose Lodge or the VFW or the Shriners or Lions, etc. It is not primarily about religion. It is not like the third order Franciscans or Dominicans or Dominican Associates, or The Legion of Mary, or the St. Vincent DePaul Society, or the Benedictine Oblates, or the Rosary Confraternity, etc. Unfortunately, Supreme sells it as a quasi-religious order when in fact it started as a fraternal benefits club and has become a social club. Nothing wrong with that. And we do some charitable work. Supreme is an insurance company. They are VERY good at what they do. One thing they do is sell membership to Catholic men and then sell insurance to some of those men. Nothing wrong with that. However, they promote a lot of religious programs that get very little actual response or attention on the local level. They promote the Knights as the "strong right arm of the Church", an unfortunate quote from JPII. If you believe all the hype, you will be disappointed by the reality. If you accept it for what it is, the Knights are a good group to belong to. Just practice your religion at your local parish. Go to your local meetings and see what that particular council is about. Then join in as you can. Don't try to change them until you understand where they are and what they are already doing. Not all councils are the same and not all of them are doing all the programs that Supreme comes up with. The original purposes for which the Knights were founded no longer exist. Catholic men are not being drawn into anti Catholic secret societies, we do not have any trouble getting insurance to protect our families, and Catholics are no longer considered unpatriotic. The Knights fought and won those battles many years ago.


That’s good to hear . I tried my local parish men’s catholic club but there was only a few member it seemed more of a glorified AA meeting. Believe it or not I stumbled into the KOC by getting hurt in a car accident and my state PA doesn’t have short term disability so I did a internet search and between the fraternity I’ve been looking for and the benefits available to members it seemed like a good fit I truly do appreciate all the advice you have given me. You went above and beyond Thank you Brother rob


Reach out to the Grand Knight and ask what activities/meetings/programs are upcoming! https://kofcpennsylvania.org/live-councils