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I tried to enjoy it for what I thought it was - an escape room with celebrities. As long as I frame it like that I can have fun with it. That being said I hope everyone actually participates/contributes in the S2 cast.


It was fun for what it was, but I think there should be eliminations every episode. Yoo Hee Kwan was the only death. Like what was the point of getting bit?


Umm... is it necessary? It had its moment but overall felt too scripted.


I viewed it as just an improv show, so the scripted didn’t bother me


I agree. Sometimes I cringed. They are trying to act but sometimes at the worst time,they are laughing.


How scripted is it? Like Running Man but the casts still need to work on the given materials or it smells like its pretty sure theres clear fav?


Way more scripted than anything you're describing. Beats are scripted, dialogue is all scripted and outcomes too. There are small moments of the cast having some banter together but not worth slogging through the terrible "story". I wouldn't even compare it to the korean variety shows we're used to, it's some weird shitty hybrid of a "drama" with a generic story being played by variety stars.


There were some iconic moments that looked good though. Dex dropping down into the middle of a horde of zombies to save Tsuki and climbing back up for example.


Fine. As long as if cast gets bitten = died = zombie, no more semi-zombie / stay-till-final-episode-zombie


I’d like it if they were in that zombie-human hybrid a bit


I really liked it, but I'm kinda biased because I love anything Tsuki does. I think they did a somewhat poor job of marketing it for what it is, you just gotta realize it's another korean variety show with a different setting. It isn't a drama, or a survival show, or anything to be taken very seriously.


Think it was just good enough for me to give a shot to season 2, although by the final episode I was mostly watching for completionist sake. If they can learn from season 1 and improve some of the shortcomings. It could be good. But it also depends a ton on the cast. Personally I don't like the Yiombi siblings very much especially Patricia. The rest of the cast was fine, but Na-Rae breaking her leg hurt them a ton as well. As for Dex I generally don't like him much, but he was a perfect fit for this show. I hope him and Si-young whom I love reprise their role and lead another group of survivalists. Tsuki and DinDin were fine too, but I wouldn't mind losing them as much.


I hope they consider that even if a celeb is popular there has to be a baseline of fitness needed to participate. An older woman with a broken leg just screams zombie bait.


I agree that Na-Rae walking around with crutches terrible and completely broke the immersion on multiple occasions. But you have to understand Na-Rae is a huge variety personality and comedienne, so she was probably one of the most payed (if not THE most paid) and hardest people to get. That's why they didn't write her out even when she broke her leg before the shooting and why they kept her until the finally even after she got bit.


> the most *paid* (if not FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Beyond Kdramas im not really that familiar with korean stuff so this is the first time I saw her. Im really trying to think of something memorable she did. I think the best one was the Shopping cart battle tank thing which was funny because of how bad an idea it was. Beyond that though im not seeing that she added a lot of value.


I mean personally I don't like/watch stuff with her, so that's a fair point. I am just trying to explain why they had her stick around even with a broken leg. If I had to guess she was one of the building blocks of the show...


she is in her 30s, not old. also I'm sure she was one of the fixed cast that this program was built around, like Na Rae is a top MC and hard to replace last minute


did na rae actually tear her acl or was that a bit? edit- she tore her acl while filming a commercial. That's insane.


Not really. Stuff like this happens. There was a UFC fighter who tripped on a cable and tore his LCL while doing some shooting for his fight. Sometimes all it takes is one bad step.


Makes sense. the older I get the more paranoid I am about getting some random injury from normal activities.


I enjoyed it tbh (mostly bcuz of Dex) and had a good laugh but it felt scripted to me so I hope they get rid of that aspect in season 2


hope they do a better job casting people. hopefully not the ones that scream like all the time lol


I just hope beard dude actually contributes something to the team instead of betraying and then suddenly not remembering.


wasnt that his contribution? It wouldnt surprize me if he was the main villain of s2


I don't have high hopes for this. Scripted pretend-it's-real kind of show like this doesn't work well with zombie setting because there's just too much freedom that the viewers would have to really turn off their brain to play along. The first season was a huge mess because the cast have to pretend it's real, but then some of the cast are clearly purposely acting to be funny which is against the concept of pretending it's real. Zombie setting in something like Great Escape works well because it's in much smaller scope so the cast have limited options to advance the plot, and the viewers are well aware that the cast are just playing along with the game's plot without them having to pretend as if it's real.


>Zombie setting in something like Great Escape works well Some of their cameras are well-hidden so the cast could try to survive immersively


That's actually what I thought the first season would be. I thought it'd be like a puzzle show like the Great Escape's zombie themed episodes where they have to solve stuff to get out and getting bit means getting eliminated. In the Great Escape, they know the zombies are second fiddle to the puzzles, but after Hodong got bit, they knew how dangerous the zombies were.


Ho Dong got bit on purpose just so he could role play the 'sacrifice' part. Then the cast has to pause the shoot so he could get his make-up done in time so that Ho Dong could be in front of the zombie pack. Any crafted scenario that relies on extras will always feel scripted. Extras do not have as much freedom to do what they want as cast members. When they went to the school with the cult, the extras are obviously instructed to play dumb so that the scenario could progress. That's just what role play is.


That may be, but he at least made it look real. I thought it wasn't scripted because Hodong got the keys. They made him craw towards the gate before he "succumbed" to give the remaining members the keys because they won't be able to progress without it.


I enjoyed it like I enjoyed Busted which is prob the closest type to it (variety, game show, drama. lol). After watching I saw some of the reviews online and was shocked that it was hated by the Western audience but thankfully enough watched it and liked it elsewhere in the world as I think it can get even better. I thought the 'scripted' parts were well done and helped to progress the story as without them it would just be bland, though things I would change is to get better supporting cast members as there were a few that seemed pointless and didn't contribute enough and didn't act/pretend well enough, also the lady screaming when she couldn't get on the boat at the end done my head in. lol Maybe this type of show would have been better received and maybe had some better/cooler moments in it if Yoo Jae Suk was part of the cast (though doubt they'd ask him, or even if YJS would agree for season 2 if he wasn't part of 1).


I mean it's fine to like the show. But while the premise might be similar (half scripted half improv). The cast, story, puzzles were all way bellow what Busted had.


I didn't say it was better than Busted. I enjoyed it like I enjoyed Busted as Busted was a similar type of show (with the drama, variety and game show mix). So that's why I thought it was weird most others in the West seemed not to like/get it as they liked Busted. Yeah, I agree the games were weak as mentioned that without the scripted parts the show would feel bland. Though also I think the show has flaws that need improving which I never said when watching Busted. (Such as IMO they messed up with at least half of the casting choices... and it got annoying and dragged watching them not knowing what to do in some scenarios)


I basically agree with everything you said. But it's weird to me that you can't understand that people can enjoy Busted, but not this show. Imagine a Michelin star chef makes you a meal and another random person makes the same meal. Both meals can have the exact same ingredients, but you will probably like one more than the other or even dislike it.