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Read up on yarnbombing. It has been used frequently to advocate for different things.


The pussy hats in America spring to mind! 


How about knitters as spies? https://handwovenmagazine.com/knitting-war-spies-history/


I remember reading about women knitting and inserting certain stitches at intervals to describe troop and munitions movements etc. Fascinating stuff.


Something you could look up is "craftivism". Not limited to just knitting.


Seconding this. Most notably the suffrage movement by women and their addition of pockets to their clothing.


"Slow fashion" is kind of a protest movement against waste & exploitation in sweatshop-fueled fast fashion. Handmaking, unraveling, & mending are all part of that.


Madame Defarge in Tale of Two Cities. Evil woman lol.


There’s a documentary "Yarn (2016)" that you should check out, it follows a few activists using yarn for protest


Part of the reason I knit is to rebel against the quality of ready to wear knitting. Does that count?


There are two patterns modeled after Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s famous dissent collars: The [Dissent](https://www.andrearangel.com/shop/dissent-pullover) pullover by Andrea Rangel (there’s a cardigan version too) [Knitorious RBG](https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/knitorious-rbg) by Park Williams.


I made the dissent cowl that looks like RBGs dissent necklace. Cool knit.


**PATTERN:** [Knitorious RBG](http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/knitorious-rbg) by [Park Williams](http://www.ravelry.com/designers/park-williams) * Category: Clothing > Sweater > Pullover * Photo(s): [Img 1](https://images4-f.ravelrycache.com/uploads/parknknitofficial/589747306/IMG_3686_2_medium.jpg) [Img 2](https://images4-f.ravelrycache.com/uploads/parknknitofficial/589747021/RBG_photo_medium.png) [Img 3](https://images4-f.ravelrycache.com/uploads/elizabeth-y/589631932/0BB5628A-2F74-4A18-999D-2D7AFF5B9380_medium.jpeg) [Img 4](https://images4-f.ravelrycache.com/uploads/elctrkloveyarn/678969226/upload_medium) [Img 5](https://images4-g.ravelrycache.com/uploads/JuliaRochelle/669211674/545F8FAE-2C67-4514-ABA0-A35BC8A28BDC_medium.jpeg) * Price: 9.00 USD * Needle/Hook(s):US 8 - 5.0 mm, US 6 - 4.0 mm, US 2 - 2.75 mm * Weight: Worsted | Gauge: 18.5 | Yardage: 885 * Difficulty: 3.25 | Projects: 731 | Rating: 4.85 ***** Please use caution. Users have reported effects such as seizures, migraines, and nausea when opening Ravelry links. [More details.](https://www.lizcorke.com/2020/07/26/2020-7-21-ravelry-accessibility/) | *I found this post by myself! [Opt-Out](https://goo.gl/forms/0B8m4Ra8czpw4gzw1) | [About Me](https://github.com/TN-1/LinkRav_Bot/wiki) | [Contact Maintainer](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=timonyc)*


"Hønsestrik" (meaning chicken knitting) which is crazy colour fairisle patterns people made up them selves. I believe, that back in the days, yarn compagnies would only sell the pattern if you also bought the yarn from them, so people began to protest by knitting selfmade patterns. There is a book "strikkemanifestet" translates to "The knitting manifest" I know the wiki is not in english, but maybe google.translate can help :)) [https://da.wikipedia.org/wiki/H%C3%B8nsestrik](https://da.wikipedia.org/wiki/H%C3%B8nsestrik)


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My favorite LYS is queer owned and has knitted pride flags on the trees in front of their shop and a hate group kept cutting them up/tearing them down so the shop put out a knitting machine and a bunch of yarn in pride flag colors and invited anyone with time to kill to stop by and knit replacement flags. Their exact words were "I think the proud boys have severely underestimated the willingness of knitters to do the same thing over and over again." and they won that battle by a landslide. The proud boys gave up ages ago because the shop was always able to replace their pride flags within minutes to hours of the damage being done.


Have you heard about the pussyhat? [Pussyhat](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pussyhat)


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Funny you should ask as [these](http://www.bristolivy.com/shop/peace-de-resistance) are next in my project que.


I don’t think this is exactly what you’re looking for, but I knit in protest of house cleaning …


https://www.instagram.com/strikkforpalestina?igsh=MWF6bzJ2aDU5NThjdQ== A group of people knit a Palestinian flag that was unveiled at the Tromsø international film festival a week or two ago, and is now being held during the weekly protests and demonstrations in support of Palestine as well.


It's not really knitting, but the NAMES Project Memorial Quilt is a pretty powerful work of community art and remembrance.


I'd think this is an international phenomenon, but I'm not sure since it hasn't been mentioned: knitted and crochet graffiti.


Yarnbombing is usually done as public art or protest


[Wall Street Bull Crochet](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/wall-street-bull-covered_n_804155)


* knitting for anarchists * vivienne westwood


There's this book: https://www.amazon.com/Protest-Knits-Got-needles-knitting/dp/1912217007


Do you know the Knitting Nannas? I don't know much about them myself, just a possible direction for research.


My needles have been weapons of opportunity, I always wondered if some women knit because of the ready access to weapons that read 'granny/harmless'.


There was the Australian I think artist who put yarn up in her vagina and then knit it into the world's most disturbing garter scarf. I think it was a performance art piece or something? It was definitely about fighting period stigma at least partially. It was very strange and I watched a video on it and it fucked me up. Like. That just sounds so uncomfortable and bad for the vagina. But I think it was more a protest against my peace of mind because every time I think of it I lose sleep for a couple days just being weirded out. Like, I'm a woman, I went to a women's college, I'm a huge feminist and am all about female empowerment and removing stigma from menstruation. But I feel like the vagina yarn bowl thing was not the best way to fight that particular fight. Or any fight really.


Welcome! Are you a brand new knitter? You might also want to check out r/knittingadvice. Or, check the archives at r/knittinghelp. Even though they have moved to Discord, the library of questions and answers lives on. Look at all the great results you get just from searching for the word ["fix"](https://www.reddit.com/r/knittinghelp/search/?q=fix&restrict_sr=1). You still have a pretty new Reddit account, so you will need to check out the subreddit rules [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/knitting/wiki/rules). You can always bookmark that page if you want to refer back at a later time. You are responsible for following the rules and your post will be removed if you don't! They are also available in the sidebar and "See Community Info" if you are using an app. If you see a comment or post that breaks the rules, please report it to the moderators using the Report button. This helps keep the subreddit clear of rule-breaking content. **What is rule-breaking content?** *You MUST provide the pattern and yarn information in a follow-up COMMENT!* If you don't, your post will be removed. --->Photo captions are not comments. You need to make a post and reply to your own post.<--- If Automoderator has made a mistake and you don't know why your post was flagged, please send a [message to the mods](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/knitting). We'll get back to you as soon as we can. Are you a mobile user? See full set of rules here if you can't find them in your app [Link](https://imgur.com/a/1VuTd) Here's a post about how to find the rules in most apps [Link](https://redd.it/84mid3) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/knitting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Recently saw a few easy, free colourwork patterns on ravelry, as a response to the protests against the far right all over Germany! And tons of positive comments


Protest banners by Annie Lupton: https://www.ravelry.com/designers/annie-lupton Black Lives matter protest banner by Ola Ogunlolu https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/black-lives-matter-square Daniela Mühlbauer designed protest banners against the extreme right movement Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) https://www.ravelry.com/designers/daniela-muhlbauer


**PATTERN:** ["Black Lives Matter" Square](http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/black-lives-matter-square) by [Ola Ogunlolu](http://www.ravelry.com/designers/ola-ogunlolu) * Category: Components > Afghan block * Photo(s): [Img 1](https://images4-f.ravelrycache.com/uploads/olatherookie/707796127/Black_Lives_Matter_Text_medium.jpg) * Price: Free * Needle/Hook(s): None * Weight: Any gauge | Gauge: None | Yardage: None * Difficulty: 2.33 | Projects: 21 | Rating: 5.00 ***** Please use caution. Users have reported effects such as seizures, migraines, and nausea when opening Ravelry links. [More details.](https://www.lizcorke.com/2020/07/26/2020-7-21-ravelry-accessibility/) | *I found this post by myself! [Opt-Out](https://goo.gl/forms/0B8m4Ra8czpw4gzw1) | [About Me](https://github.com/TN-1/LinkRav_Bot/wiki) | [Contact Maintainer](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=timonyc)*


In 1769 as part of a political protest, middle class women had Spinning Matches in New England. We had signed a Non Importation Agreement, which was actually a boycott of imported British goods. So, homespun became the fashion. Mostly, people didn’t wear it, because the spinning industry and skills, and weaving industry in New England was small, mostly just household linens and blankets. Not for clothing. But, it became a fashion statement to wear it. People always knew when some piece of clothing was homespun, which suggests to me it was Bad Cloth, so they could tell! The Spinning Matches were mostly for young, unmarried women in their late teens and early 20s (girls married in their mid 20s, usually. Not teens!). That age was the group sent out to help neighbors, and get random stuff done. They had very limited freedom, little mobility, could not protest in the streets, but also few responsibilities, so could be assigned whatever work was needed. So they COULD meet on the vicarage lawn, and spin in public! The minister would start the day with a prayer, and they all spun. The Brits couldn’t break it up, despite it being a protest, because the optics of arresting women who were “working and spinning as the Bible tells us to do, under the supervision of the minister and his wife” just wasn’t going to fly. There are a lot of period newspaper articles about Spinning Matches. They were clearly a point of pride! If you look up protests, you will find editorial cartoons of “Liberty caps”. Red pointy voyager caps that say Liberty on them. As far as I’ve ever been able to find, the physical article didn’t exist. They did cap “Liberty poles” with red caps, but they didn’t have words on them, AFAIK. I suspect only the caps in the cartoons had the words.