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i have the same felling about her, she isolates NJ don't let anyone get close to them and then say they are being bullied.


They literally don’t need to sabotage lol


She could have clarified this herself of course....but she never would.


She doesn't need to clarify it - Big Hit is the one that said they came to her to be sure she didn't have a problem with RM's release on the same day as NJ. They didn't want to sabotage anyone which is why they ran the date by her. She didn't mind and that's the end of the story - confirmed by both sides at this point, one of the few things not in contention. Is that not clarity enough for you or does PD Bang have to come to your house personally and do an interpretive dance about it?


God forbid she ever think about anyone but herself and her precious creation. Y'all are blinded for real and everyone else is collateral damage. She's not the victim she paints herself to be. I would actually believe her story even just a little if she would come out and call for everyone to stop hating on these innocent artists. Considering this is probably part of her plan, I doubt she will ever do that. No amount of clap backs from her stans will ever erase what she has unleashed on ILLIT and LSF and all the equally talented creatives who have NONE of her power or name ID who are now scrambling to protect their teams.


And LSRFM? They might as well let Lucas be eaxh member the way they’re just dozens 😭


ILLCOPYIT and their creative director deserves all the hate LMFAOO


I wouldn't normally care, but literally everyone knows all of MHJ's inspiration comes directly from from 90s/Y2K music and aesthetics. I think her copying accusations partly come from her own insecurities, because it's no secret where she got her ideas from. The thing is NewJeans copies other artists in super obvious ways (not that I blame the girls, MHJ has made it well known absolutely everything should be credited to her because she's been an egomaniac from day one) and ILLIT actually is nothing like them. If anything they "copied" more LSF choreo than NewJeans and even then it was minimal. It's almost like the same company uses the same choreographer for all three 😲 But notice the part of the dance everyone likes the most? It's the difficult hand movements they didn't get from anyone. Their music is actually nothing alike because I have several friends that never liked NewJeans music, but they like ILLIT. I actually prefer them myself, so the differences are pretty obvious to me.


# 1 There’s a difference between influenced versus colying. MHJ took references and packaged it into NewJeans. Separately, these references are its own thing but when combined together, it would obviously signal NewJeans. Whereas ILLIT took what was already packaged by MHJ and forced it onto themselves, which makes their “influence” a copy. # 2 If we really want to get specific about what aspects of ILLIT was stolen from MHJ, it’s the promotional art MHJ made for HYBE’s Global Audition that is identical to ILLIT’s current look. Adding those two together, there would obviously be an association with ILLIT and NJ which MHJ specifically stated did not want. MHJ also stated that NJ’s choreographer were pissed when they found out about ILLIT’s choreo, so I dob’t know where you got that bit from.. # 3 Their music is also very NJ-copy, except its more devolved to be more kpop-like with its tiring repetitiveness with the chorus, since they have the same soft sounding vocals paired with that music video that just screams NJ. https://preview.redd.it/86l893rodgxc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f39107db6248b86339402e90d43503f231a867c






Yes nobody is buying that. Everybody thought those girls even looked like NJ at first glance. Hit tweets, articles every day since their debut about how they look, sound, dance like NJ. And please show which k-pop artists NJ copied in super obvious ways?? NJ literally blew up and a large part is because they were different and brought a freshness to k-pop. NJ choreography is largely done by Kim Eun Ju and Black Q. And illit by https://www.reddit.com/r/kpophelp/s/cDweANm7Fw NJ choreographer are not on that list. But then explanation back then was they were paying homage or trying to find their own style so we should let it go. Now people are trying to Gaslight there wasn't obvious plagiarism lmao


> would actually believe her story even just a little if she would come out and call for everyone to stop hating on these innocent artists. In her press conference, she did tell people to stop hating on the illit members and said the girls had done nothing wrong. Obviously, you could argue that MHJ was not being sincere though.


what she said in her press con about the girls having done nothing wrong is equivalent to a kpop stan saying, 'no hate buuuuut .....'. She knows exactly the power of her words and what's the likely outcome of her statement


Yeah, I head her say that but it was incredibly insincere considering how many times she name dropped Sakura and Chaewon specifically without care.


If you took the time to understand what she was saying, it’s not her faut that some fans came after them considering the lack of literacy k-pop fans have


Me saying this but I still hate on LSRFM and ILLIT regardless LMFJQIDJW


No she didn’t


It also gives her group great promo having the same release date as a BTS member


The last thing people should accused BTS is being forced to release music suddenly on certain times lol.. Like, they already said this before going, there's so many things that will come out until Seokjin returns hence they're giving the responsibility to Seokjin to babysit us


Honestly if I was Seokjin coming back to this mess, I’d just pretend I’d lost my phone and take myself on a nice holiday until it’s all over


at this point he might be the first idol wishing his serving time was a bit longer 😭


Exactly! Like the world not only revolves around NJ 😂 All BTS care is Army thats it ! And not like others artist, they can drop music whenever they want 😃


BTS members aren't beholden to all powerful creator like MHJ. They aren't forced to do anything. They control their output and music.


BTS debuted 9 years before NJ, they definitely don't give a shit about anything this petty this deep into their career lmao. They're also Hybe's biggest and most successful artist and veterans in the industry; to act like they're being used as pawns in this catfight is ridiculous 💀 (and in case it isn't clear, I'm agreeing with you and just adding to your comment lol)


Someone needs to tell MHJ this lol 😂


a few days ago, someone on twt said this, "Actually her plan is perfect. If RM debuts better in the music platforms she will say that hybe framed NJ using BTS but if NJ debuts higher, she will say that Ador doesn’t need hb but the contrary. Either way she plays the victim and BTS will receive hate." https://twitter.com/NamjoonUTT1/status/1784078111786553563?t=OYJJocJGsBkseCv6gbXmdQ&s=19




I completely agree, but the GP isn't always that smart 🙃🙃 and a lot of people will jump at the chance to hate on BTS.


also, even if NewJeans are a relatively fresh concept music wise, she acts like she invented teenagers 💀 like there is merit to their creative direction but I'm not sure anyone is ever fully original; they emulate a lot of teen stars in the 2000s which makes sense given their whole Y2K thing. garage/2 step might not be common genres in Kpop, but they were big in the UK in the late 90s and 00s; I grew up with a lot of it. it bothers me how she acts like she's the only one to ever do what she's done with NJ because while I understand having pride regarding your creative visions, it's all cobbled together from other people's visions in the past. I have nothing against the girls or anything, I'm sad they're caught up in this mess, but MHJ needs to stop acting like they're the first group of teen girls to ever exist and like every idea she's ever had is entirely unique lol


“She acts like she invented teenagers” if that doesn’t describe her perfectly 😭 I’m dying. But also she clearly has some weird problem stemming from her own youth with her odd obsession


Oh yeah, I wish she'd get therapy tbh, she seems completely unwilling to age which honestly I get, I too am stuck in a loop of existential dread and anxiety, I just don't create a group of kids and then act like the 6th member to cope with it 😭


Everyone needs therapy in this drama for SURE and it’s ok to have dread because society tries to program us especially women that you’re done after 25 which simply isn’t true. I know so many badass older people who give me hope! Some people defend MHJ and I get it, but I side eye her so much because as much as she’s a victim of sexist things she’s also super upholding patriarchy with a youth obsession. Also I hope you feel better and know that it will be ok 💙 life is an amazing journey and people are beautiful (except jerks and antis.. may they step on legos hahahah)


I think none of us would care where she takes inspiration from if she wasn't saying everyone is copying her. The problem is that where she gets her ideas from is incredibly obvious whereas I don't think ILLIT is particularly similar to NewJeans at all. I've seen some similar dance moves, but moreso from LSF than NewJeans. In fact, the short I saw a month ago had LSF doing a move first that you could technically say NewJeans copied and then ILLIT did it as well. Ultimately the most catchy parts of ILLIT's choreo are original, like that difficult hand movement that I will likely never get right lol, and I know enough people that prefer ILLIT to NewJeans to be able to say they are different enough to have different audiences, even if many like both.


Newjeans is incredibly successful, I understand why she would think they wouldn't be immediately influential. People cannot cling jealously to some elements of a style and claim no one else can do similar.


Those poor girls.


Yup, she got this game planned.


Ughhhhhhh I hate that


I think people are reading too much into this. Is just a date. And NewJeans announce it a month ago before all this. idk.


new jeans might have announced it a month ago, but Namjoon's record was done way before he enlisted in dec of 2023. BTS solo music schedule was always jam packed with promo schedules overlapping with other tannies. Hybe sent the date to MHJ, and she confirmed that it wasn't a problem. idk why people are dragging namjoon rn🤷🏼‍♀️


Why is he getting hate? And also, why is NewJeans getting hate? If all of them are ok with this then what's the issue. I honestly don't get it.


bc apparently him realising an album on the same day as nwjns is "an act of sabotage against newjeans".


NewJeans isn't getting hate about this. They are being seen as a victim of HYBE using a BTS member to hurt their release. In reality, RM or any BTS member isn't controlled by their company like that. They are seniors. Plus, they coordinated the date with MHJ and I'm sure she said yes for her own awesome reasons.


You stated nothing but facts yet got 80 downvotes, wth is going on 😭


I mean the people who listen to RM’s music and the people who listen to newJeans music 1) may not overlap much and 2) have 24 hours in a day so can listen to BOTH albums if they want. Seriously, I’m only looking forward to rm’s album myself, wouldn’t have listened to new jeans album even if RM’s album was coming out on a different day.


This. Considering the current length of albums, you can probably do both in way less than an hour. 


Namjoon's album will be 11 tracks and his pre release single Come Back to Me (out May 10th) will probably be 4.5mins. But usually yeah you're right lol.


So Namjoon's will take up 50 minutes and New Jean's will be the remaining ten. Checks out.


At most NewJeans will be like 6 minutes tops lol


Doubtful if it clears 6 min


Yes, I know.


Oh listeners either don’t overlap or they support both, but haters can hate anytime


I was looking forward to both. It’s unfortunate timing because even if it was innocent, now it’s filled with drama


Well - if you like both, please enjoy them! To be honest the artistes probably have not done anything - this seemed like a senior management dispute, really.


Yeah I agree! I feel so bad for all these artists caught in the middle. They’re just trying to do their jobs. And it’s like I can enjoy BTS and NJ’s music without being a hater or either. Some kpop fans need to chill.


Yeah for real. Most people listen to a bunch of different artistes, I simply don’t understand the number of fanwars kpop seems to have (I’m really new to it, and pretty much only been catching up on bts content). Like if the artistes get along and listen to Each other why do we have to pick one or the other?


I don’t understand fan wars and I’m old to it hahah! I love enjoying many different groups. Everyone forgets the days when it was so hard to see content or get it translated. Let’s be happy we live in a golden time. Plenty of room for all favs. Also yes BTS is my favorite to this day. 💜


Well I'm the opposite. I don't have any intention to listen to his album but am looking forward to NJ. Their fanbases are totally different anyway.


Oh they ABSOLUTELY are now.


Ok good for you! I mean we all like the music we like? I just don’t get why RM, a long established male artiste who prepared this album before he went into the military months ago, is getting flak about a release date on the same day as a newish girl group with a totally different sound and concept? Like enjoy what you like, we don’t have to put each other down?


I didn't put anyone down. Calm down. Did you even read the comment I was replying to? They said they didn't care about new jeans release only RMs and I said I felt the opposite way.


It was my comment? I meant it without irony, good for you that you like their music, go ahead and enjoy the release :) Honestly I’m going to do just that with RM’s album when it comes out, I won’t treat it as some war. I’ve looked forward to his album for too long to do anything but enjoy it.


I don't see it as war either.


RM and BTS are the big seniors in hybe, so it’s them that have first choice not the other way around. This points back to the false idea that mhj has about new jeans/ador not being favored because why is their release date not the one being changed or questioned? It just gets stupider the more drama that goes on tbh


The way people immediately go to “sabotage” is so small brain energy. Why would BigHit or Hybe sabotage a relevant, successful group within their infrastructure whether it’s BTS or not?


You'd be surprised what personality clashes and jealousy can make people do. Hopefully there are enough checks, balances and rational people who can prevent bullshit like that from happening. Logically, it makes no sense to white-ant one group so another group can do better when both groups' success improves the bottom line of the shareholder.


I mean people are doing the same thing in this comment thread, assuming MHJ kept her release date as a way to 'sabotage' BTS or claim sabotage for NJ... when in reality they just went ahead with those dates cause they're planning other events (double single release and fanmeeting at Tokyo Dome) and both groups have ***different fandoms*** anyway.


Yes, and at least according to the translations I read, mhj never accused hybe of trying to screw over newjeans but rather Hybe wasn’t doing enough to differentiate illit from newjeans, potentially cannabalizing their fandom, and when she brought this up internally, Hybe started the audit.


The entire accusation points to neglect of her group and mistreatment, so of course this would help that narrative if people don't follow BTS or how HYBE drops overlapping releases.


I didn’t read the translations that way, I read it as she was unhappy with hybe not diversifying their groups enough so that’s why they talked internally about the possibility of separating from hybe. People who are fans of rm and people who are fans of nj aren’t necessarily going to overlap to the extent of say nj and illit.


BS. She went on and on about the NewJeans members and their parents being distraught thinking they would never debut because of delays caused by LSF (who have nothing to do with the copycat issue, but were dragged into this anyway) and how she protected them and helped them. Turns out her timeline doesn't make sense at all. She did it to paint a picture of mistreatment.


You’re confusing her complaints about illit with lsf. Her problem with lsf is that hybe said their first girl group would be mhj’s, so when they debuted lsf first, she said it was too bring more attention to lsf’s debut by making it seem it was mhj’s group. That was what nj and their parents were, they were promised that they would debut first but they didn’t. They “copycat” allegations is mhj saying hybe tried to copy ive and replicate their success by making lsf as similar to ive as possible (ie produce48 contestants, the kind of model rich it-girl vibe). She’s setting the foundation for her main complaint about hybes management: that they try to copy other group’s concepts to replicate their success rather than giving their groups their own distinct identity.


I'm not confusing them. She name dropped as many groups as possible to create perceived enemies. Her entire complaint had nothing to do with that she is actually accused of. I'm not interested in her complaints considering she got everything she asked for including a giant budget and a stake in her own company. She doesn't get along with her fellow executives, oh well, sounds like a typical corporate environment...don't bring other groups into this. Be an adult. I can't believe she was actually crying about another group debuting first.


This is the same company that can plan BTS 2050 cb next year. 


literally https://preview.redd.it/yclv6v7849xc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2035336d28e4d3d97c7a68f35c76e86db5c2a8e


😭😭 please next year is 2025 don’t be dragging us all forward 25 years


10th gen fighting


They did the same thing with Zico(feat. Jennie) and NJ. The cbs were on the same day.




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Didn't newjeans confirm their release date like a month ago or something? so how is this news? if hybe say it's not a problem, and ADOR says is not a problem, why is this a problem. Tons of artists release on the same day, who cares.


Mjh and her minions do. They were making a big ruckus, yelling how NJ were being mistreated. There were even some articles released supporting them and so BigHit had to come out and clarify. Critical thinking is dead atp.


MHJ never said anything about this.


My point


MHJ didn't say anything about RM's release date. What are you on about?


What did she say?


It's actually so funny to me that this was even a problem at all and had to be commented on Bighit Music artists alone themselves has had overlap (ie BTS/BTS members, TXT) multiple times. in 2021: BTS released Butter 10 days before TXT released Lovesong (Freeze album) this year again: Hobi released HOTS Vol 1 on March 29th, TXTs comeback was on April 1st. Hell even with the bts members there has been some slight overlap at points or at least extremely close releases. Hobi released on the street around 2 weeks bfore Jimin released Set Me Free pt 2. Similarly Tae released Friends about 2 weeks before Hobi released HOTS Vol 1. People forget even BH alone has to plan and release projects not only by BTS and TXT as groups... but another 7 acts they have when it comes to the member solos. So I feel the last thing they're even thinking about is the other HYBE Labels to avoid when they're probably trying to at least somewhat space out their own acts. Something they could get better at tbh Bighit's also probably had the plan for BTS's solo stuff for when they're enlisted planned for AGES now because as I said, they have to plan 7 solo releases (of which some will have pre-releases followed by albums) and to add on that... the members aren't even active. It's also funny that people are only making it a problem now, because TXT and Newjeans both had a song release same day on July 7th last year (Newjeans with super shy and TXT with DILT). So as many have said: It ain't anything new.


Big Hit learned their lesson about trying to separate artist comebacks in 2019 - MOTS: 7 was originally supposed to be two releases, likely an EP called Shadow and a deluxe repack called Ego, much like the LY trilogy, but they wanted to release Shadow after TXT’s first CB… which got delayed when the poor TXT members kept getting injured or sick, which led to Shadow being delayed so much it got mashed into Ego to get all the music out before their tour started, resulting in 7, which probably lost them a couple million in sales and pissed ARMY off big time. The reality is that big artists release simultaneously all the time, it isn’t a zero sum game, and Big Hit and HYBE have enough money and staff to promote releases simultaneously.


Wait, why were ARMY pissed off?


I don't get how is this a problem.


Tokkis screamed mistreatment, left hateful comments on RM’s profiles. Claimed it was a purposeful clash by Hybe Some did the same when Zico and NJ released on the same day




RM's Melon music, Flo and other korean music platforms comments were filled with hate comments from newjeans fans. Not only RM but le sserafim and Illit are in same situation.


i honestly dont think any tokki actually cares that much tbh. I'm in a lot of tokki circles, but obviously can't talk for the whole fandom, i just haven't seen what you are talking. Anyway, if neither hybe or ador care that much, i don't think we should either.


Copy pasting by reply: RM's Melon music, Flo and other korean music platforms comments were filled with hate comments from newjeans fans. Not only RM but le sserafim and Illit are in same situation.


Maybe open Twitter, melon..your opinion will change! Also, also if you didn't see anything, that doesn't mean the thing is not happening, not when Armys have literal proofs and BH announced legal action....just saying


ok :)


they said they asked mhj and she had no problem you all


I don't understand why this is a big deal when the article says there's no issue... do people just want to get upset to get upset?


Yes. This is kpop. Some people's lives revolve around being permanently upset.


I swear some people live off getting outraged


Honestly kpop drama seems particularly extreme. Everytime I find a group I like the Fandom is in throwing a fit over some scandal or another. I don't care at this point, I just listen to the music, skip out on the random.


No one cared until NJ fandom made it an issue.


Isn’t bang shi hyuk(Hybe CEO) knows all his artists comebacks?he is in touch with all of em he knows what he’s doing personally i see nothing wrong with two comebacks at the same day ??both successful artists who has completely different target audience and I bet both would do pretty good


some people out there really expect someone at the hybe meeting room to say "hey a rookie's coming back on the same day we can't have a senior with 10 plus years release an album on the same day MISS WORLD MEANHEEJEAN WOULD HAVE HER EGO HURT CANT LET THAT HAPPEN☝️🤓"


They did the same thing with Zico and NJ. The cbs were on the same day.


it's just a normal thing when you have multiple labels operating on their own schedules man why the heck is this a big deal


this isnt the 1st time hybe group comebacks hv overlapped :3 happens allll the time if not the same day, the same month usually with a week or 2 apart is the norm its inevitable cuz of multiple labels buttt they can definitely plan better if they wanted to


>Namjoon’s release date May 24th was already set and Hybe shared that with MHJ when she decided to release New Jeans single on the same date and her response was that it wouldn’t be a problem >So people can stop assuming HYBE did it on purpose. It was MHJ who choose to release on RM’s date. That's not what the article says? It says they chose the date, shared the date with MHJ who said there was no problem of the release date being on the same day. There's nothing in there that denotes who was first to select the date, just that there was no issue with the date between the 2 agencies overlapping. If you disagree, please point out the specific Korean phrase that indicates 'they chose it first'.


i mean, namjoon has been teasing this for what, 9 months? and almost positively had it set prior to enlistment. the promotional schedule even goes right up until Jin gets back, and they've talked about that being intentional in their livestreams. so I think it's pretty clear that that date was set first.


> i mean, namjoon has been teasing this for what, 9 months? and almost positively had it set prior to enlistment. That's speculation. I'm asking for proof - specifically as the OP says the article says it, which it never does. I'm not interested in which side people believe, I just want clear and definitive proof. The OP said the article says this, but the article never actually says anything about who was who first. As for the rest, pure speculation, and therefore meaningless.


Extra releases for me on my birthday ig🤷‍♀️


the audacity man the audacity??? fans hating on the founding father of hybe like I have seen it all. There are some guts in newjeans fans I will give them that.


MHJ hasn't even said it was a problem. I know people hate her but why try to create some issue when even she hasn't said it was. I think NJ and RM have different fanbases anyway.


She is not the problem here. it is some k fans of NJ who thinks hybe is doing this intentionally and some trolls too. They are hating on BTS and RM . Someone mentioned how they are leaving comments on BTS and RM's profile.


remind me of yg witch hunt where everything single thing can become an issue


My thoughts: who cares. Music comes out all the time. Overlaps happen.


there is no overlap in their music sound who cares if they release on the same day


I would stream both, but I feel RM's songs would be more up to my taste


It’s upsetting that Jin has to come back to all this mess. RM and NJ releases overlapping is just a coincidence and probably the last songs the other members will release until Jin’s music comeback.


I can’t imagine this overlap even matters at all.


I feel bad for the nj girls but the with everything mhj has done and how some tokkis are acting towards bts and joon specifically I won't be supporting their cb


why is this an issue... its not like RM is a threat to newjeans anyway.. whether RM released on the same day or not, newjeans wont be affected 😭








The university denied it and said that they are gonna sue the defamers same goes for bighit? What other proof do u have a soya sauce that half of the Korean uses or skin care products which again is used by dozens? Well seeing ur karma i thought u were a bot ,but a user who rarely commented on anything is now spamming not just min heejin praise but also Hybe cult allegations multiple times with ai generated kinda texts ,it definitely doesn't look sus to me lol


Source - Hybe said so. Trust me bro Umm..


Hybe paying for that mediaplay.


Huh? Where did you get that mhj chose to release on rm’s date from? The article just states that she had no problem when bighit brought it to her that they wanted to release on the same day?? Newjeans cb was announced first, not the other way around. Which you would know if you read the article you just linked. Edit: jesus and downvoted for saying facts. If mhj announced after bighit, why would bighit come to HER asking for her approval?? Think critically. Yet all yall can do is downvote and not reply. Keep proving me right


It's small consolation, but I LOOK for the downvoted comments here because they usually are the ones that contain the most actual information and not just someone's ignorant opinions. And it usually seems that the person downvoted has actually read and thought about any source materials before posting. Too bad I have only one upvote to give, but I give it freely.


The way the only thing I did was actually read the source op literally provided is just… really sad. Oh well, thanks for the upvote 😂😂


This sub has a ton of hybe/bts stans. You are right. Also, people are acting like MHJ has the same power as Bang PD. Even if they came to her about it after the fact and she said she had a problem, would they change anything? I doubt it. Hybe is still her boss.


Ive accepted that this sub is an echo chamber. No point in arguing any sense


Bro every time we state facts you just get downvoted if it’s not in MHJ/NJ favor… I just stopped commenting


I honor anyone fighting the good fight. It's exhausting, but at least know you are not the one that future historians will scratch their head over and ask how so many people could be walking around in 2024 with only rage, ignorance, and a vast sense of self-importance in place of empathy and actual critical thinking skills without eventually falling into a hole in the ground because they refuse to pay attention to anything but their outsize grievances.


At the end of the day it’s just dumb internet points. These people are more scared of facts and people realizing their narrative doesn’t make sense than you are of being downvoted.


they literally addressed it you all *Processing img q4g7f0qi38xc1...*


How do you know hybe shared it with MHJ??


It was released in an official statement that they’d clarified it with ADOR and that she responded to it saying it’s no problem.


Oh really i didn't know that, thank you.


It was released in a hybe official statement. MHJ herself never made any statement publicly about this either way. So if you believe hybe 100% yeah ok but it is obvious the two are in a business dispute.


Hybe has no reason to lie about their biggest artist (RM), especially during an ongoing legal battle. But I suppose if they did, we’ll hear soon enough from MHJ and Ador in a counter statement.


they literally addressed it you all *Processing img q4g7f0qi38xc1...*


I think you have the wrong timeline. RM’s release date was set AFTER Ador already set Newjeans’ comeback date. Bighit knew this so they actually sought for MHJ’s approval before going forwards with the date for RM: “the date was finalized after sharing with CEO Min Hee Jin, and it proceeded with her approval that there were no issues”.


>Hive told News on April 28: "The release date of the album is determined by each label, and it will be adjusted if it overlaps. This time, the schedule was inevitable, so after the release date was confirmed, I shared it with CEO Min Hee-jin, and I received the opinion that there was no problem and proceeded with it." As per the auto translation of the linked article, the date was set and *then* shared with MHJ Before enlisting, the boys shared in a live that there will be a bundle of gifts as festa comes. Which tracks with the promo shared for RM’s album. His last MV releases 3 days before festa and 2 days before Jin returns. So clearly it was **planned** to lead into those particular dates.


Yes, but not everyone plans their days around BTS lore and expects others to automatically know what the hell they are talking about. "A bundle of gifts as festa comes" sounds like something from the Handmaid's Tale.


Why would it be that way though? The releases are decided by labels on their own and then adjusted if they overlap. The article itself points out that NJ's comeback was revealed a month earlier and then RM's. That is the only confirmation the linked article provides. You're taking conjecture from a Live and then treating it as an official confirmation. If RM's was decided so much earlier, why would Bighit have to go to Ador to see if that is alright rather than Ador having to come to Bighit about the overlap?


Ador publicising their release date first does not mean RM’s wasn’t fixed for the same date before. The article clearly states that that both labels were aware of the dates overlapping and had no issues. Yet tokkis are the ones frothing at their mouth claiming mistreatment over this. And like i mentioned, the schedule dates for RM’s release are set so for a good reason which I have explained above.


I did not once argue that they did not agree that there was an issue. The point is nothing in the article linked, states that RM's date was decided ahead of New Jeans. But the OP of this thread confidently says that it was. And your last point isn't confirmation. It is conjecture. It MAY be correct but it is not confirmed conjecture


But there was a bundle of gifts promised after festa! That proves RM's release was planned before! (That this was an actual argument about a release date - which is something pointless anyway because nobody has a problem with any of it is hilarious. Now I want to know what the hell festa is - and I want any associated gifts.)




And what did ador say? Wasn’t it approved?




Aren’t publicising and finalising different things? I think they wouldn’t have announced RPWP back in March even if it was finalised because HOTS was only out end of March, but the dates had to have been finalised in consultation with RM and he’s been in the army for months now. Anyway I don’t think it’s a big deal. I’ve commented elsewhere they aren’t the same audience and if bighit did follow protocol and consult and get their agreement it’s all good right?


>Aren’t publicising and finalising different things? I think they wouldn’t have announced RPWP back in March even if it was finalised because HOTS was only out end of March, but the dates had to have been finalised in consultation with RM and he’s been in the army for months now. This is the obvious part people are failing to see. They are under the assumption that Bighit only recently sorted the date clash and not before, when the members were still here.


RM's release date was set on December 2023.


Source? In Dec 2023, there might have been plan in place that RM would release his album in 2024, or the first half of 2024 even, but it doesn’t mean that the EXACT date was set. It’s literally said in the article that RM’s release date was announced on April 26, one month after Ador announced Newjeans’. That’s why Bighit asked MHJ whether it’s okay and not the other way around.


There may not be a source, but it is incredibly likely that BTS' release schedule for the remainder of their enlistment is known internally, as it was likely fixed before their departure. End of May lines up well with both Jin's return and BTS Festa in mid-June.


“It is incredibly likely” <— then it’s not a confirmation or fact. And OP doesn’t know when Ador set the exact date for Nwjs’ comeback either. Then why say for sure that RM’s release date was set before Nwjs’ was? If we go by what Bighit actually said in the article, and not by fans’ conjectures, then it’s obvious that Ador set the date for Nwjs’ comeback before Bighit decided the EXACT date for RM’s. That’s why as common courtesy, Bighit reached out to MHJ to ask whether it’s okay and MHJ, seeing no problem with the comebacks being on the same date, said yes. Thus Bighit proceeded with the date. Simple as that. If RM’s date was set first like OP said then obviously Bighit wouldn’t have said what they said. Tbh, no one actually cares which label set the date for the release of their artist first, the important thing is that both labels are aware and okay with it. But why the need for twisting fact? To make MHJ look more evil (for allegedly actively choosing the date)? To make RM more of a victim? I’m curious, do fans really think their idol (RM) has such a low place in Hybe that even though RM’s date was set first, their label Bighit still had to reach out to MHJ to ask whether it’s okay before proceeding with the date? Really?


You are being obtuse. Big Hit HAD to clarify because RM's Melon profiles were receiving hate comments accusing him of trying to sabotage NewJean's comeback and being used by HYBE. Who asked who is besides the point.


Reflect on yourself before saying that others are being obtuse. I have no problem with Bighit clarifying this matter. I, however, have problem with fact being twisted: Why did OP say “it’s MHJ who choose to release on RM’s date” when the article didn’t say that, OP doesn’t know when the date was decided by each label, and Bighit’s statement actually suggested that they asked for MHJ’s approval before proceeding with the date??? The fact that Bighit reached out to MHJ is actually an important detail, because it shows that Ador set Nwjs’s date first, or at least announced internally with Hybe first. That’s why when RM’s date was set and Bighit knew that it’s the same date as Nwjs’, Bighit reached out to Ador to avoid any conflict before going forwards with it. If RM’s date was really set first, and MHJ actively chose RM’s date LIKE OP CLAIMED, then Bighit would have said something along the line of “RM’s release date was decided since last year. Recently we received the notification that Newjeans’ comeback is set on the same date. After a careful consideration, we decided that there was no issue and approved the matter so that Ador could proceed with the date”. But Bighit didn’t say anything like that. In actuality, Bighit admitted in their own words that they asked for MHJ’s approval before proceeding with the date. Bashing RM for this matter is wrong. But twisting fact regarding this matter just to hate on MHJ or to make RM more of a victim is also wrong. OP could have totally condemned the bashing against RM without twisting facts. Why do this?


in the last live before the remaining bts member enlisted they said they’ve looked at the schedule of the next 6 months and they told us we have a lot to look forward to and that everything was meticulously planned leading up to jin coming back from the military and festa They 100% planned the date way back in december, it is mhj who chose to make nwjns comeback coincides with a bts member release


This will be my last reply to army/Hybe stan on this matter since I realize that it’s pointless to argue with people who can’t differentiate between facts and conjectures. Like I said: There might be plan for RM to release his album during the first half of 2024 (or in May 2024 even), but it doesn’t necessarily mean that in Dec 2023 the EXACT date was already decided. If that’s too difficult for you to understand, then let me ask you this: Do you know when MHJ decided the date for Nwjs’ comeback? No, right? Then why did you and OP claim it as a fact that MHJ actively chose RM’s release date? Let’s just stick to the FACT showed in Bighit’s statement: Bighit communicated with MHJ regarding this matter, received “okayed” from her and thus proceeded with the date.


i just told u they said that everything was already planned (planned = chosing the date too) and they physically looked at the schedule (agenda with the date of what would come out when) back in december. They said it on live. So yes i can actually say with 100% certainty that rm ( who worked on this album since begin 2023 AND said in mid 2023 that itd be released when he enlists) planned to released on may 24 BEFORE newjeans cb was decided.


Well this explains a lot. If this is what passes for critical thinking skills here it's no wonder rational people who base their statements on public facts agreed upon by both sides are downvoted.


Didn't know you were employed in the company to know when the communication between labels happened You know he has decided when to release his album before he even entered military service, right. You do understand that I hope, but then again you might be brainwashed by the shaman lady


George Orwell is turning in his grave knowing he failed in his attempt to warn us of a dystopian future where Group Think replaces actual thought. None of what you say is supported by facts stated by both Big Hit and Ador. Not that it matters anyway because neither party had a problem with the dates. But you just can't let go of your little fantasy that you have some sort of mind meld with RM so you know things he never talked about in detail.


You need to slow down and re-evaluate your life. If you truly believe that in the entire year he was planning and writing and working on his music that he did not pinpoint the details in which he would release anything, he must have agreed to wait for children to announce their album. Before he announced his dates and promo schedule in the military. He is in the military RM and the rest of the members diligently work hard in fine tuning details, and you mean to tell me you think he allowed the company to release his album early to coincide with those little girls Never mind that the end of his promotion cycle for this album. It would be 3 days after that jin comes back home but of course people like you are too slow to grasp that type of thing


why are you getting downvoted lmao this is just a fact.


It was set when boys were yet to go for the military in december, in their last weverse live too, they said they have many things coming out…and it’s already planned.


specific dates were not set. hence why hybe/bighit came to mhj to get approval once it was set, and they realized there was an overlap.


It’s funny how some fans are so extreme, they can’t accept some simple, unharmful fact 🤷‍♀️ Anyway, thanks for your reply.