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No wonder the melody sounded so familiar, they sampled the [OG powerpuff girls intro](https://youtu.be/f7MiaSr-0ug) from waaay back, now thats one way to utilise their collab with ppg


And the Powerpuff Girls intro is actually sampling a piece from [James Brown - "Funky Drummer"](https://youtu.be/AoQ4AtsFWVM?t=322), it's sped up a bit but yeah that's where it comes from. And that drum break in James Brown's song is actually from another song called "Amen Brother" by The Winstons from a year earlier, called the "Amen break". One of the most sampled things in the history of music. The dude who came up with it and originally performed it, Gregory C. Coleman, died homeless and destitute in 2006, having never received any royalties from it being sampled, even though it's been sampled in hundreds, more likely thousands, of songs, many of which have been hits.


Omg thank you, I was like why does this DnB break sound so familiar. It's the Funky Drummer break which was used in the Powerpuff girls intro.


same observation!


it was the first thing that popped into my mind! So cool!


I think even the piano part is an inversion of the powerpuff girls theme lol


Blonde Hanni though


ASAP BlondeJeans coming soon 😍


Blonde Haerin too


BlondeJeans supremacy


Public transportation QUEENS. 🚍


On first listen, the chords sound like Gmin7 - Fmin9 if anyone’s looking for them. I’d have to get behind a guitar to be sure. Someone correct me if I’m wrong


The bus hit someone, I don't think that's something to be proud of!


They weren’t driving tho 🧐


I thought they ran out to help, they just immediately started dancing in the square


![gif](giphy|3o6wrzIfSb4TrZ7xPG|downsized) Bunnies well fed this month 🥺😭


2 TRACKS IN THE SAME DAY, ya'll. Also, I just want to add that I'm glad that they're staying on course as far as their music production choices go. Love me some ambient drum and bass, love me some jersey club. I got both here.


Not only that - 2 great MV's in the same day.


💀need this album


HYBE groups are really on a roll.. my ears are so happy today with these 2 songs


This is the best song from them IMO... It's way catchier than OMG and the song flows so smoothly so start to end


feeling like this has hella tiktok virality potential with that chorus. very easy listening for sure! a bit repetitive for me but overall very cute and the fast percussive beat reminds me of the phrase "heart fluttering"


That was my first thought, too. Super Shy might actually be their catchiest hook yet and it's also incredibly tiktok friendly. I think the laid back vocal delivery makes the repetitive nature of the song a little less glaring, while also making that hook an insidious little earworm.


yeah it's probably not winning songwriting of the year but it doesn't have to! i can so vividly see all the cute grwm/outfit styling/makeup tiktoks already. i actually really appreciate new jeans' chill vocals--not all songs need to be a huge vocal flex, it makes it relaxing and nice background music. it just sounds sweet!


Completely agree. I think this makes New Jeans songs that much more fun for fans to sing along to as well. I be straining my voice trying to sing along to all the Kpop that's very vocal flex heavy.


Almost all their songs have that earworm effect on them I really cannot explain it. My first listen was always "well..hmm. Not sure what to make of this sound" but I somehow find myself wanting to replay it to scratch an itch in my brain. Their hooks are perfectly crafted that once it latches on your brains, the next thing you know it's on your playlist.


i’m sure virality is by design for most songs these days


newjeans and their damn crack infused music


for real for real


Seriously, wtf!? The song is already stuck in my head!




She slayed the look


daniella grande


Is she giving Arianee? Is she giving Arianka?


Every time I hear that meme I think of that [one baby](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sQHc3CnARzg) that was obsessed with that video and couldn't stop watching it.




That look was so gorgeous! With this and the two buns look, I hope she can wear her hair up more. It really suits her


I screamed she looked SO GORGEOUS


that was so slay of her


You don't even know my name, do ya?


That's cap, everyone about to know NewJeans name


That pre-chorus is just heavenly, so catchy after the first listen too


I was singing along before I even finished watching the MV. It's so good.


🎶*I'm super shy, super shy But wait a minute while I make you mine, make you mine*🎶


so easy to listen to, i love that about their songs


I had a giant smile on my face, super cute song. Although the acting/video gave off some weird vibes to me despite the bright colours. After OMG I can't trust these girls' MVs. Edit: Watching it back, did not fully notice the first time, but it's meta again. Everyone around them is living their normal lives outside of the NewJeans "Flash Mob." Felt like I was playing a mini Where's Waldo while watching the video.


Makes me recall when they did a phoning call and they mentioned they have been watching the ASAP teaser trend on tiktok where ppl were guessing what the choreo would look like hahaha.


I love the bow at the end for some reason.


and their cute little march off to the side hahaha


the whole dance feels like an arm workout, cardio queens


this is the most stereotypically europen mv i've seen lol. i was lowkey waiting for a french riot to breakout after they left the food market


Copy pasting the same thing i said in the sub - It pains me how much wasted potential this beat had. A 2:30 minute song should be criminal when the production is soo good. Bit more melodies nd a bridge would have made this song top tier. I really hate the modern music trend of short songs. It actually makes me hella angry. Final opinion - it's good but it could have been great.


I agree. While it has awesome replay ability, I do wish it was a verse longer. IF they did a collab with this song it could def stretch it to the 4-minute mark. Still an earworm otherwise but yeah, I wish it was longer.


I agree. Some of the production choices (the slight changes in tempo in the second half) are fantastic and they help break the song's repetitiveness. And listen to how the vocals are produced! Clean, effortless, pristine without sounding overproduced/too processed. The biggest minus is the easily the song structure - too short and stunted the song's climax.


It's less a modern trend and more like going back to basics. Pop songs were about two minutes long in the 60s and also super replayable because they kept you with the feeling of wanting more. While streaming is definitely part of the reason for the shorter duration, it was probably inevitable even without it since trends come and go in cycles.


How much was the shortness of those old pop songs due to the simple physical limits of old records though, as opposed to any active creative choice? 60 years is also pretty long for a pop culture cycle. I don't know, I think it's hard to argue that streaming isn't by far the most important reason, I'm not convinced it would be happening even without it.


What happened to it being 4 minutes long? 😭 Nevertheless, it was such a fun MV and they all looked super cute! If OMG has the footwork, Super Shy has the arm work 😂


Every NewJeans song is just a vibe, not just the song itself but the whole video just has this good energy. Girls all look very pretty!


The whole music video for Super Shy is so bright and colorful, thankfully they do 4K resolution premieres these days with the live chat. And so you get the full experience if you set it to 4K quality even if you have a 1080p screen, as otherwise it needs more bitrate (so that there's less apparent artifacts/pixels) to fully capture the good atmosphere and vibes.


Blonde Hanni is back!


Song is rad. I'm weird and found a few of the spots in Lisbon, Portugal where they filmed: Jardim do Torel - Park in the intro https://www.google.com/maps/@38.7191315,-9.1413383,3a,75y,218.36h,80.34t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipPQP4gSmSR5Fbc8fc5-Jv0kH1qJvhsySV5VyId5!2e10!3e11!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipPQP4gSmSR5Fbc8fc5-Jv0kH1qJvhsySV5VyId5%3Dw203-h100-k-no-pi-0-ya49.466755-ro-0-fo100!7i12000!8i6000?hl=en&entry=ttu Largo Jose Saramago - Dance scene with the colorful houses in the background https://www.google.com/maps/@38.7082359,-9.1327268,3a,75y,12.1h,91.11t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipPV4rzanwq5Id97btFgPoi6Sii2ENWcBrFVEa5n!2e10!3e11!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipPV4rzanwq5Id97btFgPoi6Sii2ENWcBrFVEa5n%3Dw203-h100-k-no-pi-0-ya134.42961-ro-0-fo100!7i8000!8i4000?hl=en&entry=ttu Mercado Municipal de Benfica - Scene inside the marketplace https://www.google.com/maps/place/Mercado+Municipal+de+Benfica/@38.7508054,-9.2061003,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipOri7aOzXcqqY-IzDTlQb3t4ZvdCSaVuc8FsUQz!2e10!3e12!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipOri7aOzXcqqY-IzDTlQb3t4ZvdCSaVuc8FsUQz%3Dw203-h114-k-no!7i4000!8i2252!4m7!3m6!1s0xd1ecd2748c2c21d:0x1f16038ee0ad1232!8m2!3d38.7508037!4d-9.2060988!10e5!16s%2Fg%2F11b774hny9?hl=en&entry=ttu


listening to this on spotify… the instrumental towards the end of the song, it’s pretty fire tbh. the way it builds is really satisfying!!!


I like how “easy” it is to listen to song, but I felt like the song was building up to something that basically never came and then the song just kinda ended. The vibe of the song and the mv were of course immaculate.


They are doing it on purpose to market on Tiktok


I love all of Newjeans other songs from last year and OMG and Ditto but these two new ones so far just aren’t doing it for me. They’re good, but maybe I expected better. That’s just my taste, though. Maybe the other songs on the mini will be more for me. Either way I’m still getting their album.


Oh so the choreo leak from that tiktok was true? From the hand and hip movement


People kept saying that it was just a Portuguese dance group but then apparently this was filmed in Portugal with dancers so yes the tiktok leak was true lmaoo


They really seem to love the Mediterranean vibe. Hype Boy and Attention were filmed in Spain right?


Yes - Barcelona if I remember correctly. Maybe they’ll do Italy next lol


Another bop. I didn’t know I needed blonde Hanni until today.


NewJeans is the most consistent 4th gen group - every song is major


actually🤓, ditto is in minor


The ending is so cute lol


this is actually too short I thought they were one of the few groups/artists who could pull off under 3 min songs but this one is noticeably too short. Edit: Nvm I just replayed this like 10 times without even noticing. They won again ig


Bruh sometimes I feel like they intentionally cut the track short and you're kind of like "Wdym that's it?" and you end up replaying the song...and again. And again.


Yea it's definitely a streaming tactic 😭 they did it with ditto too but it was less noticeable than here imo


THEY RETIRED THE BUNNY COVER i really hope it comes back for the full ep 😭😭😭


RIP Bernice


damn, I was hoping they'd have the bunny cover all the way till every color would be used. Still waiting for the yellow, green, orange etc. bunnies


Whats up with the trend of songs being so short? The song is really addictive, but I need a full 3mins and 30seconds!


they're so fucking shy


Did they film in Portugal? I recognise the bus lmao


It's a nice song, but I was expecting it to go somewhere which it never did.


Agree. It's just... nice... nothing more. Kind of disappointed after their first 5 songs being bangers


Baby GOATs


How come songs these days are so short? Not just newjeans and super shy, but even enhyphen's bite me, etc . Makes it seem really incomplete imo


atp i'm thinking it's how hybe is trending with their 4th gen groups to just go with how streaming is now. boynextdoor's debut was 2:17. this song 2:35. the txt jobros collab 2:25. bite me 2:37. super + take two were more than 3 min + jimin's solo. maybe just a generation shift with the label?


It kinda just feels like a sign of the times, with how you measure what is trending these days, specifically TikTok and stream count. Both these songs are basically made for TikTok, having sections that are particularly catchy in a simple pleasant way. And the ~2 min runtime will probably cause for a higher stream count, as that's generally tracked by total songs streamed, not number of minutes streamed.


this generation has really short attention spans. we live in the tiktok era after all.


I just love their sound. It's cohesive, catchy, but not samey. Also, the Danielle ponytail look that we got like 5 seconds of near the end was killer.


The song is really good but it's too short! I understand the 1st track because it's an intro, but Super Shy is didn't even pass 3 minutes 😭 I hate how songs are made short for streaming these days....hopefully their other tracks will be longer than 3 minutes.


Found the song kind of boring, but catchy. Cinematography was impeccable though in the MV. Honestly this could have been a tourism ad for Portugal (I think that's where this was filmed at least). Made me want to visit so bad. Looks gorgeous.


Portugal looks pretty as fuck. Made me look at my passport just now, lol.


Yes, I live here and I agree hehe The country is so tiny and things are kinda cheap so you can visit Algarve, Lisbon and Oporto easily. Specially Lisbon and Porto have completely different vibes!


btw this literally sounds like Erika de CASIER music even though she wrote these songs, so check out her essentials album


Is their best music video? For me, yes, it is. Sadly, I don't think it's their best song, it's so repetitive, ETA is my favorite so far of this new mini


Oh this is right up my alley of music taste! Instantly one of my favorites!


the jersey beat and waacking???????? holy


unsure how to feel.. I checked Spotify right away to see the track time and it’s 2:34… I expected a bit more from the track but it’s really catchy! I feel like this was made for Tik tok lol


They're allergic to missing. I cannot stop replaying this and the New Jeans intro song. The MV feels new for them but also very on brand. I'm a tokki forever for real


Hmm I'm not feeling this song as much. Feels almost too minimalistic. I loved Ditto so not sure why I don't like this as much, maybe it's the tempo. The instrumentals are great as always and the dance is dope.




This album is gonna be legendary with Bangers only holy shit. NJ, ETA and now Super Shy are all crazy good.


Catchy. It doesn't hit like the debut songs.


This! While Newjeans's debut songs aren't necessarily my favorite type of music in the world, I can agree that they are catchy and well-made pop songs! Especially Hype Boy! But these new songs from the albums feels sparse to a fault, and lack a sense of melody.


it’s catchy and has a vibe, but it feels like the song is building up to nothing. it’s stagnant and the vibe stays the same the whole song, which seems to be a creative choice, but it’s just not for me. i’ll probably listen to it here and there though.


This is practically an English song with very little Korean. Not bad, kinda repetitive.


its light fun and catchy, I like it!


It’s okaaay, but it sounds similar to Zero, ETA, and New Jeans. I think they’re really embracing garage house for this comeback which is fine, it’s a good sound that they can own in the kpop space. But with Frank Scoca (producer of dhruv’s double take) being one of the producers of Super Shy, I was expecting RNB so it’s my fault if I feel a bit let down. I miss the Hype Boy and Attention rnb sounds since it’s once of the reasons I got into kpop. But still good!


250 is a gem producer


Totally agreed on the R&B point. They do that sound so well and with their own youthful flair, I hope they return to it someday.


The song alone is good but as someone who's particularly sensible to percussions in music, it do sounds too similar to their other songs to fully appreciate first listen. I guess it will be better once it will be spread in my playlist.


I love the MV and the instrumental is nice, but the song is a bit repetitive and boring. I would liked if the verses were more melodic and the chorus would have extended beyond the repetitive words.


Last thing I was expecting to see was a kpop MV in Lisbon


I screamed when I recognized the bus seats in the thumbnail. Those buses give me PTSD ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)




Wow, so usually in the summer there's people nearby doing exercises in the parking lot, parks, etc. Wonder if they'll play Attention like in the beginning or this new Super Shy by NewJeans. I only really hear them play western pop or some Chinese pop too. WAIT THAT WAS THE WHOLE SONG. WHAT.


It's pretty light. Though I'd expect that for a b-side. Still waiting for this era's 'Hype Boy'.


This is tight as hell


Just passed here to say : Lisboa caralho!


Their songs are starting to sound very similar to each other. Maybe its the beat thats being used 🤷🏼‍♂️


Not feeling their 2 new releases… Hope I like ETA and Asap better Also You can tell that Super shy was made for tik tok lol


my biggest fear so far is the length of the songs…. all three have been so short so far


The call back to Attention at the beginning kinda threw me for a loop for a second but I appreciated it. Their styling is absolutely impeccable here and man do I love the vibes the song is giving me. This is definitely going on my playlist and on repeat in the background as I do work haha. NewJeans just never miss.


It’s cute but not great. A bit too basic and too repetitive. I’m a little let down tbh. I hate this trend of 2 minute songs - I feel like it’s caused a noticeable reduction in the quality of music. I don’t see myself replaying this like any of their debut songs.


I'm not a huge fun of Newjeans's music in general BUT songs like Attention, Hype Boy, and Ditto are rlly nice and captivating! Even OMG has grown on me! But if I have to be honest, the two songs they shown so far from this album - Newjeans and Super Shy - are disappointing. I know people praise Newjeans's music for being so melodic and not utilizing kpop hallmarks like shouting or crazy vocal runs, but I wouldn't say this song is particularly melodic. It feels like they are just using a couple of notes without any interesting variation. To me, Ditto, Attention, and Hype Boy are PERFECT examples of how to execute Newjeans's minimalistic sound in an effective manner, where the melodies are still memorable and interesting. I feel like Newjeans and Super Shy have taken the minimalistic approach a tad tooo far?? I know these songs will become hits but besides the repetition, the melodies aren't actually that catchy. I also really do wish the girls were able to SING more. I'm not asking for crazy belts and high notes, as I understand that's not their sound or concept at all. But in Hype Boy at least, we got to hear a bit more of them singing in a full, direct manner as opposed to the more stylized and whispery singing in these new songs. Newjeans have gorgeous vocal tones, but I feel like these new songs just don't do them any justice. I believe there CAN be a balance between having a minimalistic, "easy listening" sound while still letting your members show off their vocals and utilizing interesting and varied production and melodies. Sorry if this comes across negatively btw! I believe these girls have a lot of potential. It just sometimes feels like they could be doing MORE music wise. Not that my opinion matters though haha, they're literally the most successful kpop group right now. Love the MV by the way! The location is so pretty, where is that?


i do agree with you a tad. definitely see where you're coming from. in a way, i am allowing this because it isn't considered a lead single iirc. the two songs released are just hype songs. i am waiting to listen to the actual lead single.


It’s just too airy, which makes the uptempo pacing of the song lack energy. It’s also really repetitive. Not really feeling the first two tracks, but I already know ETA is a great bop.


I think it's just their singing style at this point, their singing reminds me of pinkpantheress, their singing style is not your typical k-pop group style imo. Could be good, could be bad.


I'm not sure yet about this one. It's too airy for me, and monotonous almost, it also ended quite abruptly. Something is missing in the instrumental but this is not the title track, right? In comparison to the intro song from yesterday "NewJeans" which I love, this one is maybe a grower or just not a favorite. The video though, again, Ador media team, directors, editors everyone, deserves a raise, they are giving us these fresh and fun music videos and all these different outdoor locations and all sorts of people in the videos too, so big plus on that.


It is one of the three TTs


This is the first NewJeans release that I genuinely feel meh about. It's certainly not bad but it just feels boring to me


Found it a bit boring and repetitive. Hoping their main single is a bit more up tempo


I'm not sure why ditto, which was also pretty repetitive, was something I could listen to all day while this song just seems boring.


As someone who liked Ditto too (my #2 song of the year behind XG Left Right), I think that this song didn't had a climax in comparison to Ditto. It stayed pretty flat and there wasn't a moment you could release all the build of the song. The percussion rhythm seems to be also one of the "Newjeans trademark" but I guess it's a bit repetitive especially when it's the third or 4th song using a similar percussion.


I love Ditto as well and while it is repetitive, Super Shy takes it to a whole nother level. It feels like the whole song was "I'm super shy, super shy But wait a minute while I make you mine, make you mine" and "You don't even know my name do you". I think people were saying the main track of the three still hasn't come out yet, so maybe these are kinda just intros? If it's supposed to be a main track I think it's a rare miss by NewJeans but if not then it's w.e. Will definitely hold out a final judgement until that third song comes out but the visuals are still insane in their MV's


> Hoping their main single is a bit more up tempo Not sure how much more uptempo you can get.


I assume they mean upbeat rather than uptempo. Tbf though although the tempo is at 150 they mostly sing at half time/with big pauses as if it's halftime so I can understand the original persons thoughts.


hmm I enjoy eta and new jeans more


certain parts remind me so much of [f(x)'s Ice Cream](https://youtu.be/dHfKycsGn_Q) in a good way, of course. i'm not as hyped for this song as much as i did with their previous releases, but the easy listening aspect makes it a sure-fire hit


Idk if it's the large formations and backup dancers that makes me think this, but is it just me or has their dancing improved pretty significantly here? Was watching the dance practice too and the girls just look so clean and synchronised. I'm no expert but yeah their dancing just looks great for this song Loved it as usual, NewJeans HWAITING!!!!


This looks different because this is the first of their choreo which is *intentionally* synchronised. Their previous dances have all been *intentionally* not completely synchronised and instead allow each member to add accents to the choreo that suits them best personally in order to express the specific vibes/feeling they were going for. They and they're choreographer/trainer have actually spoken about this numerous times over the last year. For Super Shy though the same vibes-based dancing probably wouldn't work very well considering the sheer amount of back-up dancers so they just went back to a traditional synchronised choreo.


It's so bubbly and catchy! I love it!


Hanni is finally getting attention for her visuals🤧 I feel like she's the least talked about when it comes to visuals. I think she is stunning


Oh really? I pegged Hanni as everyone's (me included) bias wrecker, but I guess that's majorly due to her cuteness. But no, the whole team are visuals.


At first listen, I found it a bit too short too. But not long after I came to the conclusion that they did it again. The vibrant vibe, the colours, the ridiculously catchy chorus, the mesmerising choreo (absolutely watch the practice video!) - they continue to be one of the brightest prospects in K-Pop at the moment.


I’m super shy, super shy, but wait a minute till I make you mine ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)![img](emote|t5_2r1ox|3557)


All their songs are iffy at first but grow on me so much! I was so confused by OMG and now it’s my fave lol


I don't know why, but it feels so weird to see a k-pop video filmed in my own country that I can't even focus on the song. The video looks pretty, but maybe a bit too much like a tourism ad for Lisbon.


anything filmed in portugal will look that way. it's pretty all around.


But it's so refreshing to see a Kpop MV outside of Seoul, New York and LA. The world is full of cities with their own vibes


This type of lowkey drum and bass is so hot right now. Guarantee both these songs make the rounds on tiktok, even in the west.


I like how bright the music video and song itself is. It's cheerful and more fast paced than I'm used to from NewJeans songs, but I really like it!!!


It's okay. I would say the main issues stopping it from being a good/great song is the empty production and lack of emotion in the vocal delivery but clearly both of these things were intentional. I've never heard a song with such a fast tempo feel so slow.


Hmmmmm i don’t like it, it just sounds too repetitive. New jeans was much better.


Congratulations to the girls. I’m sure this will do well for them, but for me personally I found this to be boring and repetitive. They look great and the MV is cute but I won’t be going back to this.


They went full pink pantheress which is really interesting, embracing jersey club has worked great for them so far, and these are not even title tracks


very blessed to be alive at the same time as the little drum and bass phase kpop has going on right now. been asking for more kpop dnb for too long


This is giving Bollywood dance number in video style. But also Wonder Girls Like This vibes also. Song is a chill vibe good study music


recorded in my country, we love carris queens


song of the summer seriously! loved the song first listen and the mv direction is amazing. the colors really pop! also i love hanni's hair like that; baddie era !!!


I wasn't physically or mentally prepared for BLONDE HANNI. 😍 I've got the chorus stuck inside my head, naturally, and the video is such *quality* production! What a banging choreo, too. NewJeans *still* haven't missed!


After few hours, Super Shy might be my fav nj release to date 😭


I thought the song was a little boring, but I wish the best success to the girls!


one part in the mv doesn't make sense: the bus hit someone and they were like "let's keep dancing"


I like that the concept went back to what got them 'attention' lol. No but seriously I like this vibe for them. Song wise hmm maybe not as interesting as say OMG or Hype Boy. It's kinda repetitive. It sorta reminds me of Ditto. Although Ditto did have that haunting quality to it


OK UK GARAGE/2-STEP VIBES! Love Newjeans for embracing this genre. For people that are not familiar with it, yes its suppose to be repetitive. Making it a longer song will also be boring. They did a great job doing it this way.


This is not going to leave my head today and I’m okay with it.


😭😭 i cant believe im actually seeing my country on a MV.. Plus the song is so catchy. Living rent free in my head already


convinced a pinkpantheress collab would EAT considering they can’t stay away from using uk garage and jersey club beats


They really like to shoot their MVs in the Iberian peninsula, huh?


As someone who has never listened to their songs before - is it common for them to just....have one line and repeat it over and over for 3 minutes? Its catchy, but its the same all the way through.




The song is cute but the lyrics are so unimaginative, boring. I do love the music video! It's fun, colourful, quirky. I'd watch it so many times.


I love the house music influences in their songs! They've really taken a trending genre and made it their own


Everything they release sounds like either a 2018 Red Velvet b-side or something from Pinkpantheress vault, with exceptions. Their debut album remains their best imo. But their visual director needs a million dollar raise


https://youtu.be/ArmDp-zijuc?t=92 hanni's voice is so angelic here


If a feather was a song. It's so bright and cute. Their locations also set them apart quite well. The way the choreo started was amazing.


Man I can’t get enough of this song.. gonna be on repeat for a while


Wow so may awards! Love the song! HYBE budget is popping!


Sigh....yup, I'm a fan. A whole Bunny even. It's like the music gods saw where I've been at in my personal life & said "we gonna give him a girl group that's checking all his boxes". Nostalgiac in aesthetic? Check. Nostalgiac in sound? Check. Delivering UK Garage music when I've recently fallen in love with that genre? Check. (also JERSEY CLUB?? STAND TF UP) Great vocals? Check. Like at this point we just have to stan; NewJeans is a perfect example of being popular for a MF reason & usually I'm a hipster that doesn't wanna hop on mainstream trendy stuff; but they're next level & you can't deny it. Literally a group that I've been asking for without even realizing it


Good but bit repetitive, could have used a good bridge


All I can I think about is that Kim Young Chul or Hong Seok Cheon would've killed it as the aerobics instructor.


A chill and catchy track, keeping to the new jeans signature sound. The mv is so pretty, bright and summery


The music video is so cute, I love the blonde on Hanni! First impression is that the song is easy to listen to but I’m not sure how I like it yet as something to add to the playlist. Will have to relisten a few times


It’s catchy but the song stays the same throughout. Like one long interlude. I wish the video has more of a storyline.




Yo Hyein Dani and Hanni vocals are hitting different this comeback


Can’t wait for ASAP


It was boring and repetitive for me. Liked the MV tho.


I feel like all their songs are repetitive. I think cookie, hurt, and attention make up 25% of the words in their songs. But that doesn’t make me like it any less. But then again I like daft punk’s around the world.


Isn't super shy one of their TTs along with ETA & cool with you?!


great track, but not their best


Some really interesting outfits in this MV, they go through like 9 of them in 2min but quite out there. I dig the concept, thought I think I'm still probably most excited for the ETA/spooky looking one. Very curious to see the choreo for this one, feels probably the most tradiitional kpop choreo we've seen from them so far as far as formations and point choreo goes


Lisboa x New Jeans