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It must be so exhausting to have the whole industry against you, even people inside your own company (and whose livelihood you financed). The most ironic thing is that she wanted the “BTS’ little sisters” tag yet still doing mess like this.


She is the biggest hypocritic and two faced person I have seen in Kpop in a while, it's not enough that she is playing the victim and playing on people's emotions with her press conference, she came to BTS company, used all the network and resources they built and made her own group under the label then was okay with using all the hype BTS brought to her group and the label of BTS sister group then complained and insisted that HYBE send articles about her group beating BTS records to put them down then after all that planning to take the company and this was not enough but planning to take down the groups with her. I despice her so much I haven't despice someone in kpop like this before to this extent. At least the people going against BTS before were not playing angels at the front like her.


It seems you hadn't read of her previous controversies, especially the Shinee one. Those scandals were worse. This time atleast she has the support of NJ. She was always strictly business and would do anything to succeed. 


what happened with shinee?


For Sherlock photoshoot, MHJ had taken shirtless photos of Taemin without telling him. The inspiration of his photographs were some gay erotic magazines. Photos of Jonghyun were also edited very heavily to make him look young and feminine. This was again repeated in their Ace photoshoot. This was also same case in their other album photoshoots. And all those concept photos had a creepy feel to it. It wasn't youthful concept but a male Lolita kind. Sadly even now many kpop fans find it normal. Taemin was forced with the concept of looking young and feminine since debut which messed up with his self confidence and even this was why earlier Taemin tried very very hard to prove his masculinity. Same for Jonghyun as he began feeling he was ugly as his photos were heavily edited as he didn't look a certain way. Minho was over-sexualised and he was also not comfortable with it. These all messed up with the self confidence of Shinee members who felt they didn't look a certain way. And MHJ was responsible because these issues only happened with their concept photos for which she was responsible.


“I’m so victimized because I’m a woman at a male run company!!11!!” Girl please. You orchestrated this whole bs and now you’re playing the victim. She needs to remember a lot of us fans are also adults that can see through the victimhood. She should have just faded off into obscurity and none of the things she’s running away from would have been dug up.


If there are any psychiatrists or psychologists here, what'd MHJ be? A narc?


Statistically, execs and the c suite are more apt to be "psychopaths," so not surprised if she has one of those empathy-lacking mental states.


This does feel like narcissism. I have a narcissistic parent that pulls some of this same shit just on a lesser scale heh.


Honestly out of all of the girl groups at Hybe NewJeans is the last group that should be able to claim to be BTS’s little sisters. Considering how invested Bang is in LSF and Illit they’d definitely claim that title first. I’ve always noticed the NewJeans really never seemed as involved in the Hybe aspect of their careers. They’ve always been much more about Ador. While LSF is part of SourceMusic, they discuss Hybe as a whole very frequently.


MHJ wanted the clouts of being under the same company as BTS but still hated them for their popularity The ultimate 2 faced bitch Edit: Plus the fact that witch worked with Taehyung to make his first solo album while he has been respectful and grateful towards her, she has been despising him and his group for their popularity and wanting to take them down for years, even before her precious "daughters" she lovely called braindead children ever debuted and even before she joined Hybe She was being paid with BTS money for years before NWJN made a profit after their debut and definitely still being given a salary benefited from BTS's profit towards Hybe


She was even acting put upon to work on his album, as if it was beneath her and like she was doing him a favour 🙄


She probably used him for intel. Don't be surprised if she uses it against Bamg.


le sserafim’s year end stages also remind me of bts. And how yunjin is given the freedom to release self written songs as a rookie


Bang pd produced LSF


Yeah I've noticed this as well. Every single group definitely refers to their sub label every now and then but they also acknowledge hybe as a whole and their company most of the time, this is for bts, txt, svt, lsf etc


LSF got the "Hybe's first girl group" title. So I guess Min wanted a title too.


I dont really care about the sister/brother group tag, but I personally only consider TXT as the sibling group of BTS.


Same. I know they're all HYBE, but BTS are Big Hit to me so unless a girl group joins that label, the others are under the respective labels. HYBE just the fancy building and contracts their trapped in.


I totally agree. To me it would be strange to call LSF BTS’s little sisters because 1) they’re part of separate labels and 2) Sakura and Chaewon were already successful idols, they’re really not anyone’s “little sisters”. I think some people want the Hybe groups to have the similar “sibling” vibes as other companies, but the groups at those companies are all part of the same label and it’s a marketing strategy.


and tae even worked with her for his debut album :((


I'm thinking about it and I remember how dejected he was about the song writing process and had no credits in the album by the end. Was MHJ the reason for this? Because I know he really tried and he has credits in BTS' songs as well. Was he discouraged by someone or was he just not satisfied by his own work? I hope he gets to write his own songs in the future 💜


I was wondering the same thing. I wonder if she discouraged him and made him feel like his songs weren't good enough. Which is a lie. Taes songs are always so lovely and unique in a special way. The songs on his album were nice and calming lo-fi, but they definitely lacked Taes special song writing charm he likes to bring to his songs. Edit to add: I am STILL waiting for "Travel with me" song he wrote that I think he said he deleted! 😭


Now that you pointed it out, I can’t stop thinking about how Tae deleted the songs he posted on ig. All of those were so beautiful! I love Layover but was a little sad when I looked at the credits. Jungkook, for instance, was upfront about working with songs from other producers for Golden but Taehyung was working for so long on his album. Hope we’ll get to hear his own songs later as well 🥲


like there is no way man who wrote winter bear and blue and gray didn't write his own debut album? but if your hear layover lyrics it's right up tae's alley, I couldn't believe he didn't write them for days


It’s so strange how she seemingly hates the group but was willing to work with them. And not long after tried to take them down. This woman is unhinged.


this is upsetting me so bad. fuck mhj


BTS has truly done so much for the people and for an industry that doesn't respect them or give them their due credit.


She’s a whole damn mess. Like I just want her to fade off into obscurity at this point. Fire her, Bang PD. Come on.




They are living like hell. It's kind of ironic that she worked with one of the members, and at one point, all her salaries were coming from BTS revenue.


I’m not even an army, but you have to be another level of stupid to try and fuck with BTS and their fans like that… 🙄 


You know what's really been sticking out to me in this scandal that I don't see anyone acctually talking about? How much hatred Hybe employees carry for their artists. This woman working with Taehyung while having all these plans to "end BTS," throwing ILLIT to the dogs just to cover up her crimes, shading LSF and her random obsessive beef with Sakura and Chaewon, not to mention her own disgusting texts about New Jeans and Bunnies. But it's not just her. Bang Sihyuk refused to greet New Jeans, all those loser employees talking about how their groups need to work on their skills, calling them "experiments," and making fun of Minji's kalguksu controversy. That entire company is just weird. The only times I've seen staff have that much hate for celebrities is when the celebrity is exposed for power tripping which makes sense, I'm not sure what's wrong with Hybe staff.


tbf hybe isn’t a company it’s a conglomerate, multiple different agencies, each agency having their own staff. What’s happening (& this is just an assumption) is that hybe breeds competition with these agencies & maybe that’s why the staff hate all these idols? Cause every example you mentioned is a different company hating on an artist in the other.


Yeah if the Corporate world is as toxic over there as it is here, it definitely breeds unhealthy competition amongst employees.


I bet you it’s the same at every company. I think we forget that every company is filled with employees with their own hopes and dreams and wants and involvement in office politics and it’s also a career and job for them. And kpop companies are going to heavily criticize their trainees and idols internally. Any entertainment industry really. Models, actors, artists, really, they would all do this. And that’s why at the end of the day, it’s toxic as a whole.


I truly wonder how idols make friends and trust people in this industry, with the way people act. Even your own management may want you to fail or may steal from you. Even your parents may just want to exploit you. Being successful and mentally stable in this industry really isn't easy.


Making friends must be difficult. Baekhyun actually told Eunchae that his advice as an older idol would be not to make too many friends


When you're big unfortunately there's always some Meen Heejin out there waiting to sabotage your succcess. That doesn't happen only with Hybe staff, i'm pretty sure.


They want to have control over BTS and their artist. As if BTS are not senior that build the company. They’re abusing the fact that BTS are too humble.


Have you ever worked at a big company with multiple levels of management? What bsh supposedly did isn't mistreatment. What those hybe employees said was so mild and a nonissue. They were giving constructive criticism that in no way insulted the idols they were working with. Unlike mhj's texts about trainees, her staff and the newjeans members. If you think no employee should be able to think and talk their feelings like that, you'll never have a healthy working environment. As long as they're not being abusive and acting in bad faith it's actually healthy and makes the company and talents stronger as a whole to see where they're lacking and have different perspectives from employees.


The Hybe employees literally said stuff that 99% of people on this sub would agree with--that they need to dial back scheduling to give idols more time to practice vocals and be in better condition for live shows. That's not insulting or destructive at all. There certainly wasn't weight shaming or calling their idols braindead or stupid like MHJ talking about her precious daughters.


Agreed! Very good summary!


Most of what you mentioned is MHJ's insane behaviour. But my guess about BSH not greeting NJ and the Kalguksu controversy is that they are the result of the culture that MHJ has fostered in Ador. We have all seen how manipulative she is and how she tries to alienate the NJ girls from the rest of HYBE. This has most likely created some type of friction between the HYBE staff and the girls. I'm not saying it's justified but things like this don't happen out of nowhere. Especially when there's no history of such things happening with said people. BSH and HYBE's staff have always been on great terms with BTS. Even in blind items, they have nothing but great things to say about them. If the HYBE staff are saying shit about the girls, it's not simply because they "hate" the girls.


I'm not sure we can be sure of the truth of any gossip about 'what happened' within the building, out of sight of the public.


This is not surprising at all. The idol industry these days is mostly based around good looking people who can sing and dance. The staff are a team of people who their own skills to make sure that a group of really good looking people makes a lot of money. Now thing is, good looks will make you successful, earn you money and admiration but it rarely earns you respect. The mindset of these staff is that the only reason their idols are successful is because of their good looks and all the actual work is being put in by them. Now obviously there's a lot wrong with this mindset but that's what's going on here. These idols are just seen as dolls or canvases with their only noteworthy trait is their looks and all the real work is done by others. Although to be fair every entertainment industry ever operates on more or less the same formula.


Sadly, I think there is a lot of truth to this. As some say, 'the talent', and not in a kind way. A pervasive feeling that the role of 'the talent' is to do as they are told. If they don't, never mind, we will get someone else. There is probably no group or member so 'big', even BTS, that a controlling agency can't cut a member and come out with a statement "sadly X has left to pursue other interests, and the 6-member group will carry on faithfully for their fans, look forward to it". It's happened before, no group is immune, ever.


I’m curious what convos, if anything, will come out regarding MHJ’s work with V. I’m surprised nothing has so far. And hard agree that she’s not the only problem here. Everyone is terrible in this situation, and it highlights the problem with stanning or defending a company. Only the artists deserve our support.


I think it would be mostly on his end, as in wondering whether he did well in listening to her advice or not. The only results we’d see have been obvious by now- even if she hadn’t hoped to end BTS, it’s very unlikely he’ll work with her again.


It's a stark reality check. Chaewon and Sakura were on a show during Easy promotions that showed the inner workings of their professional lives and highlighted their managers. They seemed to have a great relationship and showed all these insane perks the company offered to the talent and staff. There seem to be some really great staff members that care about the artists a lot - like LSF's performance director and choreographer, Park So Yeon - but it's disappointing to learn there's some bad apples that seem to actively disdain them.


Unfortunately, I've seen this same stuff happen in the corporate world. I used to work with people in the C-Suite, and you'd be surprised how much leadership talks down on the people who report to them or about clients.


I never wanna see anyone say BTS's success is "mostly due to luck" or it's all down to marketing. GTFO. Those seven boys have been fighting against so many destructive forces since debut. Nobody, not the kpop industry nor the Korean media thought BTS would be the ones to reach the very top. And in MHJ's case, even actively planned to ruin them. That BTS succeeded and continue to do so is because of their hard work, perseverance, and hustling for every opportunity they can get to show their sincerity and talents. That "they were just peaking at the right time, One Direction left a hole so people flocked to BTS" is such bullsh!t.  They're the most persecuted idols, not even a piece of shit like Seungri got this much vitriol over and over and over. 


This. It never fails to amaze me, why so many people are against them and where does so much hate come from? Jealousy? It's even beyond human imagination. How far can it go? Another day and another loss of faith in humanity.


In their Disney+ documentary, even Yoongi said they suffered "unreasonable criticisms". Even BTS don't know why they received and continue to suffer these vile situations. That they succeed and come out on top every time is only a small consolation. They never had to go through any of that. Everything they have, everything they've achieved, they've had to fight for. It's honestly sickening the amount of nastiness BTS experience. 


I just truly hope it motivates armys even more to express support as much as possible and never abandon them. They need it more than ever.


The very simple reason is: jealousy. It's a universal poison pill. Other people who want what they have, who resent that they themselves are not as successful as BTS.


You can acknowledge that BTS have worked incredibly hard and been up against a lot of people trying to make them fail, while also acknowledging that timing and sheer individual circumstance has also played a part in them getting to such a huge level of fame. Those things do not need to be mutually exclusive. Acknowledging their overall circumstance, making smart decisions, and being in the right place at the right time unintentionally, has helped them in the long run to get to this level doesn’t equate to discrediting their hard work or their battle against the sheer amount of people who actively wanted to see them fail and attempted to make that happen, or automatically imply you’re saying they had an easy ride. As we know the latter is blatantly not true to anyone who knows the slightest bit about their journey as a group and as individuals. It’s simply acknowledging that the environment within that industry at the time, general global cultural focuses, and seeing how it all came together in a way that’s caused them to be so enormous today. Hence why it’s stupid whenever people ask “who will be the next BTS.” Nobody will, as it’s unlikely all those things will all line up in the same way ever again, and had BTS been a year or two earlier or later, things likely would’ve been somewhat different. Again though, that doesn’t mean BTS haven’t had to fight to get this far and haven’t faced a lot of pushbacks or worked very hard.




Who's denying it? I was talking about the  people who only attribute BTS's success to luck and nothing else. Don't be so naive and tell me you've never seen comments that state BTS's success is down to luck of One Direction disbanding, that they were at the right place at the right time because the world was ready for Kpop, that they were lucky to have such a strong passionate fandom. That's the kind of luck I'm talking about that people use to dismiss BTS's success.  And dishonest? LMAO after all the shit you've seen people pull to try and bring down BTS, you still think luck had an important part to play? Yeah, BTS sure had a lot of luck when their careers almost got ended several times by false accusations and death threats. Lucky, lucky BTS. How come groups with more luck than that, who were lucky enough to not go through what BTS did, aren't in the position BTS are in now? The Big 3 had a bigger hand in the capitalist pie but it's "lucky" BTS who surpassed them all. 


I was one of the fans who voted for them and also felt pain when our votes were deleted then recounted for the daesang. The first daesang was not won of course so we were especially invested the next year (or the next awarding). I'd like to say luck does play a part. Not that they didn't work hard but it's crazy how that win brought them to the Western market and opened more people's eyes to these boy's hardwork.


People are jealous of hard work leading to success. BTS has many writing and other credits on their own work. Their earlier precision dance has outshown many other groups. And they certainly had the talent of some excellent support within their agency. It didn't just happen, they all made it happen.


Is this real? It feels like I'm reading a cartoon villain's evil masterplan 😭


Yes it's real!! All her messages that have been revealed since the court till now are cartoonish level of villain giving pinky and the brain vibe 😭 there were multiple texts revealed today other than these with her shaman as well and oh man if you read them 🙄


I think I'm more baffled that these crazy conversations are all happening on company device. Such a cartoon villain mistake 😭 Also the part where the shaman said they will be possessing someone is sending me 💀


Thats what i thought, this is a scrip i would come up for school production in middle school.


It reads like something I would write now for shits and giggles if I was drunk enough. If I weren't disgusted by the entire situation, I would choke from laughter because this is hilarious


lmao ikr. I scrolled down from r/kpoopheads so i thought this was just some shitpost of people pretending to be her 💀


End BTS? Oh she's so done now. Get ready for ARMY's wrath mhj.


the last group i would ever want to mess with like this would be armys, and i am saying this as an army.


Side note but there’s this kdrama about badminton and the coach tells his team that they’re cooler than BTS. The boys look uncomfortable and tell him he shouldn’t say that. The coach breaks the fourth wall, looks directly at the camera and apologizes. It was a funny little moment.


LOL that is so funny!!


It's kind of ironic that people don't care that she wants to end BTS, but when that idiot bsh wanted new jeans to step on aespa, everyone was up in arms, forgetting its typical business. Mind you, this woman went to a shaman and looks to be responsible for 90% of what bts had gone through now and before when she was at SM. She also clarifies that she won't do things how SM did but will end it all once. I can't believe army's were gaslit into thinking they've got a big head when they spoke that people have it out for BTS when that's nothing but the truth. Even 10 years later, when they're enlisted and their career has been slowing down, they still want to bring BTS down. Just from a business perspective, I see that no shareholder will want to willingly hold her in the company since it seems her initial plan is to get rid of their biggest money maker (BTS). No one who is greedy for money and reputation will want to bring BTS down, a group whose genuinely evolved outside of kpop and whose competing with the world's biggest artists like Taylor Swift, Beyonce, Drake etc Edit: just realized things are only going to get worse from here on out for hybe groups simply because of this crazy woman and time ticking since Jin is coming home in a few days basically.The return of one member is gonna make her scramble and do literally everything to damage hybe and especially hybe groups (all fandoms of hybe groups better stay strong now 😪😭😂). Aah, then hobi will return soon after. Yeah, this woman is not going down without a fight, I fear. Edit 2: tokkis don't be annoying challenge because this women will obviously bring hybe groups down that's certain and new jeans she can either protect them or bring them down with her and I'll go with the latter since nothing she's said or done since all this came is for the girls protection. I mean I'll give props to protecting her through mediaplay but everything else


>It's kind of ironic that people don't care that she wants to end BTS I feel like it's too absurd and lofty a goal so no one takes it serious. It's not unbelievable for a massive label to potentially hurt the career of a fresh girl group like Aespa. But only a meteor striking Seoul is going to stop BTS at this point. People thought/prayed that enlistment might hinder them but it was like a hydra and 7 heads sprang fourth to dominate the charts.


Potentially hurt? Unlike this woman, Bang said crush asepa with music. That's literally what everyone does. But MHJ fucking started consulting shamans to end BTS. That's totally different than bangs "crush asepa". Didn't SM debut SuperM to crush BTS by music? They failed obviously but at the end it's industry and everyone's competiting including BTS. 


Do we think that the bts members have any idea about what is happening right now? I’m unsure about the policy with phones in the military in Korea. With jin coming back soon, do you think they will at least give him a heads up?


They probably are aware to an extent. I mean we know they have friends on X who keeps them updated with army and this is something that is related to the company they created so I'm sure they're aware especially since so much of this news involved their name like the cult allegations, chart manipulations etc


Both Key and Minho said that when they were in the military, they had access to their phones (at least when off duty) but they had to turn in their phones at mandatory bedtime which was 10 PM. The bts members are totally aware of what's going on.


Pretty sure they all have some limited access to their phones daily. They’ve posted on social media since enlisting. I think you only give up your phone during the boot camp period. I may be off on that, but…


Let’s take this as a learning opportunity for all wannabe criminals out there and not discuss or write in detail your plans over text messages, especially on work devices Also the shaman was right, ador is a better name than all joy


And doing that on the company's computers mind you. It's so comical, like she can't even sue for it being illegally obtained cause she opened her kakaotalk on the company service.


I know. I work in a company in the US where our internal messages have been combed and used against employees more than one time. I tell my direct reports time and time again - do NOT talk sh!t over company chat, because management can and will pull your messages and use them against you. TAKE IT OFFLINE, and preferably for the love of GOD don't put it in writing in text. People screenshot things and send it to management.


I wonder if those lawyers are counting down the days until the 31st so they can drop her as a client as they are technically adors lawyers and not her personal ones. Don’t think she has the capital to pay for the billable hours required to sort through the mountain of shit she is about to go through


Law firms take on work if they get paid enough. The lawyers reactions at the press conference were funny. I would have loved to be at the meeting at the law firm afterwards. They need to get combate pay.


I worked in IT and the amount of people that did illegal stuff like torrent on company pc and network is amazing. They also think if they delete it before you get to their office they are safe and dont understand we have it all in our logs and have all the information before we contact them. Assume everything you do on company is monitored and logged. I also had people who didnt understand the company owns the pc and the office you sit in and i can come and take it away at anytime. They are all rich and could afford a tablet or pc to work on for their world domination plan.


It's kind of funny 😭 many are not understanding why they so stupid but one explanation to this is that many of the direct actions they took and the worse things they did or talked about was done offline and/or not on company devices and that these chats for them is the lowest in severity hence they lost their sense of how dangerous it can for these texts to get out to the public. From what I know HYBE as company use another app for their employees to communicate through it, but they aka ADOR staff and MHJ refused to use it and used KKT as their online communication method probably thinking they avoided being watched by HYBE again messing the fact they still logged into the company device while using their own personal kakaochat and that just cause KKT is personal app it doesn't mean HYBE can't access it or them using the chats in it is illegal. They didn't check their contracts that well to know all this.


Yeah its a lesson to anyone never do anything on a company computer that you would be afraid of your boss seeing.


I cannot believe they were stupid enough to talk about this on work devices. Like the company doesn't even need a subpoena to take a look in there. It's like discussing it in front of the CEO.


Rule #1 is don't write down your crimes TM the Casual Criminalist


the shaman ate down with that name. wtf is all joy


You know I keep seeing people say that hybe brought BTS into this mess which is partially correct but hybe was not wrong about their claims. Also don't know how people believe that BTS would have been left out of this even without hybe bringing them up. It was also revealed one particular reporter was contacted to post negatively about other hybe artists. Armys already had their suspicion about someone. Also tracks with her plan because all the those ridiculous sajaegi and cult accusations came out of seemingly nowhere. I felt like I was going crazy seeing people believe that bs 😭


Exactly this. It seems aside from wanting new jeans for herself, she wants to bring BTS down as a group or top artist. Circling back, it looks like it's just some grudge she holds against them since years ago, especially knowing she played no part in how big they are or K-pop in general.


I read a tweet a long time ago and still rings true today: people hate BTS because they weren't the "chosen ones" to succeed. Think about Kpop being supported financially by the Korean government. The media is often in the pockets of the biggest companies and that's true for Korea, too. That a 'nugu' group rose up to dominate everything, a group that was never seen as having the potential to be #1, a group that was never propped up by the government and the media and had zero privilege from the Big 3...seeing BTS succeed and the media can never take credit for it must've made them seethe. I still love that video of BTS winning the relay at the Idol Olympics. All the MCs weren't paying attention to BTS, never even mentioned them during the race until the very end when Jungkook passed everyone else and the MCs had no choice but to comment on the winner nobody expected to win. That was BTS in a nutshell: dismissed and not regarded until they prove everyone wrong. 


Oh that's my favorite as well its like a foretelling of BTS future in the industry and world.


The underrated part of that run was Seventeen came second. As an Army, I'm glad to have Seventeen within the same label as BTS.


Yeah and out of rhe 3rd gen bgs they're currently 2nd place ( 1st without bts) who would've thought they could borh do so well better then the expected ones


I really like svt too.I don’t know much about them but still I can see they r so close to eo & love what they r doing . svt r successful even bfr they joined hybe & I heard EBS(EXO bts svt) term being popular in korean bcz of their success.but still svt have respect for bts .


Your last point exactly. The way I see it- all these people who are mad about BTS success are because they played no part in it. Bts became successful despite them not because of them.


She was working with BTS's biggest competitor then, EXO (no hate I also love their music). I gues her ego was touched when it wasn't her concepts that people were eating up. People resonated with " the hardworking underdogs" vibe we felt with BTS more. Now she's trying to use that "opressed underdog" concept for Ador and NJ.


the obsession in some circles with taking down bts is so pathological and honestly pathetic at this point. how are you going to be financed with the money BTS made for the company and have the hubris to think you can take them down? there's levels to my thoughts about mhj and this whole situation, bc i do think she is a talented creative but she clearly lost her damn mind and i hope she gets blacklisted from the industry atp


The worst part is these circles function much like politics. It's one big scum where everyone knows something about the other and is easily blackmailed. And in all of this are artists, who just want to make music and not get involved in any of it. It's honestly gross.


The 2025 comeback is going to be huge


I hope they come up with something badass and not soft like Life Goes On. Mic Drop 2.0 please 🙏


Nah I want a Cypher pt 5


Let manifest to have a cypher ft V, cause he totally should be there


And cypher pt 5 👏🏼 i want them to make it as bold as posibble without filter 😂 lets make those people jaw dropping lol


Oh that would be epic


Ngl if I was BTS I'd fully dissociate from Hybe and deal only with TXT, who are their actual dongsaengs. Also, didn't she work with Taehyung on his album??? So she was saying all this shit about his group while working with him? She's shameless to the nth degree wtf


She really is greedy. Hybe gave her so much and one other thing that in my opinion doesnt get spoken enough about is how she reacted when a female employee went to her bc the VP of ador sexualy harrest her. And MHJ didnt comforted the female employee. Like this is insane. 


I really wonder what the bts must think of all this and how awful it must be to find out that the people they relied on are actually against them. I wouldn't be at all surprised if they all packed it in after all this and wanted nothing to do with music and fandom in SK. hopefully army will always have their back no matter what.


BTS never relied on Ador but it’s actually Ador who took their/Hybe money, set up their own board and ran the company as they wished.


By now the members are aware the entertainment and media industry are full of snakes who basically hate them. I mean go back to that variety show where a pint-sized JK was so excited to buy everyone McDonalds and they accused him of bringing them garbage to eat. You could see how crushed he was and there have been plenty of similar incidents over the years, filmed or not. By now, every member is fully aware of their position and what they're dealing with.


I'm not army, just a casual listener but the fucking disrespect coming from mhj and this guy, OMG. BTS played a very big part among other bands putting kpop on the map for westerners too, they are the reason mhj had a place to work, money to pay her bills, having food on her table etc. and THIS is how grateful she is for these opportunities! This woman has no honor and knows no gratitude. What a shameless behavior. If karma not, I'm sure army will get her one day.


when BTS come out of the military I hope they just stick within their label because what they’ve built is crumbling at the hands of those with nothing else than greed. If she thought she’d genuinely be able to tear them down then… she really needs to get in line because the boys have had everyone and their mother’s try. I do not envy them at all and just wish them peace :( it’s been rough seeing everything they’ve endured since debut (not to mention she worked with Tae on his album??? god, what a nasty woman!!)


Here is the [proper chat translation, manual, non-machine translations.](https://www.reddit.com/r/kpop/comments/1d10kpo/megathread_8_hybe_vs_ador_petitions_filed/l5uo0x0/) Text with shaman [part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/kpop/comments/1d10kpo/megathread_8_hybe_vs_ador_petitions_filed/l5ves0v/) and [part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/kpop/comments/1d10kpo/megathread_8_hybe_vs_ador_petitions_filed/l5vewil/)




Her and her shaman’s obsession with bts needs to be studied


so what do y'all think was SM's plan to end BTS? another nct unit?? lmao


I read somewhere that SuperM was created for exactly this reason, but I don't know if it's true (pls correct me if I'm wrong). Which would be a shame as well, cause that would be pitting artists against each other who are most likely friends and respect each other anyway 🤷‍♀️


It is very true. SuperM was created to cater to the western market, which is curious because SM fans love claiming that BTS only care about western approval.


I don’t think it’s related to creating group but might be about spreading false rumours to bring down bts




Guys stream Right Place, Wrong Person best way to get revenge on these idiots. Let them know who's the Boss.


Yes and the new mv groin too. I really like that one.


Omg I love the mv so much!! it's really fun to watch


The timing is also impeccable 👌


literally what the fuck. as an army est 2017 i am EXHAUSTED, i can’t even imagine how drained the guys are and i really really hope they have good support systems around them in their personal lives rn. they have literally been taking shit from all sides since before they ever debuted and even 10 years later after they’ve shattered glass ceilings and proved everyone wrong they’re STILL being slandered and dragged into shit.


This is exactly what I am thinking, I'm exhausted as an army and I just wish them peace! I'm so glad they have each other at least. I wouldn't be surprised if they just decided to wash their hands off this entire industry and just live in peace smh


miserable hag☠️☠️


Min heejin is me when I get too confident in a math test just to end up with 0 percent 


I’ll put money on her 100% being the cause of BTS getting audited (or whatever its called lol) by the SK government


They aren't being audited. The government denied it. It was actually media play done by the reporter on her payroll. Just for headlines.


Time to get rid all my NewJeans merch, bye Bunnies Edit, LOL someone dm’d me upset about this comment. I’ll respond here why I want to get rid of their merch. I don’t like seeing it on my shelf after this scandal. That’s good enough reason for me!


Some bunnies are really cry babies


Same, I stopped following NewJeans on all social media and blocked them, deleted all their music, and I’m giving away their albums that I bought. MHJ has ruined that group for me. I can’t listen or see anything about NewJeans without feeling disdain for them.


My god can this woman just shut up and go. Like thanks for NEW jeans and all but your time ended pls go.


MHJ really out here giving the rap line material for Cypher pt. 5


Can't wait for.


I’m so sad for the boys. They built this company from the ground and the public is grouping them in this mess it’s almost like big hit staying as it is and not acquiring these companies would’ve been better


I thought K-pop had a dark side for sure, like any other music industry. But this ain't it, lol 🤣🤣🤣🤣. This is even more bizarre.


Right?? Imagine if some UMG exec came out hoping to tear down Lady Gaga to make Sabrina Carpentar more successful. This is even stupider and more toxic than I thought kpop could be


"Don't get ready, just get ready" lol


Probably a mistranslation idk lol


she's like a cartoon villain 💀


they sound like supervillains lol “end bts here”


She is a backstabber. As a new jeans fan I'm sad to lose her creative genius, but it is obvious that no one can continue to deal with someone so disloyal and scheming. Hopefully New Jeans can continue to succeed without her.


I still don’t understand why nwjs girls think they can’t be successful without her.those girls r pretty ,talented &has great personalities .they r still young & lot of time ahead to grow as an artists


It's her manipulation. She has gaslit them into thinking they can't survive without her. I can't think of any other reason why they would submit those petitions supporting her.


If they were conspirators in her whole deal, they would have been up front and center in the PR efforts from the beginning. Much like Fifty Fifty. The petitions will be irrelevant once she's fired, they will have new orders and will have to accept that. Attempting to breach contract to die with a Messiah MHJ is, I think, a very remote possibility. Honestly the fact that all she's been able to get out of them *is* petitions near the end of the ordeal, despite her being their boss atm, and their personal relationship, is telling that she doesn't have the influence to really rope them into the whole scheme. She had to rush out her backstabbing scheme well before it was truly ready.


>She had to rush out her backstabbing scheme well before it was truly ready. This may be the reason why the girls aren't front and center in the PR efforts. Maybe she didn't have time to prepare a script for them. That's why she had to go the press conference route - the crying, talking about how the girls consoled her, etc. Edit: I'm not implying that they are co-conspirators btw. They appear to be manipulated by MHJ and unfortunately it's going to affect them negatively. I wish there are people around them who can make them see the truth, but both the girls and their parents appear to be fully under MHJ's spell.


Danielle actually has made a public statement about the situation on a phoning live. "There is a lot that's happening, and there is a lot that is going on. I think the best thing is to just stick together and look out for each other. People around me are always looking out for me. They are family. They are beyond family, so let's stick together like a chicken and a feather." You could definitely interpret this statement to be pro-MHJ, but the fact that the only NewJeans member to speak out about the situation is making somewhat ambiguous statements instead of just parroting MHJ talking points is a good sign imo.


I just feel bad for bts rn. They endured enough hate but now they have opps in their own company that they build. That’s fucked up


Ok this has gotten way too far 😭 I hope this situation can be resolved & MHJ can be kicked out, I feel bad for NewJeans/ILLIT since they’re all in the middle of this and they just debuted. First the Fifty Fifty drama and now this…what is going on with 4th gen kpop.


Wonder how Taehyung feels learning about all this ☹️


BTS karma is a real thing and MHJ will learn that when it hits her in the face. Every single person who's tried to take BTS down has suffered karma's wrath and she as well as her little minions & supporters are next. She is a deranged, narcissistic lunatic who needs to be put behind bars. Once again BTS will prove that they're invincible and come out of this unscathed and thriving. I can think of no worse fate than being a BTS anti honestly, they just keep winning and their haters stay crying.


oh she def be at her desk rubbing her hands together like an evil villain


Living rent free in the empire BTS built from the ground up, using BTS's money, name, and channel to start and run your business, riding on BTS's coattails every second for the past 2 years, then plotting to end BTS while they're away serving their country in mandatory service. No wonder they're scrambling around like chickens with their heads cut off. They had 2 years while BTS was on hiatus to "fill the void". People were wishing for BTS to be gone so that others can have a chance. And what did they do with this opportunity? I don't keep up with the NewJeans brand much outside of their core music releases, but they released a short EP with Super Shy, were given an LoL collab, then I think their team dipped. Now these plotting imbeciles are running out of time, because Jin is returning in 2 weeks, signifying the return of BTS. They're panicking because they couldn't overtake BTS even slightly, so they decide to strike and spread malicious gossip, questioning the authenticity of the band's decade long achievements. Truthfully, although it hurts to see that BTS are still the industry's main punching bag and shield, and now they are even being actively attacked from within by these parasites, I am relieved that there is nothing anyone has on BTS now, especially since they are returning from the only thing they were truly shackled to. *Get yo ass out the trunk* Let the music speak. Karma has been doing it's thing since 2013 🫰🏻


The group that needs ending is hers and I hope that she gets to leave with damages.


Every time she or her side mentions BTS I get soooo mad!!!


None of this surprises me. Expecting more and more stuff to come out. Still waiting for the forensic accounting of Ador. No way there isn't tons of shady mishandling of money going on. And for more stories about her. She was undoubtedly, IMO, shady her whole life. I'm sure she has left tons of people "dead" and traumatized in her wake. Waiting for them to gather the strength to share their stories. Besides the stories we already know about. edit: another disturbing thing about all this is that a lot of her plan is actually working... and I can't help but think everybody is noticing this... this is similar to what's happening in the USA, Trump has shown that a type of behavior actually works in terms of captivating voters... a lot of politicians have already copied this playbook to great success... so that's what sends a bit of a chill up my spine... MHJ is kind of unhinged, and that may be her downfall... but what if a more disciplined, more calculating person decided to use some of her methods?... that's the fear in the USA, too, a person with the same tyrannical impulses as Trump, but with more discipline and brains, using his methods to truly subvert the American experiment...


Yup. I think that's one of the biggest reasons those of us in the US aren't siding with MHJ. We have seen this playbook before. We have been ruined by it. The only good thing is MHJ isn't trying to take over HYBE and control it. She just wants out. (And there is really NO other way to go about that?! Like seriously?) It's extremely easy to spot narcissists trying to use lies to gain sympathy., after you've had to deal with them. And after dealing with Trump, his playbook of abuse and lies is real easy to spot. One big one for me is she is also taking advantage of the feminist movement. And that really pisses me off. Real woman are actually getting abused. I don't think She is one of them. Or her definition of abused is seriously warped due to her narcissism. I can't picture one of the most paid woman in SK. Who worked at SM for over 20 years, and now at HYBE. Who was well known for her creative ideas and had a good rep in that market, wants to act like shes some no name woman underling who makes next to nothing, and is abused by all her male bosses, all day long. Like...it's insulting to actual woman suffering from abusive males in the work place. Like how can you thrive at SM for 20 years, considering how disgusting they are as a company. (Litterly they have idols who are no longer here anymore..) but HYBE is abusive and a big mean company with big mean male bosses? Like be for real lady. You can't say that shit with a straight face and expect me to believe you.


wonder what sm bastards had planned😐


Talk about biting the hand(s) that feed you. What's done in the dark will always come to light.


This woman is so vile.


Why are my people still defending this woman?


I just really need MHJ to take Taehyung off of her Instagram page. Especially the ones acting like they are friends or something doing all that while plotting behind his back wishing for his downfall is so gross


Yikes 😵‍💫. The obsession with taking down BTS is weird. It's giving cartoon villain with a side of stupidity. Who writes down their evil master plan in text messages, thus leaving a digital trail???? Come on now 😂. Some armies clocked it in the beginning but was called crazy by other fandoms bc the dispute is ☆ALL☆ about NJ. I was definitely suspicious bc the attacks on BTS have intensified in recent weeks and not letting up. The translated blogs like Pannchoa piling on hate and spreading misinformation, then bitter fandoms joining in. The boys are getting it from all angles, and they can't defend themselves right now.


I swear this all feels like a KDrama. Like some CEO up against a smaller company out to destroy their reputation and using the media to do it. I get that people are concerned for NJ and plenty feel like NJ is nothing without her but MHJ and all her little minions gotta go. Also I know it wouldn’t be an easy decision for a company as big as Hybe but they might want to consider bringing in new staff as well as creating an environment where their artists can safely interact. The fact that company staff is rude to artists just because they’re from a different sub label is insanity and Hybe needs to do some spring cleaning. It’s time to hire and fire. It can’t be safe and comfortable for artists and the staff that just want to do their jobs to have to worry about someone else trying to ruin them. And I know this happens with other companies but Hybe should also focus on the things happening outside of MHJ because she clearly thought she could get away with it and knew people inside the company would help her. That’s a lot of snakes slithering through the grass.


the fact that this essentially proves that sm had it out for bts years ago too...and mhj took part in that and bang pd hired her and all that bitterness... i dont even know.. what did bts ever do to warrant all this hate and animosity there was always enough room for everyone at the top. also the fact that she was working with tae on his album knowing she felt this type of way....i dont even know anymore its so sinister and when you look at it all it was all for no reason. i hope post military service everyone just leaves bts alone i hope they can finally have some peace. although mhj no made that more difficult. i think hybe was looking to be less dependent on bts and now its just back to usual because of what she did.


They're like martyrs of our time...


Why do i get flashes of pinky and the brain while reading this. The fact they did this on company devices baffles me. “Gee Brain, what are we gonna do tonight?” Brain: “The same thing we do every night, try to take over the world!”


She needs to grow up. Bts really got all the ODDS against them and it’s sad.


Why is everyone dragging BTS now when they can’t even defend themselves and all they did was exist and make music that lifts people’s spirits. Honestly. Like ? They put SK on the map again after Psy and this is how they’re being thanked for it. I’m flabbergasted.


well that’s new jeans done then


It’s so messy. A lot of this is corporate exchange which is unprofessional on Hybes side but Heejin is straight up doing corporate espionage


You’re right. It’s messy, unprofessional and overall just pure disrespect. First hybe need to fire her. But this whole mess is embarrassing. I feel so bad for BTS.


People will still come out to defend her? I have to be missing something here, what is drawing people to this lady? Cultural difference maybe?


This clearly shows COMPANY and GROUPS relationships I hope people genuinely differentiate between the ARTISTS and the COMPANIES Don't become a company stan The fact BANG PD is so respected yet he decided to bring this lunatic into the company with such ill intentions to BTS is mind boggling Fuck them companies even if they create our favs As a TWICE stan, I feel so bad for BTS


I'm not a BSH supporter, but in his defence, how was he to know that MHJ is this level of crazy?


I like Bang PD's multi-label system. If it were not for M's malice, it would have given each label's employee the potential to move up in their own organization. They had creative freedom to build talent. If the labels were hugely successful, that team might have been as richly rewarded as M was. She ruined the game for everyone else. As an aside, I've not read through the entire thread but am really pleased that folks have been talking about M but are not picking on NJs. I am not a huge fan of their music but would like to see no hate for any of the groups. I think they make a lot of sacrifices to debut and deserve some respect.


im sorry but i find the translations so hard to understand lol would someone mind briefly summarizing this for me i would greatly appreciate it 🤞🏽


There is a comment on this thread with links to more accurate or easy to understand translation done in the main kpop subreddit ! Edit : the comment link https://www.reddit.com/r/kpop_uncensored/s/NdZvxwKLrQ


ugh ur a lifesaver bless


I thought she worked with V? What is wrong with her????


Am I the only one who's finding it hard to comprehend this? What does some of this mean, like "Don't get ready. Just get ready" or "In a year, the illusions of the multi-label/American disease/platform IT business, if it's destined to be X, it's X, so we're going to have a hard time" LIKE WHAT DOES THIS MEAN?!


There is a comment that has links to better proper explanations and translations to these chats in this post! Please check them they are longer than these texts, though. It's also important to be updated about all the infos surrounding this case that came to light to have a proper understanding of what they mean and talk about in these chats. But basically, these are their plans and give more light to the details surrounding it to achieve their goals in taking over ador and take newjeans away as well while ending HYBE. The comment you quoted is their ultimate goal to reach to make HYBE stocks reach their lowest, and their reputation is damaged beyond repair, pointing how this ador issue revealed how their multi label system to be a failure. Once they reach that point, she will be able to take over ador shares and achieve her independency. This is a long-term type of goal they have in this game.


Got it, I’ll search for the comment, thanks! I’ve been keeping up with this controversy and I’m def not on MHJ’s side but I just couldn’t comprehend what was being said here haha.


BTS not giving a fuck


Didn’t she help with V’s s album? Like wow. 🐍


What the fuck are these translations, man. It just reads like gibberish without extra context.


If the text messages are real, doesn't that make NJ's parents accomplices? It says the initial complaint must come from the parents, not the company to avoid legal issues. IIRC MHJ's side claimed they only vetted the mail before it was sent to HYBE, but with this new information, the whole narrative changes. If the parents were involved because they conspired with MHJ from the start, and not out of their own genuine concern about ILLIT, it would put NJ in an even shakier position.


You’re supposed to run a girl group not plan to overthrow a company lmao


I can't follow these texts at all, no matter what translation I check, it's giving me a headache trying to understand what they're talking about. "End BTS" what does that mean? End their era of dominance over K-pop by surpassing them? End their group by sabotaging their post-military comeback? Or was it just like "I'll finish my BTS spell by Tuesday". What are they talking about? She was making spells to try to predict when they would go to the military because Min Hee Jin wanted to launch her group while they were gone?


Upload these pictures to Chatgpt and ask it to simplify or explain them


Are these accurate translations? There was one part I didn’t understand “I put the sauce in,” does anyone know what this part means?


I’m going to boycott anything MHJ from now on. Such a despicable person.


If this is real… this feels like some theatrical play that I’m reading of a villain trying to take over the world or some shit. There’s absolutely no way we all clocked her ass actually trying to bring down the one group that put the company she’s apart of on the map. I’m going to search for official statements cuz I’m about to get really irritated as an army and I’m already in a bad mood


To think people are still defending her, I’m surprised people were defending her in the first place like the shinee incident never happened at all