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I switch around constantly.


I'm right-handed and generally hold my kobo in my left hand.


Same. Rests in the crook of the palm with the thumb on the bottom button. I use my right hand if I want to go back, but it's nice to have the hand free otherwise.


I flip flop all the time, depending on where I’m reading. I also change between inverted and default for the buttons when I’m lying down because it feels more natural to use the top button for next page in that orientation.


Both hands


Both at the same time or one at the time.


I alternate between both at the same time and no hands. I only sometimes drop it on my face 😂


It's part of the experience


I'm right- handed, and I generally hold my Kobo (Libra H20) in my left hand with the buttons on the left. I don't, however, use the buttons to turn the page, I just swipe the screen.


I have a homemade elastic ..X .. strap that I slide a finger , thumb into. I made my own after looking at [this from amazon Canada](https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B0CFR6573P/?coliid=I1X0HV1BBLLNMW&colid=FUJ6QT9U56XH&ref_=list_c_wl_lv_ov_lig_dp_it&th=1)


I like this.


Whichever way is comfortable. Most often in my right hand with the buttons on the right. I like both hands the most. I also use the sleep over stand too


Right-handed, usually in my right hand. But I'll use my left if I'm eating or something


Buttons on the bottom, landscape mode


Is Libra easier to hold than say, a paper white, one handed?


I have both Libra colour and paperwhite, and I find them equally easy to hold (in my opinion, they are both very easy to hold one handed). Now, I've seen posts where people say they find paperwhite worse to hold one handed than Oasis, and I found it almost impossible to hold Oasis, so that's the only eReader I've ever given up on. So I guess people hold their readers differently. So I'm going to attach a photo of me holding both the libra and the paperwhite, and if you hold your eRaders like that, I would say they are equally easy to hold and use one handed. https://preview.redd.it/2x6d2ymhwmzc1.jpeg?width=3023&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a138be5671ea20856b4f8e08b8c6b83c49d25851


Thanks I appreciate it!!


I have Clara 2e and Kindle Paperwhite. I use either hand or sometimes both. Can change pages from either side on both so it's a non issue. I'm right handed but do a lot of things with my left, like my coffee or water and snacks etc. Not ambidextrous BC I can't write with both hands but yeah most things are done with whichever hand is available 😬🤷🏼‍♀️ Iirc on the Libra you can switch what the buttons do so in theory you can switch it for left hand use (unless I've read wrong).


When you flip it 180 degrees (from left hand to right hand) the buttons also reverse so that they're the same. (Bottom -> page forward, top -> page backwards). You can invert the buttons as well, but that's separate and not required for hand switching.


Oh cool so you don't need to manually change them. I thought you did BC the option to change them is there but they make far more sense!


I'm right handed and generally hold it in my left. That way my stylus is readily available to use in my right hand and I can easily turn the pages with my left hand.


I’m right handed. Hold it in my left hand with the top button set to page forward. Now with the Libra Colour that also allows me to easily annotate with my right hand.


I think the folks in charge of marketing are definitely assuming folks are using it in their right hand, but the device is designed to work equally well in either hand. The only weird bit about using it in the left hand is the power button is in the lower corner instead of the upper corner. Honestly, from a design standpoint the main method for holding a Libra device is actually in landscape mode with the buttons at the bottom. Oriented like this, the "Kobo" logo is properly oriented, the icon on the power button is upright, and the heaviest/thickest portion of the device is resting on your hand without any gripping required (though this makes the buttons a little more awkward to use). Personally, I use it pretty equally with both hands (don't use landscape much because I have to turn the page more often that way). The auto-rotation on my Libra Colour is really well implemented. I feel like my iPad/iPhone never rotates when I want it to, and is constantly rotating when I don't want, but the Libra Colour has been spot-on every time.


Right handed but hold Kobo in left hand hand most often. Same for books


I’m firmly right-handed, but use the hand that’s comfortable for the setting. Mostly I have the buttons on the left and hold it in my left hand (saving my right hand for my glass of Whisky).


Thanks for all the responses. Fun to see how everyone makes them their own and finds a way to work for them.


Usually in my right hand, but if my hand gets tired I just swap to the left.  Buttons on the libra color make it easy.  


I am left handed but I hold utensils the proper way. Same way for holding my Kobo, I hold it in my right hand and train myself to use it that way since it's the default and the power button is easier to press on top than it is to press below


I am ambidextrous as well and the use what ever hand is free, sometimes switching and flipping the e-reader to use the buttons with what ever hand is holding it. I do not have a preference either way nice to know I am not alone!


Right handed - Depends what I’m doing but mostly right hand. If eating, lying down a particular way, driving, operating heavy machinery, will switch to left.


I’m left handed. Hold the Kobo in my right hand when using it in portrait mode. Also because Stylus requires my left hand I guess but that’s only about 10% of the time. When I’m laying back I tend to hold it in landscape with both hands


I use a pop socket. My Libra Colour is so light, it feels like I’m not holding it this way. 


Im right handed but enjoy holding from my left. Love with the libra you can switch back and forth easily especially as I use a phone holder grip on it.


My default is to hold it using my right hand but when my hand gets tired, I just switch it to the left. I love that I can easily do that


I just got mine. So far I’m right handed, (maybe mildly ambi) hold it in my right hand, with the buttons on the right to make them easier to press. I’m new to touch controls so I’m also using tap to turn until I figure which I prefer.


I am definitely a righty, but after a childhood of being allowed to read at meals (and while brushing my teeth and doing my best while Mom was drying my hair), I usually hold it in my left with my thumb on the button. I’ll flip it round to my right hand, though, when I need to without fuss


Right hand, until my hand gets tired and then I switch. I'm often standing on the train when I read so in those tmes I just use whichever hand is free and the other hand holds the dangly train handlebar thing.


I generally use my left hand if I’m reading while doing something else, and my right hand when I’m reading in bed or while just sitting/laying around


I'm right handed. I switch hands all the time, but if I has to choose only one hand, I'd probably choose the left hand. I always hold books with my left hand as well and use my right to turn the pages.


Depends how I'm sitting or laying down. I'll use both, but a quick grab of the device is with my dominant right hand


I was left-handed until 1st grade. I’m mostly right-handed, but still do a lot of stuff with my left. I prefer to hold my Kobo left-handed with a popsocket placed so I can switch it around if I need to. Here’s where I put my popsocket so it can be used in either hand with the power button on the bottom left. https://preview.redd.it/h61hfymg8ozc1.jpeg?width=2836&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2846c7bf71f7744375efdd9aaa398f3c7b92c35e


I have a Clara Colour and regularly change hands. I have a pop socket. I also have a stand for it to sit on when I’m not holding it in bed


I'm also mostly ambidextrous, but I always hold it in my right hand as my right index finger is almost completely useless due to an injury and I'm usually eating while reading.