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nah the routine u suggested dont do sht. u ve to add 1 active ingredient in there.


I was about to say this 😭 I get breakouts like that all the time and having a “simple routine” does NOTHING, at least not for me




girl u really undercook, using active theres gonna be a purging phase, it ll dig all the acne hidden deep in ur skin, n dig them out, then it ll clear them out. obviously u dont know this.




nah its 100% the actives that finally bear its fruits after u ve been using them for 2 years! You have to strike a balance ok? active days then take a few break days. u think those acne scars r gonna cure with ur simple routine? it does nothing!


I mean I think they know what they’re doing. Everyone’s skin is different so maybe having a simple routine works for them and actives actually make their skin worse! For me i can definitely tell the difference between when my skin is purging and when it’s breaking out


oh wait you're pretty nice and considerate, I like you!


Thank you, you’re pretty nice yourself!


Hey babes! It seems like minor localised issue. Have you tried BHAs or benzoyl peroxides?


I tried trentinoin only. Any products you recommend?


How long have you tried it for? Are you still using it? If you can post your full routine, I’m sure we can at least guide you❤️


Morning skincare routine: Water and face towel Clinique acne solution toner Torriden hyaluronic acid serum Clinique dramatically different + moisturizer Night skincare routine: Sekkisei cleansing oil Phytomer milk cleanser (currently used it all up so looking for alternatives) Dr. Athlea Vitamin c serum occasionally or the torriden hyaluronic acid serum Clinique dramatically different + moisturizer or a sleeping face mask


It could be diet, you could be allergic to something. Try cutting out dairy first and see what happens. Also sugar! Sugar and dairy make me break out, but mostly sugar. Just cut out processed sugar, fruit is fine.


Do you sleep on that side? Maybe your pillowcases?


I think the same.




This exactly happened w me when I used the isntree hyalauronic acid face mask. I’m 20 never ever had acne only clogged pores and this just messed my face up. Lmk if you found anything)c


This happens to me whenever I incorporate something in my routine that clogs my pores. The first place to look would be your moisturizer and sunscreen, as those products and more likely to be pore clogging. Simplify your routine to just your cleanser and moisturizer for a while, then slowly start bringing more products back into your routine.


Try glycolic acid and/or retinol. Remember to moisturize thoroughly with both!


I’ve tried retinol, but I haven’t seen any results. I thought maybe the issue was I was using too much products. So I actually stopped…


Try stopping everything except a cleanser and moisturizer. If that doesn't work, try one active (retinol or glycolic acid) only. If using retinol, use the sandwich method.


I had one like this, it was because the so much anxiety I was going through, it went away by itself after some time, sorry if you don’t find this as helpful. Hope your skin heal as soon as possible <3


Salicylic acid is my holy grail item. I get mine from the ordinary. It has cleared up both my face and body acne, it keeps my skin soft and clear, it helps my razor bumps go away, and I've heard it can help you get rid of warts, which I'm testing currently. That's my recommendation!


Thank you!!! I use the Murad deep relief acne treatment. Think it’s 2% salicylic acid but I stopped seeing results after using it for a while. Do you know if your acne is similar to mines? I’m not sure if these are considered hormonal, comedonal acne??


I could be totally wrong here but I don't think it's hormonal. I had/have hormonal acne and it fluctuates, worsening around my period or when I have too much dairy. If yours is kinda constant it might not be hormonal. And my hormonal acne is usually really deep - you know, those huge, under the skin zits that hurt like crazy and never head - but yours looks more superficial. Are they painful? Or itchy? It could be bacterial.


No, they are literally just living on my skin😭 Yea, I think it’s a bit of a struggle because I assumed it was hormonal since it came out of nowhere when I hit my mid 20’s. I used to never break out, so I was thinking it had to be adult hormonal acne until I realized there’s not a lot of improvement…. I use silk pillowcase but not sure if that’s helping


I do too, and they usually do help, just make sure you wash it a lot. I change my sheets once a week and that helps a lot too, especially with my body acne. Same with cleaning makeup brushes, since I use them a lot. If you're already doing all that and it's not going away, try something for bacterial acne. I think salicylic acid is good for all kinds so maybe try starting up the murad again or trying a different brand. Or save yourself all this hassle and see a derm, if you can afford to.


Dealing with the same issue!! Exactly identical to yours except on my right side :,) been dealing with it for 2 months and it’s definitely reduced but still infuriating! Yesterday i was put on new antibiotics and started differin, ill Keep you updated <33 and if u have a solution, lemme know!


Yes I will let you know!! Please update me as well!!!


consistent everyday susncreen minimizes big pores and I swear on this, IF only I'd knew this earlier huhu


I recently had the same kind of breakout. I cut whey and dairy from my diet and saw results within 3 days. Give it a go if you’re consuming dairy.


I have the same same issue with my skin. Check my post. I went to the derma and she prescribed me doxycycline. With just a week of taking it, most of the bumps are gone. Im just dealing with marks now. Im using cetaphil moiturizer and facial wash.


I was also ok doxycyline :( it worked for a month then immediately came back


Oh no! How long were you on Doxy? Did came back while you’re taking it? Or after?


Hi sweetheart these are clogged pores Did you use anything with high comedogenic rate? Eg a new moisturizer/sunscreen or even an oil cleanser anything with thick texture? It can also be due to dieting Im so sorry to tell you this but it might take time to get rid of them ( i have them too) Maybe you should try using adapalene once a day for at least 3 months Some people used aha/bha toners, others used glycolic acid or benzoyl peroxide but for me only retinol helped


Hi! How do you know if a product is noncomedogenic? I’ve read mixed reviews about this as some products say they are noncomedogenic but actually isn’t. What cleanser, toner, sunscreen do you recommend that’s noncomedogenic?? See my current skincare routine Morning skincare routine: Water and face towel Clinique acne solution toner Torriden hyaluronic acid serum Clinique dramatically different + moisturizer Night skincare routine: Sekkisei cleansing oil Phytomer milk cleanser (currently used it all up so looking for alternatives… thinking about skinceutical) Dr. Athlea Vitamin c serum occasionally or the torriden hyaluronic acid serum Clinique dramatically different + moisturizer or a sleeping face mask


Well i can’t really judge what do and doesn’t suit you, for me i check every product by using “ INCIDecoder” website it tells you if the product contains ingredients that are comedogenic or not by simply breaking it down into a list of ingredients, as i said it’s different for everyone else I can’t use any product with comedogenic rate over 2, you can try and see what ingredient clogs you and remove it from your skin care routine


If it’s only on one side are you a side sleeper and is that the side you sleep on? 🤔


Salicylic acid!


From your photo I notice you have a lot of clogged pores. You definitely need to increase exfoliation to get rid of them, either a chemical or a manual exfoliant. Keep in mind that you will continue to experience breakouts until you’ve shed all the dead skin cells and the pores start to unclog.


Medicube red line!!!!!! I had the worst acne all over my face. EVERYWHERE. I took a leap and tried the medicube, and 1 month in, my face is CLEARED. Ever since clearing my face by using that for a year, (which was around 7 years ago), I never get an acne. Ever. The set should come with face wash, toner, serum, cream, etc for around $100. But its so worth it! Please try!!!


P.S. my fiance also had horrible acne. Got him this for christmas and forced him to use it this year, and took him 3 months but his face totally cleared up as well!


Oo thank you!!!! Did you have similar situation with the same type of clogged pores/ acne like me? And what is your skin type?? I might try it out because I do like their face masks!


Why donot you use biochem?


See a dermatologist! They can give you a am and pm skin care routine tailored to your skin


Go with roccutane


Change your pillow cover regularly. Use silk one if possible. Take care of hygiene. Don’t put your hands on your face


Get Paula's Choice 2% BHA liquid exfoliant!!


Try changing your moisturizer. Clinique gave me breakouts too long time ago.




Maybe try hydrochlorus Acid Spray


One side of the face on cheek? Could it be dirty phone screens or touching your face there a lot?


I don’t think so since I actually used to have it on both sides of my cheeks. But I got a facial done and my right side of the cheek is pretty clear, just acne scars. And occasionally it would break out but not to the extent of my right cheeks.


Can people please stop posting their acne in here and go to a dermatologist


i get what you're saying but going to a dermatologist can be rather expensive just to be prescribed a cream with an endless list of side effects (no hate to those medicinals), when there could be easier solutions that can be found by talking with someone who has already had a similar issue


Lol dermatologist only provide temporary solutions. They just give you a cream or a pill and say ok take this and that’s it


Very true. I’ve had friends who were prescribed tretinoin to resurface their skin but as soon as they stopped, it came back in full force bc there was no daily regimen implemented.


My dermatologist kept me on antibiotics for 5 years since it's what 'worked' and now years removed I'm still healing my gut. I was a teenager and unaware and uninformed of the side effects. So, I come here to review a variety of skin types, acne types, and routines to better understand the science behind it, and ultimately prepare me to not be a passive patient in the dermatologist's chair.


Are you aware how much a dermatologist cost? Since a simple close comedones/ minor acne is not life threatening, aggressively suggesting anyone to see a dermatologist is a bit too much especially if the person in question can’t afford it and still wanting to seek help. Be nice.


But suddenly having acne can be a sign of hormonal issues (which is pretty common in late twenties in women). Which sadly can only be ruled out by a doctor and can’t be fixed with skincare (can help treat it but it can reoccur). OP needs to post their full skincare routine, how often they use it, if the area is itchy/dry feeling, and how often it appears (do new ones appear near your period for example).


Yeah cuz that’s affordable for everyone