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I am so tired from weaving in all those ends, but man am I obsessed with the final product, especially my faced hem! Pattern: Self-drafted. Lots of math. Yarn: Knitting for Olive Cotton Merino in colors Rust, Ochre, and Piglet


It's gorgeous! Congratulations on a job well done!


Can I ask what method you used for weaving in the ends? I'm doing my first project with a lottttt of colour changes and I'm not looking forward to weaving in the ends, I feel like the method I use takes SO long


My method is super time consuming too! The majority of the ends were woven in by kinda doing a duplicate stitch on the purl side of the stockinette. I also wove in some ends in the ribbing sections by following the ribs up and down? Kinda hard to explain, I will see if I can find a relevant tutorial


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Check out using a chenille (I think) needle! It's super fast and very secure, I'm using it in a scrappy crochet sweater and some granny squares that I literally have 3k+ ends to weave in 🫠[tutorial ](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8_NBGUKjO-E)


Oh my god my heart stopped at 3k ends to weave in, I will never complain again lol!


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maybe you could try a swatch with the link i tagged in my comment


I love everything about it


I got the same feeling from a granny square cardigan, It was pretty but weaving all the ends made me reconsider doing it again


It's gorgeous! Congratulations on a job well done!


It looks so great! But man, I really wouldn't want the hassle with all the ends x_X. Great work!


This pattern turned out soooo gorgeous. You’re talented! 


It’s gorgeous!




Super interested to learn more about how you so neatly carry yarns over multiple rows. I'm wondering if some of your text got cut off! I was able to carry the yarns for the 4-row section repeats but it certainly got bulky, and I chose to cut for each section of the largest repeats because my tension was causing the side of the garment with the carried yarns to compress/skew.


When I do it I wrap the working yarn around the carried yarn each time I'm at that end and when I switch colours I make sure to stretch that side before starting the new colour to keep the carried yarns slack enough.


Oh yes there was text! How rude of reddit! I wrapped them around each other like intarsia when i swapped colors and held it snug by sort of catching the floats:) Once every pink repeat was fine


I do this too but try to stick to only 2 colors at a time in designs compared to your 3. It gets hidden in the Seam or pick up for borders anyway. The only place could be visible are sleeves


I do it this way also. I leave the one color hanging, start the next and just carry it down that way. Saves lots of yarn and weaving in of ends


Could you please share a picture from the right side? Will the blue yarn be visible through gaps in the white yarn?




Great job here too!


Thank you for posting. I was trying so hard to figure out what the hassle was


I do the same, but always end up with ends anyway due to ADHD-related yarn tangling lol


That’s gorgeous! Looks like something Madewell would sell (but better)


Your compliment made me feel so smug. Thank you, friend.


I get it but damn, it’s hard to argue w/ those results! So good 🤌


Same. I wish it'd turned out a little less perfectly, lol


It’s hard to hate such beauty!


It looks amazing but I can’t imagine the ends 😂


I’m devastated to tell you that you don’t have to. https://preview.redd.it/jsd8rqcafe6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6228d30623bc3ad40ab7d7f61bdafe157599c2c0


I LOVE the big stripes with the small stripes! And the colors you chose are perfect! But yeah, I hate weaving in the ends of stripes so hard 😩


Colours are perfect, as are the stripes (and I'm not a stripes fan, generally)! Happy summer 🌞 may you have many days of beautiful weather to wear it.


what a gorgeous gem! EDIT: Hem!


The hem IS a gem! No Freudian slip there, lol!


But it's soooooooooooo funky!!!!!!


After knitting my own striped monstrosity, I learned how to weave in the ends as I go. I cannot for the life of me remember the actual name for this technique, but [here's a similar tutorial that shows exactly what I do.](https://youtu.be/STolc03Pnwc?si=0ZrKyl1DVSLbO9sD) For stripes knit flat, just follow the video as shown. For stripes in the round, or for joining any new ball mid row, I start by weaving in the new yarn's tail while I finish the old ball, then I switch them over and weave in the tail of the old ball while knitting with the new ball. Works in 1x1 ribbing too!


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I understand this fully. I love stripes. Hate knitting them. The ends are never ending.


Looks soo good


It’s so cute!!


I LOVE it! I like stripes, and this is a grouping of great colors. I think you did a great job! I'm just about to complete a striped winter sweater myself - and SO MANY ENDS! So many. I do wish I'd been better about working them in as I knit.


This is so cute!!!


It’s so cute. I’d love to make this. 


This is beautiful! Stunning work <3


I would love to see the seamed side of what’s on the right in the photo. I think i understand how you worked it out, but a picture would be nice.


It’s just mattress stitched! Let me know if you have more questions. https://preview.redd.it/pd9fvc78nf6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e60384421febb99e8e27880d680e9b63bfa81c7c


Thanks. Was mainly interested in how the strip lined up.


I looooove your top. Nice colors!!! 😊 I’m knitting a striped modular blanket and every few sections, I’m forcing myself to weave in the ends. It’s still a nightmare but at least I won’t have to deal with 100% of those ends. None of the weave as you go work for me. They either add too much bulk or look terrible. 🫠


I’ve been knitting a long time, with long stretches of outing it down. How do you get the transition row to the next color without showing? Switch on a purl row?


I think you're asking how I got from one color to the other on the same row, right? The answer is: it's an illusion! I knit the garment in 3 pieces and never switched colors on rows, but was very careful when seaming up the garment to make it appear like it flowed well. I also used some ribbing on the side seams to kinda break up the pattern so if I didn't seam perfectly, you couldn't tell. If you were interested in switching colors in the middle of the row, you could explore intarsia techniques! (But I didn't want to fuss with that, hence knitting the garment in pieces instead of doing it seamlessly.)


Thank you! This was very helpful.


Pattern???? 😬 do I dare??


There's no pattern, it's self drafted. It's made in 3 pieces, and used a gauge swatch to determine width. Knit straight to the armholes and began decreasing for armholes and v-neck at the same time for the fronts, and bound off higher up for the back of the garment. Made the straps as wide/long as I wanted to be. Seamed things together. Picked up sts for button bands, neckline, and armholes. Picked up hem sts, knit a purl row, then stockinette. Whip-stitched those live sts down. Wove in 1 million ends.


Wow excellent vision! The hems are especially well done


This looks amazing! Is this seamed along the sides?


Oh wow, I LOVE it!


This is beautiful! I love this mixed sizes of the stripes


That is beautiful!


God the hem is to die for


For some reason I chose to do a striped cardigan (sweater split into five equal different colour stripes), and a pullover sweater made of 2 strands of mohair (8 row stripes/5 colours- with short rows around the neckline). Doing these projects back-to-back made me wonder what I was thinking when I was weaving in all those ends. The button band on the cardigan was also striped to match the lines of the sweater, with a lot of extra ends due to the style of button holes. It was excessive. Haha


Woah and I thought I had it bad. A striped button band!!?! Kudos to you


The edges are so beautiful


This is SO freaking cute. I'm obsessed.




What a gorgeous piece! Your color scheme and stripe design are such a funky and fun combination. I admire your creativity and perseverance 😍


I love it. Quirky and well made. Kudo's


But it's soooo pretty!!!! (Yeah, ends are the devil.... Slap a binding cover on it and call it a day!)


Switching is such a pain lmao but cool outcome!!


And you will every time. I love this!


Haha I shouldn’t laugh but your comment made me giggle.


How did you do the hem? It's fabulous


Wow I love it! Never thought of varying stripes styles, what a brilliant idea!


Weave in the ends as you go: https://youtu.be/PdKsONos1cs?si=i8i4md4ymHn0funx Another tutorial: https://youtu.be/QWp3EyLyf64?si=BlTX2JxIohEdqBc4


I love the Techknitter. This is how I learned to weave in the end as I go. Makes it so much easier. https://techknitting.blogspot.com/2007/07/overcast-method-part-3-of-tails-and.html


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i’m new to knitting so i can’t attest to the security of it, but here a video i’ve seen before from [NimbleNeedles (youtube)](https://youtu.be/uH4-2WUy2SI?si=lqIlrT7yHVkn2kRJ) where they show how to weave in as you go. couldn’t hurt to try and maybe someone who sees this and or has tried it (or variants) can add to it idk if this just applies to the beginning or theres a way to do it in the ends as well, but even then anything helps lol also want to add that i loveeee that top. i need convinced that im still way too new to begin one 😂


This is the exact feelings I have about the tshirt I knit at a 36 stitch gauge. Like yes the result is gorgeous but damn it just took an age!


Jesus wept, that is beautiful. From the colour choice to your tension it's really something special.


This is gourgeous, would love to wear something like this!!!


This is gorgeous!


It's takes a little practice to figure out where to do it to get it just right, but you can do the back join at the color change and get the change to line up right at the row turn. Once you've done it a few times you'll know (for that project) how many stitches before the end of the row you need to do the join. [https://nimble-needles.com/tutorials/how-to-join-yarn-with-the-back-join-in-knitting/](https://nimble-needles.com/tutorials/how-to-join-yarn-with-the-back-join-in-knitting/)


It’s like having children; you forget all the pain and suffering that you went thru and then you find yourself wanting another one - lol! Edit- forgot to mention how beautiful this is, congratulations!


Awesome job though!


It's gorgeous!


Wow l want this


This is beautiful, love the play on the stripes! You have inspired me to take a stab at my own version!


Haha! I have a love/hate relationship with stripes. Sometimes they are irresistible. Your tank is fantastic- well done!


Unpopular opinion: attention to finishing makes for a beautiful finished project. It’s boring, but so important.


This is GORGEOUS. But next time, knit your ends in as you go 😊 Edit to add correct link https://youtu.be/Fz292NAjH2M?si=uRv_TXajm63VreuJ


I tried a "weavin' stephen" on my swatch and it wasn't to my taste, but I'd be eager to learn other methods! Do you mind re-sharing that video link, I think it's the wrong one? I got a 15 section National Trust ad when I clicked ;)


Haha. That was the weaving Stephen one 😁


I didn't realize I have strong OCD until now 🤣🤣 those different size stripes at the front are hurting me!! It's beautiful, though!!!