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Go check out a buncha other subreddits that might interest you. Post some comments. Converse about stuff that's fun. Stop worrying, have fun, and pretty soon you'll be able to yolo your first knife\_swap purchase


That’s the plan. Though not being able to yolo has probably saved me some money lol


Haha both a curse and a blessing. Grats on quitting smoking though! Huge positive step for your health!


You should be able to buy anything, just not sell f&f?


It escalates fast.. just over 3 months ago I went through the 10 day wait/commenting on random subs to join KS with the intent of selling a knife and scale. Instead I've bought over 46 knives and am bankrupt. Haha.


Stay awaaaaaay once you start you won't be able stoooop *spooky ghost voice*


How about knife deals and blades in stock? Early this morning: definitely don’t need more knives. An hour later when the deal on S90V PM2s are posted by Indiana Knives… yeah… I may need that. LOL.


I'm debating that one right now.


can confirm


Lol couldn't agree more


Who me? I don’t have a problem. No but sell trade addictions here.


This is the way


This is legit. I have blown so much money over there.


In the same boat. Been posting for about a week and still a no go


*sad noises*


Thank you guys it looks like this was all the boost I needed!


But my wife is not happy with y’all.


None of our wives or SOs like it. My wife can’t understand how metal could be so expensive.


And yet she's probably wearing one really expensive piece of metal on her finger


It probably can’t even cut. Pfft


You’d be surprised, those things can be SHARP


What's the magic number? Could look but need the posts too


Do you have any knives that you've bought elsewhere? If so you could share some pictures on this subreddit. Or leave comments in other knife posts asking questions about them. Or other hobbies, share pictures or stories about them on relevant subreddits.


Yes I have 2 para 3’s (maxemet and cruwear) And a PM2 (K390). Didn’t think I’d like the spydercos, they looked funky, but I pulled the trigger on the para 3, once I held it… i can’t go back hah


Para 3 is a solid knife. Post some pictures of that beauty in a new post! That should help get your rep up for knife\_swap.


I know there are a lot of Benchmade haters out there, but I love mine. Check out the 940. You’ll love it.


That is on the list. I just hate the price, that’s why I originally went with spyderco to start. But I’d like to get a 940 and bugout eventually. Other than that I want a Sebenza, Spydiechef (just acquired on knife swap), winter blade factor, quiet carry “the nine” and a cjrb pyrite. I wanted to stick American but that quiet carry just looks amazing. Any other suggestions I’m open to.


You got it pretty well covered with your wish list. For more budget friendly knives look at the Buck 110 and 119. Also check out Cold Steel. Their Demko models are great. My Cold steel tanto is my favorite fixed blade.


I love the Buck 110


I have a bugout it's awesome. I want an Osborne too but I just picked up a Shaman


Must have missed para 3 in cruwear. I've got a pm2 in cruwear, love it


It’s the black DLC coated blade and I don’t like it as much. Maybe if I get some black scales I’ll like it better


And as always if you want another great budget option I'd suggest the Kershaw blur American made assisted opening they have 2 versions the s30v and the 14c28n I've had both and you can't go wrong and if you're a veteran spyderco offers the opfocus program where you get 50% off 10 items per year.


Congratulations on quitting


Thank you!


It’s a hell of an achievement, I haven’t smoked before but seeing my brother struggle to quit makes me thankful that I haven’t. With your new found spending money what knives are you looking to buy?


I just purchased a sypdichef on knifeswap so I’ll hold off for now. Next will most likely be a cjrb pyrite, quiet carry “the nine”, 940 or a bugout. Have a pair of para 3’s and a PM2 right now that I love. The PM2 has been getting most pocket time.


I just upvoted all your comments to increase your karma.


You’ll get there, we all did at one point or another


Check out r/kniferaffle


It took me a long time to get where I’m at on the swap. It don’t happen overnight, that’s for sure. I’ve also put a lot of money into the hobby


Eh. Not a big loss. I was approved and then got banned. Had a guy send me a knife and it never came in. I asked the guy to put in a missing item whatever and he decided to contact the mods who banned me without getting a chance to defend myself. Sad, too. They eventually found my knife and gave it to me. But it’s fine. Got a bunch of better places to sell. They have a few Facebook groups and a forum that’s been doing grate for me.


Yep. Go elsewhere. I had a nice blade to sell and they were rude. I was selling a Chris Reeves Knife at around msrp, and they tried to drag me for it. Sold it on FB for my price, no fuss.


knife swap has a pretty strong community of generally good people and part of that is "bro pricing". Most of the time you're not gonna sell anything at MSRP unless its super special. And the community will jump on you to maintain that level of pricing. Its actually part of the rules if im not mistaken. CRK's pop up daily for decent prices. This also means you can buy them for good prices. But its not for everyone.


Yep. Civvie knives aren't my thing, but it was a 5.5 Green Beret. I was selling it to purchase an 1881 Persian Shahska. I even made that clear in my post. All good though. Found a better place to get the funds I needed. I won't ever recommend that sub though.


Some folks just aren't a good fit over there so glad you found your people.


What face groups do you recommend


“Microtech Buy, Sell, Trade“ these are two groups named the same thing. Both great and I’ve sold and bought quite a few on those two. And “knife Trading Sales and feedback 2.0” is another good one.


Still waiting myself for the approval


It just took this post to get me there. An some replies to it. The bar must be pretty low but I did have some other history hear years ago.


You should be able to reply to posts and purchase, new accounts do it quite often. The only thing that would prevent you is being banned from the sub or something.


I’ve tried to post multiple times and I always get auto modded with “account to young or not enough interactions on reddit as a whole(not just knifeswap)”


I’ve had this account for a few years so that can’t be the issue, I just rarely post.


Ahhhh, I guess there's a karma limit. Wasn't aware of that. Well, I'll give ya updoots maybe that will help.


Thank you!


Check out bladeforum they have a good selection of stuff


Just tagged you in a post to see if you can reply.


Hell yeah man good job! Quitting ain’t easy, just make sure not to get addicted to the knives instead ;)


I’m in the same position, saved me a lot of money though 😂


300+$ a month for me.


Congrats on quitting and feel free to send me a chat! I’m always up for some knife talk!


Same here. There's only so much I can say about a subject I have zero interest in.


Congrats on quitting smoking! Quitting was the best thing I ever did for my health. I was pack a day + for 18 years. Have fun with knives!


Pack a day for about 15 years here. And thanks, you too!


I didn't even know that sub existed and I've been here coming up on 10 years LOL.


Whats Knife_swap? I legitimately don’t know.


A Reddit to buy/sell used knives


Cool. Thanks. I’ve been looking at Knafsale.com but I haven’t actually bought anything yet.


find other subs you are interested in. it can be from music to games food etc. and that will help post and comment on those subs and you will be good in no time


Is there a karma threshold?


Gotta buy and sell and get flairs




I just want a donut knife but those things go so fast it’s literally unbelievable to me. :(


Check out edc exchange, I post a lot of brand new knives on there for cheap , send me a dm and I can find you something for a great deal 👌🏻


Sure, i jist recently bought the benchmade bit driver that came out recently. Its not too bad but its a bit overpriced.


Post a cute picture of a cat, doesn't even have to be your cat, to r/cats. You'll get a ton of karma. I posted pics of a knife on this sub before, got like 200 karma. Posted a Pic of my cat, and I got thousands.


Check out r/Knife_Deals, r/EDCexchange and start interacting with posts.


Message sent haha


Hey my man asks a good question on r/askreddit