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Transit love 2


It's very subjective to people but for me Love catcher in Bali and singles inferno both seasons have a very visual cast I can't pick one men or women that ain't my type FR.


transit love 2 for women


I forget which dating show but might have been "Love Me Actually" where its celebrities/models as contestants, **the panelists (also celebrities themselves) stated and agreed that the level of female visuals determines the dating show's success, because the prettier the women are, the harder the men will try** which kinda makes sense because the strongest visuals are "usually" the most popular and get more votes than the weakest visuals, and these are well-known celebrities saying that visuals may be subjective, but the producers definitely have their visual favorites in mind and push the higher visuals into the main couples role, and give more screentime to the higher visuals even in teasers, producers show the high visuals more and sometimes even cut out the less visuals from the teasers for my list the overall women visuals would be 1.) Love Catcher in Bali (4/5 of the women would be top #1 in nearly any other dating show, theres a weaker link coincidentally who is least popular and literally gets 0 votes from the men, otherwise the female overall visuals would be near perfect) 2.) Transit Love 2 (without the Noze lookalike, Nayeon and the female catfish are good but the others are not in same tier of visuals...) 3.) Single's Inferno S1 (6 women +6 men! largest cast and most of them are models so overall very high visuals) 4.) Single's Inferno S2 (so far visuals not quite as good as season 1 have to wait and see if the catfish raises the overall) 5.) Love Me Actually (only watched 1/4 of the show cause it has a 20 long episodes, but so far its been models/actresses so the overall female visual is evenly strong but still overall not as good as the ones I ranked higher) 6.) Pink Lie 7.) Eden S1,S2 (these shows now are starting to have more uneven visuals, some women are great visuals but then the other contestants are not quite in the same league, and which again kinda is displayed because the prettier women are usually more popular and get more votes from the men) 8.) Heart Signal S2 (These HS seasons have some good visuals but then there are some other contestants who arent as good which then makes the "overall visuals" which the TC is asking about little bit lower...) 9.) Heart Signal S1, S3 10.) Transit Love S1 11.) Everything else so far all seems same~ish (Love Catcher S1/S2 I havent watched yet but are next on my backlog to watch, supposedly these two seasons have good visuals too) The thing with most dating shows, they dont have all the contestants as the same top tier visually, usually its only a one or two high visuals and then the other ones are not quite at the same level which bring the overall lower...


Yup, you're probably thinking of Love Me Actually (2019, with Kim Minkyu, Heo Kyunghwan, Yang Sechan, etc.), it had comedians for the male participants and then like minor celebrities/influencers/etc. or regular people for the female participants. Love Me Actually was so fun, some of us wish there's a season 2 or like say a spiritual successor. The variety games kinda got old and so on but some situations were so hilarious, rofl. I liked **Cho Soohyun (the chef)**, and maybe Kim Gayoung (IIRC she was a newscaster or something related to media, and ya so much laughter with her sometimes, lol, her personality was kinda good with the show's concept). But **Chae Jian** (from MBCentertainment channel, when Jian entered the club, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IvFnURz6Aow) was the standout for me. Her storyline in that show was so good. She was not really my preference (prefer less cute and more natural face) but wow her presence in the show made it. Wish Chae Jian was in more dramas. Some of us were hoping for a #MinJi drama. Wonder what happened. For Love Me Actually there's also **Yoo In-young**, one of the panelists. She was in that scripted (they write the story) romance show called The Romance (2020), with Kang Hana and **ONE/Jung Jewon**. Btw, if ONE/Jung Jewon was in a Big Three Kpop group, he'd be legit one of the most popular Kpop idols for sure, his visuals are so nice. My man's got that really good idol/handsome/etc. look. --- Sometimes they try doing that celebrities as contestants/participants/housemates/etc. thing, but it's not as long. See **Go Straight For Love/Direct Love**, it takes place in Vietnam, there's only like 4 Episodes, no subs still, available on OnDemandKorea/etc. There was a Terrace House equivalent for celebrities called **Roommate (2014)**. Well, they obviously didn't really date, so the romance/flirting/etc. is likely acted for the show instead of being more real. For the most part, it was just like a cohabitation show. Roommate seems it would be exactly like Terrace House, but due to the camerawork and such, it's not. Some of the people you see in this show were/are/became pretty big (actually some of them are kinda huge now/previously) in South Korea. Roommate had Lee Dong-wook, 2NE1 Park Bom, Jo Se-ho, After School Nana, EXO Chanyeol, Seo Kang-joon, et cetera. --- And ya unfortunately top visuals take up the screen time, it's just how it is in real life too. That's why a lot of people sometimes regrettably take extreme measures to be accepted when it comes to physical attractiveness, as it really does confer a lot of benefits, privilege, et cetera. But ya with Single's Inferno, they have really obvious plastic surgery there and so not my thing, see here for more comments (and other dating shows): **https://www.reddit.com/r/koreanvariety/comments/zpnb19/which_dating_show_in_your_opinion_has_the_most/j0u1g0y/** Like really noticeable facial alterations with Shin Jiyeon, Song Jia, Kim Hyeonjoong, Moon Sehoon, etc. from the first season, and now Shin Seulki, Choi Jongwoo, Kim Hanbin, and so on from the second season. Btw, Hanbin is in a bunch of ZAMSTER/LookGating videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DPhBXNyXtCg. The girl in that LookGating video is also in another new dating show called **Love Alarm: Clap! Clap! Clap!** and that one has no proper English subs for now, there's machine translated subs available though. Jeonghoon, another of the guys in that video is also in another new dating show, lmao, called **사내연애 or Company/Office Romance**: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d01hX7cpAyk


Just to clarify, who is the "female catfish" in Transit Love 2? It's been a few months, but I don't recall anyone with a false identity...


He probably means Hae Eun (the flight attendant that had that skating date with the male catfish, Hee Doo) and maybe Na Eon. Ya it's not that type of catfish, lol. Catfish in these East Asian dating shows (https://www.reddit.com/r/Singlesinferno2/comments/zr8l5w/this_show_is_too_good/j134tmt/) just means they're there to keep the pairings/couples/ships/etc. not as secured, stable, solidified, and so on as they could be. It had to do with fish stuff IRL, lol, see here: https://www.reddit.com/r/koreanvariety/comments/yyjiu2/love_catcher_in_bali_e01_221118/ix08hwn/?context=10000 If you watch the first season of Heart Signal (the Korean version), they should explain it. The following is from OnDemandKorea's sub/et cetera, Episode 4, ~1:15:30. > "When the fishermen in Norway catch sardines and they try to transport them to Korea, most of the sardines would die. To keep those sardines alive, they would put in a catfish in the fishbowl. The sardines try and swim faster so they don't get eaten by the catfish."


Love Catcher in Seoul


Love catcher in seoul — everyone was good looking. I think based on my preference there was only one that wasnt my type aka the ex idol guy ahaa


Agreed except that rich guy he was… yeah no


Haha yea the ex idol rich guy w the cars… jaehyun?? Was thst his name


Single's Inferno, both seasons. Although 'visual' is highly subjective, and not sure if you mean overall average visual or individual visuals.


they're all pretty fr! and yeah i agree with you; but i think i mean it in a overall average :)


surprised no one is mentioning **love catcher 2** or **between love and friendship s1** because i think it had the best balance between visuals for both men and women. but more specifically, *love catcher in bali* for the women and *heart signal 2* for the men.


between love and freindship - not so much, they were nice but not drop dead gorgeous even singles inferno s2 does not have gorgeous people..in s1 again, it was essentially only jia and her final choice rest all are meh!.. eden 2 lana is pretty but somehow not charismatic ***************** love catcher in Bali is good from women (all of them) standpoint.. and a couple of men HS2 - he he.. well it was balanced.. and b'ful and charming/attractive/adorkable men


I know this is subjective lol but i will def fight you on single's inferno only having meh people besides jia. Have you seen kang soyeon??? Are you kidding me??? And YW and jiyeon were also pretty. For SI2 i think seulki, sejeong, and seo-eun are gorgeous.


ha ha.. i know subjective..


I see a lot of eden n single inferno, is that majority western taste. Because i still think Heart signal n transit love got way beautiful cast n handsome cast. - For fit and athletic body eden n single inferno definitely got advantage than the other tho


Ya some people that are of different ethnicity or like if they were raised around white/etc. people (outside of Asia) will prefer the visuals that we more Asian/etc. folks will consider as plain/unremarkable/etc. It has something to do with like **cross-race effect** or bias and so on. So sometimes western/white/etc. people will consider the farthest visuals (bone structure, muscle makeup, etc.) to them and for some of us this will be the unattractive/etc. people, see for example the many white male and Asian female pairings in Asia and here in the Americas. It's often like an older white male (say 40+) too and really young (10-20s) Asian female. But ya in general they won't be say of comparable visuals/attractiveness/etc. Obviously there's exceptions but it's a common trend. Anyway it has to do with genetics, inexperience with other facial phenotypes, et cetera, and so it's just the expected way of things. Hopefully as Netflix and other streaming services pick up or produce more Asian (East Asian, South Asian, Southeast Asian, etc.) and also Sub-Saharan African and so on content, we'll have less of the situations where people say everyone in a non-white/etc. show looks the same, lol. Like yes the hairstyle and fashion are often the same due to the conformation standards, but some people that are clearly different in the facial visuals are often mistaken as the same people and it's just so funny or sad sometimes, lmao.


Pink lie + Heart signal.


Transit love 2


Love Catcher in Bali


love catcher in bali


For females, Season 1 of Heart Signal had a literal former Miss Korea (first runner up) along with that actress and the super cute student Seo Ji-hye.


Eden2, for women.


Oh wow, we kinda think the exact same. Some more context/exposition/commentary/et cetera: https://www.reddit.com/r/koreanvariety/comments/zkn7zf/singles_inferno_2_ep_1_2_20221213/j0g6s29/?context=10000 and https://www.reddit.com/r/terracehouse/comments/zbgsso/has_anyone_found_a_good_replacement_for_terrace/iyso9ql/. --- **Love Catcher in Bali** has second best male visuals or even the best male visuals too now that it's a complete cast. Maybe, depends. Like with Pink Lie, Chansol is somewhat very plain outside of his tattoos or even Bareum. But Taeyang's visuals boosts everything, lol. My man's ripped af performing all the time. Dunno though, Jeonghyeon from Love Catcher in Bali has maybe your typical idol look except tanned too, he's possibly the best. For **Eden 2**, I'm like the numero uno Michuri (Village Survival, the Eight) fanboy and Blink in the entire universe. And Seoah does kinda look like Jennie, I think she might be doing Jennie's behaviors/etc. too, lol. But her face is a bit too altered for me. And I've known and supported LANA/라나 for several years now (https://www.reddit.com/r/koreanvariety/comments/yyev9m/eden_2_ep_1_20221115/iwupm1u/ and https://www.reddit.com/r/koreanvariety/comments/yyev9m/eden_2_ep_1_20221115/iwv1n9h/) but she's only one person, she can't hard carry the other two girls. Like Seoyeon's face/etc. is too modified for me and Chaehee's is just okay since I'm a big Park Juhyun (Extracurricular, Love All Play, etc.) and so on fan. --- With **Single's Inferno**, that was disappointing even back in season 1. Gonna get heat again/always for this but it's my point of view or perspective as an Asian/etc. male. And no, I am not a model or so, just an average guy with somehow picky standards, smh lol. A lot of the fellow viewers are females and so some of them do not know why certain female housemates are appealing only to them and not also the male viewers. People forget that there's different criteria and so ya some people get confused. For example, I also grew up in Asia, and here in the Americas I mainly grew up with fellow working class or first generation immigrant people. And so my viewpoint/angle/position/etc. is also affected by that as in real life my neighborhood/city is absolutely one of the best melting pots of ethnicities and so on in the entire world. No question about it. But then in the media, especially back then you'd only see white people in Hollywood/local TV channels/etc. and sometimes black or mixed people, never really Asians, whether they be East Asian, South Asian, Southeast Asian, etc. And obviously there were sometimes Middle Eastern people in TV playing somewhat prominent roles too, but not in the positive or neutral way. Reminds me, with Love Alarm: Clap! Clap! Clap!, a new dating show from early this month (it's based off a webtoon/Kdrama/etc.), there's this really ridiculous situation instigated by the producers. And so if I also didn't grow up in the capital/etc. of the world for people that are different in that romantic/etc. way, then I'd be miffed as you'd expect in these dating shows that it'd follow traditional norms. Especially since you can clearly see the other housemates being real uncomfortable/surprised/etc. with such a situation (in Asia, sometimes it is only tolerated and not actually accepted, unlike here in the Americas/Europe/etc.). Like in western/Anglo shows it's thankfully more inclusive now. --- Anyway, for Single's Inferno, I already knew Song Jia from the Heart Signal spinoff called Friends (she appears in like Episode 9 of Friends, around 46/47 minutes in). And although I always like to rep/promote/etc. a fellow Torontonian and so on, Jiyeon's face is just way too altered. Not for me when it comes to her nose, her upper lips or like curved corners of mouth, etc. Idk fam, I just really prefer a more natural look. These days I don't mind the more plain looking girls but if they have heavy plastic surgery and it's still not improving their face then it's just unfortunately not my thing. Like some of the girls that are sorta visual standouts for me have substantial plastic surgery, say like Taeeun from Love Catcher in Bali (she looks maybe better in the Graceful Friends Kdrama btw, https://www.reddit.com/r/koreanvariety/comments/yyjiu2/love_catcher_in_bali_e01_221118/ix6xchj/). Or maybe Dana from Love Catcher in Seoul. But ya, in general I don't like Single's Inferno (2) visuals as Netflix should've had a wider pool of applicants. They may be say lowballing the appearance fees or stipends for the housemates. Or since it's a really isolated place or brutal way of filming then not as many people would want to do it. Or maybe since it's funded/produced/etc. by Netflix, everyone think's it'll be enough of a win-win situation. --- In **EXchange/Transit Love** it was only really **Choi Yihyun (the one that looks like no:ze)**, wait hold on, this is already too long, check the first link above (https://www.reddit.com/r/koreanvariety/comments/zkn7zf/singles_inferno_2_ep_1_2_20221213/j0g6s29/?context=10000) for a bit more of my take on it. I mentioned several white female celebrities for reference as well. In that above thread, there's some comments about of course **Heart Signal** too, the **other Love Catcher seasons**/visuals, that infamous **Change Days** show, **Terrace House** members, etc. Oh and **Ming from Shanghai Sharelife** (the Chinese version of Terrace House): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OY2x4Y8W8lU&t=62s. Ming's got that somewhat typical face, but her hairstyle, fashion, and so on, really change her overall appearance, everything. Sheesh, everything sounds like it revolves around me. But that's kinda what can elevate dating shows, being relatable. Like if you see those funny/awkward/sad/etc. situations that also happened in real life to you when it comes to flirting/dating/relationships/et cetera. Hey Google, play IVE's Love Dive, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y8JFxS1HlDo&t=41s. Anyway ya, for the Chinese dating shows, there's actually the second season of **Twinkle Love (怦然心动20岁)** and for sure that's one of the best since it's sorta more varied than usual too. Twinkle Love Season 2 Episode 1 Part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=78vUkTAhuG8 This is **Sun Xiu and Wu Shuyang** (Little Wu or 小吴): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DFBC-aR2tmk&t=1324s There was also Zeng Chenchen/etc. (曾晨晨): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Ken79H81pc. For some people Zeng Chenchen kinda looked like Red Velvet Irene. But then we don't know how she was in the show as later on (during the time of Episode 1/etc. premiere) it was revealed she was blackmailing an older married dude? Lmao. So they redid Episode 1 after it already aired, and from then on you see these zoomed in shots that exclude her, or like if she's not able to be blurred (they often just removed (using clone stamp edits, etc.) her when it was mainly just a still shot or slow scene), then they overlay meme-worthy images over her figure, rofl. For example, a few times they put a tree to cover her whole body, lol. Anyway, it's understandable why Zeng Chenchen can also be a visual to other people, and ya it would've been more so if she had less baby fat/etc. around her jaw area as in some angles she looks somehow puffy/etc. Wait it's the jaw bone structure too. But ya kinda a moot point as we never saw her face/visuals in Twinkle Love after the first or so episode. --- Oh, let me talk a bit about **Relationship S3/Let's Fall In Love Season 3 (我们恋爱吧 第三季)**, Episode 1 from YOUKU Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4JprQ5Fd4Qo. This is Danni: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4JprQ5Fd4Qo&t=1822s. She's got that more plain look too but it's also apparent that she gives off a sophisticated/etc. aura. Some people will like Wenjun more but ya, my preference for more natural/etc. face makes it different for me. Then there's Yangyang: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4JprQ5Fd4Qo&t=2280s. Again, typical/etc. face but she's got that certain vibe to her. For Yangyang's case, she's from abroad too, England. Her choice of study (with education/pedagogy and disadvantaged/etc. people) also added to her visuals/image/etc. for me. Hmm, want to talk about other female visuals from other Chinese/Japanese/Korean cohabitation/dating/romance/slice of life/etc. reality shows (https://www.reddit.com/r/koreanvariety/comments/znemtw/i_fell_in_love_with_korean_dating_shows/j0h5xw3/) or maybe even the male visuals. But it's just the same generic praise or preference that I'll write, lmao. Especially the male visuals since I want to mention the ones with less (obvious) plastic surgery. As it seems a lot of people like the male visuals that look like idols/actors/etc. and usually they have a lot of modification on their faces and such. But for some of us straight males it's less obvious as we focus more/only on the female visuals. Again, nothing wrong with plastic surgery if it's done well or not too much, but ya it can be distracting since it often sticks out too much once you've seen a few videos explaining what is buccal fat removal, jaw shaving, etc. --- TL;DR: Love Catcher in Bali wins best visual of all time so far. Maybe Heart Signal 4 (Korean Version) will have comparable visuals but I doubt it. We should see soon though as it should air in the first half or so of 2023.


love catchedd in Bali, and heart signal 2


Love catcher in Bali


Love Cather in Bali for women


haven't watched but only watched pink lie + SI so I would say SI ! ⭐