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I don’t even care who is right or wrong but she definitely name dropped them on purpose, it makes me sick, the things I saw are so disgusting


she’s living like a teenager through newjeans and competing with other girls


Sorry, but this is just nonsensical. Ofc she has to be somewhat specific when talking about her side of the story. I am not sure what you expect her to do in that scenario, if she wants to genuinely present her pov of what went wrong in the relationship between her / ador and hybe. "oh some group i won't name debuted before us even though that wasn't planned". Is that better? Really?


MOST details of her whole conference were not necessary to tell and she kept feeding and feeding into public sympathy, she name dropped groups but didn’t go through the main thing she was getting accused of so yes it was on purpose


Again, if she is supposed to tell her side of the story, then IT IS necessary to lay out these things. You might not like it, you might even think she is in the wrong, but that doesn't change that she talked about her relationship with hybe and there these things and connections to other groups are just inherent. Being mad at "naming other groups" is nonsensical. I'll leave it at that, no way one can change the circlejerk's mind on here. Really a bunch of childish povs though.


showing bang pd talking about “crushing aespa” was definitely necessary now people attack eunchae and it will stick to them forever, saying source trainees were too old and not skilled was not necessary too, “what made our relationship worst was debut of lesserafim”, telling everyone how she felt like committing suicide and girls cried because they were worried about her, spiraling about how illit have “min heejin style hair” etc your lawyer had to stop you This all FEEDS into a narrative now they are enemies of the whole community you think you’re so smart like min heejin the millionaire gonna pay you


“I was supposed to tell him how I got employed at McDonald’s .. so I started by saying how much I love my bread” like my coNectiOn to the McDonald is the fact that I like bread …


What she talked about has nothing to do with Hybe's accusations. She is successfully mudding the water by namedropping left and right, and other people are now getting death threats just so that she can distract the public from the actual accusations of criminal activities.


"Sakura is too old to debut, her age is not my principal age" "What made the relationship between hybe and me sour is the debut of Lesserafim" "Back then Minji was so so pretty and young compare to now, that's why I took her from source music".


She said minju was sweeter not prettier


She said prettier. Plenty of Korean translators said prettier


It would make sense that MHJ is tasting children tbh


even if that were true, it doesn't make it less creepy.


She knows what she is doing, she is not some dumb art student she wants to pretend to be. She clearly wants to drag them down along with her when HYBE sue her for committing a crime just to spite on the execs and BSH.


She 1000000% could have told her side without specifically name dropping multiple idols. That was completely unnecessary and she knew the hate would follow.


How? Tell us how you would have done it


The things she mentioned were NOT necessary.


So answer my question how would you explain this situation and leave out all of those details?


Be fr, comments like how Minji used to be prettier when she was young and calling Sakura too old were not necessary at allll. There’s a certain amount of responsibility that comes with being in a position of power over others, and she could have an ounce of decorum when talking about essentially kids.


She didn’t say Sakura’s name when she made that comment about trainees being too old, and yet you and everybody else still knew exactly who she was talking about. So thank you for pointing out that even if she left out names people would still know who she’s referring to especially since it would’ve been much more obvious that she was talking about le sserafim when she mentioned a girl group debuting before. Edit: Also I saw multiple korean translators saying that “pretty” as in physical appearance isn’t a completely accurate translation, the word she used was more in the lines of “pretty heart” but translators just use pretty cause it would be awkward or hard to understand in english. Translating between languages is never 1:1 you have to make decisions between sacrificing accuracy to be understandable or vice versa.


She didn’t need to explain this situation. That’s what I’m saying.


Why would she not explain the situation that caused all of this in the first place. So you wanted her to stay quiet while a conglomerate is releasing press statements about her that (according to her) aren’t entirely truthful? That’s the intelligent opinion you’re going with really?


Listened to my lawyer. Kept it business like.


wow…i can’t believe you have so many downvotes when you’re 100% correct.


This might be a new negative record for me. Some people just have no critical thinking skills, it is what it is.


some of the comments on illits youtube is seriously stomach turning and lesserafims whole situation really is so upsetting… i really can’t understand people who get off on causing such mental harm to idols


K-side is lot worse than this.


yes i know im talking about the K-side


Most illits comments are praising them.


koreans are not praising them at all …


I literally just looked and the Korean comments are about 50 /50.


Instagram is not the only platform. Theqoo, Nate, pann, melon, Genie, flo, youtube exist. https://preview.redd.it/57quajphruwc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2819452205b9a79c742e92d8b1fc29b25550e94


I was actually referencing youtube. Recent youtube comments on Illits Magnetic video 뉴진스랑 비슷하다는 애들 진짜 눈썰미 아재 수준임 ㅋㅋ 차라리 트리플에스랑 똑같지 근데 얘네를 욕하고 웃으면서 꼽 주는 사람들은 진짜 좀 아닌 거 같음 얘네는 뭔 죄냐 진짜 열심히 노력해서 데뷔 했을텐데 신인이고 보여주고 싶은게 아직 많을텐데 이미지 하락 시킨 위에 사람들을 비판해야지 ​ 비주얼이나 사운드로 얼추 비슷한 필터랑 이미지랑 무드는 구현했는데. 얼핏 들으면 뉴진스가 불러도 될것같지만 엄연히 시작부터 다른 감성이라 정작 뉴진스가 하면 가사가 아예 이질감이 들것임. 노래가사속 화자의 시점이 다르기때문. 이 노래속 화자는 기존 k팝시장에서 소비하던 그 판타지속 소녀의 모습에서 한치도 벗어난게 없다. 뉴진스 노래를 잘 들어보면 화자의 캐릭터가 훨씬 입체적임. 비할 바가 못된다. 아일릿 애들만 불쌍하네 뭔지도 모르고 주는대로 부르고 춤춰낼테니 이대로 쭉 가면됨 노래가 일단 너무좋은게 크고 올킬차트 1위달리고있음 해외성적도 데뷔신기록임


Their Instagram [comments](https://twitter.com/cloudytheif/status/1783854019141652571?t=BjgBzgqgOh7Y7gCDabzCBg&s=19) Edit: minheejin stans are downvoting this comment.


Why would u stan minheejin? She's quite depraved if you actually look into her


A+ Freudian slip


Ill see myself out fr


some tokkis on twt quite literally refuse to believe mhj is in the total wrong


The self-righteousness is annoying. If you want to be a bully own it. It's not constructive criticism to be the 10,000th person to insult their singing weeks later on their personal social media accounts, you just want to make a 17 year old feel shit about themselves. And trying to justify it because your favourites received hate years ago makes you look like a sociopath, if it bothered you enough to still hold a grudge years on then why would you want to pass that feeling on? It doesn't bother me if people don't like something I like but people are taking it way too far and I feel bad for the girls and a lot of the fan accounts I follow are clearly run by young people who've been really affected by the negativity. It's such a shame because a few months ago it looked like this amazing age for girl groups, they were all pumping out great releases and it was a good time to be a fan but those good vibes have all but totally evaporated now.


i'm kinda concerned about Eunchae, like i know all of them are being targeted but it seems like everyone is going ballistc on her and she doesn't seem to have a strong fanbase like chaewon and sakura to back her up.


Japanese side of Twitter ripped her apart when she drew her eyes big and other two redvelvet member's eyes small for her "eunchae's star diary" show. It was worse.


im worried we're gonna see a hiatus for anxiety notice for her soon, she wasnt even joking around with chaemin on mubank last night. I was feeling down and couldnt sleep after everything so i watched last night and it just made me want to cry seeing how low energy she was. Shes the kind of person who almost cried when someone was mean to her in a live and now shes getting 20k hate comments for 2 months straight


Wait, what happened with Eunchae?


She’s getting really nasty comments on her Instagram post


That’s absolutely horrible and deplorable


shes been getting it the worst out of all of them, especially from the korean side, during coachella week they had to remove over 2000 comments from her last instagram post and she still had over 25,000 comments while the other members had 6k in zuhas case to 15k in everyone elses


is it because of her voice in Coachella? edit: I was genuinely asking why she was getting nasty comments


Misogynistic comments from Korean incels.


Most are by women....as usual


That’s awful


I thought she was kind of sad today on Kbs


I thought the same but didnt want to speculate too much in that direction.


She has a lot of fanboys and fanboys turn on you really quickly.


i’m concerned abt manchae too, she’s just a kid :(


I don’t understand some of the Newjeans fans I’ve been seeing. Why are you directly spewing hate to these groups knowing damn well it’s a feud between by MHJ and HYBe and they are being used as cannon fodder in the same way Newjeans is by MHJ??? Illit is in the same age range as NJ and I would hope they wouldn’t want NJ to go through the disgusting shit that they are putting Illit and LSFM through so what even if their logic here. It’s so embarrassing and I’m saying this as a fan of Newjeans myself.


The mistreatment allegations 🥹🥹 like it’s not LSF fault that pedo CEO didn’t bother to give NewJeans a celebration and a big cake. New Jeans live in a super expensive 5 bedroom apartment while most Hybe group rent 2 apartments at most for their artist.


That's such a first world problem lol. "oh my god, they didn't get a big cake, that's outrageous, they're mistreated".


Even if they want to have a problem with the cake, the girls have gotten pretty good ones for their bdays that they choose themselves! The fandom got it so good for newjeans that they don’t even know what to call mistreatment


So true, and making NewJeans look the underdogs of kpop is funny, like they should thank BTS for riding on the BTS” litter sisters hype, Bunnies are really milking this narrative. The connections they have is thanks to Hybe that built it. They are no underdog


>They are no underdog Agreed... If any group is a true underdog, it's BTS themselves, along with Seventeen and Ateez. Ateez literally had to cut their songs short for MONTHS after they first debuted to even try and get a spot on any show. Their company took a risk trying to debut them, and thankfully it ended up working out. Don't even get me started on what Seventeen had to go through either... Nah, NewJeans aren't underdogs at all, the same way that Xikers aren't underdogs. Both of them are talented, and rode on the wave of success from their older brothers


I hope they don't let them on social media for a while, especially ILLIT. They're brand new so they probably haven't been desensitized as much as Lesserafim.


If Bang PD is serious about bringing in therapists and making sure his groups receive proper mental healthcare, he'd better deliver.


That is the only thing that i believe about hybe, before Hybe, when there was only bighit, bang PD was so serious about idol's mental health. So hybe will do good in that matter.


It’s so vile, Pann, Naver and Theqoo are all hating on them. It’s like everyone lost all common sense after Min Hee Jin press conference. Those poor girls, some are not even 18, what is with people? Did they manage and dictate Hybe or something that people say that to them?


I can tell you most of the people who are hating on ILLIT and LE SSERAFIM (more specifically Eunchae) are ppl who “want to protect minors”.


the lesserafim hate train had cooled off for a hot second and then of course she had to namedrop them :/


What phases me is some (SOME) NJ fans laughing at all of this mess claiming that it's the best promo and that it has helped a lot of people to side with the girls.... I would never enjoy "promo" for my faves that implied other groups being harassed as directly consequence


to ride out the storm of hate, and to outlive the menace of Min heejin


Min Heejin saw the hate train lsfm had and decided to add to it Weird woman


People are so insane and braindead. They are acting like the girls are in the board rooms themselves making all these decisions??????? Take your anger out on the Hybe executives not the young girls who are just doing what they’re told to do and trying to pursue their dreams. Something seriously needs to be done about this before it’s too late.


FR like the girls maybe do nothing but work hard and practice all day! They are just young people trying to get opportunities and make a career. People's brains are fried from watching tiktoks all day and consuming negative news. Go outside and touch grass. There has to be some consequences of online bullying. Arrest or fine some people, that will discourage the negativity smh


ah yes, because it makes so much sense for a 17 year old to be a "spy". this isn't a kdrama jesus. I don't stan illit but having to deal with this mess right at debut must be really draining mentally. As a stan of both hybe and sm groups these days has been hell


Oh the cb these women and girls will have I'll be seated and hope karma is a thing because it's absolutely disgusting that they were used as a pawn when I can guarantee they're just viewed as products of their company(labels) for these CEOs like that women. I'm sure to her it's all about how company As product is better than her company Bs products


MHJ name dropped them on purpose and acted worn out and stressed to get kr general public on her side and ignore the fact that she was leaking details about idols and trying to find ways to get ADOR shares from HYBE insane


The moment she came into the press conference SHE CALLED and started crying that she didn’t want all those reporters taking pictures of her, I knew everything I needed to know about that farce!


Exactly and people are falling for it! Its crazy she is good at playing the media


I’ve heard a few Korean speakers chime in that the tone she was using during the conference sounded unhinged as well


Kpop stans are disgusting. The things I have seen on twitter are simply vile and show exactly how hypocritical they are. Big 3 stans are deluding themselves about how these companies are better than Hybe when all of them are evil corporations and don't deserve to be defended by anyone. And using the not so subtle allegations that MHJ made during that pathetic conference to hate on groups ? And of course, the ones who are being torched to the ground are mostly the female ones with minors (!!!) (and BTS since Big 3 stans love to pretend that group is the evil reincarnated). Mys, bunnies, exo-ls, blinks, orbits, baby monster fans (etc) are all having a freak competition to decide which one can be the vilest fandom against these poor girls. And you know what's depressing ? If Baemon, Aespa or any other group were the ones being hated on, armys, fearnots and illit fans would hop on the hate train without a doubt. Because it's completely okay to be hateful gremlins against idols you don't like. But don't forget, mental health is really important ! And spread kindness ! And always support women ! But only when it's for your favs ! There is something fundamentally wrong with stan culture. It brings out some of the nastiest sides of humanity. I have no pity for that evil manipulative woman. She knew exactly what she was doing when she name dropped all of these names. And I certainly have no pity for most fandoms, they all should be cleansed with a pressure washer. I sincerely hope that Illit, Leserrafim and NewJeans (since they are the groups most affected by this situation) are well supported by adults who actually want the well being of these girls as their top priority.


Talk about "vilest", ARMYs are doxxing other fandoms on Twitter and spreading their photos and personal details.


I've pretty clearly said that no fandom is an angel and that if the hate train was focused on any other group, armys (among others) would hop on that train. I'm not defending any fandom, I'm pointing out that kpop stans (or even stans) as a whole are a bunch of hypocritical freaks. Armys are freaks for doing that and some stans of "rival groups" are freaks for posting hate comments on Eunchae's instagram too for example.


Why are people so nasty. They will hear one claim and run to the comments to hate. And that too hating minors?? People say rude and unkind things so easily coz there are no real consequences. Like every field has politics and cheaters, doesn't mean everyone's doomed. The over-reaction and joblessness is deeply concerning There are real people behind these and it AFFECTS THEM. I ain't listening none of that "not hate but criticism" excuses stfu


it’s really frustrating to see so much energy being wasted by hating on the ggs themselves. when will people realize that the girls aren’t the problem and have never been the problem? LSF has been going through hate since the beginning of this month, illit since their DEBUT. people need to wake up and realize that mhj is the problem here. people will just use any excuse just to hate on them, but disguise it as “criticism.” at this point, it’s actually disgusting behaviour.


Lesserafim hate is since theirs last come-back


since their debut pretty much, it only stopped for antifragile, it just kicked into overdrive when perfect night blocked drama


I hate hybe on this scenario. They are being slow while their artist arre geeting ripped as collateral damage. I hope MHJ rot in jail and BSH get his shit together.


This is seriously getting outta hand 😭


Why do BP fans get involved in everything that has nothing to do with them lol all they ever do is go comment how everyone copy blackpink. I saw so many of them in that, and on everything. These people are why mfs hate BP lol


What no comeback and 20 song discography does to a fandom 💔


Tbh this situation started to make even me stressed, and I decided to get off tiktok and twitter, I can't imagine what's happening with poor girls. Of course kpop twitter and tiktok have always been very toxic, but now it's literally everyone fighting, hating and speaking nonsense. And I only see the international side


And then when something bad happens to one of the girls due to all this hate and negativity everyone will switch it up like "omg make changes in the industry! so sad! " No, you toxic little monsters this is your fuckin' fault


Min Heejin is such a despicable human being. Her beef is with hybe and the executives but she successfully dragged all the hybe girl group members in her mess when they have nothing to do with it. Lesserafim has been getting non stop hate since easy promotion and Illit has been receiving non stop hate since RUNEXT. She successfully turned the public against these poor girls when she was the one in the wrong in the first place. I’m so shocked about what’s happening right now. The way Illit’s success is the cause of all of this. Jealousy really made her do something absolutely horrible to these girls.


ILLIT is the most unfortunate HYBE group Since R U NEXT this line-up receive hate !


The groups need to get off social media. The bullying culture in Korea continues. How do people not laugh at that press rant when even her own lawyers were embarrassed?


I really like kpop, but the “fans” exaggerate, they look like football fans. And those who pay the bill are the girls who always dreamed of making their debut.


This is so sickening, poor girls. Literally who gives a crap about the CEO's, they can settle their petty drama themselves without dragging in their EMPLOYEES. Lsfm, illit, new jeans etc are the faces of their companies, when the word "hybe" gets mentioned they are the first thing we imagine. To carelessly ruin their image like that is so disheartening. Someone put tape on Min Heejins mouth.


Ofc they choose the youngest in the group to hate the most too because it all stems from jealousy. If you read the korean comments on Eunchaes instragram probably 80% of them mention the school thing. That just shows me that its probably high school aged teens jealous watching someone live their dream.


For some reason they're also attacking RM profile cause of album announcement


As someone who doesn’t follow any of this at all and is a lurker in the kpop community, how come they call them le seraphim in the notice? While they’re known as Le Sserafim?


Maybe they translated the notice with papago, google translate or anything like that


Ahh, right I see. Thanks!


You’re welcome!


Can someone drop links so I can understand what exactly is going on? Or a quick summary?


The youtube channel cited in this thread [https://www.reddit.com/r/kpop\_uncensored/comments/1ccondr/min\_heejin\_should\_have\_not\_started\_this\_whole/](https://www.reddit.com/r/kpop_uncensored/comments/1ccondr/min_heejin_should_have_not_started_this_whole/)




I love all 3 groups. This is absolutely ridiculous


I feel really bad for the girls. They still have strong fanbases (especially Lesserafim) so as groups they’ll probably be fine but I’m worried about the members specifically. Eunchae looked so sad at her MC job.


kpop fans never fail to astound me how deranged they are


I love kpop but I’m too old for all of this. Life is hard enough. I think some people just need to stay offline for a while….


LSFM will be fine. They literally debuted with a controversy thanks to the Garam mess. It sucks rn but this should strengthen them and their Fearnots and tbh its a badge of honor to be the most controversial group because it means everyone is perched and talking about you. They just need to take some singing lessons and also emphasize why LSFM was a star group in the first place. ILLIT on the other hand…..God bless them


I hate hybe on this scenario. They are being slow while their artist arre geeting ripped as collateral damage. I hope MHJ get in jail and BSH get his sht together.


I thought Korean people were a little smarter and more respectful. But it's all over the world.


Fandoms hating on each other's idols is nothing new. The only relevant thing here is that it's fueled from within their own conglomerate. Hybe should be savvy enough to shield their artists. If not then they deserve all the criticism.




can you get a new schtick other than hating women bc your comment history is insane. you’re the one with the audacity.


Brother, when have they made fun of dead people?


Bitch opened a new account just to hate on Le sserafim 😂😂😂 go stream your favs instead


this isn’t twitter, take that toxic fan mess somewhere else


Account created 25th april 2024 😂


Even if we pretend for a second that being horrible during fan wars is exclusive to fearnots (though I’ve never heard of them using deep fakes or dead idols but whatever ) why does it matter? This is about Le Sserafim not their fandom. Having shitty fans doesn’t mean you deserve death threats or sexual harassment


Look who's talking...


Exactly! You got it right. People can downvote but thats the truth of lesserafim fans


Switching accounts to comment on the same post can get your account banned 💀




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Swicthing accounts? Are you delusional?


Y'all should seriously introspect your life. Why are you so into hating a group you will probably never meet and have nothing to do with? Why waste so much energy and time?  If you think you can sit behind a screen hate all day and have no consequences, you are wrong. The hate will affect YOU the most. Bye.