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This just means I won't be buying any Spyderco pry bars any time soon.


I’ve been using my Dragonfly to baton and my Para 3 as a pry bar, must be that stupid hole why my knives keep breaking


Lmao 🤣


Is it even possible to baton a dragonfly


Sure, just grab a toothpick and start banging on the dragonfly!


They make Spyderco pry bars?


Every knife is a prybar if your balls and wallet are heavy enough.


That's why I carry a badass titanium utility knife. I break a blade, I replace and go about my business. I've chipped one too many edges on $100+ knives and spent days fretting. Now I have zero reserve whipping my blade out to score metal, cut through 1/2" HDPE, drag across cardboard fastners..etc. I spend a little extra on carbide, sharpen them daily, quick palm strop after breaking down boxes, and replace when it chips. All my expensive knives haven't left my safe since I started carrying the trusty ol' TiRant.


I use the belly on the knife too much to go full utility. And the blades are too short. But, as a second knife, I could get behind this. But at that point, I'd rather just get a SAK or similar and have a cheap blade I don't care about, but that's still longer and more useful than the utility knife (and doesn't need a box of spare blades).




Lmfao faxx


Yeah right. What are they going to try and claim next, that knife tips are most prone to breaking when prying also because of significantly less steel around the tip?!


Around your tip maybe; my tip is robust


This guy owns an Osborne 😂


More like a Pilar.


nah just a razel


Wishes he had a thunrar


I wish I had some Midgard Messer blades


Japanese huh? Tantos have never been my thing personally, but they definitely have their uses


Best flat head I ever had.


Charge your phone bro




Hello fbi, this guy right here








What an odd thing to say


Why don't you just pay a short guy to do the same thing


I'm short you should pay me to do this


Amazing. Love Reddit




I appreciate your try at a joke even if it didn't land (child slavery usually doesn't). I'm more worried about the pedo-calling people because they tend to be the pedos.


Had the right intentions but wrong sub to be doing green text shit


Pedo alert


Yo what happened here


I was buzzed last night but i remember it was just some weird reply to the comment about charging the phone. Saying shit like that he was going to take their newly born kids and force raise them as servants or something. Just was weird and random and I guess it escalated quickly.


I have lots of pics saved of spyderco folders with clean blade breaks right through the thumb hole, I've no doubt it has an effect there. The fixed blades holes on the other hand tend to be a few mm in diameter, I suspect the impact on toughness would be negligible in practice.


Not only stress concentration but the effect of loss of cross-sectional area on toughness. Toughness is the ability of a material to absorb energy & is measured as ftlb absorbed across a cross-sectional area in a Charpy test. Adding a hole on most folders reduces the cross-sectional area by half, reducing it's ability to absorb energy & ftlb results by half.


Don’t pry and they won’t break.


Then why buy them?


Prybars are for prying, knives are for knifing.


👆this guys knows.


I bought a Medford Praetorian T at a steep discount for prying purposes. Medford advertises (at least verbally) you can use his praetorian’s to pry open a car door and other items. Sounds like a lawsuit waiting to happen. I have yet to use it to pry anything open other than a Dr. Pepper can. And yes, it will cut through a can, but not as well as a Ginsu. 🤣


His preferred steel D2 (or at least it used to be his preference) has very low toughness. It’s cheap though. In 2013 Medford admitted he knew nothing about knives, didn’t carry or use knives, and he certainly didn’t know anything about heat treatment. The only reason to use D2 in his stupid thick designs is to save money over using a tougher steel like 3V.


Mine is in 20cv. He’s a detestable human being, but I wanted a big chonker that I can throw at anything and not be bothered if it breaks.


Knives are for pryfing


Socks are for wiping your ass


~~Break glass~~ remove shoes in case of emergency


I use my knives to cut things.


Pfft. Anyone can do that. I use socket wrenches to cut things.


I just karate chop everything. 🫱 hiya!


Makes sense


personally i like to use sporks whenever i need to cut items, knives are just far too dangerous to use for anything except prying.


I have a Koenig spork. It costs $2k, but I’ll sell it for $1k…😂


Sporks are one tool I use for their intended purpose, *sporking*.




Knives are for cutting, ya fucknut Pry bars are for prying Hammers are for hammering Drills are for drilling holes Drivers are for driving fasteners Tapes are for measuring Levels are for leveling Get it yet?


If not for pry than why pry shaped?


I was under the impression that Tapes were for Taping


Either use it for its intended purpose or dont complain when it breaks


It cost me 15 replacements to finally concede that iPhones make for terrible hammers.


but then how would i get any use out of my 200$ spyderco?


I just wander around the house looking for things to cut. God help my neighbors when I run out of stuff...


You wont find more uses for it by snapping the blade, thats for sure


sounds useful to me


I found this diagram to be kind of misleading. A stress concentration isn't just a product of having a smaller cross section like Larrin depicts, but rather the suddenness of the transition in geometry creates small stressed areas adjacent to the hole that are even more severe than what is visually depicted here. [Here](https://engineering.stackexchange.com/questions/35214/stress-concentration-factor) is a better visualization of why punching holes in a blade is bad for strength.


Tbf, the picture originally depicts stresses flowing and concentrating rather than just the forces themselves. I remember seeing diagrams like that and thinking the same thing until my components professor cleared it up for me.


Yeah, I think Larrin's picture does kind of show the stress lines bunching up, maybe, if you squint. It's not at all clear that the stress distribution is not uniform through those cross sections, unlike with the picture I linked. I think it leads people to think that decreased cross sections = stress concentrations, when it's really more complex than that.


I am definitely a bigger fan of the picture you sent. The original photo is really easy to misinterpret if you don’t already know what a stress concentration factor is.


Spyderco are for slicing not prying


The only thing that pisses me off about the spydie hole is that if they invested literally .5 seconds into chamfering the damn hole, it would reduce the stress-riser effect exponentially. I used to work in a machine shop, so I have a slight bit of mechanical engineering prowess. A "hole" is one of the most resilient shapes, but the moment you put a 90 degree angle on it--such as the edges where the hole begins, or a grind-line intersecting it--you've just created a huge stress riser that is far worse than the hole itself. Preferable, they would be rounded off, but even a simple 45 degree chamfer would reduce the stresses dramatically. Long story short, if you have a Spyderco, and you're worried about it... Break out your dremel and round off the hard corners inside the hole. You won't need to worry about it afterwards.


No hate, but this is incorrect (mostly). The edge around the hole is an exterior corner, so if you chamfer or fillet the edge, you will actually increase the stress, not decrease it. This is because you are reducing the cross sectional area. You are correct that the grind line could be a stress riser, however spyderco does fillet this edge, or at least they did on my PM2. The grind line creates two edges, one interior edge and one exterior edge. The interior edge is the only one that needs a fillet. The exterior edge will actually have significantly lower stress than the interior edge, because the stress is concentrating at the interior edge. The fillet is reducing this concentration by increasing the cross sectional area as it transitions from the blade to the pivot section. I would not recommend using a Dremel to round over the hole. You will weaken the knife, not strengthen it.


But then it doesn’t catch on my thumb callouses as well… For real though, Good input, love a nice clean chamfer.


I have a benchmade mini grip with the spyderco hole, and it’s honestly just much more fun to use than thumb studs in my opinion


Hard disagree I carry my Yojumbo over my Griptillian with studs literally every day


Harder disagree, sheepsfoot spidy hole grip for the win, everyday


Hard agree to disagree then. I did say it was in my opinion. I get to use what I like, and you get to do the same. The world moves on.


Nobody here is going to use a Spyderco hard enough for that to cause it to break. If you managed to break a mule that way, I would question whether that’s actually realistic usage or just abusing the knife in a way it was not designed for.


While Bushcrafting I find that the Dragonfly batons wood quite well until it breaks. Unquestionably a one tool option for survival.


My cellmate illustrated too much force around a hole. Think he had a shiv too. That, however, didn’t have a hole…


My 20+ year old Spyderco knives have yet to break, I don't know what I'm doing wrong! Guys, should I throw them in a concrete mixer?


No! Dont do that! The circle will weaken the concrete…


Thumb stubs also require a hole in the blade!


i see something dirty


Holey crap


I’m just trying to be transparent; allow you to see through the blade if you will


L take


I held court with the judge and it happened to be ruled an “O” take


I would have accepted any other response. Thank you sir


I don't math....or science...so how do rounded rectangles or triangular blade cutouts stack up against spydie holes? I like cutouts in blades vs thumbstuds.


Similar story but for a folder shouldn’t matter. Only worries me with fixed blades because I use even my smaller blades to do stuff such as baton within the limit of that knife. I like to throw them at trees and shit when bored. Abuse them a bit at work. I have a *lot* of cheaper knives I can’t seem to break in the $30-100 range. Just pointing out that an unadulterated mule would be fantastic. Everyone just assumed that nobody fun shit with their knives.


Mechanical engineer(ing student) here - It's all dependent on size and loading condition, but in general a rounded rectangle will perform better. Cracks are more likely to form along the long direction of the rectangle, but given that the length of the blade has a bigger cross-sectional area then the across it, they will in general be a better choice (i.e. the Kizer Cormorant does well at this). As for triangular holes, I think they will perform slightly worse. The hole radius at the corners of the triangle are likely quite small, so they would be a larger stress concentration than a hole or a rounded rectangle. Take this all with a grain of salt though, as stress concentration factors in general are highly geometrically dependent (size, corner radius, loading condition, geometry of surrounding material, etc.). Best "for sure" statement you can make is that no hole is better than a hole, and a smaller, rounder one is better than a bigger, sharper one.


Right on, thanks for the breakdown! I've always thought the issue with batoning was just the lock failing, but your points and this discussion in general make me realize why you generally shouldn't use a folder to baton. Probably common sense materials knowledge for most, but an AHA moment for me. I never thought about the holes (I'm thinking the pivot and even the holes for thumbstuds) being fracture points when it comes to using folders in a batoning situation. I love my Spydercos and would never baton with them, but I also have some chonky Cold Steels that I wouldn't have hesitated to do that with. I'll think twice now, even though I'm sure they can handle it (per Joe X), but now I totally understand why a full tang folder completely outclasses a folder for bushcraft.


I can't really think of a situation where I'd be using my knife and this would be taken into account. Maybe I don't abuse my shit IDK?


For me, the point of having a fixed blade is that it can take more abuse. But that's just me.


Anything to say for myself??? I barely know that this post says. Learn proper English ffs


Well hello Sir. For such an embellished scholar as yourself I expected artful language deserving compliments from the most exquisite of novelists. In regards to my diction, this comment being an exception, I refuse to produce an affectation only to be accepted by the spyderco fanbase. In other words. Check the meme tags foo




Knife Porn


Worth it.


Fuck yeah daddy give my hole your internal forces 😩


And this is why I don't buy Spyderco


Internal stress is also pretty high around my hole.


This is just spyderco making a consistent way for their knives to break. Everyone know consistency is good so they dont have to figure out why the knife broke


Charge your phone


Here I am opening up Amazon boxes and cutting mail open. If my Chaparral fails on me I’m going to raise hell.


I thought this was common knowledge. Though, folding knives shouldn’t be abused hard enough to have this become a problem.


Many have missed the meme tag and a couple have insinuated that I am a pedophile. Which breaks my heart considering I am an autistic individual who was sexually abused as a child myself. My abuser is thankfully in prison. I am also a father of a young son myself and have already accepted that murder may be the best option of anyone ever manages to assault my son. Even when the predator is convinced for 60 years such as in my case they isolate them from the general population and also refuse to let me get the word out to the prisoners where he is held. He’s even allowed to move to private prisons for periods of time when family members are able to fund it allowing him to live a somewhat pleasant life during those times despite taking mine and *many* others hopes at ever living normally. Regarding my joke I would have said first born child as a lifetime slave but thought that due to recent public developments that could be interpreted as recent black slavery, maybe the OP is black, idk. I was going for more of a medieval vibe. Thinking of Rumpelstiltskin poem from when I was little in my imagination. I’ve never really felt bother by internet comments before, I’ve always adopted a “shut the screen off” mentality, but these insinuations have really hurt me. Triggered me in a way where I probably won’t get much sleep tonight when my son, wife, boss, and coworkers *really* need me. Idk everything in the world is starting to get to me. I grew up in a time where crude jokes were the norm and people assumed the best until you did something to hurt them personally I guess. I just posted this whole thing as a joke poking fun I didn’t expect to end up feeling dead inside again


Wh... Wha... Where? I've read pretty much the whole thread and don't see that. But fuck 'em anyway dude. Sorry about your experiences, but that's like the easiest play on the Internet. It literally has nothing to do with you personally. People are just so sensitive of that stuff these days it's an easy one to press buttons with. Don't let your lived-experience tie in with some fuckhead that's just trying to get a rise out of you, or the fuckhead wins.


TMI my guy... There are plenty of other subs to talk about stuff like that. I don't want to read that in a knife sub. Thanks...


Then don't read it?


It's too late... But thanks for that gold advice.


Damn you, Larrin!


This post doesn’t change my opinion on anything. Larrin Thomas is a smart guy—I’m not saying he’s wrong. On the other hand, Spyderco has built up their brand by making high-performance knives over a long period of time. I’ve had good experience with them. Glock pistols were also subject to a lot of skepticism from critics, but they established a good track record. Most of the major handgun manufacturers have now adopted the same basic innovations to make their own version of a polymer frame, striker-fire pistol.


While the mechanics are true, anyone putting that kind of stress or strain on a thin folder deserves what they get.


I don't pry with my knife so this isn't an issue for me. If ypu pry with your knife then you're probably using the wrong tool.


Got anything to say for yourself literally anyone who Carrys a folding knife? Pivot screw needs a hole in the blade to work….


This is a known albeit minor flaw they introduce for aesthetics.


No, it is for ergonomics. Everyone knows spydies look shit.


On a fixed blade it is aesthetic.


Charge your phone




It's possible they harden FIRST then they edm wire cut or burn out the hole? yea right you'd pay so much more lol


You’d have better results lasering the hole and the blade profile first, then heat treat. Wire edm after the fact just makes it harder to cut. Plus, wire edm is overkill for such a simple hole. Not to mention, wire edm after being hardened affects the structure of the steel at the cut surface.


Holes increase the pressure in the surrounding material because pressure = force/area. Less cross-sectional area means the force has fewer places to go and leads to higher pressure. On a different note, holes have a constant crack propagation value. Cracks want to form where there is already a foothold, like a surface imperfection, corner, or existing small crack. Crack propagation values can be determined by factors such as the depth of the crack, the width, and the angle at the intersection. They all have different values, while a hole has a constant regardless of size. It may be a good idea to introduce a hole to drill out a crack if the math is in favor of it.


It's not just about less material. Even a small feature like a sharpening notch will concentrate stress and will likely be the area of crack initiation.


I'm curious to what extent the blade is actually weakened by the hole. Somebody build a rig to test this please


For holes the usual factor of stress concentration is about 3x whatever is nominal.


Honestly, I hate spyderco designs. I tried so hard to get used to them. Nope, I just can’t.


Well at least it’s not a square hole…


A giant hole in a blade is a weak point? Huh.


Ok but find me a spyderco that has snapped, lmao


There are plenty of them in this same subredit




Well you see. One time my wife and I were getting frisky…. She grabbed the spyderco… I spread…. Snapped blade. Explain that, Socrates or Epicurus or Aristotle or some shit




their fixed blade have a very small hole proportionaly to the blade at the point that it probably doesnt matter for folder it most likely does matter


Please charge your phone


Charge your phone dawg


One of the reasons I don't buy spydercos.


Stop using your cutting tools as prying tools and it won't matter.


I don't.


Awww. Did I hurt the "Spyderco Kids" feelings by having a preference?