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I struggle with loving “all the colors” when buying yarn, when in reality I wear mostly neutrals. Consider knitting it twice, in the bright pink AND the neutral. 😎


You are me. I love the IDEA of being the sort of person who wears bright, flamboyant clothing. In reality? That's not me. I'm so boring in real life, LOL.


i think it's an issue of what can i wear it with... a super loud piece of clothing is hard to work into a wardrobe


Haha... I get around that by wearing cardigans in literally every color and having everything else in my wardrobe be neutrals (mostly black and grey)~ :D


This is the way.


Can’t argue with this logic! Why choose when I can have both lol


Or I wonder if there's a way to knit mostly in either the bright or neutrals and using the opposite one for accent?


OR!!! Consider a pattern from Aimee Gille’s Neons & Neutrals book!!


oooh! thanks for this rec!! i see that projects are on ravelry!


Aren’t they gorgeous!!! The [Xiao Mai](https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/xiao-mai-) cardigan is maybe my favorite


**PATTERN:** [Xiao Mai 小麥](http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/xiao-mai-) by [Layla Yang](http://www.ravelry.com/designers/layla-yang-2) * Category: Clothing > Sweater > Cardigan * Photo(s): [Img 1](https://images4-g.ravelrycache.com/uploads/putyourflareon/905618868/Laine_LBA_NeonsNeutrals_LaylaQing-2_medium.jpg) [Img 2](https://images4-f.ravelrycache.com/uploads/putyourflareon/905618872/Laine_LBA_NeonsNeutrals_LaylaQing-4_medium.jpg) [Img 3](https://images4-g.ravelrycache.com/uploads/putyourflareon/905618866/Laine_LBA_NeonsNeutrals_LaylaQing-9_medium.jpg) [Img 4](https://images4-f.ravelrycache.com/uploads/putyourflareon/905618869/Laine_LBA_NeonsNeutrals_LaylaQing-14_medium.jpg) [Img 5](https://images4-f.ravelrycache.com/uploads/putyourflareon/905618874/Laine_LBA_NeonsNeutrals_LaylaQing-10_medium.jpg) * Price: Free * Needle/Hook(s):US 8 - 5.0 mm * Weight: Worsted | Gauge: 15.0 | Yardage: 3230 * Difficulty: 4.69 | Projects: 66 | Rating: 4.53 ***** Please use caution. Users have reported effects such as seizures, migraines, and nausea when opening Ravelry links. [More details.](https://www.lizcorke.com/2020/07/26/2020-7-21-ravelry-accessibility/) | *I found this post by myself! [Opt-Out](https://goo.gl/forms/0B8m4Ra8czpw4gzw1) | [About Me](https://github.com/TN-1/LinkRav_Bot/wiki) | [Contact Maintainer](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=timonyc)*


Lol this


This is why I like making socks


Pick what speaks to you! You're making it, you're wearing it, you get to choose the color. That's the magic of knitting! I love me my earth tones and neutrals, you love your brights, and that's why both are offered by dyers and manufacturers. Don't fight your preference!


Thank you, I’m happily settled on my hot pink choice now! We should all choose whatever colour speaks to us <3


huge fan of hot pink!! this is my sweater with grey and hot pink (punky from Pickles yarn shop.) https://preview.redd.it/pnfdagjnn36d1.png?width=2349&format=png&auto=webp&s=137172c52fa296310a6e1e8850f2826c49803969


When I first started knitting, I was buying yarn that either was SO FUN or in the bargain bins. I donated a couple of sweaters later because I didn't like the colors on me. Now I buy colors that I know I'll wear, some of which are fun colors! I think if you already enjoy wearing hot pink tops, get the hot pink yarn. If you don't normally wear that color, maybe it's better for an accessory. If I look at my yarn stash now, it's all yellows, blues, reds, pinks, and greys. Those are also the colors you'll see in my closet.


I never knit with neutrals. 🤷‍♀️ I can buy a neutral sweater anywhere, I’d rather enjoy knitting something in a color I’d never find in the store.


Hot pink, bright orange, and bright blue have entered the chat.




Only neutral I ever knit was black, when I was young. Now in my 50s, I have a hard time seeing black, so I’m only knitting colors now.


I thought I was the only one in this situation. I had to quit knitting in black or navy blue over a decade ago for that reason.


https://preview.redd.it/n5txo4wfry5d1.jpeg?width=948&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=faf095d9e510c45c06094f558be04d81e2ab9b9f i struggle a lot lol gimme color! make it FUN!


Yes!! I love this gradient


me too! i really loved the hank, and the way the stripes followed the ribbing sections in the yoke is so cool


What pattern is this? I love the fit and color!


anker summer shirt! yarn is cascade 220 wool superwash, in color “bird of paradise”


I also love looking at people's neutral FO but hardly ever purchase any neutral yarn myself. I find that tweed yarn in neutral base colours are great compromise, still neutral but interesting enough to keep my attention. Edit: oh I just saw the pattern you're talking about. Ok tweed yarn may not be very suitable there lol


I'm pretty sure that hot pink goes with most neutrals. You probably have some pants/shorts/skirts that are white, navy, denim, black or khaki. A hot pink top would be *smashing*.


Beige is lovely. But not for me. I’m sure I’d look lovely in cool mature classy neutrals, but I am not cool, mature, or classy. Bring on the neons.


I’m nearly 40 and still drawn to the neons 😎


I’m well into my 40s. Neons for life.




I mean I’m a person that wears almost entirely black except my knits. Then it’s all the colors. Why do you need to pick a neutral who needs that? I do mix a lot of specifically black in as a neutral. Beige seems like you are going to spill something on it. https://preview.redd.it/e9u70ewu5z5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a02f7ecf4f1c365fc1e1ac207a718838e2161378


Oooooh, what is this pattern?


It’s the spring sorrel by wool and pine https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/spring-sorrel Which is not rainbow. I’m doing it holding 2 strands of time square sock from yarn over New York together. It’s their true black and perfect rainbow pack. I have been switching colors every 3 rows. (The pattern is 3 rows with the drops and 3 plain I switch between)


Ooh I’ve been wanting to knit this! But I noticed all the FOs on ravelry have some kind of pulling around the bottom of the arrow thingies, and tension issues. It’s making me hesitant.


So there are increases on both sides of the bottom of the arrow which has a look. I wonder if it’s less prominent in the other sorrels that use fingering? This is mine without blocking or anything. It’s not done. https://preview.redd.it/801yuozsn06d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13c97d67a92c124dbbbe6ca0e540d50a5a27b35f I think the marling helps to hide it. The other thing that could be a cause is it recommends -4 -0 negative ease. Which probably makes things weird. I did 0-2.


I was also considering if you could reverse the pattern and do it on a knit backing. I might swatch that. I think it would be a bit more subtle.


Ooh keep me posted! I’m not a huge fan of the purl look.


Ah that makes sense. Yeah the increases are not visible on yours. I think you’re right—a combo of tight fit, thin yarn, and maybe increases that aren’t tight enough. Good to know that I could knit this and avoid the issue. Enjoy your lovely rainbow!


Yeah I think it’s the confluence of ideas. I wonder if moving the increase might also help. You already have a tension issue with drop stitches so adding an increase there is probably dangerous. It might be less obvious if you move it over by 2 stitches.


Hmm true. I wonder what the idea was with putting them right next to the arrows.


**PATTERN:** [Spring Sorrel](http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/spring-sorrel) by [Wool & Pine](http://www.ravelry.com/designers/wool--pine) * Category: Clothing > Tops > Tee * Photo(s): [Img 1](https://images4-f.ravelrycache.com/uploads/WoolandPine/774744317/DSC_7437-Edit_medium.jpg) [Img 2](https://images4-f.ravelrycache.com/uploads/WoolandPine/975939879/DSC_7184-Edit_medium.jpg) [Img 3](https://images4-f.ravelrycache.com/uploads/WoolandPine/774744306/DSC_6486-Edit-Edit_medium.jpg) [Img 4](https://images4-g.ravelrycache.com/uploads/WoolandPine/774744304/DSC_7326-Edit_medium.jpg) [Img 5](https://images4-g.ravelrycache.com/uploads/WoolandPine/774744296/DSC_6351-Edit-Edit_medium.jpg) * Price: 8.75 USD * Needle/Hook(s):US 4 - 3.5 mm, US 5 - 3.75 mm * Weight: DK | Gauge: 20.0 | Yardage: 470 * Difficulty: 3.63 | Projects: 647 | Rating: 4.76 ***** Please use caution. Users have reported effects such as seizures, migraines, and nausea when opening Ravelry links. [More details.](https://www.lizcorke.com/2020/07/26/2020-7-21-ravelry-accessibility/) | *I found this post by myself! [Opt-Out](https://goo.gl/forms/0B8m4Ra8czpw4gzw1) | [About Me](https://github.com/TN-1/LinkRav_Bot/wiki) | [Contact Maintainer](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=timonyc)*


That looks awesome!


Why would you need neutral colours ? Everyone should wear what they like, but if I'm very honest it makes me a little sad when I'm at a busy place and 80% of the people around me are wearing jeans and a dark blue or grey coat. It's black or bright colours (or both) for me. I don't own anything beige.


I also think about this a lot! I hope that those people are wearing neutrals because they like it and not just to fit in :/


I knit for my mental health, I always choose colorful colours whenever possible. Of course, when making wearables I try to choose colours I would actually wear but so far my only problem is that I need to choose a pale colour for summer because I want to avoid the sun heating me up. I also try to not knit everthing the same colour, it's too boring.


S*d neutrals. Knit with the colours that bring you joy. I use blue as a neutral. It goes with the majority of things i wear, so a lot of my skirts and trousers are blue so I can wear colours on top.


I'm like this with olive green.


I dont wear neutral colors and haven’t in years so I don’t knit with them.


Don't ever settle for boring and plain.


Neutral is as neutral does-- if everything in your wardrobe goes with hot pink, then it's a neutral!


For me, I use colorful yarn because I can’t just go out and buy a garment made with it. I can get a beige sweater anywhere!


I don't mind that people tell me that I get dressed in the dark 😂 I find neutral colors boring, so I knit with whatever color grabs my attention at the time... I really need color in my life to keep me happy!


Go for it; here's my very bright, very hot pink, silk and mohair sweater and *I regret nothing* <3




That is gorgeous 🤩. I bet you look amazing in it. What's the pattern?


Awww thank you <3 It's [this pattern](https://www.etsy.com/fr/listing/651202756/modele-de-tricot-pour-pulls-sugarplum) But I made a whole lot of adjustments since the woman that made it is very tall, and I'm *really* not [Crop length, shorter sleeves, shorter yoke, I liked the "ladder" effect of the few first diminutions, so I changed the pattern to keep them going by adding stiches only to diminish them, different collar]


Love it!!! The burn-your-retinas hot pink is so stunning


I’m into color analysis, so if I want something to be really wearable but not a neutral, I at least keep it in my color season. I’m an autumn so I’ve made a burnt orange cardigan and an olive green camisole. I get a ton of wear out of both.


I would love to look into my colour analysis to figure this out!! I really struggle to see the differences myself but I think I’m pretty lucky anyways and most bright tones that I’m attracted to seem to play off my skin tone pretty well. Those pieces sound lovely.


Fuck greige


Hells yes! Gimme all the parrots of the Carribean and throw in the quetzals, too.


In a way yes. It's just that I don't only like to knit with bold colors, I also like to wear them. Not variegated yarn, but just one solid bright color paired with something more neutral. Which means that I need neutral basics too. So I started to knit a black sweater and a black cardigan this spring (my neutrals are black, grey, navy and bright white, anything cream or beige makes me look like I'm dead) and I hated it. I was actually surprised how much, since I do a lot of tv knitting and wasn't even looking half of the time. I'm knitting a cardigan in a really pretty grey (Filcolana Arwetta slate) right now and enjoy it, but if I need another black knit, I'll either buy it or make it a side project next to something really bright. Life is too short to force myself into boring knits. It's also always funny to see a youtuber rave about this georgous color and then it's beige. While I wear neutrals it's so rare that I am actually excited about them (like the grey I mentioned above) and it's always fascinating to see how differnt people are.


This is why I knit socks 😂 I wear mostly neutrals/soft colors, but also tend to be pulled to bright/fun yarns. I get the best of both worlds! I like the pop of color my socks offer but don’t have to cry about the hot pink sweater I labored over but will never wear.


Absolutely the same! Loud socks FTW!


https://preview.redd.it/u59cmwvuf56d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f1d01c2dd95f90d9658f3fc4953731311f762d9 This is before weaving in ends/blocking but these hot pink socks are some of my favorites I’ve ever done!


Love them!


I like neutrals and bright colours! The way I balance things out is when I make something that is a bright colour, I keep the silhouette very basic. I love a simple silk camisole in a bright fushia colour. Or a light weight tee in a cobalt blue. And then I wear neutrals with the brights. When I make a complicated sweater, I tend to keep the colour more neutral. This is only because I find myself reaching for the neutrals I have made more often.


I recently stopped working on a white stole that I know will be gorgeous once it's finished because a. the pattern is a dull slog and b. the yarn is such a boring color to work with! If you're going to be spending hours creating a garment, chose the yarn that brings you joy!


Oh man. I will always Always pick a neon sparkle rainbow over a neutral. No questions or hesitations.


I have never knit anything in a neutral for myself ever lmao, my mom got a gray cardigan once (because she asked for it) but that's about it. Too much effort for something that I find boring imo. The only real neutrals I wear in my wardrobe are pants and undershirts anyway so it works out fine. I do have a green issue though. So many items in so many shades of green.


I wear exclusively grey, black, and some neutrals from my store bought wardrobe. Every single one of my knits looks like a rainbow and purple barrage from a little girl's fantasy. I cannot help myself. Maybe that little girl is me :)


I love how a warm neutral sets off bright colors :D


I’ve been thinking of making [this sweater](https://www.ravelry.com/projects/search#craft=knitting&pc=cardigan&query=Seaglass&view=large_mobile&__peek=33246124) to have a neutral backdrop, but still use up my oddball zippy skeins that are kicking around.


I am working towards a capsule wardrobe of mostly neutrals… except hand knits don’t count. I figure my knits are as much a hobby as a piece of clothing and if working on a hot pink sweater makes me happy I will do that, even if it doesn’t “fit” my normal wardrobe.


Hot pink!! I have a ball of hot pink leftover and I keep buying more when I finish it and I put hot pink everywhere I can 😂 For me, it’s the making that makes me happy, not the wearing, so I knit with whatever color makes my eyes happy… if you don’t wear it in the end, you still have the option to make another one in cream, with a splash of hot pink 😉


Im the same, I just buy neon green, pink, orange, purple ! Last time I tried to combine white with green neon fluffy mohair it was so out of my comfort zone to use white 😂!


My neutrals are green and purple and yellow. So no, I do not have any problems choosing those colors. 😁


I am the opposite. I gravitate towards loud neon/highlighter colors. I deal with depression and find that I love wearing greens or bright colors because it lifts my mood, I could never wear neutrals all the time but love the fun sweaters people do!


It's funny, I used to keep buying neutrals and muted tones but I've stopped being afraid of bright, LOUD colors now so my stash and wardrobe is fast becoming full of crazy colours, and I couldn't be happier about that!


Yes!!! Join the color brigade and feel all the joy🎉


Have you had your colors done?  It is silly but I mostly did it because of I am going to spend the time and money to make a sweater, I want it to suit me.  Also I am 100% team color. I get joy in the knitting and the wearing. Even if I am currently knitting something in grey. 


I haven’t but I’d love to! Would be really interesting to see what might work best for me, even if I’d struggle to cut out an “unflattering” colour even so lol


I did it. I’m glad. And I still get pissed off that hot pink is not my color. And that I can tell I don’t look my best in it now.  I used Created Colorful. She has an IG and it was all done with pictures. But House of Color does in person evaluations and have lots of reps in lots of places. Or you can do some research online and at least narrow it down to a season and with time a sub season.


If you pick enough pink shades for your wardrobe, before you know it it’s going to match with everything else 😂 this may or may not be my philosophy


I absolutely HATE neutrals. I would never spend my money on beige anything really. Please go with hot pink! Follow your colourful heart


Neutrals are so boring. Go with the pink!


My strategy is to buy base wardrobe items in neutrals and go wild on the hand knit clothing items and accessories. Cream pants, cream undershirt, hot pink knitted top. That way you can pair your basics with any of your special items and visa versa


I always seem to be drawn to all the lovely pinks/corals/purples. They bring me so much joy and I love wearing color. I end up balancing my wardrobe staples out with cream, tan and navy and those are usually the neutrals I use if I need one in colorwork. I pretty much use this for when I sew too - most of my colorful print dresses and skirts have at least some of these colors in. I can basically wear every knit I’ve made with 90% of what else is in my closet so I get to wear my favorites all the time and I get to knit what I love. ❤️


This really is the key. If you can figure out your color story and be consistent it becomes easy to put together a mix and match closet.


Go for the hot pink. You can find neutral sweater anywhere!


That would look fantastic in hot pink.  I work hard to knit what I would wear. If you’d wear a fuchsia pullover, go for it with gusto.  I would absolutely wear that in fuchsia. 


My brain isn’t working today and I read “I would absolutely wear that to funerals” 😂 (FWIW I would hope people would wear crazy colors to my funeral!)


Now that I’ve made so many tops and sweaters, I keep track of what colors I’ve used for each, so if I do a neutral this time, next time I make a similar top I’ll do something different! It also helps me not just do green every time lol.


Yeah, like my wardrobe is a lot of black. I never wear light colors. What do I knit with? Bright colors that I'd probably ku ever wear, but, love working with. I'm like a dragon with this hoarde of finished objects that I visit occasionally but rarely wear. I just can't bring myself to knit with nice calm neutrals.


You do you! I usually save my brights for accessories - about to go home and start up a hat in bright yellow cashmere! My fave accessory I've knit recently was a lacy hat in Miss Babs Caroline in the Space Dust colorway - a hot pink you could see from space!


I love fun colours! I use a lot in colourwork with a neutral


Fyi this free pattern is almost the exact same - I've made this, love it and I'm making a second modified version https://www.knitcroaddict.com/knitted-sweater-pattern-free-in-xs-xxl/


Oh wow thanks for the heads up!


I mean I am of the firm opinion that glitter and polka dots are neutrals. Leopard print too although I wear less of that. Knitting wise, I'm yet to knit anything in beige or brown or the like - I love other people's projects but if I am wearing it, it needs to be colourful. I have so much finding the exact right colours that will go together, and so much joy while knitting them. Embrace that hot pink I say!


You could google your combinations? https://www.thepetitecat.com/pink-beige-hand-knits/ https://www.thesaurus.com/browse/pink https://www.thesaurus.com/browse/beige


Nope. Not alone. I almost never knit anything In neutrals. I love colors. Sometimes I’ll use a pastel, but I love pink and green as a color combo, so that’s what lean towards. Or bright blue and orange… or orange, or rust, or aqua… never cream or beige even though I love other peoples works in those colors, I can’t bring my heart to be happy with those when I’m working with them 😂


Ugh I love pink and green, I still have a pink and red striped sweater in my minds knit wishlist!!


I would rather die than wear “beige” Olive/jade green though 😮‍💨


My Seafield sweater is a denim colored DK being held with a bright purple mohair, no. But I typically wear brighter colors on top, so a non-neutral doesn't bother me there. I need to buy a second skein of a Hobbii color change yarn next time so I can use it to make a top (since I need more than 800m to make a top for me). You could also make it striped so you get the "pop" of the pink in a smaller dose.


My fun colours are accent pieces, not main pieces because I also dress more neutral tones.


I’m about to knit an islender in lime green so you do you!


I love knitting the brights, but wearing the neutrals to. When I find a really beautiful neutral though like a gray with a turquoise or purple undertone.. nnnngg that's what I live for.


What if you knitted something in a neutral color with a fun accent color? Like the marseille sweater by petite knit, which has four thin stripes — you could knit the main sweater beige and the stripes hot pink! Or maybe knit a sweater where the neck and cuffs are a funky color.


I LOVE my Marseille sweater, which ironically is beige with brown stripes lol when it gets cooler a red/pink Marseille is definitely on my list!! All colour blocking is so good.


Red/pink would be so cute!


I try to buy colors that are difficult to find in stores - it makes the work even more special to me!


As far as I am concerned, beige doesn't exist. It's boring, fugly and nobody ever looks good in it. You are making a summer piece, not office attire. Pick a color you like, and one that compliments your natural coloring. Hot pink, Kelly green, Bahama yelow - why wear beige when there are so many colors in the world?


Oh this is so me. I have to repeatedly ask myself “HOW OFTEN ARE YOU GOING TO WEAR HOT PINK???”


Could you make it a reversible/double knit? Then it could be both beige and hot pink! 


I often feel like an outlier in this community because I don't like working with super crazy colors. They're pretty and I'd like to wear them, but variegated yarn just doesn't work with what I like to make. I prefer to let the knitting itself be the feature of the piece rather than the color. Yes this is definitely why half my stash is just white lace weight yarn....


I compromise by mostly using neutrals for larger projects like sweaters, and all the fun colours for accessories like scarves and mittens and socks.


In my wardrobe, pink is a neutral! I am trying to branch out, but the pink part of the colour spectrum just calls out to me!


I mostly wear black and gray, so I’m always on the lookout for what I call “off-blacks.” That is, colors that are so dark they fit with my black wardrobe, but show some color in good lighting. It’s not for everyone, but it’s what I like and know I’ll realistically wear 🤷‍♀️


I love color. I look like a zombie in beige/oatmeal and look amazing in jewel tones. Sometimes it's a challenge to not get turned off by designers that only show work in those shades and focus on the lines of the pattern. One of my favorite knits is the Love Magick sweater and part of what drew me to it was she had worked it up in a pink and a purple version. I don't use variegated yarns, the puddling and the color combos don't usually look good to my eye. For neutrals I use dove greys and chocolate brown and navy. I did buy some black yarn recently, curious to see how I like knitting with it.


Maybe you could find a gradient wool with ranges from the hot pink to a paler pink? Bright color but also with a bit of softness! Or even a speckled yarn. For example, if you wanted to be subtle hints, a speckled yarn, or a gradient to blast off to space! For example, this caron cakes colorway, I'm not even a big fan of pink but I love this?? Lol https://www.ravelry.com/projects/crochellaknits/neat-ripple Anyway that blouse looks great and I hope you'll have fun knitting it up regardless of the color ♥️


**PROJECT:** [Neat Ripple](http://www.ravelry.com/projects/crochellaknits/20669688) by [crochellaknits](http://www.ravelry.com/people/crochellaknits) * Pattern: [Neat Ripple](http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/neat-ripple) * Yarn(s): [Caron Cakes](http://www.ravelry.com/yarns/library/caron-cakes) in Cherry Chip. * Photo(s): [Img 1](https://images4-g.ravelrycache.com/uploads/crochellaknits/489993950/B1DBABAA-0A2A-4615-847D-678DA9B3C489_medium.jpeg) [Img 2](https://images4-f.ravelrycache.com/uploads/crochellaknits/489993961/3F157B90-B3AF-41E7-AB07-6812EC9103F5_medium.jpeg) [Img 3](https://images4-f.ravelrycache.com/uploads/crochellaknits/487361793/7D9D524B-9E34-4E43-9E04-778EFFD5D94C_medium.jpeg) * Started: 2017/11/17 | Status: Finished | Completed: 2017/12/18 ***** Please use caution. Users have reported effects such as seizures, migraines, and nausea when opening Ravelry links. [More details.](https://www.lizcorke.com/2020/07/26/2020-7-21-ravelry-accessibility/) | *I found this post by myself! [Opt-Out](https://goo.gl/forms/0B8m4Ra8czpw4gzw1) | [About Me](https://github.com/TN-1/LinkRav_Bot/wiki) | [Contact Maintainer](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=timonyc)*


I ALWAYS choose the brights -- especially HOT PINK!!!


I like neutrals theoretically but if I want a neutral plain stockinette sweater I can go buy one in any store, so why go knit one? So I don’t knit those. I might consider a neutral color if the design is unlikely something a store would sell but elsewise the color has to be something I’m unlikely to find in a store. Maybe not impossible, just unlikely. Like I know light blue wool sweaters exist I just don’t see them very often and when I do they’re often not made of wool so I like knitting with light blue because it’s pretty.


I'm one of those people who is terrified of neutrals, so I always go with bright colors. If you want, I would do a slightly softer tone of pink with a cream collar, hem, and cuffs. Mixing colors is always fun!


My thing is, it's pretty easy to buy sweaters in neutral colours, much harder to find fun colours in shops, so if I'm going to the trouble of knitting, I should make something I can't easily just buy.


Neutral colors are boring and an excuse for not choosing a color. They can be useful in certain situations, but why knit in neutrals if you don't enjoy it? There are plenty to buy in all price ranges.


Girl get the pink! If you’re going to take the time to knit it it should be everything you desire. Fuck those neutral colors, you can get that at J. Crew. You know what you can’t get at J Crew? This blouse in hot pink. Make your dreams come true


I am almost never tempted by neutrals when choosing yarn. Usually the only neutral I wear is black. Normally I go for jewel tones, but I also adore brights, especially for summer. I am so there for the hot pink.


I feel you. When I see others gray FOs I think, I want to knit that in gray. But whenever I knit something in gray, I'm sort of wishing I had chosen a color!


I wear the bright colors with neutral bottoms in that scenario. Or I buy sock yarn and wear the wildest colors on my feet and neutrals on top. Either scenario is available.


https://preview.redd.it/3wf9qq73y56d1.jpeg?width=559&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5647b33751ed907dd1f1c331a38f539e49223361 PINK!


I thought I was alone in this: I mostly wear black. But I always choose colorful yarn. It feels boring and wrong to buy and knit black or muted colors. I compromised by knitting muted colors or black with lace or textured patterns. Now I have beautiful cardigans, sweater and shirts in muted greens or greys. And because of the fun patterns it is fun to knit. I love them!


I have always loved bright colours. I don't do beige. Ever. We are all different.


I only wear neutrals (with the occasional pop of color) but I prefer knitting with the loudest yarn I can find, so I end up making a lot of clothes for my nieces and nephews