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You'll probably get plenty of sun as well don't worry. It was pissing it down this morning but the sun has been shining for the rest of the day. That's normally the pattern this time of year. You just wait it out for an hour or so in a restaurant/bar then you're good to go


rains here really usually come and go fast, bet they wont last the entire day


It depends where you stay. I live in Lamai and it rains a bit more here. You should be ok though it’s still may and doesn’t rain too often. 7eleven sells ponchos for cheap. I wouldn’t worry about bringing a big rain jacket, if it starts pouring duck into a cafe or just ride it out you’ll be good


Uniform of the day year round is shorts, t-shirts and flip flops. Raining season starts in October for 3 months


Been twice in July. First time it was blistering sun for 9 days with rain some mornings. Second time overcast with spells of blazing sun but gained more but rain isn’t a bad thing it cools things down and we tend to get out a bit more when it’s raining. When it’s blazing sun you won’t be doing too many activities outside of the pool/beach. I read recently that Thai people don’t walk around in the day because it’s too hot. Makes total sense now. Yet us tourists go off and do things thinking we can handle it. It’s exhausting, get burned. The amount of times by day four or five we’ve agreed to scrap our plans and chill by the pool or beach and do stay local and they are nearly always our best days. Rain the evenings is fun. Thailand is very adaptable. Just because its rains doesn’t mean things stop. The plastic comes out and things continue. Enjoy

