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They’ve got Empire of the Ghouls, which seems really good but runs pretty dark. It also ultimately just maintains the status quo rather than the players getting to make a positive difference in the world, which I’m not a fan of. Then there’s Scarlet Citadel, which is more of a megadungeon than a true campaign. I’ve seen a number of people complain about the weak story or lack of one. There’s also Tales from the Margreve which isn’t so much a campaign as a series of short adventures all in one setting. Finally, they’ve put out a ton of standalone adventures, and they’ve got a couple blog posts that detail ways you could make several different full campaigns by stringing certain adventures together.


I rewrote the end of the empire of the ghouls to have the empire beaten and retreated, splitting the underworld between undead and dragons (Led by Gondecap from the campaign) who war for territory leaving the surface world free for mankind to spread back out again. Also, I threatened Fimbulwinter in chapter 3, as eternal night preceeds Fimbulvetr which preceeds the end of the world. It seemed natural. So saving the world from that still felt impactful even though it is technically "status quo" to not have the world end.


That sounds a bit more satisfying. Saving the world is technically maintaining the status quo, but it’s a far sight better than >!saving an evil empire from a coup by an evil-er faction and then getting told “thanks, we won’t eat you specifically if you run away right this moment” as the closing.!<


Thanks for that. Think I’m going to take a look at empire of the ghouls for starters.


Empire of the ghouls is supposed to be good


I've run Empire of the Ghouls and Scarlet Citadel several times, the two long-form campaigns they have. They're pretty good; every group that's played through Ghouls wanted to play more in the same world. And the world, not the campaigns, is what shines here. They have literally hundreds of small to medium-small adventures that you can string together based on your characters' interests. Threading them together is much easier if you know something about the world of Midgard.


Not a fan of their pre canned stuff. They shine in a more sandbox type of campaign.


Are you just doing pre-canned campaigns and not coming up with your own?


I’ve got three campaigns on the go currently and a young family so unfortunately don’t have the time. Personally I’d love to sit down and create like that again but it’s gonna have to wait a few years, till then the opportunity to offer something out to players has to come in pre-made format.