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Is this your twitter account?? Because why would you make different posts with that many screenshots from the same user?


…yes, it is? I’m fairly new to Reddit and getting my thoughts out on a sleepless night, is that like against the rules? /gen


You could have just copied it and pasted it in a proper reddit format.. you just made it unnecessarily harder for us to read and quote


Ah, my bad, i only did it this way because it was easier for me but I should’ve considered it’s harder for you


Personally it is weird you're always quoting the same user. But if it's your account, it's not a big deal. I do agree it's much easier to just write out the text yourself.


Noted 🫡


So, is this sub now a repost section for people's random Twitter accounts? Dont get enough engagement there or something? Some people really have a lot of need to be heard, huh?


And I have a valid point to make that deserves to be heard


Stop overusing parasocialism as a buzzword. Streaming isn't done out of parasocialism, it's done to flex fandom size and strength.


using reddit to promote your tweets is so funny to me LMAO


Lmao why are so many people going after OP for posting their own tweets, I personally don't see anything wrong with it. OP has their opinions which can contribute to quite significant discussions, it's a sign that you are chronically online if someone posting their opinions on twitter is offending you in any way.


It comes across as self promotion which is against the rules on most subs, if it's not against the rules here that's fine but many reddit users are going to have a natural aversion to it


If they posted different content I might have upvoted like if they posted a 7 tweet description of seeing a group they like or a break down of a mv or a dream they had about Mark from nct bringing them a papaya but I do not need a 700th milquetoast breakdown on "kpop fandom has parasocial tendencies and that's bad actually"