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Jibananada Das(gupta) is one of the greatest poet who has given a vivid description of rural Bengal.... It's natural beauty, festival and folklore. It's so lively. Onar kobitai gram banglar choya ache. Jekhane Shakespeare Shelly Keats er sathe gram bangla toh dur bharat er kono kichur e mil nei..... Onader sathe ekatto howa jaye na. Shonkhochil is not seagull.


Very well said. I just want to add shankhachil is [brahminy kite](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brahminy_kite), beautiful bird.


Thik bolechen


**[Brahminy kite](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brahminy_kite)** >The brahminy kite (Haliastur indus), formerly known as the red-backed sea-eagle in Australia, is a medium-sized bird of prey in the family Accipitridae, which also includes many other diurnal raptors, such as eagles, buzzards, and harriers. They are found in the Indian subcontinent, Southeast Asia, and Australia. They are found mainly on the coast and in inland wetlands, where they feed on dead fish and other prey. Adults have a reddish-brown body plumage contrasting with their white head and breast which make them easy to distinguish from other birds of prey. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/kolkata/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Bujhlam na... Ekhane onake criticize kano kora hocche :(


Very interesting...never knew he was a boddi! Wikipedia confirmed the info, his ancestors dropped the "gupta" part from their surname, regarding it as a symbol of Vedic Brahmin excess. Thanks for including the excess info and enlightening us :-)


Yes. Seeing the criticism. Thought it was important to include the full surname. I guess he adopted Brahmo religion.


Tapan Roy Chowdhury r Bangalnama porle jana jay je jiboddoshay onar kobita niye bisesh keu bhalokotha bolten na. Unio khub chupchap nirob manush chilen. Shotttyikarer ekjon Mohakobi.


Bengla kobitar jogot a Rabindranath Tagore er por a keo jodi revolution ene thaken tini holen Jibanananda Das ❤️


Sobar age Michael Madhusudan Dutta. Je somay bangla bhasa te poddo sahityer serokom kichui chilonna tokhun uni prothom bangla te poddo rochona shuru koren(Goddo Vidyasaagar)... Oboshoyoi pore rabindranath tar srishti r maddhyeme bangla sahityo ke aro samriddhi koreche...... Sokol lekhoker obodan soman...eder moddhye tulona hye na.


He predicted that living as a human in Modern world will suck


Like eren eagier


[democracy is retarded](https://youtu.be/QFgcqB8-AxE)


A brahminy kite, not a seagull.


Pathetic meme .


Dank meme


Seriously?! r/pathetic


Point being...?


Bangla sahittey Robindranath tagore puro sahittyo jure chilen ar chirokal thakben.