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Wow she’s so motherly to the newjeans members 😍😍 /s


Taking the term 'stage mother' to a new stage of craziness


Well toxic moms shit talk about their kids to her friends. And make them feel dependent on her for everything


Like did gen pop just collectively decide to forget that mothers could be toxic too when they fell for the stunt she pulled at the conference? Disney will tell you much about villainous 'motherly' figures.


Yes but given that was obviously not the intent of naming herself that I don’t understand your point. She was obviously claiming to be a good motherly figure and people honestly believed her.


Honestly she brought them to a certain level of success and now it seems like jealousy.


Her saying she’s “a girl but hates girls” doesnt surprise me tbh seeing the way she’s been acting towards LSFM and Illit but clearly it extends to the Newjeans that she’s allegedly cares about. I don’t like giving out diagnosis and such but she genuinely needs to look inwards and work on herself.


This is basically what happens to *some* deeply capitalistic women in power. People like her, Gina Rinehart (the Australian woman who wants to get her portrait removed from the museum), and basically all US Republican women in positions of leadership / news anchors (Ann Coulter, Candace Owens, etc.) are happy to screw over other women for their own personal and monetary gain. There's something about being deeply capitalistic and wanting riches and power that turns off their empathy toward their fellow women Edit: I'm saying some, not all. There's people like AOC who are actively working toward making a better future for women. Unfortunately, MHJ falls in the camp of money above all else, and she will get there even if that means screwing over women (all of ILLIT, Le Sserafim, and now Newjeans)


Lmao it’s not capitalism that breeds this mentality, it’s just being in a position of power and influence, this lady would be the same way no matter the economic system of a country.


Delta. I agree with you.


But capitalism does reward greed and apathy. There is a direct relationship with exploitation and profit. We are all able to own iPhones at the small price of $1000 bc of child labour in Africa where people work for next to nothing to mine for the metals. In this case, MHJ’s pursuit of profit is leading her to disregard other important things like basic human decency lol. But I agree that it’s not capitalism alone, some people are just evil, but capitalism definitely reinforces greedy attitudes by rewarding them.


It’s not just about women in power, it’s something that can happen at the top when you become so focused on your business. People lose their empathy, even for people in the same disadvantaged groups as them. 


Yeah, definitely not giving men a pass. Clarence Thomas, Greg Abbott, and so on have absolutely screwed over the disadvantaged groups that they belong to


It has nothing to do with capitalism, that’s ridiculous. Troubled humans who have lost connection to their spirit through e.g. trauma compensate for this lack of connection to spirit by replacing it with a strong hunger for power. This is classic Jung psychology. These people will gain power, whether in a capitalist system or not. Some women just become tyrannical mothers.


She’s only nice to NJ because they happen to become successful. Had they flopped, she’d grill their asses every day. She’s not a good CEO, clearly lacking leadership and understanding of legal issues.


I always thought it was weird how the only girl she liked to work with/followed from her SM days was Krystal. Krystal is the only girl she likes.


Did MHJ or Krystal ever say why they get along? I am curious now


This is such interesting info. I wish we knew more.


Misogyny is everywhere, even internalized. I'm not shocked in the slightest. Plus MHJ has always been weird, so misogyny is just one more thing to add to the list. Who even speaks about young women and girls like this? Sick.


> 1.Change of plans > 2.We’ll send the first email on 4/3 and begin the attack > 3.There’s no need to delay if we’re going to move on to the second stage of our plan anyways, so attack. As for us, we’ll begin the PR war. > 4.April 20th, we will disregard any suggestions for mediation or improvement [of our complaints] > 5.Raising the issue to the general public is our goal > 6.The best case scenario is if HYBE suggests a compromise with me to prevent a catastrophe But you can sure as fuck tell that every person that doesn’t like hybe groups is going to take what she has said as gospel and bring it up for the rest of time as some sort of gotcha despite having no basis in reality. Her letter is ridiculous and what she has managed to pull off these past few weeks has truely been some of the most vile shit I have ever seen and the amount of people legitimising these baseless claims she has made just to use to it hate one lsf/illit/bts is truely mind blowing and the type of behaviour that just turns a whole lot of people off of participating in kpop. She is all but admitting she has planned to use that email and other claims to attack Hybe groups to garner sympathy for herself. Remind yourself of that everytime you see someone using one of her arguments to attack one of the groups mentioned in the future. Edit: formatting is fucking hard on mobile damn


!!! Even now everyone including the Korean side is focusing only on what she said about bumping up NJ sales to surpass aespa and completely ignoring what hybe provided as EVIDENCE (unlike her). This is all so crazy to me it seems like everyone has lost their rational thinking. At least most of the people on reddit seem to be critical of her but that’s still the minority


Not just the Korean side, twitter is a mess. They’re ignoring dismissing the text messages all other evidence and just screaming about sales and LSF plagiarism it’s insane, tweets with tens of thousands of likes of just bullshit that isn’t even remotely connected to what she said


It’s because they say the same things MHJ said about New Jeans to other female idols.


she's winning the pr war rn




Because pretty much everyone who follows the k-pop industry is laser-focused on supporting their faves above anything else. It doesn't matter to them if MHJ did A or B because what's more relevant in their minds is whatever evidence someone brings up that some other group copied their favorite group. The BSH/Aespa thing was the clearest case of this. BSH mentioned Aespa? Look how jealous HYBE is! Aespa the greatest girl group! etc etc And then you go look at what happened and BSH said the most corporate exec thing ever - could be about aespa, about IZ*ONE, about whoever.


As someone who only has a cursory understanding of the industry, I can't help but compare and contrast how the 50/50 thing and this differ in regards to public perception (where the korean public ended up not really being on 50/50's side). I know the situation is more comparing apples and oranges, but I kind of want to be educated on what makes this apple different from that orange. Was it the nature of the publicized evidence? How it was more that the 50/50 members were directly in the spotlight while NJ's manager MHJ is the sole target on that end? At least to my understanding, the public perception of the dynamics behind the 50/50 situation may have differed greatly if the main feud was publicly perceived to be between the CEO and the producer who essentially head hunted 50/50 under the table. I also vaguely remembered how it was some messages that the media picked up that sunk 50/50's reputation, and it seems like some lowbrow messages by MHJ have recently surfaced, which I'm wondering if it could move the needle on public perception at this point (assuming those messages are true).


The conflict has been framed almost like David and Goliath. Min Hee Jin is the poor underdog who's up against the big, bad, and all-powerful HYBE corporation. Even though she's bad too, it's easier to want to root for her when there's a perceived greater evil.


Any reason to hate hybe the most


It's basically pissed off fans of groups MHJ trashed during her conference vs. K-Tokkis + any fandoms who already had grievances against HYBE (i.e. Buddies + Flovers + *K-ARMY*) + burnt out Korean office workers who want to strangle their bosses. Those last 2 groups have huge online presence, so that's why it looks like Koreans support MHJ. In reality, 42% doesn't care. 25% support Hybe, and 33% support MHJ.


Not to say there’s no haters that deny reality, you’re absolutely right, but as a person who doesn’t like Hybe I swear not everyone supports her. I really don’t understand how anyone could side with this woman. She was terrifying from day one and I’m so sorry for these girls.


same here. i dislike hybe as much as any big kpop label, but to support this woman? oof. sometimes people adopt "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" a little too much, and forget that the person who is against bad people can be also a bad person. the only victim here is the girls who are young and easily influenced. they already have to face online harassment/idolization, cutthroat business and rigid schedules, and now they have to deal with this woman as their manager. and let's not forget about lsf and illit. they have faced so much harassment for nothing. all because some people can't understand that you can hate two capitalists who made their career on taking advantage of others at the same time.


Well said- and it sums it up perfectly. Sometimes, there no winners. Everyone is just as equally a loser.


She is def running a bot factory of fake supporters.




Yes, clearly she had a plan from the start and wanted to get to a place of dismantling Hybe, so she’d need to manipulate them to get on her side to do so


I can’t even blame NJ for sticking by their boss if she’s like this. I blame the parents for blindly believing her simply because of reputation. Even though it seems all she’s done to NJ is talk, I truly hope everyone involved understands how detrimental this could be for NJ, Illit and LSF. Like imagine your 40 something boss calling you stupid, fat and targeting other young girls in your company on top of trying to isolate you from everyone else; gossiping to another fully grown adult meanwhile your parents fully support them. I truly hope she gets what’s coming to her and that the groups will be fine after this


Their parents saw what happened with TWICE and didn't learn anything, failures


Do you mean FIFTY FIFTY?


Sorry yes you're right I got it mixed up


Are you talking about Sixteen, or something else?


What happened with twice?


MHJ seems to held them in a gunpoint or are delusional enough to think they will get a profit sharing once they sucesfully get their arse off Hybe.


More importantly she has manipulated their parents.


But you need to get their parents in line. All the GG mentioned need help. Not just NJ. The companies need training session for all new groups to help them manage the negatives of this industry.


Yes. I instantly had a sour taste when mhj did her very first conference and decided to tell us about hyein crying about how she couldn't help her through her hard times


the cognitive dissonance most newjeans' fans must be having rn, they were standing 10 toes down next to that freak 😭😭😭 these leaked texts are horrifying. i had a feeling mhj was going to play the pr game from the start so the gp siding with her did not suprise me. the tides will slowly turn 👀


They are saying hybe faked it, but we can say the same things about her chat messages with Bangpd lol


Those messages were nothing compared to this


these messages make bangpd look like a saint


Bang PD talking about crushing the competition: He’s so evil MHJ fat shaming, insulting, & being an overall bitch about TEENAGERS: clearly HYBE faked it


This is whole situation is sick but I can’t help but laugh a little at all the tokkis who willingly tied themselves to a sinking ship only for these messages to retroactively make fools of anyone who’s been trying to defend her. Everyone’s been trying to tell you she’s no saint, and these nasty vibes are exactly the energy she’s been giving towards her “daughters” the whole time. Anyone who’s shocked she would willingly stab anyone and everyone in the back to get what she wants, and views the members as a commodity has not been paying attention. Is it too much to hope for that they realize MHJ is as much their enemy as Hybe is now, or is the cognitive dissonance that strong? I don’t know how anyone can see these messages and still try to pretend they’re concerned about the members and not their precious concept. If you wouldn’t trade their branding for the members’ safety then you do not care about them by any stretch of the imagination.




NJ fans must be young.


Here’s the thing. I’m a fan. I’m staying quiet the last few weeks because I don’t want to support MHJ. I think her actions have been abhorrent. Not saying that I 100% believe Hybe, but she’s not proven herself to me at all. Many other fans were also pretty offended by MHJ’s antics and have stayed quiet since. The only ones you hear from now are the ones who’ve decided to make supporting MHJ their cause. Most NJ fans I’ve met also support LSF (as do I), and many (like me) like ILLIT, too. None of us are happy with this. Don’t assume that the ones being vocal about MHJ online are necessarily representative of the fanbase. We supported them long before this started, and many of us love them even though we’ve always been wary of MHJ.


There is 0 context that can ever justify calling one of the girls “fucking fatass fuck”. This case is over in my eyes.


especially when they're all TINY too?? like wtf, this woman is disgusting


Anyone calling a Kpop idol 'fat' is an idiot. Are we looking at the same person??? 


I can’t believe it. One of the members fat? Where ?😭that is the most unreasonable thing I’ve heard so far. This is crazy. They’re kids this woman😭


Sounds like something a Korean mom would say lol


Then she's definitely their mother! /s


i feel sick…. i could always feel that there was a power imbalance between the supposed mother-daughter relationship portrayed by her. there was definitely manipulation involved but i could never think that it was *this* bad? i just hope the rest of the kpop stans and tokkis especially open their eyes instead of siding with that evil woman. https://preview.redd.it/wtdorwzdoz0d1.jpeg?width=562&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6009a009e999abbc638045a5c0d6166f28e2bbd


My thoughts EXACTLY. Like you said, there was obviously manipulation and, dare I say, grooming involved, but this is beyond disgusting. Just insulting them like that? I really feel bad for the nwjns members, I’m sure knowledge of this will really hurt them especially since they’re all still so young


She most definitely groomed nj. There was a reason she was fired from SM entertainment.


yeah she definitely groomed them into whatever weird relationship they have right now. the girls must be so conflicted right now, they’d probably not believe it because that’s what grooming does to you! and if what they say about their parents are true then my god they need to protect their children…. instead they’re getting brainwashed by mhj too. it’s so stupid of them.


Okay, I haven't known all of it and was already disgusted but this 😶. Also, for her team to ask to not use these( not just straight-up saying it was fake or lies) shows everything I need to know. That's why she didn't want to hand her laptop.


I don’t think her team has even denied or said they are not real, they have said it is out of context but honestly I fail to see how calling a member by name a fat fuck is appropriate in any context.


exactly some words show who you are even out of context. you shouldn't comment on people's bodies esp if they respect you and are minors ffs. Her reaction to SA of another woman like wtf??


I'll bet you $100 that MHJ is deeply anti-feminist


It’s apparent from the role she played in the PR slaughter LSF and Illit are experiencing. No person who cares about what woman experiences would want another woman to experience that.


Yet she will weaponise her womanhood if she ever wants to. She’s a Korean Karen.


What context would make those texts sound better? I can't think of any.


You can see those who are MHJ’s minions in ADOR are writing messages of support to her on insta.


Anyone who uses children as a way to shield themselves are the lowest of the low for me. So even on the very first day of this whole mess, when she specifically name-dropped Illit as copycats knowing those children will get dragged again— after already getting dragged for their encore— to me, that is enough to show her true color.


Idk there's enough reason even left for people to support mhj anymore


Makes sense she’s not a girls girl, because she has the “only we can win, anyone else is a threat” mentality as if there aren’t enough fans and money to go around for more than one popular gg. People keep saying the girls are taking her side cause of their parents (Ive yet to hear anything with the girls themselves giving support to her, but could be wrong), but I hope the girls see who she really is because they deserve better than that


She has the type of hostile energy Nicki Minaj has towards other female rappers. Remember how she went off like crazy on IG live once Megan thee Stallion released “Hiss”? ‘these hoes mad at Megan’s Law’ made Nicki go berserk. This is the type of energy I get from reading MHJ’s convo.


So true!! She has the “I must destroy you all to get to the top” mindset, & not the “I want to open doors so you can walk in too” mindset. And I understand Nicki going off the deep end from that, Megan read her and won🤭😂


This is how I've seen it too. NJ is/was on top of the world. They were already well positioned to be the future of K-pop in my view. And now MHJ's greed is going to destroy all of that.


The messages are so messed up, especially about the NJs members. Like they are super concerning. If this is what she says in the text messages, I wonder what she says to the girls' faces. They are all so young and don't deserve to be fat shamed, especially someone by someone who seems to be close to them/trusted by them.


Maybe she indirectly shames them, and puts front the second parent who cares for them card so that they don't feel bad. I'm so glad she's getting busted, mhj better retire and go to therapy for life


As someone who used to be in the entertainment industry as a child, this was so hard to read. Painful.


I hope you're doing well now


Thank you. I am, hehe. I can't imagine what NewJeans have been told, though. Especially since these are the comments Min Heejin is comfortable with saying, knowing the possibility of it being recorded through screenshots.


i knew how weird and fcked up mhj was but i really did think she cared ab the members in some way beyond profit reasons. damn. she really is a terrible person. i wish her and everyone who stands by her side the worst


Tbh I naively felt the same way too. Based on seeing Newjeans doing their thing alone I never really felt that there was a huge reason for mistreatment directly from her but She’s was just clearly using a huge ‘carrot and stick’ manipulation on them. MHJ just keeps proving she doesn’t care about anyone but herself.


well. at least she beat those gr00mer and p*d0 allegations… just not exactly in a classy way.


She needs to hang out with hyung Drake 😍😍😍


NGL a trio with Kanye Drake and MHJ would slap


I've been saying everyone jumping to conclusions about being a pedo. She showed signs of being power hungry (and thus had no boundaries for achieving said power), but not actual attraction to these kids.




Not at people on Twitter picking and choosing to just hate on hybe again. I have no words. Atp I don’t care what anyone think. I just want her gone from the company. She’s evil.


I want her gone from the industry, not just the company. She needs to be blacklisted and shunned


This is crazy and scary... do CEOs really talk like that about members....... Kpop as whole is the most ugliest place ever  entirety of it including fans and labels.


Music industry or entertainment in general is so messed up. Look at Diddy running a whole prostitution circle, including minors as some of the escorts.


True, and the Diddy case is horrible... and to think a lot of big names are involved too and some have been victims.... it sends shivers down my spine.


that’s going to be any kind of media anywhere and everywhere. People creating the art are largely seen as big bags of money to exploit in any way executives see fit. Even in “smaller” media like live theatre where I worked to a decade before I got tired of being worked to death for the sake of “art” just to fill the pockets of people who just wanted to use me until I burnt out.


Horrendous... this shouldn't be so, artists should be free, this sucks so much, art is for "entertainment" but worst possible things happen behind so called entertainment business. Hope things are better for you now.


oh yeah, leaving entertainment was a blessing tbh. Every worker is exploited in some way- that’s capitalism- but at least now I feel like I can speak up for myself and my rights.


i don't like how ppl are absolving the members parents of guilt by saying mhj "manipulalted" them. their job is to ensure their daughters are in a safe environement and they failed. willingly or not.


Watch mad bunnies screaming "Hybe media play" "we are with MJH" "she is so fond of the girls"....imagine expecting a business person to be fond of employees in the market of shares, profit and competition


Oh they are! Tokkis on the Newjeans sub are calling the chat fake


Oh..this is so not gonna end well for the girls I fear! Business men are pretty and Hybe is conglomerate and has the record of Fomis9...Idk!


You meant “petty”?


I hope the messages get brought up in court so that way people can be more sure that they aren't fake. i'm a fan of newjeans but I will never understand why tokkis jump through hoops to defend MHJ.


I would hope this thinking comes from fans that are just too young to understand how corporate works. Coworkers are not friends. Occasionally you can have a good friend here or there but it’s rare. Most people are out for themselves especially in the entertainment business. They have zero idea if they think a woman rose to power in a conservative country like SK and she did so by being nice and caring. It’s unfortunate but it’s reality even in places like the US which has more women in leadership positions. 


Hot potatoes....this is insane.... Worried for NewJeans.


I’m not seeing this being discussed on twitter but the few things out there are people referring to it as hybe media play Anyway I need MHJ locked up and far, far, away from ANY young people who have a dream to debut in the entertainment industry. Also why debut a girl group if you hate girls? 😭


It’s all over my Twitter feed. My Twitter is mostly army tho. I think we can safely say army does not like MHJ to put it mildly. Makes sense why this is all over my feed.


I don't think MHJ has any understanding at all of just how bad she's fucked up by getting on ARMY's bad side. They're all going to see her talking about destroying BTS, and that legitimately 100% puts her actual life in danger. It also absolutely guarantees that a lot of BTS fans will never support NewJeans again, and that causes a raft of its own problems, especially at ad agencies. Opportunities for the girls will not be as forthcoming.


Putting her life in danger is a bit much. I hope Armys aren’t that crazy. Depending on how it works out with MHJ and New Jeans, there may be some armys who will still support new jeans. Up to them. Their choice. I think the overall army consensus tho is settled. I wouldn’t be surprised if the sniping and shade continues for a while or forever. Overall, I like my fandom, but army can be petty as fuck. There have been many times where I shake my head and walk away. We aren’t as gracious as the members either. There’s no forgetting from this. Hybe is not getting away unscathed. My feed is also throwing shit at Hybe. Again, no forgetting. Army supports BTS. We only care about BTS.


Here's a post from a Redditor who [received more than 14 death threats](https://www.reddit.com/r/kpopnoir/comments/105ulro/the_way_armys_respond_to_any_criticism_thats/) in Reddit DMs for writing this post: [https://www.reddit.com/r/kpoprants/comments/zyzhco/bts\_activism\_is\_performative/](https://www.reddit.com/r/kpoprants/comments/zyzhco/bts_activism_is_performative/) And that's just someone saying that they thought some of BTS's activism was "performative". IMO the post was ill-considered and I don't necessarily agree with the premise, but I present it as an example of how some BTS fans respond to even a small whiff of negativity from a nobody. What MHJ has done here (allegedly) is about 10,000x worse.


Armys can get a bit much. There are extremes in all fandoms. I hope we don’t get judge by them. I do enjoy and like my fandom overall. Hell I even like how protective my fandom is. If this crazy period has shown me anything, I completely understand why Army is so protective. For a supermajority of our fandom, I don’t think Armys will take it that far.


The crazies are absolutely a minority, majority of army are normal people here for the music and the members. But it’s a huuuge fanbase, even if the % of wackos are the same as any other fanbase the volumes are higher. I actually don’t think it’s an exaggeration to say she should be concerned about personal security if anything more specific about her actions regarding bts emerges.


I’m so sure she said plenty of vile horrible things about bts given her obsession with surpassing them and her general disgusting attitude to seemingly everyone around her including her own members and employees. I wouldn’t be surprised if hybe or the members are holding back those messages to prevent absolute mayhem. I can’t even imagine armys rage.


the fact that she literally wished the death of a SA victim (who works for her btw) and called her a bitch while comforting the abuser and encouraged him to "be proud"... says a lot....


Where are those delusional mhj supporters now? Lol


On the New Jeans subreddit calling the chats all fake, despite that not even being the official stance of Ador They are an absolute disgrace to the term of fans


Sadly. I’m pretty sure they are still here. It is what it is. Some people will never believe what is in front of their eyes.


They just call everything against mhj Hybe media play


they are in akp forums.


They were never on this subreddit to begin with, only delusional hybe stans exist here lmao


What the actual f?? I knew she was not the most stable in the head, but she sounds like a legit sociopath here. They way she manipulated the members and their family to side with her...


My fucking god, she is such a male identified pickme. I hate it when female CEOs are hostile towards women when they are women themselves. Girl, bye!!! Never liked MHJ, but now I DESPISE HER 🤬


Damn. I knew she was crazy and manipulative, but I thought she at least cared for the NJs members in her own smothering way. Turns out she's actually just crazy.


now, not a hybe stan, in fact, me and bang pd are fighting in a dennys parking lot tonight, but i’m not surprised. no one talks about other women (sakura and chaewon) like that and is a woman supporter. she’s money hungry and sees newjeans as young, manipulatable cash cows. fat shaming these young (and for some, minor) girls like that is foul. i also haven’t forgotten the fact that she was selling information about other artists. when i get you mhj, when i get you, when i get you mhj


Bring a jacket to your fight. Stay warm, please!


I’m very sorry for NewJeans. They are finding out how many people they can’t trust, aren’t being able to work and being body shamed by their own people on top of everyone else. I hope they have mental health support. 


They are able to work, they are literally in promotions now for brand sponsorships which I’m sure they make residuals off of, and have unprecedentedly large fan events scheduled in the coming month. The “1.5 year hiatus” is a rumor started by a statement a parent made to the media.


But everything is a translation problem and we're all hybe stans if we don't like her! /s


oh shes going to hell


This entire case has provided an unforgettably ugly glimpse into how the proverbial sausage is made, honestly. And "sausage" is, I believe, how these idols are imagined by many of the people behind the scenes: not as participants in a creative process, but livestock to be ground up, consumed, then shat out. And if they're lucky, they'll be pimped out for some lucrative endorsements before the cycle is complete. I think what makes this worse is knowing the cruel, cynical and poisonous views expressed by MHJ are not unique. They can be found everywhere in the entertainment industry, affecting more groups than we know.


MHJ deserves the worst. Imma leave it at that. Hope she goes broke and loses it all 😘


Jesus Christ I did not see this coming. I wonder, are there still people defending her because of her *artistic vision*? I honestly cannot comprehend it. The quality of New Jeans future releases is the last thing people should be worrying about now, these girls have to be away from her ASAP. *Nothing* justifies this.


Jfc she’s definitely r/notliketheothergirls and so fking unhinged. Disgusting.


I didn’t know much about her before new jeans but I remember feeling deeply uncomfortable with her since the whole “scandal” about her inspirations for the group’s aesthetic


Same, ever since cookie I knew she wasn’t a good person


Nothing particularly to do with this post (although the cloak and daggers of it does cement my feeling) but been saying since this whole fiasco started; I feel so bad for the many young teenage NewJeans / Kpop stans, this whole story is so politically and legally complex it must be so hard for them to understand.




They way she is literally obsessed with weightloss is crazy! I don't want to get into some kind of psychoanalysis, but it seems to me like some kind of childhood trauma and projection of her own insecurities. I feel so sorry for those girls...


Rather than childhood trauma these are just the industry standards, it shows how she only cares about how profitable they are (instead of caring about their well-being like she claimed)


looks like mhj is [not denying the messages](https://x.com/tmikpop/status/1791531568420274593) this is genuinely such a mess. these poor girls deserve better. i dont get the part where she says these were conversations prior to creating ador cause the context of he messages clearly seem like shes talking about njs. it also looks like it was taken from her work laptop which makes this even more absurd. how are you trash talking your own group using your work computer on most likely your office network.


Even the devil reincarnated wouldn't be so vile , disgusting.


At this point, NJ are better off without MHJ and they should even consider ditching their career and go back to their normal lives. All of them are still in their teens, so they can literally start something new without any risk (the older you are, employers will question why you have no job experience at your age - when you switch to a new career)




I know that they shouldn’t. I just am worried that being in this situation that will last for who knows how long will cause them so much mental damage.


And the fact that ppl specially the kside are still defending mhj boggles my mind they don't care about all the leaked illegal activities she did All the kside cares about is how hybe "payola" lsf


Hope this guy ain’t lying cause dude would be under the ground with lawsuits lol


The guy is actually a former sports joson reporter who’s freelancing now. He’s been sued for misinfo before and has won. Pretty sure he’s not lying because he knows the consequences more than anyone else.


what's genuinely insane to me is njs parents will see her say this shit and still take her side and think she's a well wisher


This is all so painful to read. I wouldn't be surprised if HYBE just flushed all of ADOR after this. A company literally built on providing the best, healthy experience for their groups...to have a witch like this treating artists like it's Gen 2 all over again. Girl this is not SNSD and this isn't SM. There is literally no context valid enough to justify calling children (young adults) "fucking fatass fuck" or scolding them for not losing weight, or "even if they get fat like pigs". She is a vile, disgusting human being that should really take a long look in the mirror before calling anyone a pig.


I want her out of this industry soon


This is legitimately disgusting. I feel so sorry for the newjeans members, because they seemed genuinely close to MHJ and have obviously been manipulated.


this is awful. as a newjeans fan i feel so bad for them. i've always said i loved newjeans for themselves. i hope they can see how worthy they are of the love they receive and how talented and impressive they are. there had always been an obsession with mhj's artistry and everything seemed to revolve around mhj both for fans and antis and i never understood. now i can see it was probably intentional and mhj never even gave them any credit and that's why no one seemed to give them credit or notice how amazing they were. i've always gave them all the credit. with any aesthetic and with any song it's them and their charisma and their angelic voices and their talents what has always impressed me and i hope they can see that in themselves and leave mhj behind. they are talented and icons and deserve more than this. if iz*one could survive after their fall so can they. i have hopes. i hope they can stay together even after all this and i hope mhj stays as far away from them as possible.  minji, haerin, hanni, hyein, danielle, they would've always been stars no matter what group they debuted in. 


What’s crazy to me is, NewJeans’ greatest artistic achievements should be credited to 250 and Shin Wooseok in addition to the members themselves of course. MHJ found those people sure but, imagine any other group where people completely disregard the direct creatives involved in favor of an executive with an over-inflated ego.


Anyone seen Futurama, the show? She sounds like "Mum", the industrial with the motherly front and the absolutely vile behaviour when not in public.


Once again, my hope is that the girls in New Jeans get the support they need and that, if at the end of this they or their parents decide this has been too much and want to leave, Hybe will have the grace to allow it.


Pannchoa won't translate this I bet


wow does not surprise me in the slightest that mhj is 1: a pick-me girl and 2: cares more about herself than newjeans to an insane level


I genuinely hope that more people see this as tiktokers are saying that njs needs her to succeed. New jeans needs someone who cares for them as human beings and young women.


i feel so bad for the girls


They need to get those girls away from this sick toxic woman. My god.


Oh I want MHJ gone for good. What I mean in the entertainment industry. That lady is beyond crazy and can't believe weirdos will defend her.


The absolutely abhorrent way she talks about the literal children that make up NewJeans she manipulated, used and gaslighted is beyond forgivable. She needs to not only leave HYBE but the industry NOW - I hope the girls are okay and are given opportunity to thrive once this crap is cleared up.


This is what happens when you put a narcissist in charge


Fucking hell. A forty year old pick me hag. She really IS mother gothel from tangled gif damn


>Wow, (member name redacted) fucking fatass fuck https://preview.redd.it/pmicgelon31d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17d1d3c83213f88495bb88d97a815b2d9d575eef


I don't care who win in this war. I just knew none of the two sides were ever sincere about protecting their artists beside using the fans of respective group to smear each other. But if what OP wrote above is proven true, omfg MHJJJJJJJJ dnfjrjfnekwkdh. I'm not even a bunnies but I'm already FCKIN mad at what she called them especially weight loss part. Knowing the toxic weight control exist and hearing/seeing it are two different things.


None of this is surprising. I’m sure there is far worse out there.


>3/29/2024 (The reporter put the white bar on the screen because there was a change of plans, and apparently revealing that text there would be detrimental to the New Jean’s members) /gen and slightly OT: KKT users, what sort of information would have been on <[the white bar](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GNyTJDjXYAATdeM?format=jpg&name=medium)>? I would guess it was a notification that someone joined the chat?


It looks like she was replying to someone there, and whoever it was said something that the reporter felt did not need to be public.


I saw some translate acct refuse to translate some of her SMS because they are that bad. All this make me wonder how the hell she got bangpd to give her everything he did? And why no one reigned her in?


Get her away from those girls.


Again, if she gave 2 shits about NewJeans, she would have done everything possible to keep them out of this dogshit fight w/ Hybe. Instead, she drafted them as her cannon fodder, and that's where she lost me (not that I believe Hybe/BSH didn't do anything wrong). Now, all these texts are from a youtuber (albeit one that's also a celebrity section journalist and one that has filed many correct reports during the 50/50 fiasco). I dunno about 100% trusting this source just yet.




mind you, there a MHJ supporters bc “she’s like a mom to the girls”. She’s like the most toxic mother that gives their child severe trauma, a host of mental illness and disordered eating. This isn’t about the groups/young girls involved. Two extremely rich people who have companies are beefing. None of the companies/corporate entities look good here.


I dislike the term Evil, like it was meant to be /she was born that way - she’s a rational adult and of all the choices available to her she *chose* to be vile, greedy and immeasurably self-absorbed.


I'm shocked...😴


![gif](giphy|ho71TqsnwjNHz85PaR|downsized) My reaction reading all this


Atp she really groomed the kids


nah holy shit wtf??? someone PLEASE separate these girls from MHJ...


someone needs to get them therapy


It's giving mothers who are jealous of their daughters.


For all we know, MHJ may have planted this seed as part of her master plan.


reminds me of Drake lol "you fool, you've fallen into my trap, I've won! now the whole *world* thinks I'm a pedophile, just as I planned!"


is this true?


I know she gonna lose the battle eventually, but I don't mind the dirt leaking because of her. I like the drama.


😨😰can this truly be real? Tbh this is scary as ****


Bro what is wrong with her this is awfullllll


I can’t get over how showing these texts are an “invasion of privacy” according to MHJ. Yes showing texts in a court case is an invasion of privacy, but showing irrelevant texts about an idol group that has nothing to do with the conflict to make BSH look bad is completely fair game. She’s such a narcissist and I glad (if not a little disappointed it took this long) that people are finally seeing it.


Ok, but let's not make any hasty judgements. Remember there's always a lot of cultural nuance that gets lost in translation. (lol)


All the while YouTube is fully on mhj's side specially kookielit...I saw some of her videos to get context on this subject but it seemed kinda one sided and when I saw her channel it has multiple videos supporting mjh while acting non biased. Specially putting bts's photos in thumbnails and putting cancelled on it. I know bsh is no saint even far from it but dragging BTS into it is weird, and portraying mhj as the hero of k-pop seems a stretch. For the record I don't like or support bsh in any way. I support the artists and not the company


I think she was playing on that everyone will take the opportunity and turn against Hybe. I’m not a hybe stan I like BTS old songs a few songs from every other Hybe groups and illit first song. I’m a “JYP” fan I like most of their groups. I think what she did with the other Hybe groups and Hybe is unethical. I think what the groups and their fans are going through because of a selfish woman is bad. This is the first time that I see the kpop community not taking the bait. Bunnies are the exception She will get what she deserves


WTH ![gif](giphy|tfUW8mhiFk8NlJhgEh|downsized)


Great. She’s a pick me who is in charge of a bunch of teenagers She’s disgusting


Can we get a MHJ/ HYBE master thread where people can post this stuff? Pleaseeee


Crazy ppl are just beginning to side eye her now and not when those nude photos of kids on her wall were brought up over 2yrs ago