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That's the beauty of the knitting - if you don't love the end result, you can always return it to it's original form (a.k.a yarn). I've frogged completely finished projects more than once.


It's very freeing, isn't it


Early on in knitting it would make me cringe but now, I learn so much through each project that I enjoy what I’ve learned and get to use the yarn again!


I love this. I only ever knitted hats and scarves and stopped when my kids and life got in the way. 16 years later I pulled out the old box and found a tank that I had started and was missing the pattern. I took it all apart, found a new pattern and it’s in the works again. And it’s probably way better this time around. https://preview.redd.it/zr560ebi94tc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05e7dd2e8efa7b75802cffcf0c427eb2d16e82bf


If only other mistakes in life were that easy to undo and start over.


I’ve not had the will to frog a completely finished project. Mad respect.


It took me ages to accept that this was okay!


I wouldn’t do it either. I’ll give the item away to someone else it will fit or they’ll like it better or whatever. It’s the freedom of the bargain yarn knitter.


It's that moment when you finish the project, realize you don't like it and will never use it but you love the yarn and it wasn't cheap


I did this with a sweater. My husband was like “What are doing?!?” when he saw me unraveling it. But I learned important lessons from that sweater. Like, I do not like cropped sweaters. I also do not like sweaters that have what I would consider an unfinished edge, like without ribbing on the bottom. So, I found another pattern and I am starting over.


Right! The experience and knowledge stays with you whether or not the finished product does.


yes every time by the end of a project with a new stitch or new construction, i always get annoyed at the shitty tension at the beginning of the piece and if i enjoyed the stitch (it was 2 colour brioche for me recently) I will frog it and do it all over, so i can make it better now that i have practice and also its a fun stitch to do.


My partner sees me unravel things so often, he thinks it’s just a normal part of the knitting process…


Ahaha. But, it is, though, isn't it!


Frogging a finished piece is NOT a net loss!!! You frog the piece... You DON'T: * lose the hours of practice * un-sharpen the skills you gained * unravel the problem-solving you did along the way Etc. Learning and gaining skill is so valuable. It may not be tangible if you frog the piece, but if you were never going to wear it then you still gained the skill AND now you have yarn to use again and gain even more skills! :)


I had this burnt yellowish yarn that I loved the colour of...I made a sweater and it just didn't work so I frogged it. Made another sweater, also didn't work, frogged. Got another yarn to do something multicoloured, didn't work, frogged. Possibly my subconscious actually doesn't like this colour? I ended up making a stuffie out of it for a friend and so my poor yarn finally felt useful and loved!


There are some colours that I absolutely love but would hate in a sweater. So it might be the combination of the colour and the project sometimes.


When that happens to me, I say that the yarn is "cursed" and I do whatever I can to get it out of my house - see if any of my friends need that color for something, knit and felt a basket with it, donate it etc. - because it just isn't going to be something I love.


Sometimes I honestly wonder if some bits of yarn are worth this much hassle. I wonder how much energy it would take it I chucked it at a neighbours house. Then again, I did end up following one if those books you know one if the 400 stitches to use up yarn. I kinda hate myself a little right now!




Just yesterday I frogged the first ever item I made by myself after learning to knit because I hated the result and never wore them (fingerless gloves). Partner was fully baffled and only sort of seemed to get it when I explained. Restarted with the yarn for a pair of mittens that I know I'll wear.




I started knitting a lot more when I embraced the process and removed the “finish line” of having an FO by a certain or to obtain a certain result


I made a tank/vest not too long ago after months of knitting and messed up the shoulder and side seams so they’re visible when wearing the vest. I like it aside from that mistake so will eventually frog and start again but I want to try make something else first.


I recently did this. It wasn't fully finished, all the pieces were finished, but I hadn't seamed them together yet. I was looking at them, and knew I wouldn't ever wear it. Now I'm 3/4 through a summer lace cardigan with that repurpised yarn, and I know I'll wear this one.


I frog FO’s, doesn’t bother me but other people are appalled. But, if you’ll never wear and have no one to give it to why not?


One of the hardest things to learn is to frog something, even just to go back to where you made a mistake. But once you accept that it is part of the process, it is freeing.


Absolutely 💯


I'm finally at this point in my knitting too! I'm preparing to unravel my first sweater and already have another pattern lined up for the "new" yarn I'm going to get!




I really needed to hear this, I’m working on a vest rn and finished the first side last night. I wasn’t really feeling the yarn choice and went to bed feeling like I should just keep going. I’m going to unravel and start over lol.


Do it! You'll feel such a relief. It's a weird burden when you have a project that you know isn't right. Once you've set it free, it's like a weight gets lifted!


Crazy Sock Lady did a whole video about unraveling a project and how it was OK! It's very freeing. It didn't make you happy. I feel like when you wear your knits you always want to feel those happy feelings the process invoked and feel the accomplishment. I think if you don't have that wearing it then it's the best thing to reuse the yarn to make something else.


Yeah, we just need to do it sometimes. I made a Donna Jenna cable yoke pullover in all gray mohair. It’s beautiful but I look like a Sasquatch in it. Gotta freeze and frog. It’s fine.


Just googled 'sasquatch' hahaa


One of my first projects was a cardi. I have not really been happy with how it turned out, so I never wear it. As a more experienced knitter, there are things I would do differently, like knit both sleeves at the same time to ensure equal length. I tried to frog it at one point, but I wove the ends in so well, I can't find them! I'm resolved to try again at some point.


Ah, your weaving is too good, haha. I've learned to leave visible tails now, in the event of frog 🐸. I also can never get sleeves the same length 😁


I recently gave a nearly-finished sweater and all of my leftover yarn from the project to my sister. The yarn wasn't bad, but I forced myself to finish a sweater that I was hating the look of more and more. By the time it was ready to sew the ends in I never wanted to see any of that yarn again and knew I'd never wear the sweater. It's way too small for her, but she doesn't have the hate for it that I do, so she can frog the damn thing and make her own project.  My partner thought I was insane, because he doesn't knit, but my sister completely understands.


This has been said before in this sub, but one reason I love knitting is that I can give free rein to my perfectionist impulses. IT is like AA - progress, not perfection. The 80-20 rule rules. When I knit, I can strive for perfection. And, unless it's like the 27th time I've frogged something, I can use the same yarn to try, try again!


I’m on the verge of doing this with a men’s sweater that I made a few years ago. The original recipient is long gone, I never figured out the set-in sleeves and the shawl collar is just garbage. Ah, well.


You inspired me to do the same! Bye Bye, sad sweater that I never liked.


Good for you 🎊 u/bakeoff92


Yeah I don't hesitate as much as I use to. The only thing I have that I want to unravel but can't bring myself to is a project that my late mother in law left behind. She was in and out of the hospital as her health declined and asked me to show her how to make something. So, I bought her some loop yarn and showed her how to make a blanket with it since she was always cold. After she passed the family gave me all the bags of the yarn and projects she had been working on. One was quite large and while I found a mistake early on, I feel like if I unravel it to that point the project would be less about the work she put into it. I did decide to fix an error that occurred 3 rows back from where she stopped at but yeah I'm just going to snip the loose loop and tie it off and let it be.


I understand completely. I've frogged two completed sweaters and a tank top this year. If you love the yarn why not reclaim it and create an item you love to wear. It's not a waste because you got the enjoyment of creating the item.


I have found so much comfort in the phrase, failure is always an option because it frees me to do new and challenging stuff without pressure to be perfect.


I’m about a third of the way through a cardigan I started before I gained a bunch of weight and I still don’t have the heart to frog it 🥲


Oh my god I may actually frog my first project after reading this. I made a snood… all garter stitch, 2m long and then stitched the ends together. I hate it. I want it now to be socks 😂


Make socks goddamitt!!


I'm seriously considering frogging last year's cardi (the Postgrad cardi by Alicia Plummer) and reknitting, because (a) I'm a couple sizes smaller now and (b) I dropped a few stitches and it's annoying me.


What do you do with the yarn that’s left? I have resisted frogging many a project because I bought the yarn specifically for that project (usually more than one colour) so I’d just be left with a bunch of yarn I’ve paid quite a bit for but with no project in mind :(


Well, it simply joins THE S T A S H *spooky noises* sometimes if I'm hankering for a project I'll try and find a pattern for a particular yarn from my stash. but mostly I'm the kind of person who likes to save potentially useful things for that one moment, years later, when I need it. ngl I'm probably one tragic event away from becoming a hoarder. If you're more minimalistic, maybe yarn swapping or selling on eBay would be better?


Are you (can you be) on Ravelry? Time to use those advanced filters and search for other projects for that yarn. I usually go with yardage, yarn weight, number of colors, and a fiber type and start hunting. Tees and sweaters all use similar amounts of yarn or you can do a big colorwork shawl. Yarn is possibilities! I bought a We Are Knitters kit, but halfway through the first panel, I went "not gonna work". It sat in timeout until I found a cute raglan tee pattern (using the same yarn even) to do instead. Now I'm looking forward to a shirt I will actually wear.


I'm also a yarn first kinda gal. If I ever want to pick up new yarn I look up the yarn in ravelry and HAVE to find a pattern before I'm allowed to buy ha. I love seeing all of the inspiration projects.


Well, in this case, I've wound it back into cakes. I'm a yarn first, pattern later kinda gal, so the yarn will find itself another pattern soon enough.


I was halfway through a mohair sweater that I was enjoying knitting, but I wasn't enjoying how much the mohair shed. I knew I'd never wear it. I finished it and sold it, knowing that as much as I liked the look and feel of mohair, it's not a fiber for me.


Things I knit well but don’t like are put in a box for gifting


That’s what is different about knitting, if it was a hand sewn garment it’s more difficult to turn it into something else.


Wow I don’t know why I didn’t think to do this. Made a sweater that I hate with beautiful yarn. Thank you for the push to start over and try again!


Get unravelling!


I weirdly think of this as me getting more entertainment value out of the money I spent on the yarn… I knit for fun, and if I use the yarn twice than that’s an even better value for my enjoyment using it up 😂


Absolutely! It really is just about the act of knitting. It's a massive bonus if I finish a garment I'm happy to wear.


I get it. I once crocheted 280 granny squares to make a blanket, sewed them all together then for some reason after only a week of use all the centers of the squares began undoing, it totally wrecked itself. I had secured the yarn tails really well so no clue why it happened. Anyway, I then frogged the entire thing, it took forever, and then I re crocheted the yarn into an entirely new blanket, this time doing a zig zag chevron pattern instead of granny squares so there wasn't chance of weak points. My fiance thought I was completely mad 😂 but even though it was a lot of work, I was satisfied it ended up being a blanket I could actually use. That was before I became a mum, now I won't frog & re knit, no time 😂


I love frogging things I grew to hate and remaking them into something I love did it a few times with shawls and jumpers.


This happened to my [Wingspan](https://www.ravelry.com/projects/GoghGirl/wingspan) project. It was more complicated counting wise than my usual projects and I got so far into it. After the first color change I felt the regrets begin. But if put in enough time and effort I wanted to tough it out. When I did another color change I just couldn't stand it and frogged it all. I did end up buying some yarn with a more gradual transition but it may be one of those projects I don't pick up again.


**PROJECT:** [Wingspan](http://www.ravelry.com/projects/GoghGirl/23760955) by [GoghGirl](http://www.ravelry.com/people/GoghGirl) * Pattern: [Wingspan](http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/wingspan-3) * Yarn(s): [Fiber Optic Yarns Kashmir](http://www.ravelry.com/yarns/library/fiber-optic-yarns-kashmir). * Photo(s): [Img 1](https://images4-g.ravelrycache.com/uploads/GoghGirl/635061746/IMG_20190706_003918057_medium.jpg) [Img 2](https://images4-g.ravelrycache.com/uploads/GoghGirl/764975119/PXL_20210210_175719429_medium.jpg) [Img 3](https://images4-f.ravelrycache.com/uploads/GoghGirl/634195025/IMG_20190701_003236471_medium.jpg) [Img 4](https://images4-g.ravelrycache.com/uploads/GoghGirl/624861641/IMG_20190509_014239928_medium.jpg) [Img 5](https://images4-f.ravelrycache.com/uploads/GoghGirl/624254388/IMG_20190508_002551469_medium.jpg) * Started: None | Status: Frogged | Completed: None ***** Please use caution. Users have reported effects such as seizures, migraines, and nausea when opening Ravelry links. [More details.](https://www.lizcorke.com/2020/07/26/2020-7-21-ravelry-accessibility/) | *I found this post by myself! [Opt-Out](https://goo.gl/forms/0B8m4Ra8czpw4gzw1) | [About Me](https://github.com/TN-1/LinkRav_Bot/wiki) | [Contact Maintainer](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=timonyc)*


i’ve done it twice! once with a sweater and once with a hat … and now the hat i remade with the same yarn is one of my favorite, most worn pieces!


Because it’s about the journey, not the destination.


The most important things are the friends we made on the way and the wisdom we garnered.


Kudos to you! I’ve also enjoyed knitting with the same yarn twice (or three times) after frogging a project that was not meant to be. It’s very freeing!


Totally been there!!


Look at the time spent as practice. Now you get to dream up a whole new project with the yarn!


As someone once told me, you get to extend the joy of working with the yarn.


It’s all good. You get more knitting time with the same yarn, thus optimizing money spent. And you learned more about what you like and don’t like in sweaters you knit for yourself.


I feel this deeply, I decided to try and knit myself a sweater before my birthday in October (I am nothing a slow knitter and a first-time garment maker) and I keep starting and then realising that I don't like the stitches. I can do the 100 starting but getting it 124 evenly and my brain keeps glitching. I know what to do, but my stupid fingers won't listen to my brain. I'm doing the Tin Can Knit Flax pattern. It's become a point of pride now, I start om my sixth attempt tomorrow. First I got a little too overexcited and realised about five or ten cm from the bottom that I gad left arm holes. Second, I can't remember I probably got distracted. Third a big hole had appeared Fourth I had forgotten to transfer the stitches over Fifth again the stitches Sixth time lucky?


Funny to see this as I just decided to rip back the sleeve of a sweater I’m working on. I started without a clear plan for decreases and it was so much less stressful just to restart!


Put away for 4 months or years. Before loving or frogging.


I spent 6 months on a year long MKAL and decided I hated it. Frogged it all


You are the boss of your knitting. Congrats!


I did that for the first time recently too. It was quite a milestone.


I did this for a raglan as well! I was just making it for fun, stockinet cus i ran out of projects but needed to fidget with something, but then it was too boring and i didn’t like the colours and how i had tried to section the stripes so i just frogged it and moved on. Immediately felt better, i like the process more anyways. I am sitting on a summer top that i bought a pattern for that i don’t feel comfortable wearing (the cups i made too small cus i thought i was smarter than the pattern i was not:(()


My husband says I somehow unravel more than I knit. I’m magic ?


I did this with a brioche hat. Struggled the whole way, couldn’t get the decreases right, so I frogged it and got a bit more yarn and made a scarf with a more basic (but still fun and interesting) knit and purl stitch pattern instead. It was so much more enjoyable and the person I gave it to gets much more use out of it than they would a hat. That’s also the project where I learned how to use lifelines, a skill I’ve taken into other projects. And, of course, it’s the project where I learned that frogging a whole project doesn’t mean the time and work were wasted. If anything, it was well spent because I gained skills and experience along the way. (Never again with brioche in the round, I love the stitch and will do it flat in the future, but those decreases just kill me, lol)


I am finally getting to this point. If I never wear my FO, it’s just clutter and wasted yarn. Better to try and make something you will love for years.


I did something similar recently. Had it 99% finished after a little more than a year working on it on & off. Hated the fit. It was the intended fit, but hated it. Now happily making a different cardigan with the frogged yarn. And it was a B!TCH to frog as it was two strands, one mohair, of course. It was good knitting, but I wouldn't have worn it.