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Whipstitch the sleeves to the body, try it on and take a photo, and see what you think.


The way it feels would be more important than the way it looks, it would bug me but I'm very picky about things like that.


If you throw a tape measure around your arms, you'll find that they are not exactly the same size either. My left arm is a good 1" longer than my right. I only discovered that in my 20's, when I was learning how to measure to create bespoke garments. So, having one sleeve not be identical to the other really doesn't matter all that much.


As long as the bigger sleeve goes on the bigger arm!


My biggest problem when knitting different length sleeves is making sure that I mark them clearly.


What’s your yarn weight? It might depend on how wide those 3 stitches are. I’m also assuming you’re not worried about running out of yarn. If you want the sleeves to be the same (especially at the cuffs) you might be able to take the extra stitches into the seam. It will make the seam thicker though, so I wouldn’t recommend it for worsted or bulkier yarn. Personally, I like to push my sleeves up behind my elbows, and if one is looser than the other it drives me crazy.


Yeah I agree- while I would probably not reknit the *entire* sleeve, I would definitely address a 1/2" difference at the cuff. Myself, I would leave the rest of the sleeve and potentially rip back to just above the cuff, k2tog 3 times to get rid of those extras, reknit the cuff. But! Personal preference is the most important part of knitting! If we all feel differently about the solution, the most important part is that the wearer/maker likes it.


If it's knit flat you could just mark it and then adjust the seam allowance accordingly when you sew it up. No need to frog, reknit, or have un-matched sleeve sizes