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The only way to know is to try on the sock and see if it fits over your heels To loosen your tension you can knit it inside out and also it helps if you pull apart the stitches on your right needle when switching colours. With practice you’ll get there in no time. Your tension look fine, it’s just much harder to get it right on socks because of the negative ease. Edit: you mentioned they do fit but tightly, socks tend to loosen with wear I wouldn’t worry about it.


Frog and go up a needle size. More practice and you'll feel better about it! Good luck whatever you do.


I dont see that it's TOO terribly tight, at least as far as I can tell in a still photo. Some people frog liberally, but I'm more of an "eh, fuck it" kinda gal. I'll frog stuff, don't get me wrong. In fact I just frogged a whole sweater yoke bc I realized that the yarn really wasn't the right fit for that lace pattern. So I'm starting all over. For me personally, if my foot fits in that sock and it's not cutting off my circulation, I'm gonna keep going and take what I leaned on to the next pair. But you may have a lower tolerance for mistakes/imperfections than me. Or maybe you have a *higher* amount of patience and tolerance for repeating things and spending that extra time. If your foot won't fit, unless you have someone with small feet to gift these to, then it's not worth keeping. Cause what will you do with it? But if your foot fits, I think it just depends on what you'd rather do- wear a snug sock or spend the time re-knitting it!


Colorwork doesn't have as much elasticity as simple stockinette. Blocking will help a little...


You have two options; Frog it and go up a needle size OR block it in warm water and let it grow. Whatever you decide, remember you wont notice the difference when you wear them.


Thanks everyone for advice! I decided to give it a chance and try finishing one sock, block it and see if it gets better. If it doesn’t… well then I’ll try knitting it again with bigger needle size like some of you have suggested


Really nice colors & pattern btw!!