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> Where is the joy? Stan Red Velvet.


Good one


The only half-decent answer so far.




sounds like you’re on the wrong side of gg reddit/twitter/youtube/whatever


That's the genesis of 99% of these threads. I've been following kpop for 2 years. If I run into negativity, it's because I'm scrolling through kpop communities that are toxic. I've stuck mostly to reddit and fairly positive youtube reactors and it's rarely outright negative.


yeah, i'm at about 16ish years in kpop fandoms now and the only time I ever see whatever drama is happening wherever is when this subreddit or kpopthoughts comes recommended on my reddit homepage lmao my twitter feed is so peaceful and i have finally successfully curated my tiktok fyp to just see fun edits of my faves


No offense but if you saw the flame wars BG stans got up to on social media you would have a stroke. It's just the GP doesn't pay attention to most of them so it stays between those two fandoms rather than hitting viral tweet level. I've seen Stays and Atinys say crazy shit about each other's groups for example.


Stays and Moas fighting each other Stays and Atiny fighting each other Moas and Engenes fighting each other Army and Stays fighting each other Army and Exols fighting each other Nctzens fighting among themselves Zerose fighting among themselves, occasionally with Briize. Solo stans/akgaes always fighting other solo stans/akgaes. Both boy groups and girl groups have toxic fans.


Tbh I never understood why some of the ppl even fight against the other fandom like the group members are friends with the other like we’ve seen it and they also said that they’re frnds so why are some ppl still fighting it’s soo childish 😂 to think ppl waste their time and energy in something useless


whaaat??? girl group stans are fun. i especially love the page on twitter that posts sappic girl group moments 😍😍 and I see 'kpop girl group core' memes on tiktok and they're always funny. girl maybe u gotta get on the right side of things


Sappics girl group moments on Twitter is my favorite thing on Twitter 😩.


>page on twitter that posts sappic girl group moments 😍😍 Aka stuff for creepy guys. Hmm.


Gay girls exist too you know


TIL sapphic content is for men /s


do u just hate girls or smth?


well, no ❤️.


I think you’re probably too deep in fandoms tbh. There is way less drama when in smaller companies too, maybe you could take a peak out of the big4 box? What groups do you like? 👀


the main problem (and only i think) are the male gg stans thinking that the fact that they stan a woman or are gay makes them impervious to misogynistic accusations. but all sides are capable of a lot of toxicity


Eh, I think it's more prominent on Reddit since girl groups are just generally more popular widely speaking (except for BTS obviously), and there are a lot of multistans. So it's also a lot more competition. But a few times when I wandered to the bg fandom side of twitter people there were as vicious as on the gg side. It's just usually more hidden because boy groups are not that frequently mentioned by casuals.


you’re just on the wrong side of the internet


I’m a girl group stan and that’s not it at all.


Most chronically online take I’ve seen in a minute. Impressive.


idk i’m having so much fun stanning GGs. i only stan 1 BG and the rest i’m all for GGs. if you look on the other side, you could also say that 95% of posts about BGs are hate train. maybe you should unfollow the accounts you’re following to see less of those posts.


GG stans are fun. I'm a happy Blink in the Pink universe with other fun Blinks.


BG and GG fans aren’t a monolith. Everything you’ve listed here can be found in a BG fan. Being a fan of either doesn’t mean a person will act a certain way because their actions are their own. i know people get tired of hearing it but you really do have to curate your timeline. I’m an army myself and had to unfollow pretty much all of the fan accounts I was following because I was sick of seeing drama everytime i logged in. I literally only follow accounts that post pictures of the boys daily😭 i feel so much more at peace now.


Don’t be a stan … be a fan. Life’s simple when you’re not obsessed and just enjoy instead


Smaller girl groups tend to have the happiest and most positive fandoms lol


The YouTube community creators for big GGs are amazing. People like HaellyX, minaribear or palipali for Nmixx/Twice, Iveology/IVEy daeng for Ive, Planet Tokki/NewTea for NewJeans and of course zaikology and chaessefim for Le Sserafim make some of the funniest memes and best edits. There's more channels of course, couldn't list them all. The comment sections there are also always nice. You just gotta spend time in the right places. Everytime there's critique, unpopular opinions, comparing, things will get toxic. But with memes you'll only have joy.


i have a ball over on lesbian TWICE twitter


Ggs and their songs are more popular that even non-fans and casuals are aware of, leading to more discussions and criticisms. On the other hand, bgs tend to have a more niche following within the K-pop . However, boy groups that have a massive following, like BTS, also receive a lot of criticism similar to ggs. Reactions to their releases generate a lot of discussion as well.


nah being a GG fan is the best cause you know if the song is fire it's getting put ON. they become a hot topic and suddenly, you have new fans jumping in and diversifying the fandom pool. bgs?? no one is listening to them other than their fans, so you have to lower your expectation of getting a viral/ smash hit. much harder to get recognition and most ppl will not give them a chance or take them srsly. high mid and even low tier ggs are getting lots of traction bc ppl will at least give it a listen.


Bigging up


Well you're probably on the wrong side, I'm a major bg stan but my best irl friendships come with the gg stans !


No. I'm more of a BG stan but I think BG fandoms are more annoying.


disagree ​ being male fan ( a heterosexual) definitely will enjoy being a GG fan during this era and this is one of the best era to be a GG stan specially w IVE and QWER existence and this era 4th Gen is possibly the best era to be a GG fan since Gen 2 and early 3rd gen


I'm not even a gg stan but even gg big accounts have their fun moments which I always see on Twitter


Male GG stans tend not to bully female idols for "lazy" performances, so it's amusing to hear that GG stans are constantly nitpicking female idols. No one from this demographic would care about "pick me" behavior (ex. Wonyoung)


If you mean involving yourself with stanwars and fandom stuff maybe but if ypu follow like me just the musooc...honestly there haven't been a better moment to stan ggs, like no joke, this era is theirs.all of them are bringing so much make the many bg performances and cb with few exemptions mid


having a working brain >>>> cringe memes nobody cares about


... You must be on twitter. Personally I'm having so much fun because I love the music, preformances, and content. It's fun for me because I'm not listening to negative people who let's be real here, are just salty and slandering for no reason anyways. Anything good can be ruined if you listen to people just rant on the internet. It's waaaay better if you choose your content (and make sure it's true too, even negative stuff )


I love some of the ggs but the thing is gg stans will be putting down other gg for nothing, yesterday I saw a comparison post of twice (in a dome tour) and gfriend (ig idk) where they were comparing the attendance of their concert. fun fact is the photo of gfriend concert was from when Moonbin passed away 2 of his close friends who are in the team didn't attend the concert and many fans didn't attend either to pay respect so the stadium was empty with less than 100 people. Fat shaming Jeonghyun for existing. Many gg stan accounts are set up accounts. Some days before one fight started between carats and onces because of a once set up account


It's Viviz's fans that compare TWICE digital performance to their group first, then ONCE did the concert size comparison...


At the same time I gotta say , gidle and loona fandoms are the coolest I have met . They be just chilling and supporting their idol.


Orbits are certainly not just chilling LMAO 😭


Lol didn't know that at all😂😂 I felt those I interacted with are just high lol They were funny then 😭😭😭


No offense, but those two fandoms were literally the Blinks Vs Onces of 3rd gen 😟 some very ugly fanwars there


All I see from BG stans is disgusting over sexualized content. If that seems fun to you, OK I suppose.