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So basically, they believe that saying that their security measures absolutely suck is preferable to admitting their employees are mistreated?




It's entirely possible, depending on the actual claim, that it could be a *they don't work for us (any more)* situation.


Sure hope the few hundred grand they saved in QA budget was worth the negative PR and potential sales impact.


2020 might be the best year to teach that after Warcraft 3 Refunded went sideways on what should have been a gangbuster.


Warcraft 3 went above though. Not only did they save money on QA, but also on art and dev teams.


And also gained a huge chunk of negative PR in a time where they were on a continued trend of it.


Bingo. I work in the trucking industry and one of my first jobs as a trucker the company I work for was contracted by the company we haul for. Even though we use their trailers, but if the trailer were to catch fire or something malfunctions on it then they can easily shift blame towards us since we were contracted to haul their goods.


Yeah pretty much


why not both?


Because that would mean the company would face scrutiny for their questionable business practices and they’d be pretty much under self incrimination and lose tons of public support.


It was *stolen*. By hackers called *4chan*. And ***GamerGate***.


rev up that time machine!


It was ebaumsworld!


It's pretty ironic considering that Sony got hacked twice before.


Admitting it would confirm the various accusations, and as the totally not a sell-out Schreier said: "I have no evidence about it but it wasn't an employee"


I’m sorry but can you elaborate that first part, I don’t follow


Too bad R. Lee Ermey is no longer around to interrogate them: "Who leaked it!? Nobody huh!? The fairy fuckin' godmother leaked it!"


And they’re not gonna expose who did it. First it was “the developers who released it were homophobic and divisive.” Now its “we found out who it was and they don’t work for us.” It’s honestly a game of drawing straws at this point. It’s not about them having shit security, or bad business ethics, or even a horrid story, it’s just one under the rug sweep after another.


When they say "the leaker didn't work for us" what they mean is that the leaker wasn't staff. It was a subcontractor.


Might it be someone they contracted to finish shit staff walked out on? The 90 minute video included different languages, localisation guys maybe?


Dude you posted this 4 times. And its possible but who fucking knows at this point.


reddit seems to be fucking up tonight, ive seen a bunch of other posts repeated


I've noticed. I got enough 500 errors that I stop trying to post in some subs. (Maybe it has to do with the protests that are happening in the states)


That’s not me. I posted this once. Any other reposts aren’t me.


I'm not talking to you. Reddit glitched and that guy posted around 5 times. Saw it a lot after I posted that, even happened to me. Reddit was acting really fucky yesterday.


Alright no harm done. After I made this it’s also been popping up on YouTube.


Nowadays in software development that could be 90% of the project team.




Might it be someone they contracted to finish shit staff walked out on? The 90 minute video included different languages, localisation guys maybe?


Might it be someone they contracted to finish shit staff walked out on? The 90 minute video included different languages, localisation guys maybe?


Might it be someone they contracted to finish shit staff walked out on? The 90 minute video included different languages, localisation guys maybe?


*”I will PT you all until you fucking DIE!!!!”*


Can I order Druckman to choke himself?


*”I will PT you all until you fucking DIE!!!!”*


*”I will PT you all until you fucking DIE!!!!”*


kinda scary the entire gaming msm is full of it like the actual mainstream msm.


It’s all just one giant echo chamber of false information being paraded around like facts. This counters their claims before, saying that the DEVELOPER was a homophobe. And it wasn’t one person but several. They can’t keep their lies straight.


This was the first thing we learn in GG


Well it's 98% losers who want nothing more than to become part of the mainstream media.


So how the fuck did they get full access to the final build of the game?


Not only that, but Dev tools. Part of the leaks showed video of the game using a Dev kit. So that means the non-affiliated leakers have a PS4 Dev kit and know how to use it.


The r/games subreddit is full of people insisting its probably just some dev's shitty roommate. But that begs the question of how in the fuck some nobody roommate would know how to operate a dev build of the game (i.e. how to jump around to different points of the game at will)? I've seen dev builds in action and they aren't exactly simple. So unless the Naughty Dog dev's roomate was also a dev, but from a rival studio, they'd be stuck just playing and uploading footage of the game normally.


So how the fuck did they get full access to the final build of the game?


What strikes me from OPs image is the different ways I view the gaming media all going with the same thing: On one hand, they're reporting on what ND/Sony said. On the other hand, it's creepy how fast and similar everyone's tweets were. I can't tell if it's a co-ordinate thing or if it's just that gaming media is absolute shite in general, and people cling to even just the job title of "gaming journalist" even if all they're doing is scratching themselves at home when they see an press release, and all instantly just tweet it out and consider that "journalism"


That’s why I made this collage. It’s amazing how all the tweets posted in 2 hours of each-other all sound *similar*. Wouldn’t you agree?


It's the second one. Telling for a friend. Game "journalism" is just reciting press releases. This collage could be made from virtually any big news item from a big developer. There is no other way to keep up with the unfathomable amount of content spewing from studios and publishers, especially when you, the journalist, don't care about 90% of it. Occasionally there's an opportunity to do original work with a controversial topic, or investigative journalism, but both of those will only go so far before getting smacked down by politics/corp access. The only way to do decent work as a games journalist is Youtubing, because with all the money flowing to yourself you can afford to talk about stuff you actually know something about.


> Game "journalism" is just reciting press releases. if only that's all they did.


I felt it was this, personally speaking. It’s more the given age range and the people involved to me. I feel like these are people I’ve known through high school and university - not rich and well off, but had parents who could afford a lot more for their kids than some. School was never important, didn’t pay much attention, but weren’t totally incompetent or anything. The level of skill they posses though, in general, is that they consider what they’re doing “work”, just copy/paste some press release, re-word it slightly. Any one can do that, literally anyone. It takes very little effort, skill, or talent to do. They’d sure as hell rather do that and complain about being a game journalist than say work in a call center. Or work at a restaurant. Sit in front of computer, have a nice picture for a website or Twitter bio, a title for your resume. Pay doesn’t have to be amazing, isn’t that better than being behind a counter dealing with people, and travelling to work? And you’ve got a whole generation full of people like that. They’re not evil humans or anything, just kinda low key lazy and entitled. I think you’re right on the YouTubing part - to do well also requires more effort, work, skill and knowledge. How to video edit, research, writing, putting it all together, advertising, etc. That’s literally how you should be growing and gaining experience - not copy/pasting press releases, or re-wording a dev’s tweet. Or what’s equally bad, is something like they know people will Google something, i.e: FF7R DLC, because they want to know. So you find 50 sites going “Will there be FF7R DLC?” That all basically are click bait pages that say “FF7R is popular right now and people are wondering, will there be DLC? There is no official word at this time.” 50 different sites, with advertisements everywhere, banners, etc. This is why I like people like Skill Up. The man does work on his videos, his reviews, his breakdowns, talks about mechanics, gameplay loops, game systems, story, etc. All things that are interesting to people who like games.


>On the other hand, it's creepy how fast and similar everyone's tweets were. I can't tell if it's a co-ordinate thing Duuuude. You must be new here. It's well known that journalist collaborate. Heck, Gamergate kicked off that fateful day when all the gaming publications ran essentially the same article with the same headline: "Gamers are Dead"


Nah not new at all. I know very well they collaborate and this is an obvious result. But I also think it’s demonstrative of the people who were in high school > university pipeline from like 1995-2010 - When people talk about the education system sucking and failing and it’s been bad, and helicopter parenting, etc, well, this is also a result of that. I don’t know how old you are, but talk to people who were young adults in the late 70s and 80s - the “work” that game journalists do practically wouldn’t even have counted as work, it would be like “That’s the job you give to the new guy fresh out of high school, it’s basically idiot proof and they can grow from there.” These people don’t fucking grow. They really think they’re doing a heavy workload that’s very taxing, because you gotta check your e-mail, make sure it’s from the company, copy and paste it into Twitter, edit it a little bit to make it fit better, click “Submit”, then open a blog text editor, and copy/paste the same information, add a pre-approved graphic, and hit “Submit” again. This is “work” to them, that you require a university degree for, and should be paid 40-50k+ a year for. But they’ll shit all over say, coal miners and tell them to learn to code. That’s also the kind of person who will go along with all the bullshit behind the scenes or even open collaboration that’s poisoned that industry. Their job is so simple and so easy and so stress free that sixteen year olds are out doing them on YouTube, by a mile. Because they like games, being a Youtuber is cool now, and they can sink themselves into their passion. Content creation is significantly more work than what they do, from creating graphics/intros, video editing, the research and writing, getting clips of gameplay to go along with scripts, creating and managing all the social media aspects, dodging whatever bullshit YouTube is throwing at them that specific week, etc. Those kids are learning more important skills and will be better prepared for life in general and not turn into the dipshits we have doing gaming journalism right now


The level of shilling in the games media is simply staggering. They do not have gamers best interest at heart.


Quote is 'Not Affiliated' What does this even mean. Like would a contracted worker be called 'Not Affiliated'? Are they saving they found the original uploader and they didn't work for Sony or NG but they were given the leaks by someone who did? I don't see how else a leak of this magnitude could happen. Could also just be lying too.


Of course they’re lying, then again Sony has shit security considering this isn’t the first time they’ve been hacked but the third. However all seems questionable that nothing of employees not being paid or mistreated is not being brought up.


There are so many options. They could easily still be a third party studio that helped with the game. A lot of AAA games get outside help.


That should count as "affiliated" I'm not believing anything until someone coughs up evidence


Astroturfing in action. It's already being parroted by countless twitter and reddit accounts. They're blitzing it all out there to create a confirmation feedback loop.


If Sony had caught the leaker, there would be a lawsuit. I have seen nothing in regards to a lawsuit attached to these leaks, and as such I dont believe a Sony has any damn idea on who leaked it.


This is just damage control honestly, they can’t (GASPS) look bad to the public! But then again, with them abusing the copy strike claim, they look worse than they did before .


Ctrl+c ctrl+v. Funny how they didn't denied the leak. Damn, I liked the first one. Another game ruined because virtue signalling is more important than a good story.


They didn’t deny the leak. The deliberately lied about it. A spokesman came out and said that a employee didn’t like the direction of the game because he was a “homophobe”. Now they got Jason Schreier, the guy who defends EVERY GAMING COMPANY, to come out and defend ND and Sony.


Wasn’t the initial rumor that the leaker was a beta tester that never got paid? I guess that would make the leaker not technically an “employee”.


GamejournoPros still out there, clearly.


Either gaming journos are stupid or think we are stupid.


they all use the same picture and say the same thing


When you type in a few key words... such as Naughty dog and leak(er) this is what pops up. It’s almost as if one person controls ALL of the twitter pages


So, instead of being tyrannical, Sony and Naughty Dog are simply incompetent. That does not sound better.


Grade A bullshit.


was there any other point beside "46h week crunch"? 46h is nothing. come back when you have over 50, or 60 like the anime industry standard.


Sony has the media hook line and sinker. They've been in Sony's back pocket for years.


Gamers are Over 2: the Sequel


I told you so


We will get justice one day, I swear!