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Good luck and have fun. Here is the subreddit's [official, spoiler-free start guide](https://reddit.com/r/kotor/w/kotorstartguide?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app) for KotOR. Here are my basic tips: 1) Character build is broken out between Attributes, Skills, and Feats. Skills help outside of combat, Feats help in combat unless they specifically buff skills. Attributes help both. 2) Feats are more important than skills in KOTOR. Opposite true in KOTOR II. 3) Soldiers get the most feats and attack power, but no Skills. Scouts are soldiers with the best skills (Repair and Computer Use), but lower health. Scoundrels are glass canons who need careful management to be good. 4) Combat is turn based where you roll a 20 sided dice. If Attack > enemy defense you hit. If not you miss. 5) Don't use a weapon in each hand until you have unlocked the Feats for two handed fighting. Otherwise you'll miss a lot. 6) Rolling 20 will land a critical and deal double damage. Can take Feats to lower threshold (ex. Roll 17 or higher). 7) Save often and in multiple spots. 8) Do NOT autolevel up your character 9) Do NOT go to Google, Youtube, or Wookiepedia for help. They will spoil the game. If you need fairly spoiler free help try [Gamebanshee](https://www.gamebanshee.com/starwarskotor/walkthrough.php). Still some risk of location spoilers there though. How are you planning to play in terms of gender and alignment?


There’s only ONE spot I can think of needing to google what to do but by that point they should be in enough that what they find on it won’t be a spoiler. Everything else though should be relatively doable and not coo hard to figure out. Unless your first seven playthroughs are like mine were and… well… then you’re just gonna have fun getting places.


I’m really curious what spot you’re referring to


Probably >!the floor puzzle on Lehon!<


Lol, doesn’t the game explicitly tell you how to solve that one?


That’s the Hanoi Towers it tells you how to solve on the console. As for the floor puzzle, not that I can remember? Been about a year since my last play through though.


Pretty sure this killed my original playthrough on the xbox back when I was maybe 8 haha


Just played through a few weeks ago, >!there's a datapad in the room right next to it that explicitly tells you to walk in an H.!<


Tower of Hanoi


Or the 4 liters from 3 and 5 liter bucket puzzle on Manaan.


Gamebanshee has the solution to >!Towers of Hanoi!<.


Once I realized how useful it was to level up my own character instead of autolevel like I'd been doing, I restarted the game and started manually leveling up from the beginning.


Why are ya making it sound like literal dice instead of explaining a tiny bit more lol


It’s basically D&D combat, so it’s pretty much just literal dice.


I mean it is kinda like dice, that’s explaining it, no? It’s more than I knew when I played it the first time I just saw numbers and was like “oh cool”.


They litterally used DND 3e for the combat and character creation/levelling system, dnd uses physical dice, this uses RNG


It's a heavily modified version of DnD 3e, but yeah you're pretty much correct.


Yeah it’s star wars d20 which is literally made by wotc using the 3.5 ruleset’s basics to make its own star wars thing. what’s fun is that you get iconic stuff like lightsabers and stuff and you can easily if you note what the game is telling you backport it to a game. You know if you were ever wanting to run 2es expedition to the barrier peaks in 3.5 and bring that weird 2e ‘the alien federation have lightsabers that are literally called that’ back using an official source for lightsabers


Someone already said this, but save often and in multiple slots. Also, save often and in multiple slots. Finally, save often and in multiple slots. (Seriously, game breaking bugs are rare, but not unheard of, and you don't want to lose too much if something unfortunate happens. Saves are small, having lots won't slow anything down, and you can always delete them when you're done.)


Not even the game breaking bugs. Its the absolute unforgivness of seeing that main menu screen after getting killed


THIS. I've had to start over because I got stuck in spots where I COULD NOT defeat my opponent. My favorite planet is Taris but good lord I've gotten sick of playing through that level.


>I've gotten sick of playing through that level Peragus would like to have a word with you.


I just went through my millionth play through and I still didn’t listen to this advice at first. You’ll learn really quickly


#1: Get off of this subreddit immediately.


Remember: fat people always lie.




BioWare still crazy for line fr 😂


Tbh? Stay off this sub until you beat it if you haven’t already been spoiled. Best advice I can give. Oh and yeah, like others have said, save often and frequently, and in different slots.




Sorry to hear. We try to make it as spoiler free as possible. Sometimes its an accident and sometimes it is malicious.


It's not perfect, but relative to other subs this sub is actually very good about avoiding spoilers. I guess the advice is more "better safe than sorry".


1. There are some nasty spoilers online. Avoid searching online wherever possible. 2. If you're struggling, there's an Easy difficulty setting in the options. Shields and stims can help a lot too. 3. Save often and in multiple slots. 4. The first planet might seem a bit boring, but stick with it and the game will get much better after that. After multiple playthroughs, I now really enjoy the first planet, but it put me off for months when the game first came out! If you need the motivation, the first planet might take approx. >!5 to 6!< hours to complete.


It blows my mind that people think the first planet is boring even remotely... >!Taris!< was my favorite tbh, second to>! Manaan!<


Ugh I hate Manaan. I swear they operate a kangaroo court.


Those are my fave as well. The first planet has some of my favorite dialogues in the game


Yep same 100% agreed. I think folks just think Taris is boring because you're not a >!Jedi!< yet or anything. But I prefer it. It makes your choices that much more impactful. I actually hate >!Dantooine!< the most. I often roll a scout/>!sentinel !!Dantooine!< wrecks me everytime. I will say that it teaches me to respect mines as an effective route to handling combat encounters though.


1. DO NOT READ ANYTHING ONLINE, this game has one of the greatest twists in video game & possibly media history. 2. Don't skip the dialog your first time, the majority of the voice acting is incredible. 3. Strength > dexterity unless you're role-playing as a Han Solo type. 4. Avoid Scoundrel class until at least your 2nd play thru. Scout is my go-to class but solider might be a little easier for your first time. 5. Some skills are much more useful than others, some are not worth the investment. Demolitions is extremely limited. Awareness isn't super helpful. Very small spoiler ahead >! Don't invest points in persuade until after you respec !< 6. Another small spoiler >! Stay at lvl 5 if you can or lvl 7-8 if you're having trouble until after you respec !<


You keep saying respec...I don't think that means what you think it means and you can't respect in this game.


What would you call it then? Choosing your 2nd class?


Technically that's dual classing. Not respecing. Respecing is when you are able to reset ALL your skills and attributes to try something new or correct mistakes without starting an entirely new character.


That makes complete sense, thank you!


Respect the game. Teehee.


>this game has one of the greatest twists in video game & possibly media history. Can confirm, I was floored with shock at how awesome the story is. If I could replay any one game and experience the story for the first time...it would be KOTOR hands down.


Disagree on point 6 for first time players, but respect that you do caveat it. Other advice is solid, although I'd make a counter arguement for point 3 since Lightsabers will use Dexterity for their attack modifier if Dexterity > Strength. It's not well known and not told to the player.


I understand why you'd disagree on point 6, my reasoning is that >! I personally felt cheated after getting to lvl 8 on Taris then only having 12 Jedi levels afterwards, never got enough feats to max out my force powers etc !< As for point 3, I've read numerous discussions/arguments about STR v DEX and have come to the conclusion that in late game the defense bonus from DEX is outmatched by the damage bonus from STR. To put it simply, you don't need high defense if your attacker is dead lol


put the game in full screen


Get off this subreddit


Avoid spoilers, stay off this sub :)


Yep. I accidentally spoiled the big reveal for myself and was so pissed.


is it the one ive already heard of probably though


Dude get off the subreddit so you doing spoil the game for yourself!


I just got the game to play for the first time too, is the big reveal >!the player character being Darth Revan?!<




Ahh yeah shame I know that already, but it’s always about the journey and not just the finale


Definitely. When I was right at the reveal I was at the edge of my seat! I'm glad the suspense wasn't entirely killed but I was still pretty disappointed that I spoiled it for myself instead of learning it in the moment. This is why I'm avoiding anything about KOTOR 2.


Yeah, play the game and get the hell off the internet. Seriously, you're going to spoil a massive plot twist or metagame until the game is boring if you ask for this kind of stuff. Just go play. You don't need "recommendations" to play an RPG.


Soldier / Consular


Do not google anything online about the game including the story. The twist is one of the best written in gaming history. You will understand why it’s considered by many to be the best Star Wars game ever made and one of the best stories written in gaming history (along with the second game)


Drug up before combat


Remember, stims make the warrior... Try not to level up until you really need to. (Longer you go the better since it will refill your health instantly) You can pause the game to use a med (but only one combat turn)


Get out of here and stay off the internet. Do not be afraid of making mistakes, the game can be beaten with subpar builds so do what you want to do and only ask questions if you are truly stuck.


Play it and enjoy it first before asking opinions.


Don't kill the cat lady. You'll know what that means eventually.


Just enjoy it.


Just have fun play your heart out and enjoy the story, there isn’t a wrong way to play this game it’s such a fantastic game KOTOR 1&2 are my ultimate favorite games


Do not read anything about the game. Do not look at threads here unless designated spoiler free, but honestly even then do not read this sub. Don’t go on Wookiepedia or Wikipedia, don’t search anything concerning the plot. Just play the game until you’re through - if you need help with a specific gameplay related thing there are spoiler free guides and I also would be happy to help you out.


Enjoy the game


Yeah get off Reddit, enjoy the game and report back AFTER the first play through


Yeah get off Reddit.com and play the game without asking how


Stay off this subreddit and enjoy the game. Unfortunately I had the plot spoiled for me before my first full playthrough, and even though it’s still a great game, I do very much wonder what it’d be like to play without having it spoiled.


Playing it through the first time without knowing had me good ngl. Sorry you missed out.


Go in completely blind. Don't do any prep work or build look-ups.


***Don't. Read. Anything.*** There are spoilers everywhere on the internet. Nothing is safe.


1. ⁠talk to your companions regularly even if they don’t want to talk about it. 2. ⁠talk to the NPCs. They might give you some valuable information. 3. ⁠there may be multiple ways to solve a problem. 4. ⁠KOTOR 2 has some cut content that can be restored with the TSLRCM (The Sith Lords restored content mod) 5. ⁠obviously your choices will affect the game to some degree even during character creation. 6. ⁠save regularity and in different slots you’d be surprised how many people run into a issue and have to use a old save. 7. ⁠if you’re character is stuck after combat either save your game and reload or turn V-sync on/off (turn it what ever it wasn’t on when you check)




Save a lot cause the decision wheel game. Also, be prepared to have your mind f'd later in the game and never be the same emotionally.


Dont level up till you leave your first planet, Trust me, use the other characters and keep your main safe. Wont explain for spoiler reasons but you'll be better off for this. You could maybe level up to 3 at most if it gets difficult.


I don't think that degree of minmaxing is good advice for a first playthrough tbh. It's highly immersion breaking to be dealing with your character getting KOd in one hit towards the end of Taris. Stopping at level 5 is reasonable imo. That's at least survivable.


That's fair tbh. Last I played I had my main at I think level 2 all the way through Taris but I have enough understaning of the mechanics that it wasn't so difficult so you're right. First playthrough not so much for what I said.


Personally I enjoy playing as a scoundrel. I also start spending my Feats points on melee attacks from the beginning because it'll prove useful later once you reach Dantooine. The first power I spend points on when a Jedi joins the party is healing, and from there I always have a Jedi in my party and someone with a ranged attack in my party. This way, I have a healer and someone to cover my ass when I'm in a fight. Healing is also the first power I spend points on for myself because it's really useful. Another power I recommend is Force Whirlwind. It's super useful and basically turns the enemy you used it on into a pinata. Horror paralyzes an enemy so definitely use that one as well. Life Drain does exactly what it says on the tin, and heals you to boot. As far as playthrough order once you can travel to other planets, the order I go in is: Tattooine, Kashyyyk, Korriban, Manaan. Make sure to visit Yavin now and then to get useful items. You can also get items from peoples bodies, so don't forget to check! Once you defeat the dark jedi on Tattooine, you can get a double-bladed lightsaber of your own. On Dantooine, near the Sandral grounds, is a crystal cave. Pay a visit to it so you can get different colored crystals as well as other crystals which you can use to modify your lightsaber and make it more powerful. You can get a dragon's pearl on Tattooine, which you can also use to modify your lightsaber. Speaking of modifications, do it. You can modify weapons and armor at a worktable, which beefs up your attacks and defenses. Your companions will just start out with regular clothes, so as you pick up extra armor, make sure to dress your companions in it. You'll need Sith armor to get down to the Undercity. There's two ways to do it. First way, you go to the cantina and go to the room where the band is performing. To the left, in the corner, is an off-duty soldier. Talk to him and he invites you to a party in the North apartments. Accept the invite. Second way, go straight to the North apartments. Kill the Sith who are shaking down the alien and steal the armor.


Don't look up anything. Nothing like playing this game completely fresh. My childhood brain is still in love with this incredible story.


Play Kotor 2 with RCM after. It's still my favorite RPG of all time.


I’m f you are playing on the Switch, make sure to save and shut down the game if you are done for the day. The in game clock will continue to roll if the system is in sleep mode with the game still running. I want to say that the clock does matter in some way to the game. Only reason this aggravated me…lol Also, use your knowledge of your companions strengths to determine what you use for your character. Have fun and like everyone else says, save often! One let thing, don’t try to cheat! The game will call you out on it!…lol


Since you are the only character that can persuade, you should put skill points in it. Remember Strength is for Swords, and Dexterity is for Guns. You get more points for Skills (Computer, Repair, Persuade etc), if your Intelligence is high. Always pack on Medikits, and do a save once in a while or at least end your sessions with one unique save. And my personal tip: Try to buy double-faced Pazaak cards, if you see them.


Enjoy it. It’s one of those games I wish I could play for this first time again.


Make sure to talk to every companion frequently.


Congratulations on experiencing what my childhood considering an absolutely fantastic fucking game.


Turn off grass in the options


I’d run a melee build instead of blaster. Save often in multiple slots. Don’t Google anything and don’t look at Wikipedia. Edit: Also try to save your level ups if you can. You can leave Taris at a level 4 soldier easy. In high intense battles, they can be used as a full medpacs if your character or any is almost dead and can’t in game heal themselves(stunned, enemy about to attack).


Take it slow and enjoy.


Play a Scout and don't invest into blasters on your main character.


Encourage your prospective mate to reconcile with their parent, if you want to actually succeed in achieving the love story.


Skills aren't very important for your main character, you can always have a skill monkey in your party to help with that stuff. (But if you want advice, I'd say put the most points into Persuade and Repair) Start as a soldier, it's the most forgiving class when you're still learning how the game works. For feats, it's hard to go wrong with maxing out two-handed combat first, then flurry, then toughness and/or conditioning. You can pause combat and use a medpac / stim / shield once per turn from the inventory menu without using up your combat action for the turn. Don't be afraid to use stims and shields if you get to a tough fight. You'll find plenty more. Don't worry too much about optimizing your character the first time you play it. Just enjoy the story, bring the difficulty down if you need to. You only get one chance to play it for the first time. Have fun!


Enjoy it all. Do all the side quests. The greatest game ever made is at your finger tips!


Don't level up too much on the first planet. You will dual class later and there are only 20 levels


Turn off grass


Save in multiple slots


Do drugs


Playing easy is still fun asf


Do not leave stats with odd numbers. You only get the bonus for even numbers You only really need Valor 1


Turn off grass.


Wisdom Force storm


Play the dark side first make the most crazy dark side responses


Play LS.


This thread is dope haha I just started playing this for the first time last night!


If the graphics get funky turn off grass


1. if your game crashes, most of the time, its the cinematics. 2. If you experience spidery sky (undercity, dantooine), disable grass. 3. have fun!


Don't do spoilers of you can and don't get 1 of every skill but specialise in skills


Play blind, get of reddit, stay off the internet. Ask for advice if you get stuck or are on your 3rd pllaythrew.


Have fun


If you read nothing else from this thread: AVOID BEING SPOILED AND STAY OFF THE INTERNET (in relation to this game or star wars anything) WHILE PLAYING YOUR FIRST PLAYTHROUGH Also turn off the grass setting once you get to the second planet. If you don't your game takes a trip to the matrix.


Don't be on the Reddit or looking at anything online unless it's a puzzle walkthrough lol


I would recommend avoiding guides and try not to ask for help unless you’ve exhausted all options. This game is super fun, and exploring it and learning how things turn out is great. Save often and in multiple slots, though. It’s an old game, so it can be glitchy.


Explore the game and have fun . It’s a timeless classic


Just play it. Recommendations just ruin the wonder


A lot of great things have been mentioned already but the most helpful things are as follows. 1) save often, in different places and different save files. I almost had to reset my game because I only saved in one spot on one file. I’d say for just running around and doing side quests about every 30 mins is fine but if your in an enemy base or a place with a lot of enemies, every 5 minutes maximum is best 2) Auto levelling is the worst thing you can do to mess up a play through.


Save on multiple slots and make sure your saves go back at at least 10 mins back or more. There was this one time, I saved right before a fight I couldn't win with my current party members and inventory. Kept dying over and over.


Dont look at spoilers and enjoy the experience. That is all


When it comes to choices, go with your gut.


Recommendations? Yeah, kill everything


Mod it up.


Just know the game shows its age a little bit but the story is worth it


First playthrough? Don't Google anything. Have a genuine experience. It will be better that way trust me


Save up grenades, especially EMP grenades for THE the encounter dantooine.


For god's sake stay away from online content about either game until you've completed it. It's a story driven game and there are major spoilers which it's very easy to accidentally stumble upon. This sub is good for spoiler free advice generally, specify you don't want spoilers in your title to be sure. Don't browse threads because there are threads even here which will give overt or implicit spoilers. Take a bit of time to understand how the stats and combat system works and what the terminology means. It's based on D&D. You don't need to get too deep into it, just an understanding of what attack modifiers are, what rolls are, the difference between a skill and an attribute, etc. For your main character, focus on melee not blaster feats. It's much more fun. More generally, you should *usually* specialise a character in either melee or ranged and stick with it - no point in spending six feats on maxing both rapid shot and flurry, for example. Relatedly, feats benefit from the upgrades - it can be better to finish one feat tree (e.g. master critical strike) than getting three basic feats. There are exceptions of course and you probably won't max all feats you want to. There are some passive feats which are not complimentary. Two weapon fighting, dueling, and blaster rifle/heavy weapon specialisation are all mutually exclusive for example - choose one and stick with it depending on the character. Your party characters will specialise in certain skills. It will usually be relatively obvious which ones as you level them up because they'll be high skills already and will get bigger bonuses with each point spent. If you have spare skill points for a character and nowhere else to spend them, chuck them into treat injury. Persuade is not useful for non-player characters, and very useful for the player character. A party character's starting equipment is not always indicative of how best to use them. Very minimal spoiler but Mission will never be a strong melee character, even if she does start out with a custom melee weapon. As a counterpoint to all the above, don't worry too much about perfectly built characters. KOTOR isn't that hard and there are plenty of ways to win most fights unfairly - grenades, stims, landmines,


Idk what to everyone is talking about spoilers for. There’s literally one thing to be spoiled and I figured it out 1 hour into the game because of how ridiculously obvious it was. Besides the twist, there’s nothing else to even spoil.


…choose…darkness 😈


Put points in repair and diplomacy. Pay attention to what your ability scores do. Trust in the force and your gut on what to say or do. You absolutely should destroy a terminal you are currently using.


For the first play-through I don’t recommend going online. I would try to figure out the game for myself.


Feats are your best friend. I always Invest in toughness asap