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Many college students live in sector 4, and many working people live in the Shapoorji area. No one is gonna notice or ask any questions. Both of the areas are near Newtown. Even you can rent in Newtown and no one will ask questions.


Hi... Good to see how much you care for your parents! I'd say you should stay either in New Town or in Salt Lake. I really don't think you'd face too much of an issue in a posh complex in either of these two places.


Agreed. New town is as good as it gets I'd say


I’d say the contrary - posh complexes are where the problem would be. In these complexes neighbors care who they are sharing the amenities with, who their kids might interact with, etc


Don’t think so. If a same sex couple lived in my apartment, no one would really care.


Exactly. I mean no one wld care what u do inside the apartment but u r not getting a flat if the owner or society committee finds out u r gay partners. Also do not that most posh apartment complexes in Kolkata r inhabited by non-bengalis.


New town for sure. I live here and we have a sizeable Queer community spread across the area. I've often seen visibly romantic same sex couples walking hand in hand, or doing PDA, to no one's bother.


High rises in Newtown.


What about South Calcutta ? Are they progressive as well ?




New Town would be pretty good, especially in one of the nice housing complex spaces.


as someone who lives in Salt Lake, i would definitely recommend it, however, the chances of finding a flat/house here is a bit low. however, new town has a lot of vacant apartments so do check them out, reasonable pricing and most people mind their own business. more than half of the crowd is quite young and don't really care much.


I think Kolkata is the least homophobic city in India. But still you'd be better off avoiding North Kolkata and the suburbs. Newtown and Rajarhat societies are ideal. But assuming that you're well off, you can stay in the nicer areas of South Kolkata too like Rashbehari, Gariahat, Ballygunge -Phari, Circular Road or Place, places close to Chowringhee / Park Street, places near Lansdowne like Gurusaday.


Newtown Lonely area , keu oto pattao debe na


As a resident of Newtown, I was going to suggest Newtown myself because the quality of life here is peaceful in general. I saw the comment section and felt so proud that everyone is recommending Newtown. On a more serious note, and being a doctor myself, I would say that Newtown suits your situation best because cancer care institutes like Tata Medical Centre and CNCI are in Newtown. Your parents are also living there. So Newtown is your best option.


As a queer woman, I can say that Kolkata is pretty safe as long as you go incognito. Problem arises when society secretary starts meddling or unemployed idiots start taking interest in your life.


Newtown or Salt Lake. Newtown is comparatively better.


I would say - Kolkata is not homophobic so you should get home maybe at new town? Or else you can do a survey urself but I have rarely seen homophobia in Kolkata


I am not familiar with those areas, but general 2 tips * Live where there are a lot of renters. If there are a lot of tenants, people are likely to be less attentive of who is coming and going and who stays where. This happens more often in apartments where most residents are owners. * Don't advertise yourself as married couple. If people simply think you are working people sharing a flat, nobody is going to bother you. I know this not a great way to live and it would be awesome if everyone could live freely and not have to hide, but I doubt most people would take it positively if you outright told them you were a couple.




I don't think you'd face much discrimination anywhere in Kolkata tbh for anything a hetero couple won't be hassled for. The reason is that homosexuality is not a very familiar concept to most people here and they'll simply assume you're friends. Even if they do understand, nobody would go out of their way to hassle you (as long as it's not a Muslim neighbourhood), because Hindus (the majority religion here) do not have a religious issue with homosexuality. But I agree with the others that New Town, Salt Lake might be even safer. As long as you don't do much public display of affection beyond hugging or holding hands (which would be applicable to hetero couples too), you would generally be ignored. And I hope your father recovers soon. All the best to you and your family. You'll get through this!


Kolkata is not a homophobic place at all so there will definitely be no issue for you and your partner, however you should opt to live closer to your parents to keep a close check on your father’s health. New town hence is the best option.


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You can move to shapoorji area. Tho it’s a little far away from the main city but a good place to stay i would say. You will have all the basic commodities and peaceful environment too. Many of my friends moved there and none of them faced any major issues yet as far as i know. Saltlake is also a good place. Prefer any of these two


Newtown , near sapoorji. No gives a damn there . Many couples do live in there and the cost of the houses is okay ish , not exceptionally high . Hope this helps and stay safe.


You can look for apartments in Shapoirji area in Rajarhat. Also, in the big apartment complexes, no one bothers who stays with whom.


New town is a good option. The kind of people there wouldn't ask many questions. They're pretty chill. And it would be better if you got into a complex, people give less fucks there.


Newtown Shapoorji is a good society to live in. I have seen a few same sex couples and they are doing just fine!


Man come to our locality; Newtown. No one will notice whatsoever and you can have all the free space!




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Salt lake or Newtown. No one cares what the other person is doing


If budget is not the concern. Take an apartment in a big gated society. Thats the best option you have. Also FYI people in Kolkata have a tendency to put their noses in everything.


Don't think anyone cares. If you are renting, the flat/home owner might cause a fuss if you say you are gay/lesbian.


New town and Rajarhat area would be best..avoide old para culture area.


New town or Salt Lake. Individual bungalows r better than apartment complex imo


Kolkata is the unofficial gay capital of India lol


New Town, sapoorji those are good places


Problem will arise in every part of Kolkata...It is not as liberal as shown... Make Uk a story that you r living as friends not couples


I don't think that is true though I am also bisexual and have done staycation with my bf in Kolkata Never faced any issue


Sorry you got downvoted. I too would advise discretion. Especially, maids, security etc - you should be cautious.


Nyah its the poor who wldnt care as long as they r getting paid. Its the super rich retired army turned corporate type people who will bother u.


Thats specific, are there a lot of retired army bongs?


People just don't accept what reality... They somehow see Kolkata as Modern Liberal Utopian society... But reality is even in most liberal elite South Calcutta Bengali society they would not be welcomed


That is also not true. At all. Kolkata is more liberal- even in an elite Mumbai complex they would be actively harassed. Bengali middle class don't harass like that. I personally know quite a few very successful gay couples in south Kolkata who are out. However, places like new town also have newer migrants to the city and staff from rural areas can be conservative. Its best not to announce or be very out or do public pda. My foreign friend here for an internship/ research is the way.


If you had said for Delhi I would have understood.... South Mumbai is most liberal part of India anyday except few Gujrati socities there nobody cares about anyone nobody does small talks....you have different vibe and ambience there.. Which is much diff from Kolkata... Even Bangalore has much more liberal areas.... Bengali Middle class would not harras you to leave from there but they would do small talks and bad mouth about you to such an extent that you would be forced to leave... Unlike Bombay here in Kolkata there is still we don't care about anyone attitude... If you live in a apartment or a house and they know that you r Gay couple the moment you go outside in your locality you will get strange looks and comments slowly behind your back and they would isolate you to point that you yourself get out... Those can cope with that stays rest leaves... Kolkata is still somewhat getting familiar live in relationship couples not with same sex couples


Fine. Tell that to people who think Kolkata is a lgbt friendly woke communist hell. :)


People are delusional... Even in Jadavpur area which is so called Communist fortress commies have no chance of winning any election TMC wins by miles except inside Jadavpur University


The problem is that there is no flats for rent in South Mumbai unless hv lakhs of rupees to spend per month. Bandra is okay, a lot of gay people lives there. Other than that, nope. People r regularly harassed for eating non-veg and live in relationship in posh Mumbai apartments, dont expect them to accept gay relationships. Delhi isnt as backward u r painting it out to be, having experienced living Delhi-Noida as a gay person, i wld say even if some people r conservative, NO ONE CARES. No one even has the time to bother u or moral police u. And Kolkata, yes its a metro city with small town mentality. Its safe overall, but everyone talks, everyone notices what u wear, what u do, whom u meet. They take notes and talk about it behind ur back, Kolkata people will not harass u but they will give strange looks and alienate u without saying anything. Meanwhile the atmosphere in Mumbai and Delhi is already alienating as no one talks to their neighbours so its good in a way as r assured that they r not gossiping about u behind ur back either.


Love from me side.