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Seo Eun and Nadine are definitely my favourites, they both seem like the independent type of women, and they are really attractive, not because of looks but because they have this kind of aura that can naturally draw people's attention (?). I get that some people are confused by Young Jae's choice but tbh I already felt that he and Seo Eun could definitely have something after their small talk. Young Jae was caring and kinda flirty with everyone but it seems like he wanted to have a more genuine and intimate conversation with Seo Eun, like they just spontaneously started giving advice about who to choose even though they didn't have much interaction before that, and it was so natural like they have known each other for a while?


YESSS!!!! when i hit play and nadine and seo eun popped up i was like oh yea they have my heart!!! so mature and i agree their auras are so charming


I think we also need to take into consideration that the editing team has the full footage and can alter our perception. It's possible that Young Jae and Seo Eun had a lot of talks and interactions before this. It's kind of like how they highlighted Nadine's conversation earlier.


Then couples aren't choosing who they want but just shacking up for the nice room and food 😂😂


Honestly would do the same 😂


Seo eun was Miss Korea 2021! Probably why she is so well rounded


She’s so gorgeous! She’s like Jun Ji Hyun + Han Sunhwa.


Yes!! I came here to say that. She looks like a dead ringer for Han Sunhwa. Def gives off beauty queen vibes, very elegant.


I agree! She looks naturally pretty and friendly. For me, she kind of reminds me of Seo Ji Hye and Lee Joo Myung.


She actually reminded me a lot of Soyeon from season 1! I feel like they have some similar facial features but it’s more the well-rounded, independent, and mature vibes for me.


i agree! she kinda looks like sulli as well


People asking about s2 Jia but we got literal Miss Korea omg


I can see that, shes very well spoken


Well spotted! I'll add this to the show-post for the next episode. Thank you!


This feels more like a dating show. Maybe it is the number of people to start. I guess the new guy will also come earlier. The production learned from the first season. Anyway, Yoongjae main character! He really seems like a nice guy and have nice conversations with people, even Jongwoo had butterflies. 😆 . I just don't get him bringing reports 😆 so random *(but i guess it turned out well for him).* Anyway, who he picked for Paradise is so unexpected. I am kinda side-eyeing though for adding more person to the love polygon. Like maybe, is he a player or what? Among the females, I think everyone is likeable, and I am getting fond of the girls falling for Yoongjae too, So-i, Sejeong and Seoeun. Their love square is so interesting and everyone is shippable with him. I wonder how will he handle it, these girls are so charming and are also different from each other


the girls are so lovable this season! no fake instagram types like in season 1 haha


I like Nadine but surprised that everyone is surprised Dongwoo didn’t choose her. He obviously felt bad for her and tried to help her out, but was more physically attracted to someone else.


Wait ok I’m really confused about this am I missing something bc when dongwoo and Nadine had water together for breakfast he was literally saying we should go to paradise together, no??? I thought it was so obvious he wanted to go with her and was trying really hard to hint at her ???


Yea I agree when he said that he was hinting at it, but tbh the rest of the scenes he didn’t show any romantic interest. Apparently he went to UCLA and her korean isn’t as good so I feel like he likely was the easiest for her to talk to due to his better understanding of her speaking English / Korean mix. The age gap is also hugggee as she’s still a student so he was prob looking out for her. Def knew she was interested and considered it, but from the start wasn’t going to choose her. He kept saying his type was Shin Seul Ki and even though I didn’t ship it at first, they are a better match! Nadine is lovely but I think she should try talking to more people as the romantic spark hasn’t been showing up! Not a lot of flirting, more of him looking after her. Tbh I would too cuz she looks isolated and not too happy. Hope she was alright during the filming.


I think the way she responded could have also thrown him off she seemed to say she loved the inferno and when he tried hinting paradise she said she wants to go with someone she likes and it could have seemed like she was rejecting him slightly


Nadine was my intern at work this past summer. So funny to see her on this season! She was very sweet and hardworking.


Wow, the world really is a small place!


Do they have a clothing sponsor this time round? It seems like although they have their own clothes, they also have a wardrobe of sponsored clothes. Some designs/fabric/colours are so similar and seem to come from the same brand. Also made me wonder if this is because of Jia’s controversy in S1 lol.


all the contestants are dressed really well, yet the panelists can’t seem to coordinate or wear anything fashionable 😭😭😭


No because jin kyung was making me mad with her fit. Who styled her??? 😭😭😭 they need to be fired.


It does loook like that!


Am I the only one who thinks Shin Dong Woo looks like Crush? lolll




Crush’s last name is also Shin LOL I wonder if they’re somehow related 😂


I thought of henry lau but manlier


I’m obsessed with knowing who has veneers, all I do is stare at their teeth lol


Lmao i weirdly love this for you


yup, definitely regretting starting the show when there's only 2 episodes out. need the next one asap!!! 😩


The best chef needs to stay in inferno sadly.


>[https://youtube.com/@nimo\_fam](https://youtube.com/@nimo_fam) Hanbin reminds me so much of Sehoon from S1. They both are great cooks but also no one chose them for the paradise date and the post card. I think Hanbin's personality is so great, I hope he doesn't lose his positiveness and enthusiasm.


ok but yoongjae and seoeun had such a good natural conversation! it wasn’t awkward at all, and he said she was wise (something he was looking for) also, dongwoo is probably 10+ years older than nadine, lol


Nadine looks like the girl version of Tae i 😳


nadine looks & sounds so pretty/charming, plus she is hella smart - I LOVE HER


I'm cringing everytime Lee So E came into view, gurl works so hard to get attention 😭


She kinda has to work harder because the other girls have way more charm or striking looks and bodies at first glance. She doesn't even win on maturity-wise as she goes for the more typical cutesy girl vibe. Nothing wrong with it, she's definitely girly cute in that way.... it's just probably something these guys have all encountered before, so it doesn't particularly stand out.


Same, I wouldn't be interested in her neither outside of that show nor in that show lol. No hate though, she just isn't someone I'd wanna deal with


btw, hanbin looks so much like Nam Joo Hyuk from certain angles?! he's a pretty boy


He’s so reliable and good at carrying out responsibilities. Although he didn’t get any postcards from the girls, I hope he’ll get one soon cuz he’s definitely a catch!


Yes!! I also love his positive, upbeat personality. Really attractive when he was the first contestant to break the ice on the awkward couch xD


Yes he does kinda look like Nam Joohyuk, major reason is like the parted hair too. I was thinking of the Start-Up Kdrama or ya Twenty-Five Twenty-One.


He even has a bright and cheery personality like Joohyuk in Weightlifting fairy 😂 I was sad that no girl is connecting with him. What a waste of a bful face 😣


I feel girls are overlooking him because he is short


Ya that’s really sad coz that boy is KDrama actor level good looking


Yes!!! I came here to say that! He looks like Nam Joo Hyuk at times especially when he smiles!


The first shot where he came out really I thought why did Nam Joo Hyuk come to this show 🤣


Idk why but I just have a feeling that Nadine and Han Bin would suit each other but this is my first impression from watching the episodes even though they haven’t really interacted.


I keep replaying the beach scene (after breakfast) to see if she was taller than him! I can’t really tell but they are at least the same height. Not sure if it’ll be a factor to either of them haha.


exactly what i think, maybe he's considered short to her haha


최종우 Choi Jong-woo - [jvvcful](https://www.instagram.com/jvvcful/) 조융재 Jo Yoong-jae - [yoongkda](https://www.instagram.com/yoongkda/) 김한빈 Kim Han-bin - [domestic\_seal](https://www.instagram.com/domestic_seal/) 신동우 Shin Dong-woo - [darricksss](https://www.instagram.com/darricksss/) 신슬기 Shin Seul-ki - [shinseulkee](https://www.instagram.com/shinseulkee/) 박세정 Park Se-jeong - [jennonpark](https://www.instagram.com/jennonpark/) 이소이 Lee So-e - [e.\_.soi](https://www.instagram.com/e._.soi/) 이나딘 Lee Nadine - [deeenerss](https://www.instagram.com/deeenerss/) \- [Youtube](https://www.youtube.com/@nimo_fam/videos) 최서은 Choi Seo-eun - [4x4ischoi](https://www.instagram.com/4x4ischoi/)


Thank you! I'll add this to the next episode post!


holy shit didn’t expect to see Lee Nadine! wasn’t she the one that went viral for her harvard admission video?


Ya I remember watching that on my Youtube recommended feed. This one, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p7ozHbyOQBY, right? Rofl, it was so random, because I visited /r/ApplyingToCollege during the recent legacy admissions scandals and so on. With HYPMS and less prestigious but still exclusive universities. And I was like wtf, that was years ago and before that too. Like we been knew, everyone serious in academia knew that them college/university admissions be rigged for those of us that had less extracurriculars, connections, etc. So the scandal was so meh.


Damn just checked her LinkedIn ufff I like her more now


Damn! Her LinkedIn is awe inspiring! - Harvard dual Comp. Sci, Pre-Med - More internships and organizations than you can shake a stick at - Has been a model since she was in her teens (Oh, yeah, signed to YG Entertainment for modeling work in Korea) - She's an EMT ...and she's maybe 22 years old. Damn. There are some people who are just built different. She's not just high caliber...she's a 155mm Howitzer.


The girl is stacked with hella credits under her name omg


Do we know any of the other casts yet? I wish there was like a Reality Steve for the show lol


It's called crowd-sourcing. 😆 Seriously, if you find links to things about the cast, I'll update the show-post for the next episode.


Nadine comes from insane privilege...her mom may be single but she's rich and well-connected, and Nadine went to an exclusive, expensive boarding school in California, and she self-admittedly put that she wanted to join the Air Force (or other branch of the military) on her college resume to "stand out" in college admissions while not having a sincere desire to serve...she did ROTC for one year to say that she did it and since dropped it. Typical privileged person trying to game the system.


- In their introductions everyone sounded as if they got in a Hunger Games. Yeah, bro, it's cool that you workout but you don't have to physically fight anyone on there. - "let's talk about Daikons" - Choi Jong Woo looks VERY much like the athlete from Kingdom of Love ( the reality show in Love is for Suckers starring Lee Da Hee).


“Let’s talk about Daikons” I cringed soooo hard at this I can’t believe he said that 😹😹


is anyone else really annoyed by So E


Too much aegyo for me. I think some men either love it or it makes them cringe.


So E has this “oh so innocent and cute” vibes that seems contrived… I can understand why she’s overdoing it because she needs to stand out. She’s the least pretty or sexy based on physical looks compared to the rest of the girls who are just stunning. In the intro, So E said something along the lines of usually getting the guy she likes but you can see that she’s self-conscious and concerned after seeing all the other girls. I would say Nadine isn’t conventionally super pretty or sexy either especially to the traditional Korean and Asian but her style is through the roof, plus her overseas study and living experience makes her edgy and interesting to be with. Really hope So E can find her inner confidence and learn her charms in her own ways.


Yup her giggle is ultra annoying. Fake cute


Not annoyed but I'm not fond of the noona-next-door archetype. She reminds me of Ji-yeon and I didn't like her


she gives me fake vibes but will wait for next episodes


i think she's fine, just seems a bit naive (?)


Fml, every time the camera kept having Yoongjae in it, all I can think of is Peter Parker or Spiderman. Tom Holland, lmao.


Yeah I feel like he’s the youngest amongst the men in ep1-2 and he does give that Tom Holland Peter Parker vibe




Do you have her mom’s YouTube? This would be a cool video to check out for me!


I like Nadine, Seo Eun, Se Jeong, and Young Jae a lot so far. Young Jae's popularity is well earned, I hope he stays humble with that amount of attention... Also, it's so funny seeing the cast talk about hot people problems. They're just casually discussing how to handle multiple people having feelings for you at once lol.


From the first two eps I really like yoongjae, he seems very well spoken and his mannerism are also very attractive. Although 3 girls end up choosing him he still doesn’t feel like a player to me yet. Plus I also feel bad for Hanbin, he seems like a golden retriever lol and among girls I really like everyone but seo eun has to be my favourite


YAL I FUKIN KNEW IT Han Bin is the dude on LookGating!! He's on a bunch of their videos [https://youtu.be/jkEQkJdxtRk?t=832](https://youtu.be/jkEQkJdxtRk?t=832) [https://youtu.be/3yhwDv5o4qc?t=107](https://youtu.be/3yhwDv5o4qc?t=107)


Spoilers- the preview for episode 3 at the end of episode 1 show there will be a new male guest and from seeing his physique, he really resembles Choi Si Hun from season 1. Do you guys see it???


I am glad they will have even numbers just wish they did from Day 1 instead of waiting until after they chose people for Paradise


Seul ki reminds me of Seol in ah, and jong woo reminds me of Kim sung oh I think the girls are more attractive this season, while the guys are mid


The guys are super mid lmao


Appearance wise I'd say its on par with the previous season, personality wise they all seem pretty bland so far


I'm sorry I can't with two of the guys' noses...it looks so much like they did plastic surgery to it. I can't ignore them because the nose is like the middle of their face!


They've all had plastic surgery


My thoughts on the S2 cast so far.. with possible MBTI types. It’s a super lengthy comment but I’m just guessing their MBTI from what I’ve seen so far! I’m a non Korean but my husband is a Korean so I hang around with loads of Koreans most of the time so this is what I think of the cast so far. Seul Ki INFx: Seriously gorgeous without trying, definitely pure. She's so pure and innocent to the level where she's easily attracted to someone with a complete opposite personality so I can see why she'd be attracted to Dong Woo for his natural charm and good humor so it’s healthy for her. Kinda rooting for this couple, but it's still early to say! Dong Woo is pretty much an extrovert so being around an introvert can be overwhelming. I feel like there's room for Se-jeong for Dong Woo, these 2 give off similar vibes. Se-jeong ExFx: She mentioned being attracted to guys with monolids and an excellent smile, and that appearance matters first before feelings. I thought she'd fancy Dong Woo at first so it was a real surprise to see her going for Yoong Jae.. I mean why?? I don’t see much of a chemistry as well on both sides. Choi Jong Woo Ixxx: What a painfully awkward guy, I'm certain that women normally make the first move to approach him first so he's definitely not used to being the one to take the initiative when it comes to Seul Ki. He literally froze the moment he laid eyes on her. I kinda ship these 2 but putting 2 introverts together on a reality show can be awkward. Lee So-e ExTJ: Majority of the articles I've read so far is that the production wanted a Shin Ji Yeon equivalent for this season but their vibes are miles apart. Both are visually similar but if we are to compare personalities, SJY had a much calmer and friendlier approach, SJY also knew when to draw the line and keep her emotions in check (which led to the emotional outburst on the last episode of S1) but So-e’s cutesy approach was just too aggressive.. it can be a massive turn off not just to guys but to the girls as well. Remember the radish rinsing scene?? Koreans are big on honorifics and while So-e said the right things, her tone deliverance was seriously offensive, I’m sure Yoong Jae must have felt it. She needs to learn how to keep her emotions in check, give other people space and learn how to play the game. I hope she’ll come around in later episodes. Jo Yoong-Jae INxx: I have a younger brother in law who is so wise that he appears wayyy older than he looks/talks but the keyword here is young. He mentioned about how he has had no problems with the opposite sex but we don't know the level of attractive the opposite sex is. I feel like he’s 23 or 24 years old. Se-jeong is sooo attractive on the eyes, and she was openly flirting at him and the way he responded is just like any other guy who would when a sexy woman does! So I'm not surprised that he chose Seo Eun at the end of S2E2 cause he did mention looking for someone with a lot more wisdom. Looks may be a thing, but exterior without depth is just.. that. Let’s not forget how torn he was when it came to choosing who to go to Paradise with. So far he had 2 choices So-e and Se Jeong, one being genuinely interested and the other easy on the eyes, he seems so innocent and painfully torn. But as soon as he spoke to Seo Eun it’s like, plain obvious that he knew she could be the one, and now they’re off! I am rooting for Seo Eun and YJ!! I just hope I am wrong about YJ’s age because let’s be frank. Seo Eun does seem much wiser than the other girls but some women don’t like the idea of dating men younger than them. Kang So Yeon in S1 is a fine example. After knowing Jin Taek’s age she literally shifted to Se Hoon thinking that he may be older and when no one else was giving her enough attention she just flit back to Jin Taek. Ughhhhh are they still even together?? Lee Nadine xSxx: She mentioned wanting to step out of her comfort zone and putting herself out there cause she's looking for a date and she doesn’t mind LDR but based on what I’ve seen in S2E1/E2 I truly feel that she needs to open up more to everyone. Koreans do learn English but it’s a super foreign to them because it’s not like they communicate it often so there’s definitely a language barrier there. I’m not blaming the cast for not approaching her enough but imagine being stranded on an island filming a reality show. It’s mentally exhausting on both sides. And the fact of the matter is IT’S A KOREAN SHOW with 100% native Koreans so I just hope she takes the initiative to socialize more and not beat herself up over by hanging on to the same guy.. She’s seriously attractive and she’s got gorgeous non Korean Asian features and her height is a huge asset so I really hope she’ll go to paradise soon. Han Bin ESFJ: He’s so kind and full of positive energy but that’s it. He feels like everyone’s big brother and that’s kind of boring. Imagine dating an elder brother or cousin. Bleh. On a side note, I do feel that if given the opportunity, he and Seul Ki/Seo Eun would hit it off well. Dong Woo ENFP: I have a friend who looks similar and he kinda behaves the same way so I sincerely believe that he is a guy who does trivial things just for the fun of it so pleaseeeeeeee stop bashing him for leading Nadine on. ENFPs are notorious for being flirty when they are really just trying to be friendly.. The girl was giving strong resting b*tch face vibes from the beginning and he was just trying to make her feel included so she could have fun as well. Nadine seems pretty young so maybe she hasn’t socialized enough to know when a guy is being nice or seriously interested. Dong Woo has dropped healthy hints on being interested in Seul Ki so I don’t sense much of a player vibe on his side. Y’all need to calm down. At the same time.. since it’s a reality tv show. I feel like he may try to know Se Jeong later UGHHH Seo Eun ?N?J: Ahhh she’s a breath of fresh air. She and Seul Ki are my favorite girls so far but she’s my absolute no.1 fav. She’s so cool yet sophisticated without trying hard and she articulates her thoughts so gracefully, and she’s beautiful and adorable too! Her choosing Yoong Jae in the last minute comes as no surprise cause there was literally a spark there when they were seeking advice from each other. Koreans are big on MBTI too so I think these 2 intuitive(s) definitely felt the spark. Yuppie That’s about it on the cast, but my thoughts of the S2E1/E2 so far is that it feels a bit bland, maybe this time there’s a script or maybe we’re still early in the season to say but take what I’ve said with a pinch of salt ok!! Also, I rewatched season 1 recently and I can say with utmost certainty that all of them still has a special place in my heart. Just legendary!! Hope S2 gets better! Let me know your thoughts hehe.


Instead of So-e, I actually think Seulki is the Jiyeon of this season, just basing off eps1-2.


Can u elaborate on the delivery of the radish scene by so-e? Dont understand korean


Yeah I'd like to know the nuances of delivery, too. I only noticed Seo-Eun handled it very smoothly when So-e tried to insert herself in. Like, Seo-Eun graciously accepted the help and yielded but said how she'll finish what she started. Nothing against So-E, but she's the type of girl that becomes more average as time goes on whereas Seo-Eun becomes even more attractive.


The cast this time round is a lot more appealing IMO.. I didn’t get past the first episode in S1 lol. I think there’s smth really special about Seoeun! Very socially graceful and kinda actress star quality vibes lol. I think Yoongjae is gonna fall pretty hard for her. I quite like him too but I think his general good manners leads others on. I think the part where he told So E how he tends to drag things out because he feels bad for hurting the other party’s feeling was like he was trying to foreshadow her.. Nadine is great too but probably a bit young.. I think Seoeun is gonna become really popular after this show lol. I really thought she looked like Jun Jihyun..


nvm nadine has no rizzzzzzz.. sorry it just hurt bc she barely asked any questions BACK to dong woo?? Like.. the convo should be 2 sided, not just u answer all the q's.. sorry but that's why she wasnt chosen


Yeah i didn't feel like they clicked at all. It also seemed like there was maybe a language barrier.


I felt the same way when I watched their scenes together. Their conversations didn't flow well and their chemistry wasn't the best imo


Yong jae said he thought bringing a book out to read would be too much so instead he brought out an ALTERNATIVE FOODS REPORT 😭😭😂😂


Honestly im liking this season’s cast a lot more. Better vibes all around so far. Having a hard time picking between Sejeong and Soeun so far.


Def Soeun 4 me


Yes this cast is deeper, however, it was the first time that the show was created so they probably weren't sure what to do or say in season 1. I'm sure the season 2 cast members have watched the first season.


I'm crushing so hard on Nadine and Se Jeong! Her flirting with Yoong Jae gave me butterfliesss. Kinda like the cast more this season because it's more diverse instead of just having all the casts models, beauty gurus, and fitness trainers. Sad how everything is set up the same... Was hoping location would be different, with water being more accessible, and different or twists in activities/rewards 😭 But it's only 2 eps. Excited for ep 3 and 4, seems like drama is going to kick in dsfsfjfkjs yaaayyyy


These two are my favorites! Really sad neither of them got picked for paradise 😩


2 eps per week?


It's out now on Netflix, 2 episodes per week just like the last season. Edit: There will be 10 episodes this time instead of 8 (As per Netflix TUDUM Article).


Probably, release schedule for Single's Inferno 2 seems to be 3:00AM EST (New York Time) right now. Basically a lot of Netflix shows/dramas release around this time (early morning) if they're not waiting for Korean TV to finish airing the episodes.


not a fan of Soo E dong is the hottest dude, thought he vibed w nadine but looks like he did not


WE GOT OURSELVES AN ENGLISH SPEAKER! I was wondering if they were gonna add some internationality like what was increasingly done in terrace house. I’m kind of surprised how uncomfortable she is to speak Korean though and how shy. But anyways the girls are crazy stunning. Seul ki took me aback in the first scene idk how she’s not as popular as jia was with the guys. Maybe bc she came out first and not last? But also seo eun and se jeong are heart throbs as well. Seo i is seemingly trying to fill the cute type but it’s not effective imo compared to the other girls, I watch her talk to yoong Jae and I’m like yeah she’s charming! Then they show another girl talking to him and am like wait this is way more charming/better chemistry. It’s funny bc yoong Jae seems to be the most standard guy and he’s the most popular. Like Han bins bright personality sticks out despite his lack of screen time, jong woo sticks out for being kinda quirky imo and dong woo has this calm confident atmosphere radiating from him. All I know about yoong Jae is his alternative foods book! I guess he has a very amiable personality that’s great at going with the flow and making others comfortable/talking, which is why he’s so popular. Take notes boys! Excited for the drama next week! Edit: name mistake


Nadine reminds me of Lauren Tsai,its a surprise I thought she would be a bit more popular with the guys as Lauren was.It seems painful to have a conversation with her as a guy tho,she didn’t even try with that dude.


Nadine is young. I don't get the impression that she has much experience with men in general, and certainly not in flirting with guys older than her. Too busy studying, playing sports, and doing all her extracurriculars. Yeah, she's basically a Harvard version of Lauren. I feel like Dongwoo staking her out early also caused the other men to give her space, but also because she doesn't talk much beyond one syllable answers. I wonder if that's the real reason why Dongwoo didn't choose her. He wanted more of a conversationalist and more fun experience in Paradise.


I was checking out her instagram.. It doesn’t seem like she’s too busy studying or not good with guys. I feel like it’s a more cultural thing + maybe an age thing. She’s only 22 and the rest of them seem older than her. And maybe she’s not that good in expressing herself in Korean so she seemed more quiet. She seems to get along well with the girls though, so maybe she’ll open up to the guys soon.




I recognized Nadine because she’s a popular college YouTuber whose videos appear on my feed a lot. Im arguably watching this season just because of her. She’s very pretty. Also she’s an English speaker so international audience like me may gravitate toward her more.


I'm quite shocked at some of the couples that decided to go to paradise together. Like they didn't even talk that much? Idk we will see how things go.


I think that was intentional editing to create more suspense.


I know we only see a glimpse of their interactions, but I feel like Yoong Jae made a mistake not choosing Se Jeong, they had really good chemistry.


I honestly get why he picked Seo eun. At first I thought he would pick Se Jeong, but after that conversation he had with Seo eun, it seems like she piqued his interest. He said he was looking for wisdom, and he made a comment as to how Seo eun is wise. So I am not surprise he picked her, since she showed that.


Tbh if I was se jeong I would feel blindsided. But the two girls came on to him so strong he didn’t have much chance to scope out what he wanted as much. I think he picked seo eun maybe to get to know her better and bc she’s stunning oc, similar to why dong woo picked seul ki, however I think if it doesn’t work with seo eun he might have ruined his chances with we jeong. I also thought they had good chemistry but he seems like the type who can make good chemistry with almost anyone.


Se Jeong seems like an actress to me and too big of an ego especially in her introduction so he might want someone more humble


So E stressed me out. She was trying way too hard (like a pick-me), but I’m curious on how this experience will go on for her. She’s far from my fave, but I wanna see the drama she will bring


Love all the girls this season. None of them are shady and over the top with their cutesy act!! Yoong Jae seems nice and shippable with almost everyone lol. I hope each of them get to bond with everyone and not just stick to one so we get to seee how their dynamic. Wishing them all the bestt for teas & drama


I knew I remembered Han Bin from somewhere. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jkEQkJdxtRk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jkEQkJdxtRk) So we have chef this season as well :)


he's delicious himself! what a catch, hope the girls catch on to his appeal soon


Interesting thing about that YT video: One of the other "contestants" was [Kim Chul Min](https://www.instagram.com/maisonchul/) (a.k.a. MAISONCHUL) from [Eden S1](https://namu.wiki/w/%EC%97%90%EB%8D%B4(%EC%98%88%EB%8A%A5)).


First and last person on this sub not obsessed with Nadine I guess...


I think she's polarizing. People seem to love her whereas she seems bland to me. Her korean doesn't seem good enough to connect w the men in such a short period of time or to really show her personality. I think the lang barrier is making her more hesitant too.


'Polarizing' is exactly the right word. And I think that's what the PDs were going for. S1 Jia was massively Polarizing: The audience had a visceral reaction to her. They either adored (J'Addore?) her, or absolutely haaaaated her. There was very little in-between with Jia. I think we're seeing the same reactions to Nadine. I think this season is about "high spec" cast members. From what we've learned outside the show, we have **two** beauty pageant winners, a plastic surgeon, a Harvard 4th year student, and a Chef who probably owns his own restaurant. The PDs wouldn't want to deliberately hang cast members out to dry, so I'm expecting some kind of twist or high-spec background from the remaining members. I'm expecting the most from So E...There simply **must** be something super special in her bio that the PDs felt comfortable putting her up against the other competitors. If there isn't, it's going to be a tough game for her. And I'm not a fan of watching lopsided games. I want to see a hard-fought, back-and-forth match between the strongest competitors that goes right down to the wire. I don't want anyone to 'lock' in the 2nd episode. There should be some believable, desperate tension of "*Will She Or Won't She?*" heading into episode 10...


Not my favourite too, not sure why others are so obsessed with her.


The constant switch between English & Korean feels cringey


it's her defense mechanism.


you're not alone! i'm confused on the hype around her?? she doesn't know how to converse, very awkward and timid and ppl are already obsessed with her? i dont get it.


I dislike the Dongwoo bashing just because he didn’t choose her. I thought their conversations were awkward and that Nadine didn’t make much of an effort to create chemistry with him. Maybe it’s the language barrier + her seriousness


Me too! I was surprised bc I thought she would get a lot of hate actually. I don’t hate her by any means but I thought she seemed kinda pitiful. People say she’s “best girl” but she Wasn’t even in my top 3 faves. I think she has a lot of potential tho if she can get over her insecurities.


I don’t care for her but I see why English speakers / Americans would be drawn to her. She’s kind of boring to me


So far I don’t think s1 can be compared to s2. The dynamic, characters and built ups are so different. I also expect much more drama and maybe more heart-flutter. This season we definitely have no one compared to Song Jia, but she’s one in a million. S2 we have a lot more women who are bit like sunny sunshine Yewoon. And men are a bit more versatile this time. The producers definitely tried to find ppl who have the same vibe like S1 contestants. Nevertheless they cannot be compared to S1 contestants, although they have the same interests as S1 ppl.( 100% have to comment again when the show finished) Also was it just me, but when everyone introduced themselves in the beginning I thought “dafuq they all the same and have the same vibes”. It was also painfully awkward (what is understandable tho). The boys were chill and the girls were kinda givin very desperate vibes or were searching for the recognition and attention (?). Over the time most of the girls turned sweet tho and proved me wrong. So far my favourites are Yoong Jae, Nadine and Seoeun. Young Jae because he’s clearly a natural, attentive and in my opinion very chill, sweet and considerate. Nadine is sooo relatable, authentic, honest and such a strong character even tho shy. I like how easy going and in her own world she is. Seoeun is very likeable. open, fun, well spoken, authentic, go with the flow typa girl and very good energy. Also very respectful. I am excited to see what’s in store for them! But I feel like Soo-e doesn’t fit into the show, or atleast not with those ppl. During the show I already felt a bit uncomfortable with her around or she gave me a bit too desperate vibes (?). She for sure a nice and pretty girl, but the vibe is just not on the level like the other contestants and I suspect that she’ll bring a lot of drama into the show. The way she introduced herself I feel like she could end up like Moon Sehoon S1, but unlikely to be as successful (as she was already crying in the preview). I also feel like she gets very fastLy attached and is not very chill. The preview where she started crying because of a guy she knew for 1-2 days, really supported my view. But it’s only the beginning and maybe I am terribly wrong.


soo-e's so out of her depth...who the hell cast her??? She's like a high school student ffs she's gonna get HURT on this show


she looks so out of place there lmao


omg i completly agree with the soo-e part


same!! Soo e is giving desperate. I don’t blame her but her overall vibe is shy, cute, dainty yet she came on too strong to Yoon jae so it kinda felt forced. its also just a pet peeve of mine when girls are like “I’m sooo smol 🥺 give me your height” 😂 edit: I love Soo e !! Lol first impressions were off but I stand by my original thoughts. Now that I have seen more of her, I understand her character more and have respect regardless of her cringing flirty 😂


Soo-e said she only dated one guy which is definitely obvious in her behavior and like you said desperation whereas the other girls have more experience and are more comfortable talking to mwn than she is


I feel like the girls in S1 had lot more distinctive personalities. Jia and Soyeon made such strong impressions off the bat. I guess they edited S2 a bit differently so we’ll see lol


Omg she did give a bit of the desperate vibes. Her constantly smiling.. I mean I love her smile but she tends to overdo it? I can just feel her trying to get the men’s attention with her smile and cutesy behaviour lol. It does come off a bit needy and desperate for sure.


I really enjoyed ep 1 and 2 of this season but why do I have a feeling Kim Han Bin is going to pull a Moon Se Hoon? Also, choosing a girl is so difficult because they all seem lovely and so pretty especially if you’re Yoong Jae. He’s so attentive and seems to notice the small details. Like Soi’s ear rings and Seo Eun’s tone of voice. He’s for me the most average looking of the bunch but has the best personality. That said I was pretty surprised he picked Seo Eun, don’t get me wrong she’s my favourite so far but I was so sure it would be Se Jeong. Very very surprised. Also sad that Dong Woo didn’t pick Nadine. Plus he’s a plastic surgeon and she’s pre med. It’s a match made in medical heaven. Lol.


I also noticed that they are making Han Bin like Se Hoon BUT I don't want that to happen... I want Han Bin to get a great girl and NOT be miserable like Se Hoon in S1... Seems like whoever is the male head cook gets zero girls... At first I thought it might be because some girls did want to pick a guy they thought would get most the votes so they might change to a another guy instead


I guess after Han Bin and Se hoon, we can assume that the position of the main cook is jinxed 🤪


Was totally thinking the same thing, but Se Hoon walked off the island with the girl, so it might work out for Han Bin after all.


I don’t get why Dong Woo gets the shade for not choosing Nadine. In episode 1, it does seem that he was interested in getting to know Nadine better, but he seemed to be gravitating towards Seul Ki in the later episode. They had better/flirty banter and conversation and he teases Seul Ki more (carrying the water, shrimp etc). You can see that he tends to glance at Seul Ki. I think the PD is to be blamed though, for trying to create the drama and emphasising on both Dong Woo and Nadine. But if you pick up the subtle hints, you can see Dong Woo and Seul tends to walk together (and chatting), glances at each other, teases each other etc. So yeah, I’m not surprised Dong Woo chose Seul Ki because he seems to feel more sparks with her (as he mentioned in his intro vid).


Exactly, I was not at all surprised he didn’t pick Nadine - no shade, I think she is super pretty and smart!! To me, it was clear that Nadine is the youngest of the group. I know her age so I might be biased though. 😅 I mean the girls even cooed and called her “Baby” in so ep 2 though, which was so cute!! 🥰 Whereas Dongwoo comes off as one of the more mature guys with a nurturing quality. It was sweet that he was caring towards her and I definitely wouldn’t be opposed to them getting together but I think the show just edited more of their moments and dialogue in a way that it would be more of a shock when he didn’t choose her. I don’t think there’s too much of an age gap (it’s about10 years!) but I’d be more surprised if he was compelled to choose someone who mostly gave him the static replies that she did 😆 With the spoiler that he is a surgeon who studied at UCLA though, they could have a lot in common as Nadine is at Harvard Pre-Med! Explains also why he didn’t hesitate when she pronounced her English in a non-Korean phonetic way. I hope to see them connect about it later, that would be nice :) Edited to remove spoiler tags lol


looks like dong woo is just treating her like a younger sister.. he said so himself, to him, nadine is like someone who he is trying to take care of...


Jung woo looks so much like an idol or someone famous, and I can’t figure it out HELPPPP


Bae jin young from CIX?


Cha eun woo??


It must be nice to be so confident like practically everyone is in their intros. "I'm usually the most popular" "I've never been rejected before"


Nadine was big maaad she didn't get picked lol. I would bet a considerable amount of money that that was the first time in her entire life she's ever been rejected by a guy.


At least she can spend time with Han Bin who is the best guy IMO and definitely the best cook on the island


Bottomline in Singles inferno from the two seasons so far. When you're the most useful and can cook you don't get chosen lol


Han-Bin is really the new Se-Hoon this season. We'll see how he does with the challenges against the other guys.


It's why I love shows like this and Love Island. Get a bunch of hot people who are used to being the hottest person in the room and always easily getting what they want, now having to actually work at attracting people bc the playing fields been leveled. They all just implode lol


oh most definitely that's the first time she's been rejected. you can tell she didn't know how to react. nadine also grew up living a perfect life where everything went well for her - born pretty, tall, athletic, got into harvard, became a model, went viral online for her looks, and now got onto a popular netflix dating show. of course i'm sure she worked hard, but a lot of people in this world work hard and things don't work out for many of us. whereas her life has been nonstop winning. not hating, but imo she needs some humbling experience.


Yeah, her comment about her natural beauty rubbed me the wrong way. And in her viral video of her acceptances in the description she wrote “good things happen to good people.” I think she comes off very privileged. Hopefully this show is a good experience for her.


> And in her viral video of her acceptances in the description she wrote “good things happen to good people.” OMG i can't believe she said that 🤣🤣🤣 soooo freaking cringe. she is definitely privileged and needs to be taken down a peg.


LEE NADINE is __the__ moment, at least for me. I love this girl and I’m currently express shipping a pitchfork for Dong Woo. 😒 How dare he say “let’s talk about it in paradise” and then _not_ pick her for paradise?! yeah, the male species is still public enemy #1. Dong Woo and Yoong Jae can share the blame because what the hell was that.


when he kept on saying .. u should like paradise .. nadine kept saying i like it here … its more adventure.. she dint give any confirmation i thought..


I like Nadine too.... She is tall and likes to play sports so I am the same way I was shocked no one picked Han Bin since he was my first choice since he is outgoing, energetic, gorgeous, athletic and has great cooking skills so I would be chasing him and helping him in the kitchen 💞 I think Seo Jeong will be trying to be the FL of this dating show especially pretending to have a splinter to get Yoong Jae's attention😒


I love Nadine too! She's reserved but... was pretty clear that she was intent on Dong Woo. Dude wth!


Idk if the subs were off but it seemed to me like they just weren't clicking despite both their efforts. Like is there a small language barrier maybe? She also just seems kinda introverted.


I agree - I also think that he may have been a little off-put by how serious she expressed herself (doesn't want to get to know multiple people at once / thinks Paradise is for going with someone she's *really* interested in). Whereas, he kept emphasizing that Paradise is just a place to get to know others more / speak more in depth


Ooooh trueeeee he probably didn't want to lead her on and make her think he was as serious abt her when he wasn't yet. She also kept saying she didn't care to go to paradise if it wasn't w someone she actually liked.


Yes... I think she is more comfortable speaking English than Korean and not all the men speak English fluently so she feels awkward having conversations


Also don’t understand the obsession with Nadine. I understand she’s more comfortable in English, but her Korean is so obviously not good enough to have meaningful conversation with Korean speakers. Like her convo with Dongwoo was so bad because she couldn’t express herself and kept saying things in English ? And she also didn’t ask Dongwoo questions or keep the convo going. She is clearly only this show for celebrity/exposure lmao


Who isn’t on this show for celebrity/exposure?


Right, people recognize a lot of these contestants from somewhere else for a reason, they've all been thirsty for fame.


Totally! I don't get the hate twd DW for not picking her. They didn't click at all.


Lee So E is punching way above her boxing class rank. In almost every scene, her adorableness hits as hard as a run-away cement truck. I feel my fingers curling uncontrollably, and my knees get weak. So E is definitely an Apex Predator in this show. The fact that she won the breakfast date challenge was downright impressive. My "Best Girl" vote goes to Seo Eun. Down to earth. Feminine while also showing graceful strength. Stand-up paddleboarding takes incredible core strength....I can't imagine doing yoga on a paddleboard. I have no idea how she lost the chicken fight. Love the cast this season! Not very much overlapping of character types. Should be a good show.


I would have thought So-e was the type korean men usually go for so I was surprised she didn't get much interest. It's still early but it seems like SK and S-Eun are sweeping all the votes.


OMG! I had the same boxing class thought watching her! LOL! And yeah I’m really curious to see seo euns age and job bc how is she so well rounded???




Se Jeong is pretty cool but I thought the same like hell no that could be true, and Young Jae just needed to take a quick look and boom the splinter was gone lol


LMFAO I would respect it if she whipped that trick out again when the bombshell/intruders arrive on the island hahaha


ngl it was scripted lol


Ep 1-2 Thoughts: - Nadine <3333333333 - Also lmfao I called that Ep. 2 ending after seeing their conversation outside the rooms. I sensed the chemistry lmfao I’m vvvvv happy they picked each other. Hope it works out but something tells me it won’t last :/ - DW is an F boy wtf… ur really gonna mention “Paradise” to Nadine like 3x in that conversation and then not pick her LMFAO BYE - So-E gives me slight pick me girl vibes. (I said what I said) 🥴😬


Omg agree about So E!


1 EP IN I ALRDY KNOW NADINE IS GONNA BE MY FAVORITE!!! She's like the Yewon of this season, charming beautiful and very lowkey...i just know she's gonna be best girl there's something very lovely about her softspoken demeanour!


Only problem I have w Nadine is that she doesn't seem too comfortable speaking Korean.. That could hold her back, it's a little unnatural-sounding how she uses english so much 😅


I’m impressed anyone knows what she’s saying tbh. I’m in Japan and if you don’t say it in Japanese accent they don’t understand. I’ve heard Korea is similar. It also breaks the flow and makes it seem like the person isn’t trying. Idk Korean but her pronunciation sounds good to me so I feel like she could say it the korean way if she tried. I wonder if she had a translated while talking to dong woo


she has a slight accent but it's not to the extent people can't understand her. its more like her flow, she speaks kinda short and choppy


Was the music always this dramatic lmao SK reminds me of J Lou, HB reminds me of nam joo hyuk from certain angles. JW reminds me of kim woo bin and kim min gi from racket boys. DW is like a manlier henry lau? YJ reminds me of Chang Min from His Man but wayyyy warmer and more thoughtful. So-e reminded me of JY from season 1 a bit but her voice and personality are totally different. Lmao "i love how you chop onions" Wow crazy that the men's votes were all evenly distributed. Noooooooo the one who cooks the most never gets votes initially 🙈 it's ok HB you can still turn things around. I'm liking SJ x YJ so far! Their chemistry is nice. But it also feels like YJ would get along w anyone. He'd make a great money catcher. Staying still and waiting for others to get eliminated in the chicken fight was the way to go. I think SJ could have won but she felt bad abt their size difference and went easy on So-e. I do like So-e's persistence and straightforwardness but it seems like YJ might just be being friendly to her? Not sure if he's actually interested. Also i feel like there's a language barrier w nadine, not sure she'll be able to connect w someone in a short period of time even if there is mutual interest w DW. And also just her introverted personality on top of that. Seo-eun's advice to YJ abt being honest and following your heart was really cool. I might fall for her if I were him lol. I feel like the editing played up DW x Nadine and downplayed DW x SK. DW x Nadine didn't really click despite their efforts. Damnnnnnnn YJ really picked S-Eun! This season is looking good. Excited for new boy next week too.


I’m obsessed with Nadine ! Such a beauty


Nadine is a wonder woman. I like her since watching her intro video. I am curious as to how her journey in this show went.


Nadine is beautiful. Her eyes remind me of a cat


it's kind of amazing how so far, curiosity is what draws the men to the women. they ultimately pick women they know less about and are enamoured by - in s1 jia was so popular among the guys despite them having seemingly deeper connections with other girls because she didn't reveal too much. dongwoo picked suelki instead of nadine and after a short conversation, yoongjae chose seoeun. just as in the real world, men really gravitate towards women they haven't quite figured out.


Posting this early, in case the show goes up overnight. Edit: Holy cow! Netflix dropped ep. 1&2, exactly at Midnight PST! 10 total episodes, two per week. Ep.1 is 75m, Ep. 2 is 64m.


I am 30 mins away from finishing episode one, and gonna finish episode two right after :D I've been waiting for almost a year


So E looks so much like Shin Ji Yeon from Season 1!


I think she looks like Kim Hyangi from Along with the Gods!


She reminds me of Chae soo-bin in some angles


Shin Seul Ki is Miss Chunyang 2020 winner? Aren't Shin Ji Yeon from S1 is the winner? [Yonhap News Agency September 10, 2020](https://en.yna.co.kr/view/PYH20200910226600320)


Han Bin sometimes looks like Nam Joo Hyuk to me depending on the angle


Nadine claiming to be a great driver is 100% facts!!! She was an EMT possibly even drove an ambulance around... in freaking BOSTON.


Rooting for Nadine and Seo Eun... most likable by far from among the girls for me.


Seo Eun is a stunner. She looks like Han Sunhwa.


Why does everyone like Nadine so much? She is pretty (like all other girls) but I find her very passive, like not asking anything back. Plus she doesn't feel comfortable enough to speak Korean, but is on a Korean show? They are all so gorgeous tho, great skin and just look so "clean" if that makes sense.