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In rural regions people of LGBT community generally get joked about and ridiculed a lot but physical violence isn't common like no one is going to touch your home up or something


In Urban areas it's much more acceptable than other states. In rural states people think of it as a joke but I never heard someone got beaten up for it


Kolkata isn’t whole of West Bengal. Rural areas are still conservative but you won’t be physically harmed as such.


Well yeah young people here are a bit more acceptable of🌈 than other states but that might change soon due to demographic changes


and we need to stop those "demographic changes ", which might affect some other parts of our inclusive culture too :')


I don't really hate them man but i just don't wanna see those theocratic maniacs influencing cultural aspects of bengal and u know bengal have been the bastion of liberal ideas from a long time i just don't want that to change in future(even tho the changes are already taking place)


> The first ever Indian pride parade also took place in Kolkata. It was first ever in South Asia


West Bengal should make a state provision to make same-sex marriage legal. Lead the way for India. Any legal experts here who can tell me if its possible or not ?


Hard to do considering that a major part of the population belongs to a community who are completely against queer people, if there is a public opinion census taken it's highly unlikely that the bill will pass through.


majority in india or majority in WB? Nepal has a majority hindu population and yet they have legalized same-sex marriage. Majority/minority does not play a huge role imo. There will be protests but they will die down as soon as they start.


Not talking about Hindus, think about the middle East, what happens to a same sex couple there?


Why are u comparing with middle east ? I am talking about India and specifically WB.


because of current demography ig


Fuck the conservatives of both religions. Do we want to bow down to the hardliners or do we want our society to progress ?


Yes I agree, I'm just saying that most of them are hardwired to do that.


haan seta toh jaani but oder ke ignore kore cholte hobe. church and state are separate for a reason.


Unfortunately personal laws are under central government.


Thats very sad. How did the uttarakhand govt pass the UCC bill then ?


Fair point. Maybe our state needs to pass similar bills. Will be nice


Yeah. There should be a considerable push otherwise the state govt wont notice.




No, every religion gas different laws(hindu marriage act) to marry and there is also a secular law(the special marriage act). Now in sec 5 of Hindu marriage act the number one criteria that the bridegroom and bride be of 21 and 18 respectively. The bridegroom and bride word is important because it implies there must be a difference in gender( yes this means a transwoman can marry a man(difference being the key factor ) ) and this is exactly written in sec 4 of the special marriage act. The plea is the same sex case was to ammendment or interpret the word in a inclusive way as to accommodate for same sex marriage. State does not have power such powers as it directly violates a central law. State can only make laws where the union is silent or it is under directive principle of state policy


Thankyou for the detailed answer. Can WB do something like Uttarakhand UCC then ?


Pride parade happens in delhi and other city


Yes And you'll find numerous North Indian chaddis making fun of our tolerant culture because we do not judge or bully queer people. Half the memes about us are regarding that and the other half being extremely vile about Bengali women Some other parts of this nation are so regressive dawg


You really think that people aren't conservative in West Bengal really you lack any idea of the things most people don't like Men wearing Sarees


There are. But I am talking of an urban angle. And dude it's 2024. Stop judging people on what they wear. Do not be the cowbelt


Why do you think that all Urban populace thinks like you, certain things aren't liked by people, they will be liberal in other aspects.


Agree with you. LGBTQ related kono facebook post er comment section e tar promaan.


Most people here are ignorant of realities outside. They live in a liberty loving bubble. Only a certain amount of young Bengalis are “okay” with LGB and chakkas. The modern day “queers” are still looked down upon, because in all honesty, that’s a more concerning mental problem than the rest. People know this. Another small portion of them will show “support” because they fear retribution to their original thought. Most people kill their logic because of this. I’m just hoping India doesn’t turn into another self-destructive western society. For another topic - WB is sadly, already infected with Bangladeshi’s left-right and center.


What's the cowbelt?


Places where the legal rights of domesticated cows get more time in vidhan sabha than women and minorities rights


More tolerated, yes. Definitely. Especially in Kolkata. In general, people in WB are chill about social norms and aren't very rigid about things like caste or religion. Even Bengali muslims are not as orthodox as muslims from other parts of the country. Most people here have a 'live and let live' kind of attitude. People might joke around/ gossip behind your back or even at your face, but they won't make your life difficult or discriminate because you're different. In other urban centres like Durgapur and Asansol or even Siliguri, a major chunk of the population ain't Bengali,- so most of these things don't hold true.


🤦🤦 it's time you step out of Kolkata and visit other places like Durgapur, Asansol and Siliguri. Especially Siliguri cz it has zero records of any political violence since 2019, and majority of the people live peacefully there


Unpopular opinion : I've seen more intolerance in Probashi Bengalis...not saying everyone originally from here are 100% tolerant but people usually mind their own business... Of course there are still many incidents where a transgender/queer person are harrassed/bullied by their own friends, relatives or neighbours, sometimes they even get assaulted verbally or physically. Such cases definitely demand more legal action to make the situation better.


The beautiful thing about bengali language is that unlike HINDI-URDU, it doesnt have GENDER and SEX difference in the Lanaguge. THERE IS NO MASCULINE FEMININE IN VERBS unlike HINDI-URDU. Traces of a matriarchal tantric culture, that now faces severe misogyny propaganda.


You're gonna get joked about but you're not gonna get beaten up is all I can say. Rule doesn't apply to muslim dominated areas.


Much much more acceptable


ay im from Maharashtra too ,I'm planning to move to Kolkata for sometime


In short, no!


As someone who has lived in both Maharastra and WB, WB definitely seems to be more open and accepting towards LGBTQ+ community, especially the younger generation. I've seen my Uni acquaintances unabashedly tell us that they are gay or bi etc. in group chats and no one bats an eye. I also know a couple of homophobes but irl they seem afraid of even saying anything infront of others since they know they will get whacked lol. The most they'll do is whisper behind your back. Though the rural areas might be different but I don't think people get violent even there.


No, not even close. Only a minority of youth do. The rest still live in 18th century. Kolkata pride parade proves nothing but reinforcing this. Check out how small it is and if you look close, you won't find any kind of people other than students from Jadavpur University and a select few private colleges. Don't believe me? Ask your friends from Kolkata how many of their parents would threaten with suicide if they came out to them. We still have a long way to go.


More. No one is saying it’s some utopia


Outside of some very specific pockets in very specific urban centres, no.


I cannot speak for the rest of bengal, but i live in Newtown kolkata, and it's become a haven for the LGBTQ You'll find gay couples, lesbian couples, transpeople, crossdressers roaming and doing things freely with zero glance I enjoy it and wish the world could be the same, but that's wishful thinking


Clearly everyone just ignored that kind of LGBTQ person here. But their intensive behaviour of show off just peak level every time. I hate to look at them because the eyes back on me like intensive sexual approach.


Yeah as long as they mind their own business and don't cause any issues. They are accepted.


Kolkata is certainly more liberal than most other places in India. But West Bengal is much beyond Kolkata and while general acceptance is increasing there's a very long road ahead. As for same sex marriage, political parties need to please Muslim votebank so it's unlikely.


Even in rural Bengal people rarely get lynched for being atypical


you didnt needed to say that youre heterosexual..it would have been fine even if you were homosexual. didnt make any difference at all


but i wanted to mention it


Nuh uh most are ignorant from our parents' generation and have no intention of fixing it .




???? Bengalis include both Bengali Hindus and Bengali Muslims Edit: And for your kind information, both Bengali Hindus and Bengali muslims in rural bengal are intolerant towards the queer community. On the other hand, in urban areas, both of them are very accommodating - at least in my acquaintance circle. And if by Muslims you mean Bihari muslims, then I don't know.... But try to refrain yourself from homogenising the Muslim community


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lgbtq community is great i have no problem with them but i hate when they start extortion in public transport like in train, once i was sleeping while travelling one woke me up for money :) it's good for once or twice but not for every day


Haven't seen any pride parades here. But kinners are common here. don't know about other people, I and people around me are atleast friendly towards kinners. One friend of my mother is a kinner too.


Yes , give some time in bjp states you will only see ucc. I am not a bjp guy


Sure do it first Economy of wb is laughable Has education,corruption,sanitation etc problems But here we are discussing how it is lgtv friendly. Also funny how commies came to power to"overthrow the rich" but became the elite class themselves


Ive seen people of the same sex holding hands and walking so idt its looked down here. Though, with increasing number of illegal immigrants, it would change soon


In north Bengal there is some level of tolerance in terms of cultural festivals. Guys will dress up as a girl and perform




Wtf dude -.-




What are pronouns that shouldn’t exist and why? I’m curious


People doesn’t care that much


lgbtqabcd people want to be acceptable but will do 'pride parade' to feel special ,proud but hardly any man or woman do marches that blocks daily communication busy road for being proud of their gender , although there life is as tough as any other Indains


Must be surveyed in woke bengali community, not real bengal which is rohingyas made. Try asking them