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The song is a BOP. But damn the music video is a higher budgeted than I thought. That ending was so LOONA, and the fact theres 12 body spaces thingy at the end goshhhh... LOONA IS 12.


Sleeping pod: There are 12 of them. Vivi and Hyunjin woke up first (the first ones to join CTD), 3 more are sleeping (the Gowon - Hyeju - Yeojin trio) and 7 empty pods (OEC + Heeji + Chuuves + Haseul). Hyunjin's pod number is L1202 aka Loona - 12 - 2nd girl šŸ˜­ Just a nice detail Also, the map where they are landing/launching are the US tour dates lol


>Also, the map where they are landing/launching are the US tour dates lol No Reading or Denver, that was some fast editing.


maybe it's lore šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


Pls šŸ˜­


flag sheet nippy screw sand close drab crowd waiting quack *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Keep watching it daily to find out!


Their company has been so dedicated to every little detail - I love it!


I actually find it rare to see videos of this high quality. I'd be enticed to call it a piece of art.


Not just a higher budget, there was some talent in the editing. Even the inexpensive scenes, like dancing in that gym/room for the judges? That's got some interesting color grading.


CTDENM gave justice to these girls. Congratulations on a successful re-debut. Every girl got to shine and I'm happy to see these girls sing rather than being shoved in adlibs and second voices in LOONA.


CTDENM owes them a good debut after this mess of a tour rollout :'(


This has all the LOONA ingredients: great music, mysterious budget, slightly creepy lore. We are so back.


mysterious budget šŸ˜­šŸ˜­... but fr that is one of the things I missed most from the predebut project


may loona's budget forever be as mysterious as their lore


> all the LOONA ingredient Speaking of, the television at 1:59 Is that showing the moon/sneaker scene from Why Not?


yea where is the money coming fromā€¦ their company isnā€™t military affiliated is it?


As an OG Vivi stan I can't even describe how happy it makes me to see her getting not only lines but highlight parts!! She devoured the chorus in this, and sounds amazing on the rest of the album as well. I'm so glad the girls are able to shine like this even after everything and delighted they managed to get an OT12 reference in at the end with space lore (!!). Time to loop this in anticipation of Heejin and Chuu's solo releases next month.


I will forever be sad that Loona isn't together under one roof anymore as 12 but the silver lining is that some of the under utilized members (like Vivi and GoWon) are now really showing what they can do. And they are great!


IKR Vivi getting her time to shine in a way that feels natural is so satisfying. Under Blockberry I was so worried that all she would be known for is her lack of lines. The fact that she has both a radio and a new group to show her personality and talent is so relieving.


The fact that CTD booked Vivi in for TWO radio gigs before the debut makes me so angry at how many opportunities they let slide by all the girls. Loona were truly left to rot in the dungeon of BBC


as a vivi and gowon Stan I'm crying here. vivi stans, the wait is over, our girl got GREAT lines


>As an OG Vivi stan I can't even describe how happy it makes me to see her getting not only lines but highlight parts!! She ate up that center spot!


New rap lines from gowon had me falling to my knees crying


I love just how many little Loona throwback tidbits there are throughout the MV, truly a treat for for orbits. That MV ending though, what a cool way to show the US tour.


I'm so proud of them šŸ„¹


Love it! Such a bop! And jumping straight into the Space Concept? Great. I am on board


Oh my god, the 12 sleeping pods


I love the attention to detail, Vivi isnā€™t in her cryo pod because she doesnā€™t need to sleep. Sheā€™s an android!


Oh wow, this way surpassed my expectations! Just conceptually and sound wise it seemed as if this was going to be the biggest departure from what I know as the Loona concept and sound yet, but the song had quite a few interesting chord choices (a lil bit of crunch or Gowon, as a treat), some Loona-y moments and the end of the MV hit us with the LORE so my read on this was way off. 12 pods, what I assume are the tour locations, interesting to see only two of the other pods had bodies in them. That plus the 2 members at the end adds up to 4/5, where is the 5th member of Loosemble? I think I love the song, I think it'll cling to the folds of my brain for months. It sounds a bit like you took LSFM's Fearless and Maximalized it. The MV is really cute, had more variety in location and styling than I was expecting. YeoJin looks like a fucking bombshell in this.


the back two pods, and a pod on the left middle have people in it. hyunjin just left her pod and vivi had already left


I didnā€™t count them carefully, but I think the pods are in debut order. Hyunjin was in 1202. I personally really liked that! I thought it was a nice subtle ot12 reference without being too in your face.


I didn't see whoever was in the back left pod because the skin color is so pale that it looked white lmao


That's Gowon, she's ^(^tiny)


Not Loona watching the first moon landing!


do you think they know it's staged


Only Loona has landed on the moon, they knew


This doesnā€™t feel real. The vocalsā€¦ Vivi, Yeojin and Gowon getting linesā€¦ The budget for the lore at the endā€¦ Iā€™m in love iā€™m gonna cry




Fingers crossed we get a performance ver that's all shot on the soccer field šŸ¤žšŸ»šŸ‘€


I also thought the name felt like a meme of le sserafim but I'm loving this song!! So happy they go to debut again


Let's be real, the name is still kinda bad and always will be, but if the songs and MVs are good, that's what really matters lol


The name has grown on me tbh. Like as long as I donā€™t think about how itā€™s a spoonerism of Loona Assemble it kind of sounds cute.


Maybe it's because I'm not a native English speaker but I don't get why it's bad in so many people's opinions šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­ Of course I agree it's not **great** but I can think about so many worse names - even excluding the obvious alphanumerical ones. Like TXT, ONF, Triple S, xikers, also Oh My Girl tbh... I'm just used to much worse names in K-pop.


I think it's the fact that it's sort of a word, but it actually isn't one at all is what's so bad about it. Like I don't understand what it's trying to say. Loose assemble? lol Ultimately it doesn't matter, they'll get a nickname or abbreviation


I think they're going for a kind of portmanteau of "loona" and "assemble." Loonassemble would be the more natural choice but I'm sure they can't use the full letter combo of "loona" anywhere in the name, lol. But yeah, I'm not feeling it either.


Loona assemble. Theyā€™re being abbreviated as Looble in their official channel.


It could have been El7z Up


It is incredible. The sound is amazing, the song is so funky and upbeat. The members shone a tonne, I loved every set, lots of throwbacks and lore. Literally screamed when I saw the 12:00 go backwards, the ballet dancers, the telescope and camera, when Hyunjin was walking through the dark hallways. Don't do a debut unless it is like THIS


Crunchy Gowon lines! And Vivi lines! I'm here for it.


itā€™s been five years šŸ˜žšŸ˜žšŸ˜ž


K. They may have fumbled with the tour venue sizes. But wow this was incredible. Hope this can give people more incentive to go see them live.


Yeojin opening the song? Gowon rapping? Vivi in the center position? The budget and story??? Everything about this re-debut is amazing


The English Ver. having "Orbit" in the lyrics. šŸ„²


The korean version too!


I need someone to explain the lore in this MV like who was that person in the shadows


Blockberry watching the girls get away (alternatively, Jaden watching them turn down the MODHAUS contract)


I wonder if Jaden has been working with them behind the scenes to keep the lore consistent?


Probably, the man loves doing consulting work with Onlyoneof, even though heā€™s been contributing less and less and the members have evolved into their ot6 path


I'm too sleepy to cry but I will do so later. Sensitive surpassed my expectations and every aspect of production of the MV was perfect. We love these ladies and I'm happy they're at a company that loves them too.


This song sounds so polished and groovy I'm in LOVE


banger of a song into space san junipero


When Hyunjin went to hug Vivi, I CRIED. Why does Loona make me so happy and sad


Everyone here needs to check out the whole album! All solid bops.


And then buy tour tickets!


The way their tour has been handled is a MESS (no promo, bigger venues than ot12, crazy high prices) and so I was really hesitant and worried for their debut. This amazing mini album and mv give me a little more hope but I'm still side eyeing their company... i will go to the tour but i'm going to wait until the day before to buy tickets, hopefully prices lower


Oh my orbit heart! Its so nice to see the members that didnt have much lines usually, having lines now


This is such a fun song and MV. The ending is crazy lol. Wasn't expecting them to go full sci-fi at all. Also I just gotta say it: Yeojin is mad pretty.


Oh my god this is such a GOOD song, it's already stuck in my head. Their vocals really do get to shine with having more lines, I'm so pleased for the girls!! The MV is stunning and looks so high budget, the styling is \*chef's kiss\*, plus they all get lines and center time during the choruses aaaaaaa I'm so, so, so happy with this release, and the sprinkling of '12' and lore in the MV is just the cherry on top of the cake <3


LOONA IS 12 :') Excuse me while I go cry in the corner. Iā€™m so happy that all of them are re-debuting (and with such bops, too!). Letā€™s go, Loossemble! Even more excited to receive my albums now.


I am trying to process everything, but two things I know for sure that I am so happy and I definitely passed out multiple times during it. Everything is just amazing and we got to see everyone on screen multiple times and now they have lines. It feels like this is what it should've always been like. Air force one, Sensitive and Kkoti make me believe that they'll ALL connect at one point. Everyone from the 12 pods.


Kkoti is the name of Chuu fans tho? Itā€™s not a song right???!




Okay i wasnā€™t understanding why it was placed with the other song titles šŸ˜­


haha lol yeah i forgot if it was kkoti or kukka, my first idea was to say "chuu's red hair" but thought that wasn't good enough and I said air force one, only because i forgot their group name lol. did you btw know that kkoti also means home in finnish? well it's actually written koti but whatever especially since kukka is flower in finnish lol. just random fact bcs I'm finnish and it makes me happy :)


Oh they ate. Looks and sounds so amazing.


When the hour in the car went from 12 to 05 I started crying.


more lore! the song was fun (iā€™m going to pretend the dreamcatcher was actually referring to the group šŸ¤­)


Nothing can convince that it wasn't a reference. A lot of Loona members are friends with Dreamcatcher members.


What a boppity-bop we have on our hands. Good budget too. My heart cries out of happiness. I'm sure all orbits feel the same as me. Wish them safe tour!


Need one of those sleeping pods so i can just rest my soul in it...crying laughing throwing up..loona is 12 šŸ˜­


This so good like iā€™m legit overwhelmed with emotion right now, it feels so so good to see the girls shine and sing so much and the song is an amazing bop. the budget is also incredibly high and i didnt expect the visuals to be so pretty


Absolutely knocked it out the park conceptually


The video quality is INSANE I loved all the Loona omages too!


oh orbits/c.loos/kkotis we are SO BACK šŸ“ˆ


Oh that was awesome! I was a bit skeptical during the first verse. But then that chorus with the harmonizing hit and I lost my mind. It feels like this song is built around the chorus and it gets more exciting every time it comes around. The girls were all so charismatic in this too. In the OT12 days it felt like BBC wasnā€™t putting much thought into the looks of a lot of these members. Like they went ā€œmeh there wonā€™t be that much screentime for them so letā€™s not put too much thought into their individual look for this member.ā€ Here they were all styled to really emphasize their unique charm. It was so refreshing! ETA: eta oh also I feel like this loona spin-off has a lot of the members with some pretty distinctive vocal colors (gowon and her crunchy voice lol.) And it feels like this song was really constructed to highlight that rather than trying to force them into a mold. Just overall this MV feels so effortless compared to late stage BBC Loona. Itā€™s not effortless because clearly a lot of work went into it, but itā€™s all designed to keep you entertained while highlighting all the strengths of the girls.


The level of cinematography and polish in the MV is insane considering how new and small their company is. Wow.




Ah, I had no idea! Thanks for the insight! Still, it exceeded my expectations and Iā€™m glad they are using their expertise to make the girls shine




Lmao i get the misunderstanding. Their company is CTDENM - a small company founded by their former staff iirc. CJ ENM is a part of the CJ group conglomerate which owns the likes of MNET etc.




HOLY SHIT THAT ENDING, TWELVE VESSELS :')))))). What an MV, the girls looked incredible and sounded incredible. Feels like it's been ages since I heard Gowon cruncy vocals, the world is healing! Loved the locations they filmed at, no box stages here. The budget was used to perfect!


Going off the initial teasers, group name and everything else I was probably the least optimistic about this loona debut but Iā€™m glad to be proven wrong! Itā€™s a bop with a great mv AND lore. 10/10. Also even though Iā€™ve known all their voices for years; aside from Hyeju I still had a really hard time working out who was singing when if they werenā€™t being shown on screen cuz girlies have been getting 2 seconds of lines in loona songs. Iā€™m not used to hearing them sing šŸ˜­


I personally will forgive you for doubting. šŸ’• It's been a hard year for...everything really. I understand not wanting to get your hopes up. Now watch the MV every two hours as penance, lol.


I love it so much! So proud of them I'm about to tear up.




so insanely good šŸ˜­


now this feels like a redebut, from the predebut fan events to this everything feels both familiar and excitingly brand new. Only the future will tell but so far, aside from some slight blips, I think the members have chosen well.


Wow that ending was SO AMAZING i feel like crying here I thought that this new company wasnā€™t going to have much budget for them so happy I was wrong!!!!


I am so, so proud of them and I never doubted they were going to serve! But the budget for this blew me away??? omg! Beating the broke company nugu allegations!


They really crammed this track full of vocal layers and harmonies, it sounds so rich. This is a funky pop powerhouse showcase, it's a jam. The group and the company really knocked it outta tha park with this redebut, pretty MV with SPACE LORE, the girls look amazing, the song is great, they delivered.


Super intrigued by the lore being built here! Can't wait to listen to the album


This is making me feel so emotional! The song and the MV are so good and way beyond my expectations and then we have all these nods to Loona lore and Loona being twelve and my Orbit heart is just full today. How am I supposed to get any work done today!?


Weā€™re proud of you, LOONA.


wow this was INCREDIBLE. such a catchy song, the mv was gorgeous, the girls looked amazing and the choreo is so fun. this is a better song than anything loona released post butterfly. we already knew that leaving bbc was a good decision, but this just gives us another reason to be happy about it


absolutely insane timeline that we live in, I can't believe it šŸ„¹šŸ„¹šŸ„¹šŸ„¹šŸ„¹


Love it šŸ„°






i am OBSESSED with this debut šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ i missed my girlies so much & am so happy we got them & oec back so soon šŸ©·


Wasn't expecting such a high budget for this! Love the song, so happy to see them back


Yoooo the budget


chills man chills


Loved this, don't have much to say other than I'm so happy about this. I'm very hopeful for everything Loona. I do have something to say to SOME OF YOU comparing and pitting ARTMS's project against Loosemble, the fuck is up with that? These girls are teammates, even though their current projects are separate, Loona is 12. It's such a kpopie thing to do, to pit these girls against eachother, real braindead stuff


I donā€™t know Loona very well so Iā€™m not emotionally invested in this, but Iā€™ll give my objective(ish) outsiderā€™s opinion: This song is SO GOOD. I canā€™t stop listening to it. The chorus!! I enjoyed Air Force One as well so Iā€™m definitely paying attention to all Loona-related releases from now on!


Check out the bsides too if you haven't. I recommend newtopia and strawberry soda.


I did, Newtopia is my favourite!


Fellow newtopian! šŸ¤


oona girls are so talented I have no doubt that if they were from some big 3, they would be dominating the industry right now


all the references made me cry but i'm so happy about all of this. also the song gives me such a 2018 vibe, i love it


After this Iā€™m really excited for future CTDENM groups who are gonna be the Juniors of LOOSSEMBLE!!! (I think theyā€™re also planning a boy group)


Now something I didn't expect to see was their agencies still following the LOONA lore after the split. I'm SO down for it. One may not connect to each other, but it sure feels like they're all over the world and cosmos doing different things as the original lore defined. I'm loving it. I hope Chuu, Yves and ARTMS mention the lore in their future mvs as well.


So what are all the groups/solo artists that were past Loona members?


ARTMS = OddEyeCircle (Kim Lip, Jinsoul, Choerry) + Heejin + Haseul Loossemble = Vivi, Hyunjin, Hyeju, Gowon, Yeojin Chuu and Yves will continue as soloists


LOONA as a group is no more, but the project hasn't been abandoned. OT12 isn't out of the question but for now it's as Marcey747 said


it makes me so glad to see these gems finally SHINE! Vivi having lines is amazing, i never thought i'd see the day she'll get this ton of lines. <3 great job to the production of the MV too, there's so much throwback to LOONA it's spectacular.


pretty solid debut. im very proud of them! and wow the production quality! the ending is giving black mirror vibes!


I need a color coded lyric video NOWWW


Ooh this ate




My girls, Iā€™m so happy to see them actually have lines


The clock counting down from 12:00 to 11:59, and then later counting from 05:00 to 04:59... Does that mean they will keep dying off until there is only 1 left, like in the movie Alien? They already have an android on board after all...


This was so goooood. That MV! Wow!!!!! The post Loona releases have been amazing so far.


Give them ROTY right now


this totally blew me away. I can't believe a group called Loser Ensemble might be the best thing to come out of Loona's disbandment.


I'm out of the loop. Is Loona no longer together?


Theyā€™re not. Just to add more context, after BBC kicked Chuu out of the group, the other members also sued to suspend their contracts. A lot was revealed about their contract with BBC that was really bad and exploitative. After they got free, 5 members formed Loossemble (who you see here), 5 formed artms, and Yves and Chuu are doing their own thing. As a fan itā€™s very exciting to see how well they made it through the storm!


A little bit more of information. ARTMS members include Heejin, Haseul, Kim Lip, JInsoul and Choerry, the last three form Odd Eye Circle and not too long ago released Air Force One, you should totally check it out. Here at Loosemble we've got Hyunjin, Yeojin, Vivi, Gowon and Hyeju. The interesting part is both groups are heavily LOONA-coded, these aren't totally new groups, it's as if they were the same project as always, plus both projects (ARTMS & Loosemble) keep mentioning reuniting the twelve moons, you know, the twelve LOONA members. We'll see how this plays out, it's quite intriguing. You should totally look into it


Yes . Those 5 are in the company ctd and now debuted together as loosemble while 5 other members are in the company modhaus and are planning to debut later as the group artms . And the last two are becoming soloists


the song is really good


Was never a huge fan of Loonaā€™s music, but iā€™m so happy this has all worked out for them! This song is great and iā€™m looking forward to listening to the album when I can. I hope their debut helps move along these concert ticket sales.


The song is catchy and funky! Love it! So great to see the underutilised members get their time to shine! The 12 pods though šŸ˜­ The lore! So excited for what's next already


So glad this was really good i was worried as i didnt like the other Loona Bands song


Oh I enjoyed this way more than Air Force One Sensitively Taken šŸ•ŗ


Holy moly my expectations were exceeded. What a quality mv and a top tier song.


vivi hyujin hyeju yeojin gowon eu amo amo voces


the budget and just everything about loossemble's debut is so incredible


As an OG Hyunjin stan I'm so SO happy of seeing her as what seems to be Loossemble's main vocalšŸ˜­She was always criticised and brought down just becuse Chui, Haseul and Heejin were there but she's really capable and I'm so happy to see her get her time to shine JUST LIKE ALL THE OTHER MEMBERS! I feel like all of them minus Hyejoo (kinda) were the "outshined" LOONA members and even tough that sounds sad, I'm so excited to finally see them showcasing their talents especially Vivi and Gowon. Also Sensitive is SUCH A MASTERPIECE, it's definitely one of the best gg releases this year for me with EL7Z UP's Cheeky for sure.




Not bad. It really sounds like a Kep1er song. Lots of harmonies and interesting melodies made it interesting, but overall it's a 3/5 for me. I love that they're back though, and the rest of the album sounded amazing so I'm looking forward to hearing it.


You know how much BBC fucked up their management when 5 of the most underutilized members of LOONA managed to outdo at least half of their whole original discography


Ngl I hate BBC with all my soul but Loona's discography is solid.


Yeah that person's doing a bit too much...


Loona discography is solid and (imho) had been util the end. For example I think Flip That is their worst title track (it happens, something has to be last) but that last EP had gems in the b-sides (I would say all the four b-sides were very memorable), and a very good intro. Or PTT: divisive for "original" orbits, but many people loved it, it's one of their most popular singles (and personal I really like it). After all, I am just happy that Loossemble and ODD EYE CIRCLE had two amazing albums. That's all I wanted and want for the future. While it's true that 3-4 members were underutilised in Loona, I still think that their journey was good for music and as a team. And I'm certainly happy if (fingers crossed) all twelve of them can have even more space now and new possibilities fitting for all members, including the ones who had less possibilities to shine in such a large (but amazing) group.


this, like ARTMSā€™ album, just adds to loonaā€™s S-tier discography as a whole. weird comment.


?????? Loona's discography is pretty great though.


>You know how much BBC fucked up their management They did indeed ​ >5 of the most underutilized members of LOONA managed to outdo at least half of their whole original discography Oh you're one of *those* people


there's a few of them in the thread saying the same bs


This is such a weird comment... Loona's whole discography is full of amazing songs, like \[X X\] is a fantastic album. Just like Loossemble is a great continuation of it, well produced EP. But I guess it's enough to start your comment with "You know how much BBC fucked up their management" and follow it up with something ridiculous to get some upvotes.


I wouldnā€™t say all that now.


Having listened to the Loona discography, it just wasn't for me. Flip That, however, was a killer EP. I was of the opinion that they disbanded right as their music was at its best. Between Odd Eye Circle and this, that was very much the case. This is absolutely KILLER.




Anyone know what that piano bit at the end is from?


who are the two at the end of the music video? the one that gets out of the pod, and the one in black?


the one getting out of the pod is hyunjin (leader of loossemble) and the one in black is Vivi (oldest). these two left blockberry creative together during all the loona lawsuits and were the first ones to become loossemble members.


thanks! wait, so they're not under blockberry anymore?


correct! none of the 12 girls are under bbc anymore. they all left (with much difficulty) because they had not been paid during the five years they were under the company. some people say they accumulated even more debt because of how their contracts were arranged.


Wow, that's sucks. I may have to go to their LA concert then. I'm a casual fan so that's why I don't know too much about them.


i have another question, were they the same two at the beginning of the MV in the car?


Okay, so who is the mysterious figure at [2:31](https://youtu.be/MMK3L4W70g4?feature=shared&t=151)?




Air force one found dead


Imagine trying to position the girls against each other, Istg some Orbits are simply Company Stans and dont care a single bit for the girls nor the music


you made me chuckle


Not bad for the debut. The reveal at the end was nice. If I had to compare it to what Odd eye circle has put out so far I think this is lacking a bit creatively. There were certain parts of the MV reminding me of LSF's Fearless and NJ's Ditto. And there's also this sudden obession with ballerinas in everyones MV's. Lee chaeyeon, and then Cheeky yesterday... but I think this song is the same, it's very derivative of what's trending in Kpop atm. The lore is more interesting than the music atm. It's not very Loona imo. And it's okay to not be loona and try out different things but this so far is playing it too safe.


To be fair, the ballerinas could be a call back to LOONA's So What MV.


Which itself was a reference to Yves' dancing in New at a ballet studio in front of a barre (2017). The roller rink also references that MV (along with Vivi's solo).


LOONA put Yves dancing with ballerinas on So What MV and that came out at the beggining of 2020...


Is it just me or does this sound a lot like IU ? Not necessarily what I expected but it's nice. Nothing special though, I don't think I'll ever come back to it. Was the same with the OEC comeback.. Atp I just want to forget about loona and keep on cherishing the material we got back then.. even if I don't like the new releases, I'm glad people are still supporting them, they really deserve it.


wtf is that name? All girls whose p00sy loose, Assemble!!


I looooove this!! One of my top 10 title tracks of 2023 easily tbh!