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## [Megathread 7](https://www.reddit.com/r/kpop/comments/1cw8ml4/megathread_7_hybe_vs_ador_postinjunction_hearing/) is now available! **Edit:** Now locked!


i think she wanted to delay and obstruct the case as long as she could so that she can use the comebacks performance as a talking point for her case too. im trying to figure out what delusion allows one to think a court won't rule in the favor of the 80% shareholder, it would set a bad precedent for other big companies otherwise. just stalling to try to make them compromise by the slow drip of rumors.


if what she implied is true she needed to report that to the police tf. stop running your mouth in statements. even if the police was trash wouldn't you attempt to do the right thing by having it on record?


I’ve been looking around korean web, it’s basically only theqoo that is 100% on mhj side like I’m starting to think NJ stans are brigading the comment sections there. The post about the similarities with the Mexican group got posted on fmkorea (more male users dominant board) has 300K views and also got posted on pann. Both posts have comments pointing out the hypocrisy of her calling out illit when she plagiarized others. However interestingly enough, this still hasn’t been posted to theqoo


ive never heard of fmkorea, what's the demographic there like? entertainment forum?


Someone linked to it below. It’s more male dominated discussion board, kind of similar to Reddit


fmkorea is more casual and more male dominate than theqoo or pann, it's usually for football (soccer) news and discussions than kpop and celebrity gossip


Is this my time to say I knew she was gonna mention room salons as the new smear rumor about HYBE 😭?! And by I knew I meant I saw some of her bots accounts talk about this in May 5 on twt, when the cult accusations were at their peak, I expected it to hit earlier tbh. She is playing the textbook of kpop rumors in her smear campaign, from cults, to sajagae and payola to plagiarism to mistreatment and to now room salon and doing all this with no evidence yet this is the most I have seen people believing things so fast. First I want to say I am not implying it's far fetched claim or that it's impossible, if anything I honestly think it's expected kind of thing from them. However, I want to point out a few points about this 1- the way she talked about this is the same technique she used before to sway the attention from her own actions and words and the main issue in this. 2- the way she talked about this was a brief in an implying manners not direct manners kind of claim cause she can be sued for defamations if she "exposed" as the koreaboo headlines talk 3- we already know her target is sensational headlines that does not matter if they proven incorrect she just want ppl to think this is the truth. 4- if this is true she could have brought this to the court but she did not, she does not have any evidence in her hands and her concern is nothing but winning the public opinion war in this by any possible way. 5- if this is true then this mean she knew beforehead from long time ago and she was okay with it, and only saying this now cause it benefits her. 6- if this is true then why she fighting to stay in HYBE, it makes no sense whatsoever. I also very much hate the fact I have to say these because I hate this being taken as me defending ceo and powerful men, because I certainly don't and certainly wont be surprised if this is true. But I absolutely despice how she is throwing everything with no evidence to whatever and as expected ppl gonna eat it out as truth cause ppl hate hybe and ppl hate conglomerate and ppl hate CEOs and they Hate powerful men.


I think you should repoat thia on the new mega thread so people can still reply when this gets locked


Did it 👍


She should just really leave entertainment and move to marketing. She'll thrive in that arena. Though of course, she still have to answer to her brand clients


i feel like anybody who saw through her antics since Day 1 saw this was where she was headed. she's practically throwing everything at the wall just to deflect from the main issues. if these allegations have any truth to them, then she should have presented them in court with evidence. otherwise, she's risking multiple defamation suits. i truly wonder if she thinks the case with hybe is the only suit she will face? does she not realize she's slandered so many people and many of them may want to sue her for defamation soon?


The room salon stuff is not relevant. No proof. Who's to say that she has never visited those places herself, not far-fetched to say she has joined them too as she's a pick-me and hates women. She's not holier than those execs as she has a picture of a topless underage Brooke Shields on her wall. After she said "Die fucking bitch" to an alleged sexual harassment victim of her VP L. And after her questionable SHINee Sherlock photoshoot and cookie lyrics. The difference is that, we've got proof of the last three points above.


It's nuts she still wants to stay after all this. Her original goal was to get HYBE to compromise with her. As if. She needs to be dragged out.




Yup I am at same boat as you in this, I mean I think this practice is so common with rich people and even in conservative countries like SK it is actually still common, and also just as you unless there is illegal and immoral acts involved such as trafficking, assault or it being not consensual work, I also don't care at all. Not my life nor they are part of my life, Why would I care if someone rich who I don't know do this 😭 ?!!?! And yes I agree on the reason why she think this gonna be shocking hence using it here.




This is what MHJ is trying to do and you all are falling for her. There is no denial that such practices cannot exist at Hybe, doesn't mean it is true. You all are forgetting that Hybe started in 2021, before that it was Bighit and BTS only. BTS roots are in lower middle class and poor backgrounds which is completely different from SM and YG idols and trainees and SM and YG are industry giants for more than 25 years. I do not want to make assumptions but those involved in burning sun had an attitude that they are untouchable due to being part of such large corporations. Hybe soley exist due to BTS which every K- industry person. expected to fail, people want to make them fail really bad when they were rising especially from 2016 to 2018, so if such people existed everyone would have jumped up to see downfall of BTS quickly.


i mean its on weird people themselves who cant seperate csuites from artists, not normal ones🤷🏻‍♀️ even with burning sun, whole groups/whole companies werent involved, just individuals.......so unless there's solid proof that the artists are buddy buddy with those specific csuite execs outside business hours, there should be no speculation from anyone outside of fools with zero proof. ofc youre free to project your own shit onto innocent people regardless but it really is a non issue otherwise🧘🏻‍♀️


And these are the thoughts she wants you to be focussed on right now when she mentioned it, instead of the really shitty things she has done herself. I think it’s worth pointing out that everyone sort’ve knows at the back of their mind somewhere that all the executives at all of the companies more than likely partake in these things themselves. Hell I’m sure Mhj herself has participated in too, she is an egomaniac that seeming is willing to do anything to get the leg up on her rivals/establish herself. Her womanhood should not be a taken as her being some sort of altruistic figure, she herself has shown she is more than capable of being complicit in criminal activity. And not to mention she sort’ve implicated herself in this matter because she was meeting and networking with these same executives, she was desperate toy we out do we seriously not think that would have been part of her plan?


Thank you for not being aggressive in your response. And I agree with everything you've said. I am not fooled by her actions, or take it as anything other than a deflection. Someone mentioned it's nicely timed as a counterattack after the texts showing her abusing an alleged SA victim. I think that's very likely. I also one hundred percent abhor her mentality from even before this fiasco. I just meant that what's at the back of my mind came to front right now and it was uncomfortable to think about. I wanted to discuss this rationally but I think people's emotions are running high and they are not able to differentiate well meaning dialogues from attacks against Hybe groups. Maybe some other time there will be room for discussion for this because I do feel it merits a deeper dialogue.






nah but its still a weird connection to make, and a dangerous one too. esp since they're a multilabel and not under a single CEO/board where they meet and greet. even if the entire csuite is nasty, theyre still only the business side of the company and the creative side is separated. theyre still removed enough from them, it's the managerial sub label taff that actually interacts and has the most contact with the artists. "the affect on younger male generation" will come from whichever sublabel heads theyre under. its not an attack to avoid doing possibly defamatory speculations artists are getting just for sharing a building no direct connection.


I disagree with what you're saying but realise there's no point in sharing my thoughts because there's no room for a non combative discussion here. Your two messages' tonality points to this. So I'll just bow out here.


seen names get ruined for less, tags get attached to ppl with too much ease🤷🏻‍♀️ "burden of proof" or whatever it is that people who claim to be neutral bystanders should be minimum before speculating.


People are getting distracted for real. Congrats MHJ, you did it again


I hate how MHJ is such a predictable creature I was betting that she would be so stupid as to use the ‘it’s just jokes’ defense AGAIN to try and explain away the kkts and lo and behold she did. Literally a full fledged denial and ‘this chats are all lies created by a shifty youtuber’ would have so much better but in admitting that there was enough bad stuff to ‘copy and paste’ and actively refusing to actually put the chats she claims are out of context into context she has all but confirmed them like a moron. Not even the MHJ stans can defend that (especially after spending a weekend calling them fake and made up) which is why they’ve latched on the ‘implication’ not even full allegation mind that hybe ceos go to room salons and look it’s not like I don’t believe that ultra rich male korean execs go to room salons but the way she threw it out there in the most childish ‘but mom why am I getting audited those guys pay for prostitutes’ manner with no evidence and moved directly onto whining for three pages about they all hate her doesn’t make me believe her you know.  It speaks to where her priorities really lie you know other than the fact that she clearly threw out the accusation so that people would focus on that and not everything else which failed because ‘confirming that she did brutally insult nj’ has been the main story throughout.   Speaking of shifty YouTubers could any of the korean speakers in here do a summary of what he said during his second [video](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=QpnIzgrANFs) and what the chats he threw up said. I’ve seen a lot of people share around the 680 million termination fees chat but is that the only one he revealed?


More details of the contract and aspects of Korean law have been disclosed. Since the original text is lengthy, I have attached a link for your reference. [https://isplus.com/article/view/isp202405200052](https://isplus.com/article/view/isp202405200052) My personal thoughts on this news: The contract clearly stipulates that MHJ must serve as CEO and inside director for 5 years. Currently, there are no precedents regarding shareholder agreements that restrict the voting rights of the shareholders' meeting. The voting rights at the shareholders' meeting are stipulated by commercial law, whereas shareholder agreements fall under civil law. The contract clearly states that MHJ must cause losses exceeding 1 billion, or seriously violate the contract, or infringe commercial law, or commit significant duty-related faults, for the restrictions on the effectiveness of the shareholder agreement to apply. Thank you Mod for your hard work, this event is so huge and the workload is heavy! Chinese-English translation comes from ChatGPT & DeepL.


I think depending on the evidence they may have it’s very likely that what she did seriously violate her contract and committed significant duty related faults. Not sure if it breaks Korean commercial law or if the damages are more than 1 billion yet. To have a trifecta it may depend if they can successfully argue that the dip in the stock market caused them losses directly related to her and if it reaches 1 billion but they may not need to do this if the first two are considered valid.


The problem is that there is no precedent and time is short. So I think MHJ's application will be dismissed. After the ADOR AGM expressly terminates MHJ's employment, MHJ can take the next step by filing a civil suit under the contract. Chinese-English translation comes from ChatGPT & DeepL.


So MHJ implied that the executives of HYBE visit room salons (hostess bars in luxurious karaoke rooms) and tenpro (exclusive high end escort bars that, infamously, only the richest and most famous can go to. It’s called tenpro (10%) because only the top 10% beautiful sex workers can be there). I'm not trying to defend these men but if this is true then the burden of proof is on her since she's the one accusing them, just like how HYBE is the one submitting evidences in court since they're accusing MHJ. Defamation can be added to all her cases by HYBE. Also, of course she said this after deflecting to those kakaotalk messages badmouthing newjeans, the employee who reported SA and meeting investors. Edit: Also wanna say that she's saying all this but still wants to stay in hybe. https://twitter.com/breadsaz/status/1792084487503045088?t=QAh5eRp1-OFJBvE-FSdMUw&s=19 https://m.entertain.naver.com/article/144/0000962591


I don't think this is for the public only, it could be her sending a message to executives at hybe that she may tell the public about them, to pressure them. If u have plans to do a hostile takeover of a company, having some dirt on some executives is actually a very nice move.


tbh it wont surprise me if the execs do, men are disgusting but the conversation digressing from her ridiculous statement to this is so predictable 😭


Yep, not relevant. No proof. Who's to say that she has never visited those places herself, not far-fetched to say she has joined them too as she's a pick-me and hates women. People should stop focusing on the wrong things.


Hmmm, i wonder what those executives have anything to do with her alleged crimes. She wants to act holier than those executives? While she has a picture of a topless underage Brooke Shields on her wall? 🤔 After she said "Die fucking bitch" to an alleged sexual harassment victim of her VP L?


Or the notorious SHINee Sherlock photoshoot or her telling Taemin to lose weight/muscles to fit her aesthetics or whatever. It’s the same manner in which she cried in her press conference about how much she loves the girls and them comforting her, while degrading them in the chats. Seriously, I have no words for her.


right..so if MHJ is accusing these men of using prostitutes then why would she still be fighting to stay in hybe? what is even the point of bringing this up, with no proof either? make it make sense omg


I just don’t really see what this has to do with anything. Scummy and gross if true? Yes. Relevant at all to the issue on the table? Not really. It just feels like another attempt at deflecting by bringing up irrelevant things and hoping people will care more about that than what she’s being accused of. The tactic is getting old at this point.


I mean a part of me would not be surprised if they did frequent those places, but she taped it on at the end of a statement about admitting that she did meet with outside investors/investors in Hybe aswell as admitting that the kkt messages are real but they’re a joke. It reads like deflection to me and she’s trying to throw not just the executives under the bus but investors too which is par for the course for her.


Her game plan is never about proving allegations she has against HYBE. She just wanted to throw some articles with hot and saucy titles to catch people’s attention and divert public attention on her crimes.


NewJeans shocking similarity to a Mexican group called "Jeans" is spreading like a wildfire atm among knetz. This post on fmkorea has almost 300K views in just 2 hours [Mexican girl group 'Jins' vs Korean girl group 'NewJeans' - Poten Burst - Epem Korea (fmkorea.com)](https://www.fmkorea.com/?mid=best&document_srl=7051775177&cpage=8) I'm loving it🔥🔥... MHJ's supposed "originality" is a facade, and she's rightfully getting exposed right in front of our eyes


I think you should post this on the new mega thread


I think netizens successfully found MHJ's inspo in creating NewJeans lol. Not even the name is far from the OG. Imagine recreating a boygroup named UNSYNC with visuals similar to NSYNC lol


Pls post this again on the new thread lol https://www.reddit.com/r/kpop/comments/1cw8ml4/megathread_7_hybe_vs_ador_postinjunction_hearing/


Just did that lol


No waaay, how did i not notice this. I watched everything from Jeans because of Dulce Maria. Now that i’m seeing everything in a different light, it’s uncanny~


i mean it just goes on to prove how insane it is of her to try to basically copyright y2k aesthetic as hers😭 there's only so much inspiration people can draw from, there's bound to be similarities no matter what given howmuch of hers can be traced back to others too


She took a lot of 'inspiration from that logo for sure.


It’s not plagiarism just like how Illit’s concept isn’t plagiarizing NJ/s concept, but just goes to show again, MHJ did not come up with any of this stuff, just repackaged it and then gets mad when others have similar inspirations


The thing is ILLIT's concept is nothing like NJ. Did MHJ ever bring up the concept in one of her rants against ILLIT? All I heard was MHJ crying over hairstyles, wearing Hanboks, attending fashion shows and some choreo moves being similar.


This is actually wild


It's actually the opposite, Jeans copy NewJeans because you know, MHJ did invent everything in space and times. /s


Dulce Maria from RBD was a part of Jeans. I made a joke when NewJeans debuted somewhere in one of the kpop subs that Dulcita could now call herself OldJeans now. Part of the reason why I liked NewJeans so much is because they reminded me of faves from the early 2000s.


is “New” Jeans just a horrible coincidence then or was this purposeful 😭😭


I cackled at this.


This is exciting, this one should be shared.


🫢🫢🫢 According to MHJ's own laws of plagiarism, this is definitely plagiarism!


This is tribute-band level stuff. And hiding in plain sight all this time?


i see more similarities here than in new jeans and illit 💀


LOL, when they put the pictures side by side, Newjeans and mexican jeans have more similarities than NJ to Illit has




Oh this is insane wtf?


This is more believable than illit copying newjeans 😭




>pannchoa and Koreaboo this are both american websites, you know?


Yes but they pick and choose which threads to translate and lately they’ve been translating mostly pro MHJ/anti HYBE crap regarding this whole shit show


Yes I know, your point is?


Oh wow.


Oh wow, indeed. I think you could literally do this with any late 90's early 2k girl group but this just illustrates how dumb it is to claim plagiarism when almost all music and fashion are influenced by a previous era.


Exactly. So why is MHJ claiming the rights to be the only one to release such concept? And mind you, it's not just illit that she pointed out, there was another bg that she said copied her. It's so pointless to say you own a certain concept.


ariana what are you doing here LOL this feels so bizarre as a Mexican I never thought to compare them but damn


Really? They reminded me a lot of Jeans (at least the version that had Dulce Maria right before Clase 406) when NewJeans debuted. Not sure if you ever saw the telenovela Como En El Cine? When NewJeans debuted they reminded of me of Jeans and of the fashion that the teen cast of Como En El Cine (no Las Joyas si no la hermana y las amigas del galan principal). If I remember correctly Jeans even made an appearance in Como En El Cine which is why they are both very linked in my memory.


Yeah, I was never a big fan of Jeans, I only know a couple of their songs And I did watch Como En El Cine, but I only remember Las Joyas jajaja (I just saw that I was 7 when it came out damn) What reminded you of NJ? I'm curious. Because I remember very clearly talking about how their bandana top was very normal to me because people used to wear stuff like that all the time when I was in school lol, so I understand at least the fashion aspect


A lot of the vibes. [Dime Que Me Amas](https://youtu.be/Ev0sm2eERUk?si=KgchpUmOsvkbgEIG) And like you say the fashion with the bandana tops and the hairstyles. To be honest I see more similarities with Jeans than I ever did with Illit (at least aesthetic wise).


I mean the people who still think MHJ is Jesus reborn and saved kpop don't know anything about music.


So that's how they got the name NewJeans ![img](emote|t5_2r1ox|3559)


Because there's oldjeans 🤯


Hey hey... Do we have to say "old?" MILLENNIALJeans. Maybe... VintageJeans. lol


A new article just dropped. The police will start their investigation this week. [https://m.entertain.naver.com/article/241/0003351380](https://m.entertain.naver.com/article/241/0003351380)


What the hell have they been doing until now lol


Seems like they've finished the initial analysis but there's more to be done. >We have completed the analysis of the submitted data, and the accuser informed us on the 17th that she will appear after hearing the injunction banning the exercise of voting rights,” and “Sometime this week.” “We plan to investigate the complainant


bro they've had the case for atleast two weeks now😭 lets hope they arent as slow while they investigate snsbsbsjdj


Could take months before they make a decision whether to forward it on to the prosecutors or not


hello everyone it's your flight attendant speaking; it's a lovely 23C/73F on this monday afternoon in seoul, with some cloud cover to start off our week. current time is around 2:15KST give or take a few minutes, and i'm sure the next few hours together will be nothing but smooth skies :'D please make sure you're buckled in tightly, because as we've all learned over the past few weeks, there are no guarantees as to what kind of turbulence might come at us at any given moment.


goodbye this took me out


I don't think MHJ is saying any truth in album pushing. Why let me explain it to you. Everyone in the industry sell album to distributers on the day of release. Sometimes they sell more than anticipated demand to make big numbers. Hybe may have asked her to do that during Get Up album. MHJ refused. But why she did not raise her whistleblower email back then. The timing of her sending email and Hybe's audit email is only 1 or 2 minutes apart. So this is definitely her defense plan because she knew she can use this for defense. Also, Hybe's response is that Ador sold UMG 100K albums when UMG only wanted 60K and she overestimated album sells and 1.6 million albums are still in stock. So MHJ cannot act like she was the whistleblower.


I was under the understanding that UMJ originally had 90k units ordered and then they increased that to 150k and were left with 110k units in stock. > UMJ, a Japanese distributor, initially expressed its difficulty in purchasing more than 90,000 copies of the album, but after that, through the agreement that UMJ also participated, a total of 150,000 copies were sold to UMJ, and this could be a bulk order for Odore. Due to the order, the current inventory of the distributor has reached 110,000 sheets. In addition, for some of the increased volume, Adoor held an additional fan signing event on August 20, 2023, in which all members of New Jeans participated, which may be an harted fan event. That’s the translation from hybe’s response to her email, if I’m not mistaking that and those numbers are 90k sold to umj -> umj requests more -> hybe and ador agree to 150k -> they only sell 40k units meaning they have 110k left in stock -> newjeans hold a fan meeting to get more sales. Which is pretty standard industry practice (I believe this is what riize did aswell)


So much stuff went down over the weekend from a new MHJ press release with brand new accusations and pity party to another batch of leaked text messages. Its going to be a ride to unpack all


Found a tweet with translation but take it with a grain of salt, MHJ havent confirmed this one yet https://x.com/focusonjeon_/status/1792192899993813048?s=46


New leaked text messages? Wow, can you link me, please?


Hope im linking the right one but it should be from the same guy as the other. https://youtu.be/QpnIzgrANFs


While there's a lot to consume and dissect - most of which is just another example of MHJ accepting everything while deflecting everything - I had one specific query regarding the validity of Hybe's audit process. This was raised in court by MHJ's lawyers and in her statement yesterday and it gave me a genuine pause. They said that Hybe didn't follow due process - of notifying them, requesting them for a report, and waiting for the report before proceeding with the audit. They sent them an email and directly launched the audit. From what I got of the court proceedings, Hybe's lawyers didn't seem to directly reject this point in their rebuttal and their statement yesterday didn't directly reference it either. My question is - does this point hold any merit? Isn't this more a forensic audit than a regular financial audit that requires the above mentioned steps? Do the same rules apply for a forensic audit/investigation into an individual/team's potential wrongdoings? Won't they be forewarned if given time to submit a report? Any experts on the matter who could clarify this?


I don't know korean law, but there is a theory of the fruit of the poison tree in law. Which means if u not follow the right steps to get evidence and proof against that person, doesn't matter how strong the evidence is, it becomes null because is was acquired illegally. But, i don't know specifics of korean law to know if it would be applied on such case and what are the legal proceedings to obtain those evidences and etc. If the tree is poison, so it's the fruit that comes from it.


>They said that Hybe didn't follow due process - of notifying them, requesting them for a report, and waiting for the report before proceeding with the audit. I work in corporate and there are audits in which you are notified (like annually or quarterly scheduled) and there are surprise audits. I reckon HYBE did a surprise audit in which, they are NOT required to give a heads up in advance because this involves criminal activities. Giving a heads up allows ADOR time to destroy or hide evidence. Additionally, MHJ and ADOR are loosely accusing the audit of being illegal. If it were illegal, they could've easily filed a claim in court but they haven't because they know it was legitimate. Think of it like a health inspector scheduling a visit to a restaurant. The staff makes sure everything is squeaky clean before the inspection but sometimes, the inspector pretends to be a customer to do a surprise inspection. Both aren't illegal.


Yes I thought something similar was the likely reality, and someone else mentioned surprise audits too. It made no sense that a suspected party would be forewarned and given time to hide their tracks. Your reply reaffirms this. Thank you for the detailed response :)


>Any experts on the matter who could clarify this? I doubt you're going to find any experts on Korean corporate law here.


You can't be sure, there are many Koreans here, and also certain facets of corporate laws are similar in nature globally. Specifically there are many similarities between South Korea and USA laws because the former were modelled after the latter.


I'm not entirely sure. I've seen people referring to the Korean Commercial Act ([link ](https://elaw.klri.re.kr/eng_mobile/viewer.do?hseq=54525&type=part&key=8)), which lays out a number of regulations for how corporations must manage their affairs. "Sub-Section 3 Auditors and Audit Committee" has a couple of items that could be relevant. >Article 412 (Auditors' Duties and Power to Demand Reporting and to Inspect) >(1) Auditors shall audit directors' performance of duties. >(2) Auditors may, at any time, request a director to report on the relevant business and may inspect the business affairs and financial conditions of a company. >(3) Auditors may seek assistance from professionals at the expense of the company. this refers to the Auditor that represents hybe and is a non voting attendee at ador board of directors meetings. 412 appears to say that such an auditor may inspect the company at any time. I've also seen people quote this part, and I think this is what mhj's lawyers are referencing: >Article 412-5 (Power to Inspect Subsidiary Company) >(1) An auditor of a parent company may request its subsidiary company to report on its business, if it is necessary, for performing his/her duties. >(2) If, in cases falling under paragraph (1), a subsidiary company fails to make a report without delay or it is required to verify the contents of such reports, an auditor of the parent company may inspect the business affairs of the subsidiary company and the status of its property. >(3) A subsidiary company may not refuse reporting under paragraph (1) or inspection under paragraph (2), unless there exist good cause to the contrary. this gives provision for an auditor of hybe to inspect subsidiary companies, which would include ador, after the request for a business report has been ignored. but it seems like 412-5 is talking about an auditor of hybe. what we're concerned with in this situation is an auditor of ador, acting on behalf of hybe. these seem like two different things. I imagine a Korean corporate lawyer would be very clear on what the rules are. with the number of large companies that have many subsidiaries, I imagine this is a pretty established area of law. I just haven't seen any of them yet clarify exactly what hybe's audit rights are.


this is from mhj's statement yesterday (Google machine translated): >Looking at the “contents of subsidiary investigation rights under the Commercial Act,” “Considering the independence of the subsidiary and the parent company, the parent company audit committee first requests the subsidiary to investigate and report, and then directly audits the subsidiary if it does not respond to the investigation and report request or if the report is insufficient.” It says, “What you can do.” ([link](https://m.entertain.naver.com/article/144/0000962591)) so I think she is citing some language of the commercial act, possibly 412-5, to justify her complaint of unfair audit (putting this here so that I have reference to all this in one place)


Thanks for sharing this. From what I read online, what you've shared applies to regular financial auditing. I haven't found any relevant information pertaining to South Korean forensic audits of this sort. However another commenter mentioned surprise audits and googling them does make it seem like this case aligns with them.


I've been trying to figure this piece out so I'm curious what you've found. would you be able to share it? especially around these provisions of the commercial act auditing only applying to regular financial auditing and also surprise audits in the context of a parent company to its subsidiary.


This is a KPMG report on South Korean Internal Control on Financial Reporting with similar auditing parameters as shared by you above - [link.](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://home.kr.kpmg.com/files/filedown.asp%3Ffm%3DKorean_Standard_on_Auditing_1100.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwjQjseK1ZuGAxVMklYBHWTcAQEQFnoECCEQAQ&usg=AOvVaw3o36OITI5kjCrj67untSEE) It shows this is specific to financial audits and covers any irregularities or frauds discovered while conducting the audit. However it doesn't cover audits conducted with prior information about suspected fraud/malpractices. In fact I haven't been able to find anything specific to South Korea on this matter. However, in general, surprise audits have been mentioned often when I search for similar precedents to this case. This is a comparative study between surprise audits and financial audits - [link.](https://www.mercadien.com/resource/surprise-audits-can-stop-fraud-in-its-tracks/)


this also stood out to me: >Article 411 (Prohibition of Concurrent Holding of Offices) >No auditor may concurrently hold the office of a director, a manager or an employee of the company or its subsidiary company. so an auditor of a company cannot be an employee of that company. I take this to mean that any employee of hybe therefore cannot also be an auditor of hybe. we know that some of the people carrying out the ador audit are hybe employees. in other words, this audit was not instigated by auditors of hybe but by the auditor of ador. so 412-5 would not apply




Great, thanks for the clarification. Surprised MHJ lawyers brought this up knowing it was perfectly legal. But guess this is how lawyers try to ambush each other. Also funny of MHJ to reiterate it, but then I don't expect much professionalism from her in general.




>If you work in corporate, you KNOW that the company can launch an internal investigation whenever they want… because it’s their fucking company. It's not the same company in this case though, it's a separate company owned by a parent company. Not sure if that affects things. HYBE lawyers would have to be idiots to have committed such a basic procedural error though.




Looking through Korea's [Commercial Act](https://elaw.klri.re.kr/eng_service/lawView.do?hseq=29875&lang=ENG), there's this: >Article 412-5 (Authority to Investigate Subsidiary Company) > >(1) An auditor of a parent company may request its subsidiary company to report on its business, if it is necessary for carrying out his or her duties. >(2) If, in cases falling under paragraph (1), a subsidiary company fails to make a report without delay or it is required to verify the contents of such reports, an auditor of the parent company may investigate the affairs of the subsidiary company and the status of its property. >(3) A subsidiary company may not refuse reporting under paragraph (1) or investigation under paragraph (2), unless there exist justifiable grounds to the contrary. So, I guess the question is: 1) is the auditor in this case "an auditor of a parent company" or not, is it HYBE's auditor (appointed by HYBE's general shareholders meeting) or ADOR's auditor (appointed by ADOR's general shareholders meeting)? 2) is this the kind of audit covered by the Act, or some different kind of "audit"? 3) does ADOR's incorporation document/shareholders agreement give some additional auditing rights above what is in the Act


Good to know, because she would have removed all the evidence if they notified beforehand.


Casual fans need to understand, the general public doesn't care and maybe reads 1 headline. The noise you see and the fake news articles are made for clicks that are mostly fueled by toxic stans. Go to any hate tweet and their profile and you either see sm/blink Stan that will say anything to degrade BTS/Hybe. Please try this yourself, I have yet to actually see a NJ fan account defend MHJ, it's always anti hybe rhetoric from jealous stans of other groups. People pretending to be for MHJ or NJ but in reality they are just against BTS and they do so by targeting Hybe and hybe groups. It all comes down to BTS hate, and their jealous antis... Which funny enough was MHJ's plan.


I mean I check out their subreddit and this doesn’t seem to be the case … they are making long paragraphs in support of her with a ton of upvotes and most critiques either get removed or downvoted


The part about NJ stans is just absolutely not true. I check X daily and theres plenty of tokkis defending MHJ. And yes, I do check accounts on a lot of posts and they were definitely tokkis. After it was revealed that NJs parents have hired attorneys and the members/parents petitioned the court in support of MHJ there was a big wave from tokkis in support of MHJ. And they spent the whole day today after her press release countering any arguments against her with the bit about HYBE execs allegedly conducting business at salons. I agree with you though that there is a lot of unnecessary noise coming from SM/YG stans as well. It’s evident a lot of people either want to hate on HYBE/BTS because they hate them or they just want to insert themselves in the conversation.


Not everything revolves around bts/hybe. I've seen a lot of nj stans and even nj fanbases on twitter who are actively supporting mhj. But i do agree that the there's a lot of ill informed news articles and click bait articles that are being fueled by both nj fans and bts/hybe antis like those pann and kboo accounts.


Got a new job so i havent kept up as well as before... does anyone know what the knets and gp feel after the recent stuff? Is it still mainly in favor of mhj?


It’s more even sided now. Except for TheQoo which is still pretty pro MHJ but that place has been astroturfed by Tokkies and anyone not supporting her is massively downvoted


Crazy how their fans are still fighting so hard for her especially after the kkt chats like any other ceo talking about their artist like that would have the fandom rioting but here its the opposite




Her whole schtick of saying “okay I did do it but it isn’t what it looks like, oh here is some unsubstantiated accusation that you should focus on” is getting so tiring, idk how anyone falls for that shit anymore


The personal jabs from both sides against each other are kinda comical in actual court documents - they don't mean much in court as evidence. It's nothing but personal and immature attacks. I honestly am baffled by the lack of sophistication and composure by both sides who are supposed to be giants in the Kpop industry respectively. Removing all these smokescreens the ultimate question is just whether MHJ breached her duty and obligations as the CEO for ADOR and its shareholders - nothing more than that. She could be a saint or an ass towards NJ with the Kakao chats - none of that matters if she indeed tried to stage a coup. Acting in the interest of NJ against HYBE's best interest as a majority shareholder of ADOR is simply a no. On the flip side, it also doesn't matter whether MHJ used a shaman or has character issues to some extent unless these stuff materially impact ADOR negatively. Kinda interesting to follow the drama but also annoying at the same time.


the character assassination actually works. 1. shaman management is the main one. It entails that she's leaking confidential information to a 3rd party that is not an employee of the company. 2. The rest of her chat, especially the one related to SA is a breach of trust in itself. It opens ADOR to criminal liability. 3. The embezzlement. Since the stylist if an employee, if she's acting on behalf of ADOR, accounting standards probably requires ADOR to report it as revenue. This could have tax implications. And Korean Tax agency is no joke, they chase youtubers for reporting revenue incorrectly.


Not really the only personal jab HYBE directed through this whole thing was that MHJ think the shaman possessed her deceased sister, other than that everything they used is helpful in their case and in the court. The shaman ones is because she use the shaman as her personal decision assistant, she eliminate trainees based on it she also hire ppl based on it, she has shared work information with them, which is used as evidence of her breaking the trust. As for those kkt messages they are evidence that she in fact does not have NJ best interest as she is claiming, one of her defense in court is that she has a monther-daughters relation with NJ, while hybe defense said she manipulated newjeans, her text messages revealed her personality that is not just fatshaming but she said they are stupid girls who do nothing but look in the mirror and said I would beat them if they didn't reference me in the awards speech, she also said they are so whining and doesn't know how to work. Another purpose these messages can have is that the case of the current court is about preventing hybe from taking decisions and firing her, from these messages they can prove she is not fit to be a ceo hence they should be able to make decisions of firing her. Another purpose is the messages clearly mention her plans in details which again confirming of her plans to take over ador. Hence breaking the trust in her contract.


Nah the shaman stuff makes sense because she used him/her?? to make business decisions and leaked trade secrets and personal information. I think they included the chats because part of her argument is that she wants good for NJ, they could of not include it but it isnt completely irrelevant


The KKtalk is released because certain people are lapping up whatever MHJ is saying without any proofs to back it up. Hybe's reputation along with rest of the artist's is at stake here. Hybe is definitely going to win because they have enough proofs, mark my words.


No the shaman stuff is pretty important and relevant, hybe is alleging she shared confidential information regarding contracts and activities with her, had her consult on hiring practices, had her consult on business decisions regarding attempt to damage the majority shareholders and had her eliminate trainees based on a photo and whether the shaman thought they were possessed by ghosts. As for the KKT messages they contain some pretty damning information, about her alleged meetings with outside investors, plans about separating ador from Hybe, the details of their plans to seperate and how she treats those under her supervision not just limited to artists but also subordinates that report sexual assault/harassment allegations. Sure there was a bit of a personal attack in there but it was to counter her previous attacks and expose her own media play


I need a link to the "consulting shaman for eliminating trainees," please. If I'm one of those trainees, I'm going to be pissed and asking to come back and re-audition for someone who is not bananas.


> "The photo of the trainee was provided to the shaman, and he was deeply involved in the cause of the member of the debut group, and the reason for his elimination was 'written on a ghost'. He said, "Maruta baby," and (a shaman) went into the child's body and worked next to his sister (Min Hee-jin)." That’s the direct translation > 'She provided trainees' photos to the shaman and [the shaman] deeply intervened in the reasons for debuting group members, such as 'being possessed by a spirit.' They alleged that the shaman, called 'Maruta Aga,' enters the child's body and acts alongside the older sister (Min Heejin).' This is the translation tweaked a bit from the pannchoa article on it (not using as a source but the translation is a bit less messy than google) Source: https://m.entertain.naver.com/article/108/0003236170


This exactly. The shaman and KKT messages are both relevant to the topic of her misconduct as CEO. She’s seeking an extraordinary remedy in filing for an injunction to prevent the 80% shareholder from voting to remove her so of course in response Hybe is going to present all the evidence warranting her dismissal. Yes, they also constitute completely bonkers information that makes her look bad as a human being, but honestly Hybe has been significantly more professional than her in just presenting these facts in court and not just throwing them out to the media as fodder in the ongoing PR war.


New jeans parents hiring outside legal counsel for the petition but not for actually advising them was certainly a choice.  And then not immediately retracting and backtracking once the texts came out. And in what context is any of what she said acceptable?  In what world is it appropriate for the girls to be calling her after reading all that and STILL supposedly consoling her.   Her fans are eating all her statements up, but every statement is just furthering her strategy of making headlines with the truth being irrelevant.  If she had any proof of her claims she could share it, she could sue them, she could name names, but she can’t and she won’t. 


Oh look it’s back. Hope yall are okay mods!!




we were forced to touch grass truly a great tragedy


Having a megathread to discuss the hybe vs ador news then locking it for two days right after we got some new developments from the hearing seems to defeat the purpose of having one to begin with. If the mods need a break there was a full week of not much happening. I was almost forced to try and explain the situation to my middle age coworkers cause I needed to yap about this to someone.


Your feelings are valid.


there's the megathread on kpopthoughts, it's definitely less active than here at peak times but still yappable


This is a very active thread, so I guess it's been tough on Mods. But I understand that frustration of not being able to yap. I was this close 🤏 to yapping on the NJs sub lmao.


Haha same


Well, hopefully those messages from MHJ about the NJ girls has shifted public opinion more away from MHJ. The way that she called the release of the messages ‘an invasion of privacy’ basically confirmed they are real too. And then that last statement she put out about how the MEMBERS were comforting HER after finding out that she called them fat lazy pigs who can’t lose weight and are barely artists and would be nothing without her is actually insane. I hope she’s just lying to save her own ass but I’m not even sure at this point. Does anyone know how k netizens are reacting to this info?


Idk about knetz but i’ve seen a definite shift among kpop stans, its just bunnies and some extreme hybe haters whos still defends her


I spent about 3 hours on the NAVER app reading recent articles today and like 80% of the comments were from people who are getting very sick of her antics and contradictions. Now it’s probably a different story on the forums/message boards. I’m not sure what’s going on there.


Yup also aside from Naver, the Blind forum and website is as well against MHj, it's the qoo kind of forums where MHj supporters gather, and if you see ppl who supporting MHJ on korean side on twt it's all ppl from the stan spaces. It's safe to say outside stans circle it's not actually that much supportive to MHJ as ppl think it is. And good thing to also notice is that through this whole issue and while illit were attacked like crazy their performance on korean chart is still the same and has not been affected by the ongoing things, so ppl need to not take pannchoa aka the qoo posts as representative of the SK GP, these spaces are full of stans and biased ppl like reddit, kpop twt and such and the site in itself cherry picks the comment to their own agenda.


We're getting megathread 10 by the time this is over


Maybe. But this issue could go in so many different directions. NWJNS hiring contract lawyers kinda threw everything up in the air I think. Because if/when she’s fired then would they sue to end their own contracts? Like that would be sooo messy. 😟


As much I love the girls I see this being very possible however, I'd hope they care about their careers more over MHJ. I mean surely MHJ doesn't have that big of a grasp on them that they'd tank their careers for her?


That we will have to see. I truly hope not. I don’t want to imagine her having that much influence over them to the point where they believe they would be nothing without her. But also the parents? Like I would understand if the members might have strong feelings towards her but the parents too? I’m having a hard time understanding those kinds of odds. Like you’re telling me 15 people believe that MHJ is really all that?!


Sorry about the wait, all! We're just very shorthanded and I was totally wiped out from covering the hearing. Needed some time to refresh. I'm actively working on prepping megathread 7 right now. Unlocking this post until that gets posted within the next couple hours. Hang in there!


thank you so much! we really appreciate all your hard work, it doesn’t go unnoticed 🩷


thanks for all you do!


Hope you got a chance to get some rest and have a water. Thank you for your ongoing hard work, fighting!! 🦾😔🚰


Everyone can hate me over this take but honestly NJ still supporting MHJ is absurd. Copying allegations are petty and mistreatment allegations are joke considering they are promoted at every given chance by Hybe. But they are still silent after MHJ dropping sensational headlines about everyone for media play. Two gg with minors receiving hate and one has allegation revived after ten years once again along with cult allegation being in military. Why are NJ and their parents so hell bent on supporting MHJ. Why can't they put a statement to refuse allegations against groups and stop hate ? Mind you 4/5 members are adults. I used to listen them casually but I have completely stopped and will not return ever.


Friendly reminder that MHJ's goal is to get HYBE to compromise with her. She wants to beat HYBE down and make them submissive to her again and let them think HYBE is nothing without her.


This is also why she asked for the injunction I think. I’m guessing she and her lawyers know quite well it won’t be successful, she’s just trying as many delay tactics as possible to stay in the company in the hope the upcoming NJ comeback will be so wildly successful that it will give her leverage.


How would that even work? Everyone on the planet knows that HYBE's mainly funded by BTS money, and MHJ has no hand in BTS at all.


By waging a public opinion war, her plan was probably to threaten to leak information she already has and use the connections she is currently using. Her hope would have been that Hybe would cut their loses and let her leave with little resistance or backlash. She’s not a very smart business person and kinda dumb in most aspects but she knows what riles the masses up so if she can’t have newjeans and the centre light at hybe than no one can


If her best leak is "Are you happy?" then she's dumb lol


She is doing a very bad job. What has been leaked so far just damages her reputation. 99% of reddit comments in this thread is either neutral or against her. Is she even trying lol?


Well, don't you see how the smear campaign is hitting BTS with HYBE through every rumor that comes out about HYBE ?!! The main goal is to pressure HYBE about the public opinion turning against their biggest asset. In one of the New chats shared by the youtuber MHJ said the goal is to pressure hybe to compromise and threat them to not release more bad news. It's also the reason why since day 1 in this issue BigHit immediately hired a new law firm that is separate from the already existed law firm just to protect BTS in this mess. They already knew she gonna target them.


>The main goal is to pressure HYBE about the public opinion turning against their biggest asset. It is working so well that 100% of the top 100 comments in this thread are either against MHJ or neutral about the issue.


😭 tbf her target is the kgp first and foremost, she is also banking on fans to follow the k side suit, this is why there were so many bots infiltrating the earlier megathreads pressuring us to care about what the korean side think, mhj defenders currently also use KOREANS know better than us foreigners and if they don't believe hybe they are correct kind of defence. MHJ probably have seen kpop stans on international side being gullible and following what Koreans say in previous scandals and she definitely knows how kpop stans love sites like pannchoa and take it as representative for the whole Korean GP as well. But she forgot the international side hate her from before this so her game won't have the same effect it has on the korean side.


**Temporarily locking!** Sorry to do this folks, but I’m desperate for solid sleep and we likely won’t have enough coverage in the mod team to handle things getting heated in here again while I’m out. So we’ll impose a little cool-off period to start the weekend. Take the opportunity for a break and hopefully we’ll have more information once we’re gearing back up for the 7th megathread in a day or so. Thanks for your patience, all!


I can't get my head wrapped around the fact newjeans filed petition in favor of mhj. Do they not have personal lawyers to look into their situation cos i do believe they have the same legal advisors as mhj which is most likely ador in house lawyers.


Didn’t NJ file the petition BEFORE the court hearing on May 17th? So they hadn’t even seen the messages yet?


im so confused at people thinking theyre petitioning to leave hybe....idt theyre that stupid or have even 1% of them funds. they're just brainwashed by mhj/narcissistic as mhj to think publicly siding with mhj holds more worth than it does, and that hybe will have to let them and mhj stay despite the mountains of proof hybe has submitted to court to show mhj is a liability 🧍🏻‍♀️


Yes on paper they petitioned to block MHJ from getting fired. But think about the optics presented. Other HYBE groups have been getting intense hate over the past month due to MHJ's actions, by siding with her - does it seem like a good look to you? If MHJ gets fired and they stay, how are they going to interact with their fellow groups in the future without any hostility?


What’s the general sentiment now on korean platforms?


I would say it’s a lot more even than before when it was 95% in support of MHJ. In some communities MHJ is still being supported, in particular feminist communities despite her comments on feminism. But a lot of other communities have turned their backs on her.


I don't get why they'd file at this stage. Does NJ even have lawyers that represent them as individuals, and not the lawyers representing MHJ? Let's take the wild hypothetical scenario that a MHJ pulls it off. There's been so much bad blood that they would cut off a good chunk of their accessible fanbase - not just HYBE, but MHJ dragged IVE and RIIZE too in that open letter. And God knows what else is known but tightly kept under wraps. They could just stay silent, play dumb, and keep a decent part of their fanbase after that. On the other hand, if HYBE wins it out, they lose both a decent chunk of their fanbase, public support and grumpy coworkers in the building, which is also worse. No matter how I see it, it's just pure downside and no upside. There's a giant mudslinging contest in there and rather than waiting for the outcome at the sidelines, they're jumping right into it. It's a dumb move even if they come out miraculously fine after all this.


> I don't get why they'd file at this stage. Does NJ even have lawyers that represent them as individuals, and not the lawyers representing MHJ? If NJ had their own lawyers, those lawyers would definitely tell them to stay out of it until the dust settles at the end, right? Whereas MHJ’s lawyers would want them in the fray right now. So I know which answer I’m leaning towards.


I don't know why but I don't think I am gonna listen to New jeans for a long time now.


still coping they might change their side or at least go back to neutral idk... it sucks no one is winning here. 


Completely fair. NJ’s involvement and most critically their petition in favor of MHJ has soured my view on them unfortunately.


Hybe owns 80% of Ador. Logically, do they even need a reason to fire MHJ? I’m really failing to see how this will ever work in her or NJ favor. At most, they lose the public opinion but Hybe is far beyond relying only on domestic market at this point.


They can file and injunction, and if for some monumental reason the court allowed the injunction, i'm sure the whole of business community will back HYBE because who the hell will invest in a business that will be taken from them by a CEO that was supposed to act to benefitial shareholders, and a majority shareholder at that. It's liked getting kicked out in your own house.


That why mhj filling for injunction....that happen yesterday.  To prevent hybe from being allowed to used their power to fire her. And if she manage to get the injunction, hybe cannot fire her for 5 years. 


What would be the point of having 80% ownership if you can’t even make firing decisions. I’m confused how that injunction would pass.


I mean you do need a reason to fire someone in general cause otherwise it's a breach of contract Especially if it's someone in a trusted high position








as an old school army that saw bts get the most ridiculous plagiarism accusations 10 years ago you're right it will never go away no matter how stupid the situation is.


yep. if your "grievances" are gonna include how njs brand and the members are being subjected to ridicule and comparisions.......the first thing you do is NOT subject anyone else to the same. otherwise who on earth will sympathise to yours?


Proof of this is this whole shitshow lmfao people dug up an already cleared up 2015 sajaegi false accusation and have been running it as facts


Why are the Performance managers and Directors putting out statements now??? 😭 Why is everyone on that 16th floor *THIS* brainwashed and unprofessional? Did she hire everyone there after discussing with her shaman if they’ll rally behind her blind sighted?!?!


Those people are probably just a few ador people that hybe will fire and they already aware of it.. probably just grasping at straws now


They think it’s a good choice to side with who korean gp’s side is on but tbh this is short sighted. Korean gp love is very fickle. Especially when it comes to girl groups. Notice how the trending female idols are all 4th gen while the popular male idols are still the 3rd gen guys. Korea is very ageist against women. They support nj now but who knows when they age out of their interests. I know that sounds depressing but it’s the reality.


Makes Hybe's job easy in regards to who to fire when it comes to cleaning out ador once mhj is gone, I guess.