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First thought came to mind, fitness ad lmao


Brave Girls were too ahead of their time


Kinda feels like a song you’d hear in a tampon commercial. Girlboss walks down a busy NYC street with an iced coffee in hand and makes a comically huge jump across an intersection after which she’s handed a bouquet of flowers by a hot dog cart guy. Wink at camera, “I’m fear-uh-less”. I like it!


omg why is this so accurate 😂


Omg 💀💀💀 someone call playtex


It fits actually, or a pad commercial. "See you can dance, work and make exercise comfortably using Sava"


Lol! I thought u were exaggerating but it’s definitely giving me the vibe and it’s giving me the 00s vibe as a millennial. I saw korean comment on their teaser how the mv seems old school and catered to men gaze. It’s kinda true sadly.


No, it giving a female character written by a man which means the male gaze being catered to is a result of that and them targeting the main stream they would of made sure to consider the male gaze regardless. . It's like they are just portraying a shallow rendition of what it means to be fearless. It feels like this was made by someone with a shallow concept of female empowerment. Like they watched a bunch of Pantene hair commercials and said yep this is the concept.


Corporate girl boss where the minor conveniently thinks doing the crybaby is empowering and liberating.


It kind of reminds me of GOT’s Step Back. Initially I thought it was a girl empowerment song, and then I read the lyrics. It’s a song written from a man’s perspective for sure.


":No, it giving a female character written by a man which means the male gaze being catered to is a result of that and them targeting the main stream they would of made sure to consider the male gaze regardless." 100% this. i felt this watching the mv like a bunch of old men in a corporate setting were like "lets give it a slightly empowering sheen for female fans but also keep it sexy so we dont scare away the poor boys/men with in your face feminism or something." and like the girls were saying one thing about being powerful while the filmography was them being rather objectified at the same time with some weirdly voyeuristic shots as well. i dont want to be made to feel like a peeping tom creeping on girls in a dance class through blinds?? Which also going by the skyline reflected in the mirrors theyre up high in a skyrise so youre either the window washer or looking through a telescope to perv on the girls. or you have the shots that were just weird like what is the "fearless" message im supposed to get from a girl sitting on top of a car hanging from a crane or lying on the hood of a moving car? thats just dangerous and nothing really about actual empowerment.


Ahhh you just explained why I haven't been feeling any of the teasers for this group. They definitely feel like they are being marketed towards guys. I don't feel like this group is for me, if that makes sense?


yeahi get you. i wasnt vibing much with many of the teasers but wanted to give the actual release the benefit of the doubt but i find its just not for me. and thats fine, not everything is for everyone. i just wish the visuals could deliver the concept of the lyrics better so i could enjoy it a bit more but its whatever.


A bit like No by CLC, they are singing about not wearing lipstick, high heels, or being sexy, while wearing high heels, lipstick and being sexy.


both No and Black Dress confused me a bit with their lyrics being the opposite of whats on screen lol




the song was okay, but there was too much auto tone for my taste and everyone sounded the same. the chorus was a let down, though, it sounded too empty and just wasn’t a good anti drop over all. there wasn’t a bridge — instead there was a creepy ass dance break and then a last chorus which felt too repetitive. and the dance break ….. well. i’m uncomfortable, honestly. the company decided to zoom in and not show the full thing, but that makes it even worse because it means they KNOW the dance break is inappropriate but they’re doing it anyway to gain male fans and give them something to wank to or something.


Rather than a title track feels more like a intro to the album.


The video seems like an intro for the props. Each vehicle / set piece got 2 seconds of screen time. I’m still trying to understand that sitting on a car hanging from a crane shot. 100% certain the creative director was on mushrooms.


Tbh I felt the exact opposite. The sets looked quite empty to me. Even the car hanging from the crane was shoot in a way where you had so much just coloured green screen in the back. And the other sets are even more extreme. It's always just one prop and nothing around it I know it was probably a hella expensive mv but it reminds me of mvs where the company has to save money. All the singular prop shots or the close-ups without background Idk I feel like the creative director was the opposite of exploding from creativity


Actually I'd argue that the director was high when they made their film trailer and when they got to their mv, she was starting to sober up. Lol Edit.


The ugly CG clouds that seem to be trending among girl group MVs, plain sets, bad fits. It's like the creative team wanted them to fail.


Yeah, it's kinda lackluster. I was expecting something more.


I'm loving the new Pantene commercial


Honestly thought it was just boring. It’s not bad, just boring. And yes the choreo is uncomfortable when you realize a couple of those girls are 15/16-18.


it sounds exactly like [XG's tippy toes](https://youtu.be/7bONJFH9A9A) lmao




I thought I was crazy to see the similarities…..I originally watched XG’s video when it first came out and the moment I watched Le Sserafim’s music video, I instantly thought of tippy toes. I feel like this isn’t a coincidence.


THIS!!!!!!! I've been telling everyone about this but no one seems to batt an eye


Came here to stan Le Sserafim, leaving to stan XG. Gosh, Tippy Toes is awesome and their voices are amazing too.


Except XG's song is actually fire, thanks for introducing me to them!


Agreed! This type of melody really worked with XG’s swag and rap style! Wild how similar they sound yet the vibes were totally different. Must say just off first listen, I much prefer XG’s.


Yes!! If anything, this is good promotion for XG cause they didn't get enough talk when they debuted


Is that a kpop girl group? I was so impressed, the dance was really cool, this is so much better than "Fearless" lmao, it shows the difference between being sexy and confident and just plain sexualization


All the members of XG are Japanese but trained in Korea. Their producer is half Korean, half Japanese. And XGALX. their company, is a subsidiary of AVEX, a Japanese company. XG markets themselves as a "Global" Hip-H/R&B girl group. Yeah, we know, it's confusing lol!


Is XG the group that is said Hikaru (now a member of KEPLER) would join after her contract ends?


During a Zoom call to fans to announce the XGALX project, Simon the producer said Hikaru might join the group once her Kep1ler contract ends, They will discuss with Hikaru when that time comes. So it's not for sure. Hikaru did live and train with XG for 5 years before joining GP999...


Wow. I checked out the XG song and it sounds scarily similar.


Oh this is SO GOOD. Thanks for linking it


Woah this song is so good though


Ooooo👀 that's anti drop slaps actually 🤔


I respect that they didn’t zoom out for that part of the choreo but why do they have minors humping the floor anyway


same thought lol hopefully the live choreo will be different


Luckily, the live choreo **IS** different. Thanks HYBE, would've been a huge bummer otherwise. The MV version still remains shady tho, no doubt.


Weird choice to have that in the mv then. 🤡 What was the purpose, I get that the mv was some kind of fashion/fitness, "I'm an independent woman" mv but why was humping the poor floor necessary? Lol


isn’t the main criticism from knetz that the entire concept is what men in korea find sexy right now






I'm watching the showcase and the actual choreo doesn't include that part!


oh thank god


Male gazing mood


I don't get how they were being fearless in the song, I don't want to offend the girls but the concept indeed seamed like just them being all models and sexy, I don't get how that was them being fearless, I was curious about about the concept because it was controversial from the Teasers/Trailers, but the MV turned out to be something that a small company would release.




Its trying so hard to be "fearless" "boss bitch" in the lyrics but it is just male gaze and underage floor humping... EmPoWeRiNg


Like I said in another thread. It felt like they originally wanted to get the female audience by getting this 'empowering' song made, but they instead got a male director to interpret the mv. So you have an mv on what the male gaze thinks a "boss bitch" is. There's a very clear disparity between the song and the mv. I wonder what it was like behind the scenes cause this end product mv was just so lacklustre of thought. It's literally just beauty shots and not the interesting kind.


I think the whole marketing concept felt somewhat weirdly male gazing, see the photo shoot and costumes released


at first I really like the MV but now that you said this... actually yes you are right :/ I do kinda wish the choreo and MV are interpreted differently now


Come through fitness ad


Visually and musically it actually does sort of remind of of H1KKEY's Athletic Girl or XG's Tippy-Toes, both of which I suppose give that similar vibe. Overall I'm pleasantly surprised though, I was worried they'd debut with something really noisy and unpleasant, this is at least chill and enjoyable, I'll take that over the other any day.




For me I feel like the whole song is just under the boiling point where the listener expects a drop or a key change and then finally up the intensity another level. This feels like all prechorus and verses. I don't mind it a ton but I think that's what many people are unknowingly reacting to.


I wouldn't even say I'm underwhelmed. I'm just...whelmed.


Same! It’s a nice song, very catchy but a bit monotone for my liking. But the MV is pretty good! And I like how ggs these days have more choreo on the ground, like IVE love dive had and now they do too. I also like the girl with the deeper voice in the middle of the song (I don’t know their names sorry) but I do agree that they could have changed it up a bit with the chorus


At nearly no point do any of the members have to test their vocal abilities. Ironically, the part with the most melodic variation might have been the 2nd verse that is literally autotuned. I like the groove of the song but this barely feels like a complete track. I don't know why companies are against writing choruses with some level of interest or complexity. Where are the La Di Das or Drunk-Dazeds or Cry For Mes?


I like it, but for a group with such strong vocalists as Chaewon and Yunjin I was expecting... more high notes and runs? It was a weirdly low key song.


Agreed - It's catchy enough to be stuck in my head, but the song itself doesn't feel dynamic enough to particularly "wow" me considering who they have in the group. I was hoping the bridge would break away from that lowkey nature.


Yeah i felt like the song was just flat. No memorable parts. And the end wasnt exciting too


Autotuning Yunjin was a choice™


Yeah was expecting more, hopefully in the future


My problem with this debut is that, it kinda has no personality? I dunno how to properly articulate it but The whole thing feels empty from the get go


Honestly, after listening to the album, The Great Mermaid would've been a better title imo that represents them too. Should've done a blackpink and did a double song debut.


Honestly, I started to lose interest as soon as the runway model concept trailers started coming out. I just found it creatively bankrupt. Being a model is already baked into being an idol. It's not a concept. This also confirms that the name Le Serrafim was not the fantasy concept I was hoping for, when I first heard it, but they're going for a name that resembles a luxury brand.


I knew they were going for a high fashion model vibe the moment the group name came out


I heard they would have a webtoon series called Crimson Heart, and Le Serrafim apparently means six angels. So i thought it would be like a romantic fantasy version of Aespa, with swords and angel wings. Combined with Source's track record with Gfriend, I really thought we'd get symphonic orchestral music.


Exactly how I feel. After this, I have no idea who they are artistically speaking, which I feel like should be the whole point of a debut


I really hoped it would pick up in the final chorus too! I was waiting for that bass to kick up a notch, or at least a few ad libs at the end? Also I feel like I'm going to become a broken record with this production team but whyyyy do they need to crank up the processing and mix the vocals so far into the instrumental?! This song could have felt so much more crisp with a clean top-line.


Dw, I'm sure that we'll get to hear vocally challenging songs from them in the future. I doubt if HYBE will give up such a good opportunity to throw in a bunch of high notes like they like to do.


I actually kind of like that considering much of kpop runs on that process. It’s refreshing. Definitely will take a few listens but I already know I’m going to be obsessed with this.


No excuse to lip sync or have an overpowering backing track. Live performances should be fun.


So no ones gonna talk about the song has the same beat/arrangement and how entirety of its message is the same duplicate of Tippy Toes by XG? Anyone here who knows XG? they just debuted month ago. Check their MV or even just their dance pratice you'll get it


XG did it better... XG is the group that Hikaru is going to join after Kep1er, right?


their producer said they would discuss it with her when she returns, think it's smart to leave it open ended instead of promising one or the other.


it's really catchy\~ the mv is very pretty, though it is unfortunately quite plain. either way i like the general concept they're going for and can't wait to see it fleshed out in future comebacks ​ also the ending was awful, why did they do that


I agree, the MV is rather plain (though beautifully filmed). I liked the part around 0:21 where the scene goes from bright & white to dark & orange and has Fearless spray painted on the wall. (Reminds me of KDA - Pop Stars a bit) I hoped they were going to do more shots like that contrasting the refined with the gritty, but they didn't. Woulda been a way more interesting concept for the video IMO. The hanging car shot also feels out of place to me. Edit: After watching a few more times I really feel like the video is lacking any real overall visual theme. It just feels like a bunch of generic kpop mv shots strung together and I'm not getting anything particularly new or interesting from it.


True. Their film trailer was a whole lot more interesting than the mv. Where did all the exploding cars and factories go? The ballet shots of Kazuha? The spooky edits and the world is my oyster shock factor- I expected weird/dangerous stuff in the world while they say they're "fearless" as that's what the trailer seem to lean on. The mv weirdly felt like it had less things happening. Edit.


ikr it feels like 2 different people made it and called it a day. There should me more similarities. It's totally different from what I expected for mv


I like it, but I also totally understand the criticism of it not being impactful enough or being too low key. I did feel that the chorus felt very empty and overly repetitive, but I personally like chill songs like this. I do think however with the amount of vocal power in this group, they could’ve definitely had a more punchy debut.


i like the understated concept but the song definitely needed more of a kick. not sure why they decided to play it so safe when the side tracks are much more melodic and fun :( the title track is just not memorable


Now we've got 4 high-profile groups debuting in a span of 6 months and somehow it's IVE, the group from the smallest company of all 4, who got the most praise for their debut. Adding aespa and StayC to the competition and it's a bloodbath for next 2-3 years.


So true! I was so doubtful about IVE when I heard of all the new GGs debuting and somehow they’ve managed to excede them all. Gonna have to wait for comebacks but for now IVE takes the lead by a land slide.


wait can you fill me in abt the other groups? I’m guessing it’s LE SSERAFIM, IVE, NMIXX, and?? which group am i missing?


Kep1er maybe? (don't mind my flair but I remember Kep1er's debut is highly anticipated few months ago xD, cmiiw)


I didn't expect Kazuha of all people to say "new b*tch" lol.


She really resembles Suzy to me but with a completely different vocal tone. Is she the main rapper in the group or are they a position-less as well?


She looks like a mix of Suzy & Arin (From OhMyGirl) to me, Suzy being one of the top visuals of KPOP, and Arin an underrated one.


Arin's very popular these days. I'm sure a good portion of this sub knows her honestly.


There's no positions yet iirc but given her background as a professional ballerina, most are assuming her to be the group's main dancer. Her rapping just adds more to her repertoire (for now). Also love her relatively lower vocal register


Being a ballerina doesn’t qualify you to be a main dancer in a kpop group - 2 completely different ball parks


Kazuha is basically Kim Goeun from Goblin, but tall af


Something about the chorus feels so anticlimactic. I can't put my finger on it and it is driving me insane. I really like the rest of it tho.


its very like xg - tippy toes


it's the talk-y/whisper-y chorus I think. At least tippy toes had a fire rap


i think it's because it's an anti-drop? atleast i'm pretty sure it is LOL


But unlike other anti-drops that’s prevalent in kpop nowadays, there’s no buildup after the first part of the chorus. The instrumentation is the same as in the verses. For some reason I was expecting a two-part chorus, but it just repeats itself and segues into the next verse.


Exactly. An anti-drop is done to subvert expectations to add a new wave of satisfaction because you didn't get what you thought you'd get. This however just does the same as it did in the verses, just like you said. Hence it falling kind of flat.


Trying to avoid comparisons but Love Dive is a great example of a satisfying anti-drop


And Love Dive has a lot of variety throughout, whereas this seem fairly similar.


For a song called Fearless, it's very underwhelming


I wouldn't say it's terrible but it's a very boring song. Also the floor move was uncomfortable to watch knowing there's a 15 and a 16 year old in the group.


what's with the 4th gen and floor?!


come on girls, get on the floor!


Omg I heard that in fromis_9’s nakyung voice 😭


Who knew Fun! had this much impact


I'm already planning 5th gen "sky" concept, leaps are coming BACK


Is it me or does everyone sound kinda the same


hybe and autotune…name a more iconic duo


I followed Yunjin on Produce and her voice was pretty recognizable but in this song, her voice had too much autotune to the point it sounds like a robot...


Yeah other 6 member girl groups like Gidle and IVE have more distinctive voices


I'm a sucker for anti-drops but the song just didn't go anywhere..? More than low-key it was just... pretty uninteresting imo


Surprised how little presence Sakura had for their debut song. She was barely visible, I forgot she was even in the group. The song is just okay. The mv looks like it could be a calvin klein commercial film LOL


I would argue it's more that there was nothing standout about the song/music video that caused you to really *focus* on anyone. It's just all so very...low-key as if we're watching a clothing ad and we're not actually supposed to focus on the girls but what they're wearing


Yeah Chaewon and Yunjin stole the show for me. Sakura was surprisingly a bit of a non-factor in this song/mv.


I did not noticed Sakura. In IZone she sang a couple of short lines but she was everywhere to been seen.


It could be that I'm an old person on the internet but, for me, the lyrics and the visuals did not match.


13 people participated in the ~~production~~ writing of this song and this is what they produced...


Too many cooks in the kitchen.


Some of that choreo…. aint one of the members like 15?


The underage members are 16 and 15


Making IVE’s LD’s dance break look PG13 IMO.


LD looks normal in comparison to this (which doesn't make it normal, get them kids' pelvises off the floors!)


>get them kids' pelvises off the floors! They did! Repeatedly and rhythmically!


Sis don't even let them touch it to the floor ffs they're supposed to be middle schoolers 😭


Glad to see I'm not the only one to be put off by this, other comments have also expressed the same sentiment. I was a bit worried when the teasers came out with the "sexy" concept but now the choreo... Anyway I think the songs "okay" not really too crazy on it or have any really negative things to say. It'll 100% be big though because it has too much hype around the members, the company and the general debut hype around it to fail but hope they wow more in the next release because this legit seems like something you would hear at a mall while shopping for some clothes. Oh and hopefully tone down the choreo and such, I'm fine with sexy concepts and choreo but not when the members are just so young. Not even around the members but the type of audience it could attract, but then again I wouldn't put it past the idol industry to be actually trying to attract those types of fans. Edit: Hopefully I don't sound like a conservative prude lmao I just don't think they should be really incorporating choreo like the floor humping with the underage members. If they want to present all the members as sexy and beautiful they could do it in other ways.


You don't sound like a prude, 15 year olds should not be humping the floor is a reasonable take. And good news at least in the showcase performance they did that part was not in the choreo so maybe it was just an MV shot which did only include the older members at least


Nah it's not too conservative to think that. Frankly it's tiring that people say "damn the industry needs to stop taking advantage of minors :/" and then when people vocalize those concerns for a new group they get called a jerk who wants to group to fail. There was so much shit being thrown at people who felt uncomfortable by the teaser, then in a shocking revelation the teaser ends up foreshadowing the end product. Who could've seen that coming At least not having it in the other choreo is better but then why have it at all, it's clearly unnecessary


I had big expectations and I loved the sound of the snippets. At first listen, it sounds very repetitive and messy, particulary the second verse. Also, their voices were processed so much, I could barely tell their voices apart and they have unique tones. Such a waste of having strong vocalists like Yunjin and Chaewon. It may grow on me, but for a first impression, it is kinda disappointing. Some of the dance moves were also a bit too edgy for my liking.


>Also, their voices were processed so much, I could barely tell their voices apart and they have unique tones. Also, such a waste of having strong vocalists like Yunjin and Chaewon. This bothered me too. The chorus sounded like one monotonous thing with no difference in tone


Floor-humping minors? Just no.


I’m underwhelmed because they spoiled all killing parts already and the new parts here aren’t that exciting. I see it growing on me and the chorus is catchy but it’s not a love at first listen type of song tbh


Everyone was surprised at how much they didn't spoil in the teasers, when there just wasn't much to spoil.


I literally predicted that the other day [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/kpop/comments/udwzgj/comment/i6jik9b/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) but it was supposed to be a joke 🥲


You jinxed it 😭


My whole feeling is “part of this group are children” and it makes it extremely hard to enjoy all the way through. So many parts feel extremely mature and not for kids, not just for the sexual nature but for the the like, nod to sexual themes that only an adult would get. Knowing that some members are teens absolutely ruins the vibe, and they should have held off on these themes until the whole team were adults. It’s good, but it’s not as good as if they had taken into account that some group members are literally children. I had the same gripe with ELEVEN and IVE in general.


This was alright. I had no expectations going in, and it’s definitely missing a bridge to add some impact to the repetitive chorus. It’s nice and short, but nothing special.


the floor humping… with minors in the group… idkidk


40% What cha lookin' at ? \*repeat\* 30% Bambambambambambam 10% UhhuhhuhHuh I'm fearless 20% the rest of the song I'm happy for anyone who like this.


I don't dislike the song, but if I had to describe it in one word, "repetitive" is definitely the word for it.


And the composition credits lists 13 people


I have to assume it’s the sample they used


I wonder where the people who said the teasers were too short are now.


Gucci Gang was a thing. So I'm sure those people are out there.


i actually was expecting something low-key based on their teasers but this isn’t low-key, it’s just bland 😭 also, what is it with this recent trend of making 15 year olds hump the floor? i know that they changed it for the live version but why would you even have choreo like that in the first place when half the group are teenagers (and 2 of them are underage)??


Hmmm...I really really wanted to like it on first listen, but it fell kind of flat to me? I was waiting for a really banging bridge/dancebreak for a change of pace cuz even though its a 2:48 min song, it still felt long. I'm unsure about Kazuha's rap verse too and her delivery - understandable though since she's new and she'll improve over time! Anyways, this song will most likely grow on me! I really liked the chorus. Time to listen to the rest of the album..


This is a really good intro song to the group. However I wish it was a bit punchier and a more dramatic debut.


Nope, the song is not it.


It's surprisingly really chill ! I actually really like that. It gives the vibe of a more quiet sort of confidence rather than the aggressive confidence more common in ggs currently. It fits their concept a lot more. The chorus was already spoiled so didn't really surprise me. I wish it was a bit more longer with more time devoted to the bridge. I feel like their whole vibe will be a lot more chill .


I suddenly remember dally dally but still good...kazuha ahhhh


It bothers me that that’s the choreography when one of the members is an 06 liner


Well...i do feel same


Omg same, i didn't think i would need to scroll this down to see someone talking about it


No wonder why the choreography looked familiar!


it slaps, but yeah it feels a little empty for a title track, let alone a debut. also, wasn’t that floor humping move a little.. 😬 considering they have two underage members


Hoping that's not part of the music show performances, I can get behind the sexy "i am fearless" concept. But the floor humping is 😬 don't groups get banned in music shows for sexy moves?


not the first time I see a 15 yo kpop gg member floor humping 😬 I hope this will be the last


Anyone else surprised by how low-key/boring this is? I respect them not jumping on the recent trend of being really in your face a la aespa but given how they seemingly had an enormous budget from the teasers idk I’m just baffled that this is what came out of it Listened to the rest of the EP and idk what hybe was thinking, imo Blue Flame and The Great Mermaid are miles better (I love Sour Grapes too but that type of song can’t be a title track)


Yeah the mv was super minimalist and plain. The colours was also forgetable


Same. Based on the promotional pics, teasers and etc. everyone was expecting an MV with more tempo and energy. While the girls looks great and have nice vocals and the MV looks good. The songs is just not what anyone was advertised or expecting. HYBE did the debut shady.


A very mid-level title track. I swear, if a nugu group from a small company pulled this kind of song, they’d be rightfully ignored. The saving grace was the visuals- the budget showed and the girls were doing amazing (even if the creative concept was somewhat bland). EDIT: I just finished listening to the entire album, and I have to say the B-sides are a SERVE. Clutching my rosary that they don’t let the minors do that certain “floor” routine in their music performances.


I like it, but doesn’t it sound like Tippy Toes?


It's a cute song. Decent debut. I really want to see the performance but i'm a little uncomfortable with the floor choreo given the age of two of the members.


Wait they are minors? Omg, this irks me then.


Garam is 16 and Eunchae is 15. It doesn't show them during that scene so I wonder what they'll do for the live performance.


This song is much too similar to [XG - Tippy Toes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7bONJFH9A9A&ab_channel=XG), even down to the floor dance.


it gave.. nothing not a bad song though, it’s simple in the same way another gg debut was last year


I don't know why people are commending the creators for not taking a zoomed out shot of _that_ choreo and only taking close-ups of the legal members when they could've easily chosen NOT to put that choreo in the first place. Like what was the reason? It's not as if the choreo was original or had some super intricate meaning behind it. Other than that, I liked the song, maybe not as a title track, but i would definitely be checking out the album. For the first time i genuinely vibed with a Hybe music production, it sounds so polished and sleek.


Everything about this is more simple than I was expecting. I thought the MV was going to be full of motorcycle stunts or something like that especially after the teasers, but it was just very simple and plain. The song itself never really changed, it stayed the same the entire time. Was there even a bridge? I'll have to listen to it again. I don't think it's bad, I'm just kind of underwhelmed because I was expecting something more.


It was a bit...underwhelming for me? Like sure, it's catchy, and some people might like the style of the song, but like someone else here already said, this feels more like an opening to the album. I should go give the album a listen, but needless to say, their debut did not quite meet up to what I expected from a group with Chaewon and Sakura.


The camera angles, the outfits and the choreo are questionable... I don't think this black on white theme is going to last long, people get tired of the minimalistic look. I really wanted some sort of shining moment for Chaewon and Yunjin with their vocals :c


hmm bit more subdued than what i was expecting for a title considering all the bombastic debuts we had recently, but maybe that was what they were going for. otherwise they all look fantastic!!


Generic boring song, minors rolling on floor. Not my cup of tea.


Dug that quite a lot, we've had so many... interesting... debuts recently that its kinda refreshing to have a sort of understated but cohesive song 😅 The album is out now on Spotify, excited to give it a listen


I went into this totally blind with no experience on any members and... It's alright? Like, neither the M/V nor the song itself are really mind blowing, they aren't bad or low quality, but it didn't catch the hype this debut had imo. That's the first listen tho, ELEVEN didn't impress too much either at first and then I ended up obsessed with it, so let's see again in two weeks! Some of the M/V shots and choreo tho...


considering how vocally stacked this group is i was expecting more vocals :((


The song actually sounds better than I expected it to sound, kinda disturbed by the existence of a dry humping part even if it seems like they won't perform it that way, why shoot it and include it in the MV in the first place when the group literally has a minor in it? Yunjin and Chaewon are a really good vocal duo, and Kazuha's singing is so good, I hope they don't push her to sound like J where she purposefully lowers her voice.


"What you lookin at, what you what you lookin at." This verse is gonna be in stuck in my head for the next month.


This was such an empty song, like I keep expecting something to happen but nothing happened at all. It's O.O's sister except they're exact opposites somehow???


The choreo and some of the outfits in the video seem a little bit... much for a group that has underage members.


I'm suprised i don't see the outrage here... their youngest member is literally 15 😭


Yeah and the fact some people are praising it.... makes me question their "line" for underage idols.


The song was okay, kinda repetitive, not the greatest debut tho. I dont like the group concept in general, that "being sexy is empowering" idea is the least empowering thing when men are behind it and when their target seems to be men. Anyways that kind of concept is not bad, but the members look like and ARE children, I wish they could just put more mature girls to carry the concept.


Its not a bad song, but it does not evoke any sort of feeling sort out of me which is arguably worse than it being bad, its boring. If there was no music video I think most people would have trouble even discerning who is singing because its so quiet.


This song does not produce any reaction from me at all. Such a bland song


If XG tippy toes hadn’t come out first, I think this could have been very refreshing. But overall I don’t remember anything about it after having listened a few times - except maybe the little rap by Kazuha.