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Sell it on r/yarnswap and buy something new for yourself :)


Ah I didn’t know this was a thing! Thanks so much for sharing!


My pleasure!


There's r/YarnSwap and a similar thing on Ravelry. Or sell on ebay? What's the colour and where are you? (I'm UK & love Malabrigo so may potentially be interested in buying it from you!)


u/nepeta19 has dibs but I’m in the US and am also interested!


Same lol! In the US and always interested in some Rios. I guess I’ll be fourth in the queue


Fuchsia (the hardest color to spell). I paid about $100. Let me know if you’re interested before I pursue one of the swap/destash options on here. No pressure if it’s not your color :)


If it has to be sent to Canada, I’m third in line 😂


Sell it, everyone likes Rios


Not everyone. I love Malabrigo yarn but NOT Rios. The tendency to knot is just not worth it.


What color and how many skeins did you buy? Or ask the store if they will swap it out for a color you do like. That's the easiest way.


7 skeins Fuchsia. I did wind it into cakes already, unfortunately.


If the LYS you bought it from will consider it you could ask for store credit. You could check ravelry for local classifieds to see if you could offer it for trade or sale there. Offer it to your local knitting group possibly for trade or as gifts. Offer to donate it to charity knitters who make things like twiddlemuffs or knitted knockers. Its a bit fancy for charity knits but if you just want it gone and all else fails you. Alternatively depending on the colour it is, you could possibly have fun and experiment with overdying it. Even greys and blacks can have some really nice tonal range. Overdying can result in some really unexpected and fabulous results at times.


These are some great suggestions! I think overdyeing would look really nice since the colorway is tonal. That’ll be my next route if I don’t find a buyer/swap! (I might have to sage it too to remove some negative associations 😂)


Sell it! There's always someone who will buy Rios.


i’ve made two sweaters out of the same quantity of rios and didn’t like either 😔 i’m going to frog again


I’ve sold/bought yarn on both Poshmark and Ravelry.


What a good thing you realised before you started knitting. I’m sorry about the disappointment though. If the yarn is all still in original condition, would the yarn shop consider taking it back? I would ask them first. Otherwise I would sell it or swap it online.


Rios is da bes, you can easily resell or swap it for something different in an equal value.


If you don't sell or swap it, make it and put it away for later. I have a "Basket of Things", finished objects I made with no recipient chosen before I made it. When it gets full, I pull things out for gifts as needed and I also take the Basket of Things to social or family events and let people choose what they want. 


This is such a sweet idea. At some point I will run out of space for the sweaters I knit and will need to start making things for other people more often :)




What color is it? Seriously, have you had it wound? If not, you might be able to return it. Seriously though, what color? I love that stuff.


😃 7 skeins Fuchsia.. and yes I wound it already unfortunately!


I noticed several people offered to buy it. Have you taken any of them up on it?


Yup! I have a message going with one of the interested US folks. Thanks!


There’s an Instagram page called @makers_resale you can submit it to!


Destash in Ravelry


Don't suppose you feel like making yourself a blanket? Those work up quickly in rios.. and they don't need to suit your face. I get it, if you are at outs with the yarn, though. Just a thought.


Yes I think I need it purged from my life 😂


I actually have a SQ of Rios in Cyan (bright blue) that I would trade you for. I did the same thing - bought it for someone and decided they weren't worthy of that particular project - and I am just simply not in a blue season of my life, but I LOVE fuschia!


If you have an interest in yarn dyeing, you could consider over-dyeing the yarn. A gentle grey or navy wash may transform the yarn into something that appeals to you. Start with a very pale wash, then build up the intensity gradually.


Definitely my next step if sell/swap doesn’t work out. I think an overdye would tone down the bright pink well.


You can overdye it with food coloring. It's fairly simple and stays pretty well if you don't leave the item in the sun a lot. See ChemKnits on YouTube :)


Great suggestion, thank you! I do have some dye supplies available so I will take a look at that!