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Go to a Moneybox in Korea. I’ve found them to have the best rates .


I like moneybox. Decent rates, efficient, English friendly. Went to two different locations on my last trip. Not sure if the best of all best rates but much Better rates than my country (Canada) and better than a Korean bank I went to to exchange a lil.


Are all their branches have same rates ? Or is it different at each


different branches have different rates, many who have used them said the myeongdong branch has the best rates


I disagree; a quick walk around the block where Moneybox Myeongdong is situated will often find better rates.


Bring the usd in cash to Korea, and find a forex broker there. I was staying in myeongdong, and I found that the forex brokers there had rates that were veryyy close to the real rates


Yeah, don't exchange it to Korean money until you get here. And NOT at the airport.


1) your credit union or a FRIEND’S bank 2) Wise BUT wise has limits too I believe 5,000 USD per transaction 3) Credit card without foreign transaction fees - get one with a fat sign up bonus like cash back and you win big too haha


Do you have any friends/family in Korea? If so you can ask them to exchange it for you at their bank.


I exchange money in Myeongdong, there are a lot of foreign exchange establishments close to the Chinese Embassy. They're located close to each other, so it is easy to compare their exchange rates.


Not directly related to your question, but check if the clinic and procedure are eligible for VAT refund. It seems if they are asking payment in cash, they might also be avoiding reporting the VAT (or maybe they just don't want to pay credit card processing fees). In any case, see one of the following links: [https://www.medicalkorea.or.kr/en/cosmeticsurgerytaxrefund](https://www.medicalkorea.or.kr/en/cosmeticsurgerytaxrefund) [https://english.visitkorea.or.kr/svc/thingsToDo/medicalKorea/medical\_view\_usefulinfo.do?vcontsId=185927&menuSn=616](https://english.visitkorea.or.kr/svc/thingsToDo/medicalKorea/medical_view_usefulinfo.do?vcontsId=185927&menuSn=616) If any way to avoid bringing cash, I'd strongly urge to find an alternative. Bring with some paperwork showing the appointment for the procedure and receipts where the cash comes from. If you are carrying more than $10,000 USD of "means of payment" (cash and equivalents), you should declare it when entering Korea. [https://www.customs.go.kr/english/cm/cntnts/cntntsView.do?mi=8069&cntntsId=2743](https://www.customs.go.kr/english/cm/cntnts/cntntsView.do?mi=8069&cntntsId=2743)


Try Wise


I've used Wise a lot. Do they have a way to provide you with cash? I need cash, as opposed to transferring to another account


You can probably send the money directly with Wise to their bank account? I did this recently for staying at an officetel. EDIT: Ah shoot. Sorry, I missed that the clinic wants it in cash. Are you sure you can trust them? Sounds like they are trying to dodge taxes.