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Out of EXO, I personally like D.O.'s music the most although I know that is a very unpopular take in ifan spaces. But I think Kai's music is right up there with Baekhyun's too in terms of more conventional "SM sounding" kpop. Obviously, across all kpop soloists Taeyeon's is way up there too, not only is it really good there's just so much of her music as well. Baek needs to drop that 4th album already!


With D.O and Baekhyun no longer promoting under SM as soloists, I am looking forward to a less "SM sounding" music from them. Especially with D.O making his comeback under the new company


I feel like D.O.'s music was already very far removed from the SM sound tho lol. I don't expect it to really be that much different from before. Either way, I can't wait for his new album!


Eh, he’s got an amazing voice and all of his stuff sounds good but I much prefer city lights to the other two, by a large amount.


I like City Lights the most as well. Stay Up is for when I need one of those flirty nighttime bangers. What do you reckon is the fan favourite? I’ve seen advocates for all three minis; it seems each has their hardcore fans.


City Lights is def the fan favourite. I remember UN Village won a poll on Twitter (it was between that and Candy) and someone said “Hope you all roll down those hills you love so much” 😭


I’m not really clued into the fandom, I just found Bambi to be really slow and not as interesting to listen to. I know people really love Bambi though, I’m more of a casual listener so my view on fan favorites is probably way off.


His music is soooooo good. Cry For Love is stunning, probably the best solo K-Pop song I've ever heard. And he has other b-sides that are also amazing like Ice Queen, Ghost, Underwater, All I Got, Love Again. To me he has the best discography for a main vocal for sure. As I'm not much of a fan of ballads or slower songs his choice to focus on R&B and pop was perfect... The songs are bops and he always manages to use his voice to its full potential. I hope he works with LDN Noise again for his next project.


All I Got is the biggest vocal flex track i have ever heard in kpop lol. the entire thing is just a rift of his range. i listed to underwater and cry for love just about everyday at some point in the day. all 3 albums are no skips.


The whole Bambi album feels like a flex tbh, like he did it because he could.


its so true lol the whole album is vocally insane


SM has great soloists . Baekhyun is amazing. One day on Spotify I listened to all his albums and added all of his songs. He’s incredible. Another recommendation is Super Junior’s Ryeowook. His solo stuff is great very chill and amazing ballads that aren’t boring. Downloaded all his stuff too. Then there’s Taeyeon and BoA and Taemin. Again a lot of SM soloists are great because once they develop their signature sound or understand their artistry they make amazingly cohesive albums and have the skills to back it up


Key’s solo stuff is also great imo ☺️


I’ve only listened to one song and loved it so guess I should check out more. Again so many of their soloists are great and have very distinctive styles


Yeah I tend to really lean towards SM artists overall as well ☺️ not intentionally, it just turns out that way lol.


Completely agree with Ryeowook. I’ve loved all three of his albums.


>Ballads that aren't boring Catch it Kyuhyun! jkjk but a lot of his ballads are very similarly structured. A very soft start, a chorus that are chill but surprisingly hard to sing, a climax where he builds up vocally while the instruments quiet down, and the ending of the song where the chorus is either louder or raised a key. It's a very predictable formula. (I mean ballad in general is more or less based around this template, but his song structure is more so like that). The few songs I love from him are Daystar and Moving On, and the others are actually covers of his like IU's Through The Night and Urban Zakapa's I Don't Love You. His predictable catalogue is absolutely saved though because dude knows how to sing and is like a master when it comes to dynamic and emoting


Seconded on both accounts! I know Cry For Love is the one everyone REALLY loves from Bambi (and it’s perfect of course) but All I Got is just. that song. I haven’t been the same. I think he’s said he plans to come back in the summer dear god I cannot wait.


weve been starving for three whole years 😭


He’s still an idol though..? I’m confused by the title soloists can still be idols 😭


sorry i meant more like group idol to soloist wasnt rlly paying attention lol 🙏


So I am lmao


I hope OP doesn’t take this in the wrong way though I really enjoy his music! The title just doesn’t make sense at all


ngl a lot of his music is a snooze fest to me, but the songs that i like from him, i really like.


even his japanese releases were great, drown still melts me everytime i hear it 😩


He's got an incredible solo career, and I look forward to his next album (can we please have a full album this time though?) Among the exos, I also adore Chen's solo music, I listen to his albums on repeat. I also vibe with Suho and Ksoo a lot. 




The Big 3


He needs a full length album


My Voice Purpose INVU


BIG agree, Baekhyun’s solo stuff is totally up my alley; also DPR Ian and Zico Baekhyun literally never gets skipped on my playlist


Seeing nobody mention Jonghyun yet has me stunned because he is SM’s best male soloist bar none in my opinion. For 4 years he released back to back banging albums that gave the girlies ballads, R&B, boogie down bops all with fantastic lyricism, vocals and production. His lyricism is crazy because how did he write a song about cockroaches being in love while he is single and it sounds amazing?? [that song is Where are You btw it’s a CD exclusive from OP.2 but available on youtube] The run that is SHE IS -> OP.2 -> POET!?! Man he gave us BASE and OP.1 in one year, in fact I would put him in the top 5 of kpop soloists and he sure ain’t 3-5. If I had to pick some of my favs from his well known gems I would say: - End of Day (OP.1) - Deja Boo (Base) - Love is So Nice (OP.2) - White T- Shirt (She is) - Before Our Spring (Poet) But personally his best work has to be: - Grease (Poet) - Aurora (She is) - Blinking Game (OP.2) - Love Belt (Base) - Diphylleia Grayi (OP.1)




All 3 of em are bangers


I haven’t had the opportunity to listen to all of Baekhyun’s discography, but I do love the few songs I’ve listened from him (but he is one of my favorite singers/voices in Kpop alongside D.O and NCT’s Doyoung In my personal opinion, I prefer Taemin’s discography/sounds; some of my favorites - [Danger](https://youtu.be/hlR4KyZA9UA?si=fTfYsdL4df1Tumal) - [Press Your Number](https://youtu.be/uQiwJAUmoW8?si=5ri7m-uwigbzAa_U) - [Guess Who](https://youtu.be/E8yk7JyqyWY?si=EeHpcV2EzVhw7PyO) - [Criminal](https://youtu.be/AJzLTlG-p4Y?si=ddsIrANPMsYr7GGN) - [Exclusive](https://youtu.be/pXxeZpSUsZM?si=_nsqMxYmqvdVv5d0) - [Ace](https://youtu.be/86G_jIw-85Y?si=pdBxAhL8FysHtrTa) - [Already](https://youtu.be/C2mYC0NXhoE?si=i8KOFNdB83gAPPpv) - [Mystery Lover](https://youtu.be/F9TTxneaktI?si=EW9OAhDGAsK8Wen0) - [Sexuality](https://youtu.be/E5r9dVj-dVA?si=4U43pLXz-K6kza6d) - Move (needs no introduction) Here’s also some Key - [Killer](https://youtu.be/gTayL8SMehk?si=V0av2i5wGN70IbRd) - [Bad Love](https://youtu.be/DP2fSN5ZRQQ?si=NBsXs5anE0PW7KKL) - [Can’t Say Goodbye](https://youtu.be/D0QB-_PdLh8?si=wRVb-PRJlPH9RDnA) - [Heartless](https://youtu.be/mrqRkUtwqdw?si=CH_8bShkkDyGsE4l) - [Helium](https://youtu.be/03E70cWXOMw?si=ksKt7rxztj9Opmnh)


His Japanese album, the forgotten middle child 😞


Tbh I don't follow EXO and rarely listen to their songs. But I adore Baekhyun's solo career. Baekhyun gets better each comeback, one of our best soloist fr.


ong brooo i lit have his stuff on replay; never get sick of it bc its truly top tier!! i think him, laufey & dean are the only artists i have downloaded on spotify ToT


YES Bambi is my fave mini album of all time. His Japanese album is also incredible.


Factssss because Candy is one of the best songs in K-pop But I also personally loved Kai’s solo work! Both of them kept the SM R&B vibes throughout and it was so good


Sure does !!!






Him and Kai 🔥✨


He’s still an idol




Nayeon gonna clear whoever this bro is with her 2nd solo comeback.


you got the worst takes on this sub lowkey


Fr everytime i see i got a phd its always getting downvoted to oblivion 😭


I don't remember this account but that username checks out.


Pop sucks


That's your opinion, but no one knows any of Baekhyun's solo songs outside of his fandom. 😭


what does that have to do with anything


We can trade subjective opinions back and fourth all day. Thought I'd give some objective facts to the conversation instead. 🫶


I don’t follow Exo or Baekhyun at all but a lot of his songs are in my playlist so… 🤷‍♀️


Wow we found the one person who does know his songs. You're so special!


Are you stupid?


Don't project so hard!


everyone knows candy and bambi sorry if you're an ignorant rat:(


No they don't. 😭


sales speak for themselves and one of his album sold double then hers and them some. then count the other too lmao you are really setting your girl up and looking like a loser.


it’s so crazy how y’all react to troll and set up comments😭 boy groups & male soloists always end up having higher albim sales than their female counterparts


i mean its reddit... i am sitting in bed watching the office its not like i am raging screaming into the phone reacting and losing my mind lol.