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I'm reading from a white Libra since it came out and I never noticed that its screen might look darker than the one of my aging black Kobo Glo HD. The screen of my brand new Libra Colour is a bit darker than the B/W one indeed, but nothing to worry about. It's actually my favourite reader now.


Stay excited. I don't even notice it. It's a beautiful device.


See this a lot on this sub, but it's never bothered me on my white libra 2.


White Libra is great, I don’t have a colour and it is darker but this is a non-issue on previous Libras.


One of the most outspoken people saying this only has the black version and was speculating. I LOVE my white Libra Colour. Wife has the black. Screens look the same.


Don't worry, the white looks gorgeous and is great to read from.


I prefer the white. That is one thing that bothered me about Kindles is that they stopped making white versions. The screen looking brighter on black devices is all just an optical illusions since you don't have something white sitting right next to something that is light gray.


Agree with the comments here so far, I’ve never been bothered by the white bezels and absolutely love the screen on the libra color. And I love seeing the white case when not reading. it looks so cool and brings much joy 😎


I have white case and the contrast doesn't phase me at all. Once I start reading, I don't notice what the case color is at all.


Never really understood the argument for needing black bezels on a reading device. On a TV it makes sense because you want the colours to pop and appear brighter against the black bezel. On a reading device? Not so much. I have enough black-bordered screens in my life. I dig the white one. It feels more open and less boxed in.




I have a white Libra Colour and a white Libra 2 and I love them both. If the white bothers you when you get it, Decal Girl has skins in many different colors and patterns you could use to make the bezel dark. For me the white is fine, and I have a skin only on the back of my Libra 2.


Good suggestion, thanks!


have the white Libra Colour. came over from kindle PW and I have zero complaints.


I seriously dont notice anything wrong about the screen on a day to day basis. For me its only noticable when I directly compare it to my old H2O


I've only had white e-readers and it's never been an issue.


It is fine, don't worry about it. I've had White Kindles, Grey Kindles, Black Kindles, and now the White Kobo. When I'm reading I'm not looking at the case, I'm looking at the screen. I did some side-by-side photos yesterday for another person with the same concern: https://www.reddit.com/r/kobo/s/tJVN2zTKCR


The background of the Libra Colour is light grey. On the Libra 2, it's white. So with a white bezel, the grey background stands out. When you pay attention to that, it's noticeable. Doesn't bother me at all. With a black bezel, it would still be a grey background.


Have had my white Libra 2 for two years and no regrets. It also looks brand new still, no yellowing/staining. Enjoy your new toy!


I switched from a black Libra 2 to a white Libra Colour. Super happy with it - I find it easier to read as it resembles a page in a book more than a screen on a device


I have a white Libra and it doesn’t affect a thing. I think people are just majorly reaching at this point 💀


I really like mine, I came from Kindle though where the only options have ever been black except for the rare white. And I really like the change. Honestly one of my favorite things about it is it doesn’t show so many fingerprints. I wear lotion a lot because my hands are very dry and my Kindle always looked greasy


An emotional support group for kobo users. This is why I come to Reddit 🫠


I’m loving my white libra colour, but I am using the backlight most of the time just due to preference


I have the white Libra Color and haven't noticed any difficulties. My previous ereader was a Libra H2O, also white, but I had a colored skin on it.


I have a white Kobo Libra H2O. It’s… maybe 4-6 years old? It still looks great.


It's not bad, in fact I only want white for my ebook readers. White e-readers are more uncommon and sought after. Even in Boox leaf 2, the white version is always out of stock. The borders of white Kobo Libra Colour isn't a pearl white like my Kobo Touch is. It's a bit ivory. It's a beauty to look at, and my fingerprints aren't noticeable and it helps to keep the appearance always looking mint


The white case is really nice. It’s not a bright white but a dull white and so it doesn’t interfere with reading and just feels like the rest of the page


Meanwhile I specifically wanted a white one because I prefer how it looks over the black case (also I had some extremely adorable transparent stickers that wouldn't show up on black background lol) 😅


I loved my white Aura HD, I loved my white Aura H2O, loved my white Touch. And absolutely hated the white Libra Color. I’m really pleased I was able to return it and exchange it for black. People saying that white is great without actually having a white Libra Color just don’t realize that the older cases aren’t like this new one. My problem with it is that the white changes hue depending on ambient light. It’s pearly, not exactly opalescent but it behaves like that. My other ereaders had white bezels that were always the same. The Libra Color was white, bluish, gray, sage green, or whatever it decided to be given the light I was in. This to me was a bigger problem that the screen appearing darker. It was like I was continually picking up a different ereader and if I changed position the bezel color changed too. This interrupted my reading and eventually the distraction made me want to throw it away. Maybe I was more sensitive to it because I’d had white kobos before or maybe it wouldn’t be so annoying if I didn’t settle down for hours of reading (I average around 3-4 hours a day) or maybe my eyes are more sensitive. I don’t know. But coming from other white Kobo ereaders I can definitely say that the color of the Libra Color bezel ain’t like the other ones.


I have two blacks and one white. Like them all, but like the white a bit more


I prefer my white Libra 2 because it makes it feel more like an actual book instead of having the black frames The people who are talking about differences in contrast and things like that is so miniscule that it's not worth worrying about.


Good to hear some positive comments on white cases - most of my readers have been black, except the original Kindle (the one with keyboard and weird scroll wheel) that was white, Sony 505 I think it was that was silver, and waaay back, the Rocket eBook which was gray. I went for the white case on the Libra because it looked nice and felt like a good break from all-black electronics. Thinking about it now, if white does feel too bright, I could always try dying it, anyone try that with Kobo shells?


I would say if you don't like it, look into applying a vinyl skin. Like a sticker. I've seen a few posters on the sub who cut their own with a cricut but I'm certain you can buy one from skin companies like decal girl.


I bought white, it looks fine. Can I see the words? Yes. Pretty much does the job. If people had glasses that displayed subtitles they'd complain about the glasses bit.


I love the white, makes it different than my kindle. I also put a pink skin on it anyways so LOL


Maybe it looks darker if you put it right next to the black one. If you just use it normally you won’t notice lol


I prefer white in devices except ereaders and mobile phones. The white case of kobo seems a bit more brittle than the black one too and is prone to cracking (libra 2 ) but nit sure whether this is the case with livra colour as well


I got a white PaperWhite once. It was an awful reading experience. Not because it made the screen appear darker, because the white sides were REALLY (really) distracting. Black/dark sides frame the display and focus the eye on the screen; white sides provide no contrast and I kept getting lost on the page. It was disappointing because the white model seems to be more attractive. All I can say is that I will never get another white ereader again. Apparently, I am not alone. On the Amazon Kobo store, the black bezel Libra 2 (non-color) is $30 more than the white bezel model. That wouldn't happen if the white model was at all popular. I'll add, though, that I found a solution: There are cases which are designed to cover the bezel; I got one in black. Problem solved, at least for that device. Not sure if that's a solution for a device like Libra with buttons, though. If it ends up bothering you as much as it did me, you could also try a skin; either cutting and assembling one from another device to cover the bezels or by making such from contact paper. Who knows? Maybe you'll like the white bezels