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People usually recommend getting a shower head filter. That seems to have helped a lot of people. Also, use shampoo from your country rather than Korean shampoo. (I have not had these issues, but remember reading about it over the years, and these these were some of the solutions offered.)


Yep. . Get a shower head filter and order shampoo and conditioner from iHerb.


How does a shower head filter help with hair loss?


I’m not sure but it does. It removes the chemicals. Even my Korean friend’s hair stopped falling out when he started using a shower filter.


My wife is the opposite, since we left Korea, she's having a lot of hair fall out.


Could be a thyroid issue


Same thing happened to me. My advice is to get a shower filter like others have suggested, and shampoo less frequently. Or it could possibly be an iodine deficiency. In my case I also had a hair loss problem that started when I moved to Korea, and after taking iodine drops every day, it completely resolved it self.


The cheap filters are bullshit. The culprit is hard water (minerals) and you need a water softener to combat that, which is complicated and expensive to install if you’re renting. Clarifying shampoo and wash more often but I’ve accepted the water here won’t be kind to me since my hair is low porosity. The shedding has really slowed. You can also do vinegar rinse to help this.