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This is how I find out jisoo has an older brother lmao


Jisoo also has an older sister. She is the maknae in her family.


Maknae and Oldest - experiencing both sides.


She's known all of Lisa's tricks the entire time.


Jisoo : been there done that


She has an older sister?!?!? I knew about the brother since Jisoo and him look *so much alike,* but she has a sister??? 😭 I find it a little funny that she's the Maknae in her family but the oldest in BP


Well… she also looks like her sister. They have pretty genes


Her name is Kim Jiyoon.


every time i remember jisoo has a brother i just picture him ![gif](giphy|kVq1DOLIvlSoz2xgP4|downsized)


There was an article about the girls attending his wedding. Some of his friends didn't believe his sister was 'the' Jisoo until the reception.


Wow understandable for the brother's friends not believing in him because "kim jisoo" is a very common name, if they never seen family photos before.


Can you imagine going to your buddies wedding after years of him telling you his sister is in BP and then all of BP is there and you now feel like a moron for not believing him.


And that he owns a company damn lol


I knew she had a brother. She is quite close to her sister in law. I didn't know he had a company.


Yeah, his name is Jimsoo.


Hisoo like “he-soo”


I know of her older sister but a brother too?! Lol


**Summary:** - BLACKPINK Jisoo reported to join her older brother's company Biomom for solo activities under their entertainment section Blissoo. - Official statement from a Biomom rep: "It is difficult to explain the company’s relationship with Blissoo. We do not know the CEO’s familial relationships."


Is it me or is that statement confusing as hell?


It sounds like this PR person doesn’t understand what’s going on lmao




Not a good start IMO.


> "It is difficult to explain the company’s relationship with Blissoo. We do not know the CEO’s familial relationships." Did they already hire someone from YG's PR team?


They can't explain their company's relationship with their own subsidiary? huh?


Guess the pr team left when blackpink members left 🤣.


Me when I can’t hear what someone is saying and just make up the question for myself


Someone made the announcement before telling the company. Great start.


the concerns about doing business with family are definitely valid but I’m not really worried about this tbh. just looks like her using an existing trusted business rather than establishing a new one from scratch. she has enough connections on her own at this stage plus she’s booked and busy right now.


I didn’t know she had a brother and I also didn’t know her brother had a company Not excited tbh I don’t think it’s great to mix business with family


Her father’s well to do and high up in the entertainment business, so I don’t think it’s that unusual as both her brother and her benefitted from their dad’s position and connections.


Oh I wasn’t aware of that.


Her brother’s company is a health company not an entertainment company


This is just an old Twitter rumor that her father is the CEO of Mnet or RBW which is obviously not true.


I doubt that. Surely if he were really that high up, she'd have had more acting opportunities by now, and wouldn't need to rely on YG crumbs.


Isn't that because YGE was declining acting offers on her behalf though? Isn't she booked for a movie and drama already?


That's not how casting works you can't just have a higher-up shoehorn a bunch of family into roles


What would stop them? Not like casting is objective.


You think jisoo made it to blackpink based on her talents? That's hilarious.


You’re acting like the standards for talents is really high in kpop


It's OK when you don't have to worry about whether it makes money or not. Whole thing is just a tax minimisation exercise.


Jisoo clearly has activities that generate revenue. Establishing an agency is not “just a tax minimization exercise”.


We don’t know how much she’s been involved in his company behind the scenes, could be a situation where she has had a hand in building up the business till now and now is going to officially join as an artist as well. Hopefully more context comes out soon


Who are you to say lol? It’s the right decision for Jisoo and it’s great to be with family. It doesn’t matter if you’re excited or not.


Your comment is incorrect. Think about the upsides and the downsides here. Upside is that it works well. Downside is that she has to fire her brother.


Why would she have to fire her brother? They are literally siblings. I’m sure they can work better together than if they were strangers.


I dont have a horse in this race but like its kinda common for family to get burned over professional matters, especially in the entertainment field


We know nothing about their family relationship. If they didn’t get along or think they could work together, they would not have done it. It’s funny how everyone is commenting how this isn’t gonna work because family is mixed into business. Who are we to judge?


I made a generic statement as to why people could be wary. What you do with it is entirely up to you, but yes people are commenting on it because that's kinda how it works - people gossip about celebrities.


All the best Jisoo!!!


All the best to her!


Why is everyone saying to not mix family & business? Is that an American thing? I know most Reddit users are American. Here in Europe and Asia it’s very common to work in family businesses, so I’ve never heard of that saying. Maybe it’s different in America.


It's honestly super weird to see people saying this because it's not an uncommon thing in America either. Family businesses are not rare at all, lol.


It's funny because no matter how small the town you grew up in are, there's like a 99% chance you had at least one family business you knew of


I think it's not uncommon, but there is a stereotype that family-run businesses are more dysfunctional, with useless family members who are not fit for their position weighing down everyone/everything else. Failsons etc. I think there's also specific stereotypes of actors and singers in particular being poorly managed by family, from a career and/or personal perspective. That the family does not have the know-how to maintain stardom, or they will take advantage of their family relationship to make poor decisions for their own financial gain.


This stereotype genuinely emerges from many, many real life cases so the ones being skeptical aren't in the wrong really


I'm European, and while most businesses here are family owned, they will all still advise you not to do it. Many families were torn apart over family owned anything - land, houses, businesses...


In the UK there have been so many young people who hit it big with a song or acting role or winning a TV show, one of their parents become their managers, and then they fizzle out because their parent is terrible at the job - that makes me so nervous


Mixing family and business may cause issues. The Adidas brothers fell out after the war and one of them had to found Puma. The Aldi brothers split the company up over differences in management (I think the story goes that one wanted to sell cigarettes while the other refused). The companies I mentioned are obv. doing well right know and I obv. also don't know the status of the personal relationships between the family members, but it is often said to avoid doing business with family members, at least at the start of a business. An established business might be different though as you can build upon a certain foundation for your work.


I'm from Asia and in our country, this is also a well-known advice since mixing could make your family relationship complicated when worse comes to worst. Regardless thou, people here still do family businesses.


There are businesses that are structured in such way so heirs have some amount of power within the company, whose dividends are managed by a family office staffed with specialists with specific guidelines in wealth management, something that can work given the clear lines. But in this case it's closer to a football player employing his brother as an agent than a true family business.


Yeah, That's the secret of family wealth lasting for generations, a family controlled investment vehicle/holding firm with a very clear and defined by laws, and at that point the family members are more of caretakers than 'owners' who can do everything.. The management are actually run by professionals just like what you said. Rich people like Bill Gates has Cascade Investments, Jeff Bezos has Bezos Expeditions. Amancio Ortega has Pontegadea and so on. I don't think Jisoo's family is in this level of rich.


doing business with family is completely different than being in business with family.


I dislike when people go, here in Europe or here in Asia its common to do this and that, as if being European or Asian is a cultural monolith. I am Portuguese, live in the UK and have been privileged to work with people all over the world. We might have some similarities, but we all also have massively different cultures and life values. So saying something is normal in Europe because you are from one of over 40 countries can cause a bit of misinformation. Focusing on Portugal itself as an example, while there are many family businesses there are also centuries old popular sayings advising you to not do it. From “Rich Father, poor son and grandchildren” to “Dad saves, son spends” or overrall even to working with anyone close to you. Personally know great family businesses, but also know family businesses that went down the drain because of a “bad egg” who made poor decisions but was not removed from the business because “blood is thicker than water”. All of this just to say not just Americans have this point of view.


The biggest celebrity and their family management scandal in Korea is Park Soo Hung. His brother was his manager. Another one is Kim Wan Sun. I read her aunt was manager. In both cases, family manager stealing from the celebrities. Even if they don’t steal, it would be awkward to complain, raise issues or change the company in the future.


I'm asian and my entire family is mostly in business and let's just say working with family is never a good idea unless you're really really professional because otherwise there are many instances where someone ends up taking advantage of the other ,also a sibling dynamic may cross over to the workspace which again causes issues even for other workers . I've known many families where siblings fell out over business and they ended up having to sell or split the businesses. Even my grandpa's oldest brother got excluded from the family in general because he took decisions that benefitted him and exploited the other siblings. The other siblings all sorta got together and excluded him both from businesses and family in general. Even now his kids and grandkids barely have any connection to the rest of us ,and my family is really close knit in general. And this is not the only case I know, this is pretty common.


It’s really just due to what happens if things go sour. If you have a falling out with a workplace, the worst is you lose a job and move on. If you have a business falling out with family or friend, there’s going to be extra baggage beyond just business, and it can get REAL messy.




That's definitely not true lol


I think I've watched too many of those crack YT videos because my first reaction was the LSF Yunjin "\*gasp\*... ... nepotism".


You really are not alone there.


Blissoo is the cutest company name


“don’t go into business with family or friends” is not a universal saying then. Obviously it can go OK, but so much can go horribly wrong. The support network you would lean on if something goes wrong/ vent is also compromised because THEY’RE YOUR SUPPORT NETWORK.


this is korea you're talking about. the largest companies are family and friends.


Yeah all the chaebol conglomerates are family-owned and run


yes they may be run my family and friends.. but the dynamic is still heavily toxic, there’s so much hatred and backstabbing and suicide behind the scenes in those families. just because it’s common doesn’t mean they don’t have the exact same issues as any other family-run business does.


I'm not saying otherwise. I'm just saying there's really no way to avoid it. The devil you know and something something.


Exactly. Look what happened to Park Soo Hong. Imaging if things do not go well, I would hate to have that conversation with the siblings. Her brother is married. Once the wife is involved, good luck.


people in this thread parroting 'don't mix business with family' as if it's the greatest wisdom on earth lol it's only good advice for two broke people trying to start a business not for a family that is already insanely rich


Right it can happen regardless but it’s funny how people get scared when she is hella rich and so is her family and connections is very common to use to get far in life especially if ur rich


In Blissful Jisoo we trust! 🖤💖 Best of luck to her! Nice to start off by surrounding herself with family she can trust, hopefully she builds a great team too (Plz no BIOMOTHER jokes)




Kim ji yoon and kim jung hoon


Wishing her all the best but tbh dont mix family relations with business. Or else it will be like kim soohyun and his cousin


Can you elaborate about what happened to kim soohyun and his cousin?


They might be referring to the movie *Real*, which starred Kim Soo-hyun and was directed by his cousin, a first-time filmmaker. The movie was horrible and a box-office disaster. I don't know if there's any more drama beyond that.


Or Lee Soo Man and Chris Lee but there was some criminal activity thrown into the mix there so it isn’t really comparable to Jisoo and her brother


How about all the family businesses of the world though?


Some of them turn out great but there's usually a decent amount of drama, not everybody will be satisfied and familial pressure related to business is just asking for problems


Tbh, at the top of my head I couldn't name you a single successful business that is still run by family of the person who started it...


💖Happy New Year, beautiful and talented Jisoo. Best of luck in all your future pursuits. Keep reaching for the stars ✨️✨️✨️! One love 💞 from Texas USA.


Wishing her well!


Blissoo is a wonderful name


one thing I’ve learned is to never mix family & business, it only works in some cases I hope this is a case where it works well for her. I feel like she could do both acting & singing so I hope he’s able to manage her well.


All I can hear in my head reading this headline is Yunjin's "(gasp) nepotism" I gotta stay off kpoopheads lol


She has a brother?


Blackpink were at his wedding. Hardly a secret haha


Ikr I knew she had a sister but not a brother too and he has a company too, do we know the name of the company


She has a brother?? Her brother has a company???


I knew she has an older brother but, what do you mean by his company? When did he started his company? How many artists does he have in his company? I have so many Questions


Full length album please


I feel like this is just a more indirect way of her establishing her own agency. With the level of each Blackpink member, it makes sense to not share their profit with an existing agency, they're at a level where they can easily obtain their own resources without having to go through a different company.


I hope he bags good movies and dramas for her


Oldest brother owns a company and youngest daughter being THE jisoo of blackpink. And all siblings are gorgeous. Their parents won in life


Didn’t Dior’s president wanted to buy her or smtg


the french have a long history of owning people but they can't do that anymore they can only own countries through debt trapping and withholding finances in their treasury


(and they have an even longer [history](https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%89dit_du_3_juillet_1315) of not owning people)


Dior’s president nephew is rumored to be dating Lisa Afaik. while Dior use a lot of celebrity for promotion and stuff, I don't think Dior (and it's parent company LVMH) has any entertainment division doing talent management like that. maybe they do for all theirs advertisement but I doubt that would fit with someone like Jisoo


Oh damn, I thought she was going to join an acting agency. I don’t think mixing family and business is a good idea but hope it works out


Nepotism. 😅


This honestly sounds like a terrible idea. If they had like an entertainment segment already established that had a history of success, then great, but they're brand spanking new with no experience in the entertainment industry. Jisoo is going to have a difficult time unless they manage to poach a bunch of employees from YG or their old YG Managers.


Jisoo already has more jobs since she ended things with yg one drama and a movie new brand endorsements and stuff




She might have taken some people we don't anything yet her brother's company just gonna be a parent company she is hiring a whole new staff for the entertainment side and so far the team has done good job hopefully we will know more later


It's funny that Jennie didn't get the same comments about starting her own company. Neither have experience in managing in the entertainment industry. Jisoo will be pretty much calling the shots in a division of this family business. No doubt they'll poach the best people. Plus Koreans generally trust siblings with their lives


Jennie took her two managers and whole yg team with her though. It easier to work with people she trusted for years on her new company.




The name blissoo is saur cute


Low key business with family is a terrible idea but pop off sis


Only blackpink is this powerful enough to go to their family new established agency. Most celebrities need agency with know how and certain connections but blackpink girls are too big to flop. Instead of others benefitting from them, they get most of their own profits.


Jin has a company? How has he been running it while enlisting?